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Utilizing the technique of fluorescence-activated cell sorting and monoclonal antibodies directed at rat membrane antigens, various subpopulations of Lewis bone marrow cells were isolated and subsequently transfused into sublethally irradiated, histocompatible NBr recipient rats by either intravenous or intrathymic inoculation. Recipient rats were sacrificed and cell suspensions from thymus and other lymphoid tissue were examined for the presence of the RT7.1 marker on Lewis thymus-derived lymphocytes by fluorescence-activated cell analysis. From these studies, the population of Lewis bone marrow cells that could reconstitute T cells in the NBr rats was found to be Ox-22 negative, Ox-7 positive, W3/13 positive, and Ox-18 positive. Further analysis characterized the prothymocyte as being Ox-7 upper 20% positive and W3/13 weakly positive. In addition this marrow cell population was able to protect lethally irradiated Lewis rats (9.5 Gy) in 30-day survival tests. These studies have indicated that the prothymocyte either has been derived from the Ox-22 negative, Ox-7 upper 20% positive, and W3/13 positive marrow cells or, like the hematopoietic stem cell, this cell has also been characterized by this phenotype.  相似文献   
王俊伟  陈永豪  许敏  陈瑾芳  拉琼 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8620-8630
生物安全与外来物种入侵是国门生物安全的重大生态学问题,生物入侵造成了巨大的经济损失与生物多样性快速丧失,还影响着人类的身体健康。西藏是我国重要的生态安全屏障,生态类型复杂且丰富多样,明确西藏区域尺度上外来入侵植物的潜在分布格局及其对气候变化的响应对入侵植物的预防和控制具有重要意义。为了探究入侵植物曼陀罗(Datura stramonium L.)对西藏生态安全的影响风险,基于野外实地调查数据,采用最大熵(Maxent) 模型,应用R语言和SPSS软件对模型参数和数据进行优化筛选,探讨影响其地理分布的主要环境因子,并模拟预测了当代及2种气候变化情景(RCP 45、RCP 85)下2050年和2070年, 其在西藏的潜在入侵风险区分布情况。结果表明:下层土壤酸碱度、年平均气温、最暖月最高温度与土壤有效含水量是影响曼陀罗分布的主导环境因子,海拔和人类活动影响强度也有重要作用;朗县、加查县、乃东区、城关区、八宿县、贡嘎县、巴宜区、波密县、察隅县、芒康县等地为入侵高风险地区;两种气候背景下曼陀罗的各级风险区面积和总风险区面积均呈持续增加的变化趋势,且在最高碳排放情景(RCP 85情景)下响应更为敏感;主要沿着低海拔河谷区域东南向西北方向入侵扩散的趋势,分布中心由当前的墨脱县域向工布江达县域转移。综合来说,曼陀罗在西藏分布受土壤环境、温度和降水影响较大,气候变化和人类活动影响强度将使其向西藏西部、北部扩散。研究结果可为西藏地区综合防控曼陀罗的入侵危害与动态监测提供生态学基础理论依据。  相似文献   
高原山地是对全球气候变化最为敏感的脆弱生态系统之一,研究高原山地土壤细菌群落沿海拔变化特征,对于揭示受气候变化和人为干扰的山地微生物群落结构和功能有十分重要的科学意义。研究以西藏岗巴拉山作为研究对象,运用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术,基于精细样方尺度分析了岗巴拉山沿海拔梯度土壤细菌群落组成和多样性的变化特征及其驱动因子。结果表明:岗巴拉山土壤细菌共包含36门125纲307目477科838属1878种,将12个海拔带分为高中低3组(低海拔从3800-4100 m、中海拔从4200-4500 m、高海拔从4600-4900 m),中海拔总分类操作单元(OTU)数最多,特有OTU数最少,土壤细菌群落丰富度随海拔升高呈单峰趋势,但其特异性随海拔呈U型分布格局。岗巴拉山土壤细菌群落中的优势菌门是放线菌门、酸杆菌门、变形菌门、绿弯菌门、疣微菌门和芽单胞菌门等,土壤细菌群落Shannon多样性指数随海拔升高而逐渐减小,而Simpson多样性指数在高海拔最高,Chao指数随海拔升高呈单峰变化趋势。主坐标分析(PCoA)表明土壤细菌群落结构在不同海拔梯度上存在显著差异,且低海拔土壤细菌群落组内也存在显著差异。冗余分析(RDA)表明海拔、pH、总氮、总磷和有机碳对土壤细菌群落结构有显著影响,与环境因子相关性分析表明海拔、pH、总氮、总磷和有机碳与土壤细菌群落结构显著相关,曼特尔检验表明pH和海拔是影响土壤细菌群落的关键因素。岗巴拉山土壤细菌多样性沿海拔梯度呈单调下降趋势,pH是影响土壤细菌群落沿海拔变化特征的关键环境因子,总氮、总磷和有机碳也是影响土壤细菌群落的重要环境因子。  相似文献   
The mammary gland is a developmentally dynamic, hormone-responsive organ that undergoes proliferation and differentiation within the secretory epithelial compartment during pregnancy. The epithelia are maintained by pro-survival signals (e.g., Stat5, Akt1) during lactation, but undergo apoptosis during involution through inactivation of cell survival pathways and upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins. To assess if the survival signals in the functionally differentiated mammary epithelial cells can override a pro-apoptotic signal, we generated transgenic mice that express Bax under the whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter. WAP-Bax females exhibited a lactation defect and were unable to nourish their offspring. Mammary glands demonstrated: (1) a reduction in epithelial content, (2) hallmark signs of mitochondria-mediated cell death, (3) an increase in apoptotic cells by TUNEL assay, and (4) precocious Stat3 activation. This suggests that upregulation of a single pro-apoptotic factor of the Bcl-2 family is sufficient to initiate apoptosis of functionally differentiated mammary epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   
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