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BackgroundStudies revealed that insulin resistance is associated with fibrosis progression and has negative impact on sustained virological response after standard antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC).AimTo assess the role of IR on progression of liver fibrosis and early virological response (EVR) rates in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.Patients and methodsThe study population comprised 79 subjects who underwent combination therapy for CHC. Laboratory investigations in the form of glucose, insulin, bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), cholesterol and triglycerides and liver biopsy were done for all patients. Insulin resistance was calculated using the homeostasis model of IR (HOMA-IR).ResultsIR was increased (>2 IU) in 31 (40.7%) of patients. Early virological response was achieved among 37 patients (48.7%). No difference in EVR, viral load or grade of liver fibrosis between patients with and without IR. A significant positive correlation was found between IR and liver steatosis.ConclusionInsulin resistance is a common finding in CHC, it is associated with increase liver steatosis. However it has no impact on EVR to combined interferon ribavirin therapy, viral load or necroinflammation.  相似文献   
The fucose-containing polysaccharides of the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma were extracted with either trichloroacetic acid or HCl to give both water-soluble and water-insoluble materials. The latter had a high proportion (16 to 11%) of protein, and although all the sugars found in the water-soluble extracts were present, the major sugar in these water-insoluble polysaccharides was glucose. The water-soluble material extracted with HCl was a protein-free sulphated heteropolysaccharide. Complete removal of a glucan from the water-soluble extract was achieved by fractional precipitation with ethanol. The recovered glucan-free sulphated polysaccharide, which was rich in glucuronic acid, galactose, fucose and sulphate, showed high anticoagulating activity.  相似文献   
We describe novel CHRDL1 mutations in ten families with X-linked megalocornea (MGC1). Our mutation-positive cohort enabled us to establish ultrasonography as a reliable clinical diagnostic tool to distinguish between MGC1 and primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). Megalocornea is also a feature of Neuhäuser or megalocornea-mental retardation (MMR) syndrome, a rare condition of unknown etiology. In a male patient diagnosed with MMR, we performed targeted and whole exome sequencing (WES) and identified a novel missense mutation in CHRDL1 that accounts for his MGC1 phenotype but not his non-ocular features. This finding suggests that MMR syndrome, in some cases, may be di- or multigenic. MGC1 patients have reduced central corneal thickness (CCT); however no X-linked loci have been associated with CCT, possibly because the majority of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) overlook the X-chromosome. We therefore explored whether variants on the X-chromosome are associated with CCT. We found rs149956316, in intron 6 of CHRDL1, to be the most significantly associated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (p = 6.81×10−6) on the X-chromosome. However, this association was not replicated in a smaller subset of whole genome sequenced samples. This study highlights the importance of including X-chromosome SNP data in GWAS to identify potential loci associated with quantitative traits or disease risk.  相似文献   
Lead (Pb) is an environmental pollutant extremely toxic to plants and other living organisms including humans. To assess Pb phytotoxicity, experiments focusing on germination of wheat seeds were germinated in a solution containing Pb (NO(3))(2) (0.05; 0.1; 0.5; 1g/L) during 6 days. Lead accumulation in seedlings was positively correlated with the external concentrations, and negatively correlated with morphological parameters of plant growth. Lead increased lipid peroxidation, enhanced soluble protein concentrations and induced a significant accumulation of proline in roots. Esterase activity was enhanced in the presence of lead, whereas α-amylase activity was significantly inhibited. Antioxidant enzymes activities, such as, ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase were generally significantly increased in the presence of lead in a dose-dependent manner. The present results thus provide a model system to screen for natural compounds able to counteract the deleterious effects of lead.  相似文献   
Assessment of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism has wide-ranging importance, from pharmacokinetic analysis to studies in cell viability and apoptosis. Here we present the Perfusion File Analyzer (PFA) application for the real-time analysis of spectral data to measure cytochrome c reduction, cytochrome a3 reduction, and other parameters important to cellular metabolism, which are collected during tissue perfusion experiments. Our current efforts are focused on quantitating changes in mitochondrial function by normalizing baseline drift of spectral data while addressing two major challenges: (1) a lack of real-time feedback from the system when aiming is compromised, and (2) an inability to adjust calculated data in the event of spectral shift. PFA has been developed to address these issues, and is currently used for quality assessment of human islets prior to clinical transplantation.  相似文献   


The objective of this work was to isolate bacteria from Red Sea invertebrates, determine their antimicrobial activity, and screen for the biosynthetic gene clusters [polyketides (PKs) and nonribosomal peptides (NRPs)] which could be involved in the production of bioactive secondary metabolites.


