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Lipsitz, Lewis A., Raymond Morin, Margaret Gagnon, DanKiely, and Aharon Medina. Vasomotor instability precedingtilt-induced syncope: does respiration play a role? J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 383-390, 1997.This studyaimed to determine whether alterations in cardiovascular dynamicsbefore syncope are related to changes in spontaneous respiration.Fifty-two healthy subjects underwent continuous heart rate (HR),arterial blood pressure (BP), and respiratory measurements during10-min periods of spontaneous and paced breathing (0.25 Hz) in thesupine and 60° head-up tilt positions. Data were evaluated by powerspectrum and transfer function analyses. During tilt, 27 subjectsdeveloped syncope or presyncope and 25 remained asymptomatic. Subjectswith tilt-induced syncope had significantly greater increases inlow-frequency (0.04-0.15 Hz) systolic BP, diastolic BP, and HRpower during tilt than the asymptomatic subjects(P  0.01). This difference waspresent during spontaneous but not paced breathing. However, averagetidal volume, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, proportion ofbreaths below 0.15 Hz, and low-frequency respiratory power during tilt did not differ between syncopal and nonsyncopal subjects. Transfer magnitudes between low-frequency respiration and BP, and between BP andinterbeat interval, were also similar between groups. Thus vasomotorinstability before syncope is not related to alterations in respirationor the cardiovagal baroreflex but may reflect oscillating centralsympathetic outflow to the vasculature.

Human gastric mucosal biopsies incorporate in vitro radioactive proline and fucose into macromolecular glycoproteins (mucin). Differences were found between the incorporation pattern of antral and fundic mucosae according to their pathology, confirmed by histology. Antral mucosae with abnormal histology showed a significantly higher incorporation of proline than normal samples. Fucose incorporation was also increased. Similar results were found with fundic biopsies. The ratio of total fucose to total proline incorporated into mucin secreted during incubation also increased significantly in these samples. Biochemical analyses on the other hand showed no significant change. The results suggest a breakdown in the processing, storage and secretory processes of mucin-type glycoproteins in pathological mucosae, but not in their biosynthesis. The mucosal samples could be classified as A or B types according to their proline and fucose incorporation: A mucosae have a lower proline incorporation than B mucosae (greater than 380 cpm/micrograms DNA for the antrum and greater than 200 cpm/micrograms DNA for the fundus). These results confirm the possibility of studying abnormal mucus secretion using gastric biopsy samples.  相似文献   
Inoculated, irradiated pork (2,300 cans) and chicken (2,000 cans) pack studies were performed to establish the 12D dose for these foods. Each can was inoculated with a mixture of 10(6) spores of each of 10 strains of Clostridium botulinum (five type A and five type B), or a total of 10(7) spores. The cans received a series of increasing doses of gamma rays (60Co) at -30 +/- 10 degrees C; they were incubated for 6 months at 30 +/- 2 degrees C and examined for swelling, toxicity, and recoverable botulinal cells. The highest rate of swelling for both foods occurred within the first week of incubation, and maximum swelling was observed within 4 to 5 weeks. The minimal experimental sterilizing dose (ESD) based on flat, nontoxic sterile cans was 3.0 less than ESD less than or equal to 3.2 Mrad for pork and 4.0 less than ESD less than or equal to 4.2 Mrad for chicken. An analysis of the partial spoilage data by extreme-value statistics indicated with 90% confidence that the rate of spore death in the two foods was not a normal distribution, but appeared to favor a shifted exponential function. Based on the latter distribution, and assuming one most resistant strain in the mixture of 10 used, the 12D dose computed to 4.37 Mrad, with a shoulder of 0.11 Mrad, for pork and to 4.27 Mrad, with a shoulder of 0.51 Mrad, for chicken. An assumption that there were two or more most resistant strains in the inoculum progressively lowered the 12D dose. There was an apparent antagonism between the irradiated type A and B viable strains in the two foods. Cans with type B cells and toxin predominated over cans with type A cells and toxin, but cans with a mixture of type A and B toxins predominated over cans with a mixture of Type A and B cells. At the highest sublethal doses, only type A cells survived in pork, but in chicken there was a least one type B strain that was at least as resistant as type A strains.  相似文献   
In an HL-60 cell subline (PR-17) which was greater than 100-fold resistant to the differentiating and cytostatic activities of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), the protein kinase C phenotype was found to be nearly identical to that of wild-type HL-60 cells. A measurable decrease (30%) in the specific activities of crude preparations of PR-17 cell protein kinase C was observed when the enzyme was measured with histone as the phosphate acceptor substrate, but other aspects of the protein kinase C phenotype (intracellular concentrations and binding affinities of phorbol diester receptors, translocation of activated enzyme from cytosolic to particulate subcellular fractions, relative expression of the alpha and beta isozyme proteins) were equivalent in both PMA-resistant PR-17 cells and in wild-type HL-60 cells. Direct analysis of the behavior of the alpha and beta isozymes after the exposure of each cell type to 100 nM PMA for 12 h revealed that the activities and intracellular concentrations of both isozymes were downregulated to an equivalent extent in both wild-type and PMA-resistant cells. These results suggest that the cellular basis for the resistance to