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The actin and microtubule cytoskeletons regulate cell shape across phyla, from bacteria to metazoans. In organisms with cell walls, the wall acts as a primary constraint of shape, and generation of specific cell shape depends on cytoskeletal organization for wall deposition and/or cell expansion. In higher plants, cortical microtubules help to organize cell wall construction by positioning the delivery of cellulose synthase (CesA) complexes and guiding their trajectories to orient newly synthesized cellulose microfibrils. The actin cytoskeleton is required for normal distribution of CesAs to the plasma membrane, but more specific roles for actin in cell wall assembly and organization remain largely elusive. We show that the actin cytoskeleton functions to regulate the CesA delivery rate to, and lifetime of CesAs at, the plasma membrane, which affects cellulose production. Furthermore, quantitative image analyses revealed that actin organization affects CesA tracking behavior at the plasma membrane and that small CesA compartments were associated with the actin cytoskeleton. By contrast, localized insertion of CesAs adjacent to cortical microtubules was not affected by the actin organization. Hence, both actin and microtubule cytoskeletons play important roles in regulating CesA trafficking, cellulose deposition, and organization of cell wall biogenesis.Plant cells are surrounded by a flexible yet durable extracellular matrix that makes up the cell wall. This structure offers mechanical strength that counters osmotically driven turgor pressure, is an important factor for water movement in plants, acts as a physical barrier against pathogens (Somerville et al., 2004), and is a determining factor for plant cell morphogenesis. Hence, the cell wall plays a central role in plant biology.Two main types of cell walls can typically be distinguished: the primary and the secondary cell wall. The major load-bearing component in both of these cell walls is the β-1,4-linked glucan polymer cellulose (Somerville et al., 2004). Cellulose polymers are synthesized by plasma membrane (PM)-localized cellulose synthase (CesA) complexes (Mueller and Brown, 1980), which contain several CesA subunits with similar amino acid sequences (Mutwil et al., 2008a). The primary wall CesA complexes are believed to be assembled in the Golgi and are subsequently delivered to the PM via vesicular trafficking (Gutierrez et al., 2009), sometimes associated with Golgi pausing (Crowell et al., 2009). Furthermore, the primary wall CesA complexes are preferentially inserted into the PM at sites that coincide with cortical microtubules (MTs), which subsequently guide cellulose microfibril deposition (Gutierrez et al., 2009). Hence, the cortical MT array is a determinant for multiple aspects of primary wall cellulose production.The actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in organized deposition of cell wall polymers in many cell types, including cellulose-related polymers and pectins in tip-growing cells, such as pollen tubes and root hairs (Hu et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2007). Thus, actin-depolymerizing drugs and genetic manipulation of ACTIN genes impair directed expansion of tip-growing cells and long-distance transport of Golgi bodies with vesicles to growing regions (Ketelaar et al., 2003; Szymanski, 2005). In diffusely growing cells in roots and hypocotyls, loss of anisotropic growth has also been observed in response to mutations to vegetative ACTIN genes and to actin-depolymerizing and -stabilizing drugs (Baluska et al., 2001; Kandasamy et al., 2009). While actin is clearly important for cell wall assembly, it is less clear what precise roles it plays.One well-known function of actin in higher plants is to support intracellular movement of cytoplasmic organelles via actomyosin-based motility (Geisler et al., 2008; Szymanski, 2009). During primary wall synthesis in interphase cells, treatment with the actin assembly inhibitor latrunculin B (LatB) led to inhibition of Golgi motility and pronounced inhomogenities in CesA density at the PM (Crowell et al., 2009; Gutierrez et al., 2009) that coincided with the density of underlying and immobile Golgi bodies (Gutierrez et al., 2009). These results suggested that Golgi motility is important for CesA distribution (Gutierrez et al., 2009). The actin cytoskeleton also appears to be important for secondary wall cellulose microfibril deposition. For example, longitudinal actin filaments (AFs) define the movement of secondary wall CesA-containing Golgi bodies in developing xylem vessels (Wightman and Turner, 2008). In addition, it has been proposed that the AFs also can regulate the delivery of the secondary wall CesA complex to the PM via pausing of the Golgi (Wightman and Turner, 2008). It is therefore clear that actin organization is important for CesA distribution and for the pattern of cellulose microfibril deposition.Despite the above findings, very few reports have undertaken detailed studies to elucidate the role of the actin cytoskeleton in the distribution and trafficking of specific proteins in plant cells. Here, we have investigated the intracellular trafficking of CesA-containing vesicles and delivery of CesAs to the PM, in the context of the actin cytoskeleton. We quantitatively demonstrate that the organization of the actin cytoskeleton regulates CesA-containing Golgi distribution and the exocytic and endocytic rate of the CesAs. However, actin organization has no effect on the localized insertion of CesAs at sites of MTs at the PM.  相似文献   
