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Surfactant protein (SP) B is an essential component of the pulmonary surfactant complex, which participates in reducing the surface tension across the alveolar air-liquid interface. The Eustachian tube (ET) connects the upper respiratory tract to the middle ear, serving as an intermittent airway between the pharynx and the middle ear. Recently, we described the expression of SP-A and SP-D in the ET, suggesting their role in middle ear host defense. Our present aim was to detect whether the expression of SP-B is evident in the porcine ET. With Northern blot analysis, RT-PCR, and in situ hybridizations, SP-B mRNA was identified and localized in the ET epithelium. The cellular localization of SP-B was revealed with immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and immunoelectron microscopy. The protein was found in the secretory granules of epithelial cells and also attached to the microvilli at the luminal side of these cells. The SP-B immunoreactivity of aggregates isolated from ET lavage fluid was similar to that isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. We conclude that there are specialized cells in the ET epithelium expressing and secreting SP-B and propose that SP-B may facilitate normal opening of the tube and mucociliary transport.  相似文献   
Surfactant in respiratory distress syndrome and lung injury   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A deficiency in alveolar surfactant due to immaturity of alveolar type II epithelial cells causes respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). In contrast to animals, the fetal maturation of surfactant in human lungs takes place before term, exceptionally large quantities of surfactant accumulating in the amniotic fluid. The antenatal development of surfactant secretion is very variable but corresponds closely to the risk of RDS. The variation in SP-A and SP-B genes, race, sex and perinatal complications influence susceptibility to RDS. Surfactant therapy has improved the prognosis of RDS remarkably. Abnormalities in alveolar or airway surfactant characterize many lung and airway diseases. In the acute respiratory distress syndrome, deficiencies in surfactant components (phospholipids, SP-B, SP-A) are evident, and may be caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNF) that decrease surfactant components. The resultant atelectasis localizes the disease, possibly allowing healing (regeneration, increase in surfactant). In the immature fetus, cytokines accelerate the differentiation of surfactant, preventing RDS. After birth, however, persistent inflammation is associated with low SP-A and chronic lung disease. A future challenge is to understand how to inhibit or redirect the inflammatory response from tissue destruction and poor growth towards normal lung development and regeneration.  相似文献   
Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), is a pest of many rosaceous temperate fruits, including pomes, Malus spp., and stone fruits, Prunus spp., in much of the world. However, some areas are free of the pest, and shipments of fruit hosts from infested to noninfested areas may be regulated. Current quarantine treatments for oriental fruit moth include methyl bromide fumigation and cold storage for several weeks. Methyl bromide use is being restricted because it is a stratospheric ozone-depleting substance, and alternatives are sought. Cold is not tolerated by many hosts of oriental fruit moth. The objective of this research was to develop irradiation quarantine treatments against the pest under ambient and hypoxic storage conditions because some hosts of oriental fruit moth are stored in hypoxic atmospheres, and hypoxia is known to lessen the effects of irradiation. In ambient atmospheres, no adults emerged from 58,779 fifth instars (the most radiotolerant stage present in fruit) irradiated with a target dose of 200 Gy (195-232 Gy measured). In atmospheres flushed with nitrogen, 5.3% of adults emerged from 44,050 fifth instars irradiated with a target dose of 200 Gy (194-230 Gy measured), but they died at a faster rate than control adults and without laying eggs. A dose of 232 Gy (the maximum recorded when 200 Gy was targeted) is recommended to disinfest any fruit of oriental fruit moth under ambient and hypoxic atmospheres.  相似文献   
Respiratory-distress syndrome (RDS) in the newborn is a major cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Although prematurity is the most-important risk factor for RDS, the syndrome does not develop in many premature infants. The main cause of RDS is a deficiency of pulmonary surfactant, which consists of phospholipids and specific proteins. The genes underlying susceptibility to RDS are insufficiently known. The candidate-gene approach was used to study the association between the surfactant protein A (SP-A) gene locus and RDS in the genetically homogeneous Finnish population. In the present study, 88 infants with RDS and 88 control infants that were matched for degree of prematurity, prenatal glucocorticoid therapy, and sex were analyzed for SP-A genotypes. We show that certain SP-A1 alleles (6A2 and 6A3) and an SP-A1/SP-A2 haplotype (6A2/1A0) were associated with RDS. The 6A2 allele was overrepresented and the 6A3 allele was underrepresented in infants with RDS. These associations were particularly strong among small premature infants born at gestational age <32 wk. In infants protected from RDS (those that had no RDS, despite extreme prematurity and lack of glucocorticoid therapy), compared with infants that had RDS develop despite having received glucocorticoid therapy, the frequencies of 6A2 (.22 vs.71), 6A3 (.72 vs.17), 6A2/1A0 (.17 vs.68), 6A3/1A1 (.39 vs.10), and 6A3/1A2 (.28 vs.06) in the two groups, respectively, were strikingly different. According to the results of conditional logistic-regression analysis, diseases associated with premature birth did not explain the association between the odds of a particular homozygous SP-A1 genotype (6A2/6A2 and 6A3/6A3) and RDS. In the population evaluated in the present study, SP-B intron 4 variant frequencies were low and had no detectable association with RDS. We conclude that the SP-A gene locus is an important determinant for predisposition to RDS in premature infants.  相似文献   