the effects of PMA was present "down-stream" from the activation and down-regulation of protein kinase C and was perhaps a nuclear component. Among the genes which were likely to be differentially regulated when each of the two cell lines were treated with PMA were those for the protein kinase C isozymes themselves. In wild-type HL-60 cells, the intracellular concentrations of type HL-60 cells, the intracellular concentrations of mRNA for each of the beta isozymes were increased (up to 5-fold) 48 h after the initiation of PMA treatment; further studies indicate that an activator of protein kinase C could influence the expression of HL-60 cell protein kinase C genes in an isozyme-specific manner. Comparable PMA-induced alterations in mRNA levels were not observed in PMA-resistant cells, even under conditions of significant activation and subsequent down-regulation of protein kinase C protein. Taken together, these data suggest that activation and down-regulation of the isozymes of protein kinase C may not represent absolute determinants of the PMA-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells, but that specific alterations in the levels of the mRNA for the beta isozymes of protein kinase C, or of other genes which may be regulated by the activated kinase isozymes, are important to the induction of leukemia cell differentiation by PMA.  相似文献   
Several clonal sublines of HCT-116 human colon adenocarcinoma cells were isolated and characterized on the basis of their growth characteristics, intrinsic enterocyte-like differentiation (as assessed by alkaline phosphatase and lactase activities), and responses to butyrate, an inducer of colon tumor cell maturation. The HCT-116 sublines were found to be heterogeneous and several phenotypically distinct clones were identified. Further characterization of these clones indicated that the effects of butyrate on cell growth, alkaline phosphatase activity, and lactase activity were distinct and separable. The growth of all of the clones were inhibited by butyrate (IC50 values varied from 0.44 to 1.5 mM), but the effects of this agent on alkaline phosphatase and lactase activities varied widely. In several sublines butyrate had no effect on either enzyme while in others one or both activities were induced. Additionally, the binding of 125I-epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cell surface receptors was found to be proportional to the expression of lactase activity in the cell. The D3 clone and other sublines with intrinsic lactase activities greater than 100 nmol/mg/min expressed a class of high-affinity EGF receptors (e.g., D3 cells had 3.48 X 10(4) EGF receptors/cell with a kd of 0.61 nM). Other clones with less lactase activity had undetectable levels of 125I-EGF binding. In clones which exhibited greater than twofold increases in lactase activity in response to butyrate, the expression of a large number of low-affinity EGF receptors was also induced. In one such clone, the P1 subline, lactase activity was increased from 70 nmol/mg/min to 230 nmol/mg/min after 96 h in 2 mM butyrate, and the expression of EGF receptors was increased from undetectable levels to 1.18 X 10(5) EGF receptors/cell (kd of 3.2 nM). Northern blot analysis indicated that the increased 125I-EGF binding after butyrate treatment may have been due, in part, to a greater than twofold accumulation of EGF receptor mRNA. In addition, the expression of the messages for transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) was examined in butyrate-treated cells. While TGF-alpha mRNA levels were found to correlate with EGF receptor message levels in the HCT-116 clones, TGF-beta mRNA expression was not found to correlate with the butyrate-induced growth inhibition or with increases in EGF receptor expression, alkaline phosphatase activity, or lactase activity in these cells.  相似文献   
Human papillomavirus infection of the cervix: the atypical condyloma   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We report on 162 cases of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the cervix seen in a two-year period in which the cell sample showed such marked atypia that errors of interpretation could easily have been made. These atypical condylomata are difficult to diagnose cytologically as well as histologically because they mimic dysplasia or carcinoma in situ and, on smears, even invasive squamous carcinoma. HPV particles associated with fibrillar material were found within nuclei of these lesions; their nature was further proved by the immunoperoxidase test. This new form of HPV infection of the cervix showed a 9.1% rate of progression to more advanced cervical lesions. The cytologic finding of atypical condylomata is an indication for colposcopy, confirmative biopsy and appropriate treatment.  相似文献   
Detailed mechanisms are presented at the molecular level for the binding of oxytocin and of vasopressin to their carrier proteins neurophysin (NP) I and neurophysin II. The amino acid sequence of both these is known together with the pattern of disulphide bound formation for the latter. It is suggested that the peptide hormone fits snugly into a deep cavity in the protein carrier, so that the complex forms a globular, water-extruding mass. Features of the mode of interaction determined by experiment [such as the binding of the terminal amino group of the hormone to a carboxyl group of NP, the close binding of tyr and phe of the hormone to a lipophilic region of NP and the close relation of tyr (2) of the hormone with tyr (49) of NP]are built into the model. The differences between NPI and NPII are related to differences between oxytocin (ile at 3) and vasopressin (phe at 3). Finally a number of specific predictions are made that are testable by experiment concerning the X-ray structure of the NP-hormone complexes and the ease and result of chemical modification of specific residues.  相似文献   
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