Macrophages play a key role in host defense and in tissue repair after injury. Emerging evidence suggests that macrophage dysfunction in states of lipid excess can contribute to the development of insulin resistance and may underlie inflammatory complications of diabetes. Ceramides are sphingolipids that modulate a variety of cellular responses including cell death, autophagy, insulin signaling, and inflammation. In this study we investigated the intersection between TLR4-mediated inflammatory signaling and saturated fatty acids with regard to ceramide generation. Primary macrophages treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) did not produce C16 ceramide, whereas palmitate exposure led to a modest increase in this sphingolipid. Strikingly, the combination of LPS and palmitate led to a synergistic increase in C16 ceramide. This response occurred via cross-talk at the level of de novo ceramide synthesis in the ER. The synergistic response required TLR4 signaling via MyD88 and TIR-domain-containing adaptor-inducing interferon beta (TRIF), whereas palmitate-induced ceramide production occurred independent of these inflammatory molecules. This ceramide response augmented IL-1β and TNFα release, a process that may contribute to the enhanced inflammatory response in metabolic diseases characterized by dyslipidemia.  相似文献   
Humans and other higher primates are unique among mammals in using complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) on red blood cells (RBC) to ligate complement-tagged inflammatory particles (immune complexes, apoptotic/necrotic debris, and microbes) in the circulation for quiet transport to the sinusoids of spleen and liver where resident macrophages remove the particles, but allow the RBC to return unharmed to the circulation. This process is called immune-adherence clearance. In this study we found using luminometric- and fluorescence-based methods that ligation of CR1 on human RBC promotes ATP release. Our data show that CR1-mediated ATP release does not depend on Ca2+ or enzymes previously shown to mediate an increase in membrane deformability promoted by CR1 ligation. Furthermore, ATP release following CR1 ligation increases the mobility of the lipid fraction of RBC membranes, which in turn facilitates CR1 clustering, and thereby enhances the binding avidity of complement-opsonized particles to the RBC CR1. Finally, we have found that RBC-derived ATP has a stimulatory effect on phagocytosis of immune-adherent immune complexes.  相似文献   
Predictive models, based on environmental and water quality variables, have been used to improve the timeliness and accuracy of recreational water quality assessments, but their effectiveness has not been studied in inland waters. Sampling at eight inland recreational lakes in Ohio was done in order to investigate using predictive models for Escherichia coli and to understand the links between E. coli concentrations, predictive variables, and pathogens. Based upon results from 21 beach sites, models were developed for 13 sites, and the most predictive variables were rainfall, wind direction and speed, turbidity, and water temperature. Models were not developed at sites where the E. coli standard was seldom exceeded. Models were validated at nine sites during an independent year. At three sites, the model resulted in increased correct responses, sensitivities, and specificities compared to use of the previous day''s E. coli concentration (the current method). Drought conditions during the validation year precluded being able to adequately assess model performance at most of the other sites. Cryptosporidium, adenovirus, eaeA (E. coli), ipaH (Shigella), and spvC (Salmonella) were found in at least 20% of samples collected for pathogens at five sites. The presence or absence of the three bacterial genes was related to some of the model variables but was not consistently related to E. coli concentrations. Predictive models were not effective at all inland lake sites; however, their use at two lakes with high swimmer densities will provide better estimates of public health risk than current methods and will be a valuable resource for beach managers and the public.  相似文献   