IL-1β and IL-1RA levels are higher in the serum of cerebral malaria patients than in patients with mild malaria. Recently, the level of IL1B expression was reported to be influenced by a polymorphism in the promoter of IL1, IL1B -31C>T.


To examine whether polymorphisms in IL1B and IL1RA influence the susceptibility to cerebral malaria, IL1B -31C>T, IL1B 3953C>T, and IL1RA variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) were analysed in 312 Thai patients with malaria (109 cerebral malaria and 203 mild malaria patients).


In this population, IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTRwere detected, while IL1B 3953C>T (i.e., IL1B 3953T) was not observed in the polymorphism screening for 32 patients. Further analyses for IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTR in 110 cerebral malaria and 206 mild malaria patients showed no significant association of these polymorphisms with cerebral malaria.


The present results suggest that IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTR polymorphisms do not play a crucial role in susceptibility or resistance to cerebral malaria.  相似文献   
Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), is a quarantine pest of many temperate fruits, such as pomes, Malus spp.; stone fruits, Prunus spp.; and blueberries, Vaccinium spp.; in North America east of the Rocky Mountains and a small area in Utah. There are two strains, a northern univoltine one that undergoes obligate diapause as an adult and a southern multivoltine strain that usually has facultative diapause. Current quarantine treatments for shipment to areas that do not have the pest include methyl bromide fumigation and cold storage for several weeks. The cold storage treatment may not be effective against northern strain adults in diapause. The objective of this research was to develop an irradiation quarantine treatment against plum curculio. The estimated dose to kill southern strain plum curculio adults in one day is approximately 4 kGy. Diapausing northern strain plum curculios were prevented from reproducing with 40 Gy. Reproduction of southern strain plum curculios was prevented with a target dose of 80 Gy, and the dose recommended as a quarantine treatment, that would prevent adults from reproducing, is 92 Gy, the maximum absorbed dose measured when a target dose of 80 Gy was sought. At that dose, oviposition may still occur for up to 1 wk and some of the eggs may hatch, but there is no development beyond the first instar. Hosts of the plum curculio would tolerate that dose well. Immature plum curculios were prevented from reproducing with lower doses.  相似文献   
Intranuclear localization of snRNP antigens   总被引:34,自引:19,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We examined the interactions between supernatant from FMLP-activated human granulocytes, recombinant interleukin-1 (IL-1) and recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the stimulation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production by human amnion cells. Amnion cells from elective term cesarian sections were cultured in monolayer culture. Human granulocytes were activated with FMLP and centrifuged to obtained cell-free supernatant. Amnion cells were treated with granulocyte supernatant, IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, TNF-beta, or different combinations of these. Each of the stimulators alone enhanced the PGE2 production 5- to 27-fold. Granulocyte supernatant was synergistic with each of the cytokines. The combinations of IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta with either TNF-alpha or TNF-beta caused a synergistic stimulation of amnion cell PGE2 production as well, whereas the combinations of IL-1 alpha with IL-1 beta or of TNF-alpha with TNF-beta were not synergistic. Furthermore, granulocyte supernatant was synergistic with the combination of IL-1 and TNF, resulting in a more than 150-fold stimulation of PGE2 production. Indomethacin completely suppressed these effects. We propose that granulocyte products acting together with IL-1 and TNF enhance PGE2 synthesis during inflammation, and serve as signals for the initiation of preterm labor in the setting of intra-amniotic infection.  相似文献   
Administration of 7.5 mg/kg body wt. of N-nitroso-N-methylurethane subcutaneously to rabbits decreased disaturated phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, and increased the minimum surface tension of alveolar lavage return. As compared to rabbits treated with N-nitroso-N-methylurethane alone, myoinositol supplementation (3–7 g/kg per day) of N-nitroso-N-methylurethane treated animals largely prevented both the decrease in disaturated phosphatidylcholine, and the increase in minimum surface tension. Myoinositol may be an important nutrient following damage of alveolar epithelium.  相似文献   
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