Fossil footprints preserve the only direct evidence of the external foot morphologies and gaits of extinct hominin taxa. However, their interpretation requires an understanding of the complex interaction among foot anatomy, foot function, and soft sediment mechanics. We applied an experimental approach aimed at understanding how one measure of foot function, the distribution of plantar pressure, influences footprint topography.  相似文献   
This study addresses how the human temporal bone develops the population-specific pattern of morphology observed among adults and at what point in ontogeny those patterns arise. Three-dimensional temporal bone shape was captured using 15 landmarks on ontogenetic series of specimens from seven modern human populations. Discriminant function analysis revealed that population-specific temporal bone morphology is evident early in ontogeny, with significant shape differences among many human populations apparent prior to the eruption of the first molar. As early as five years of age, temporal bone shape reflects population history and can be used to reliably sort populations, although those in closer geographic proximity and molecular affinity are more likely to be misclassified. The deviation of cold-adapted populations from this general pattern of congruence between temporal bone morphology and genetic distances, identified in previous work, was confirmed here in adult and subadult specimens, and was revealed to occur earlier in ontogeny than previously recognized. Significant differences exist between the ontogenetic trajectories of some pairs of populations, but not among others, and the angles of these trajectories do not reflect genetic relationships or final adult temporal bone size. Significant intrapopulation differences are evident early in ontogeny, with differences becoming amplified by divergent trajectories in some groups. These findings elucidate how the congruence between adult human temporal bone morphology and population history develops, and reveal that this pattern corresponds closely to that described previously for facial ontogeny.  相似文献   
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a vital part of the autonomic nervous system that regulates many gastrointestinal functions, including motility and secretion. All neurons and glia of the ENS arise from neural crest-derived cells that migrate into the gastrointestinal tract during embryonic development. It has been known for many years that a subpopulation of the enteric neural crest-derived cells expresses pan-neuronal markers at early stages of ENS development. Recent studies have demonstrated that some enteric neurons exhibit electrical activity from as early as E11.5 in the mouse, with further maturation of activity during embryonic and postnatal development. This article discusses the maturation of electrophysiological and morphological properties of enteric neurons, the formation of synapses and synaptic activity, and the influence of neural activity on ENS development.  相似文献   
The morphology of the teliospores of Puccinia smyrnii has been variously described as warted, or reticulate, or a combination of both patterns. Spores were examined by LM and SEM, and shown to be irregularly warted. The sequence of development of the spores was examined by TEM. Four phases of wall differentiation were recognised. The ornamentation results from a differential deposition of secondary wall components, which are concentrated into invaginations of the cytoplasm. The subsequent exsertion of these invaginations, and concomitant disappearance of the primary wall, reveal the irregular warts of the mature spore. This mode of ornament formation is compared with other rust spore forms, and contrasted with that already outlined for Puccinia chaerophylli, a truly reticulatespored Umbelliferous rust. Combined SEM and TEM observations suggest an explanation for the erroneous LM interpretations.  相似文献   
The optimization of a potent and highly selective series of dual mTORC1 and mTORC2 inhibitors is described. An initial focus on improving cellular potency whilst maintaining or improving other key parameters, such as aqueous solubility and margins over hERG IC50, led to the discovery of the clinical candidate AZD8055 (14). Further optimization, particularly aimed at reducing the rate of metabolism in human hepatocyte incubations, resulted in the discovery of the clinical candidate AZD2014 (21).  相似文献   
A novel series of indole/indazole-aminopyrimidines was designed and synthesized with an aim to achieve optimal potency and selectivity for the c-Jun kinase family or JNKs. Structure guided design was used to optimize the series resulting in a significant potency improvement. The best compound (17) has IC50 of 3 nM for JNK1 and 20 nM for JNK2, with greater than 40-fold selectivity against other kinases with good physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   
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