Eleven different samples of marine invertebrates’ were collected from Egypt’s Red Sea (El-Tor-Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada) by scuba diving, and a total 80 isolates of the associated microorganisms were obtained from the cultivation on six different cultural medium. Seven isolates of them showed an antimicrobial activity against five pathogenic reference strains, while the most active antimicrobial agent was isolate number HFF-8 which was 99% identical to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. HFF-8’s extract showed positive results against Gram negative bacteria, Gram positive bacteria and yeast. Moreover, the isolates gave positive bands when screened for the presence of PK synthase (PKS) I and II and NRP synthetase (NRPS) I and II biosynthetic genes, those biosynthetic fragments when cloned and sequenced were primitively predicted as biosynthetic fragments for kirromycin and leinamycin production by NaPDoS program with 56 and 55%, respectively.


The Red Sea can provide a sustainable solution to combat bacterial resistance. The contribution of this work is that B. amyloliquefaciens was isolated from Heteroxenia fuscescens, Red Sea, Egypt. Moreover, the bacterial extract showed a broad spectrum with a potent antimicrobial activity.
One hundred bacteria, isolated from rhizospheric soil and rhizoplane of healthy soybean plants, were assayed for antifungal activity against six Phytophthora sojae isolates. Nine of the tested bacteria inhibited the hyphal growth of P. sojae in vitro. They were subsequently evaluated for their in vitro traits and identified using the 16S rRNA gene sequences. Four of them (Paenibacillus sp.,—S1; Streptomyces sp.,—S9, S10 and S11) were further selected on the basis of their strongest antagonistic activity in vitro against P. sojae race 4, the predominant race in most growing soybean areas in Canada, and tested for their beneficial effects on soybean plants in the greenhouse. Results showed that application of bacterial strain S11 as seed coating reduced the disease severity by 57.1% and increased the root and shoot weight by and 140 and 108% respectively, in comparison to the diseased control. Overall, a positive correlation was recorded between the in vitro and in planta effects of the selected bacteria. This is promising for further application as select environmentally safe biological control agents in the protection of soybean against root rot diseases.  相似文献   
Epidermal-cell protoplasts from rye (Secale cereale L.) rootswere voltage-clamped in both the whole-cell and outside-outmembrane-patch modes. Time-dependent inwardly-rectified (IR)and outwardly-rectified (OR) K+-currents were recorded, as wellas a ubiquitous, timeindependent (instantaneous) K+-current. The IR current activated at voltages more negative than —100mVwith two exponentially rising components. The time-constantof the shorter component was voltage-independent, whereas thetime-constant of the longer component was voltage-dependent,increasing as the activating voltage became more negative. TheIR current showed no inactivation. The IR current deactivatedwith a single exponential timecourse. The steady-state IR currentcould be fitted to a Boltzmann function with —135 mV asthe voltage at which the current was half-maximal and a minimalgating charge of 1.93. These parameters were insensitive tochanges in EK. One component of the IR current was K + , butother ions were also permeable. The IR current was inhibitedby extracellular Ca2+ , Ba2+ , Cs+, and TEA+, but was insensitiveto quinine. Single channels with unitary conductances of 56pS and 110 pS (in c.100 mM K+) were recorded at negative voltages. Two OR currents were observed. One had sigmoidal activationkinetics and activated at low positive voltages. The other activatedmore rapidly, with apparently exponential kinetics, at voltages50–100 mV more positive than the first. Neither currentshowed inactivation and deactivation of OR currents followeda double exponential time-course. Unitary-conductances of thechannels mediating these OR currents were 24 pS and 57 pS (inc.100 mM K+), respectively. Only the first type of OR currentwas studied in detail. This current activated with a sigmoidaltime-course, which could be described using a Hodgkin-Huxleyfunction with the activation variable raised to the second power.Its voltage-dependence was modulated in response to changesin EK and analysis of single-channel recordings indicated thatthe channel was K+-selective. The current was inhibited by Ba2+and TEA+, but not Ca2+, Cs+ or quinine. The instantaneous current was selective for monovalent cationsand K+ , Na+ and Cs+ were all permeant. It was inhibited byextracellular quinine and the instantaneous inward K+-currentwas reduced by extracellular Ca2+, Ba2+ and TEA+, as well asby competing permeant monovalent cations. The kinetics and pharmacology of these currents are comparedwith K+-currents across the plasma membrane of protoplasts fromother root-derived cells and with K+ channels in the plasmamembrane of rye roots studied following incorporation into artificial,planar lipid bilayers. Key words: Ionic currents, patch-clamp, pharmacology, potassium, K+, rye, Secale cereale L  相似文献   
The Japanese brown seaweed Sargassum muticum, recently invaded several shorelines worldwide including the Atlantic coast of Morocco with large well‐established populations. Within the framework of a sustainable strategy to control this invasive seaweed, we report on extraction yield, spectroscopic characterization and rheological properties of alginate, a commercially valuable colloid, from harvested biomass of S. muticum. Extraction yield was about 25.6% on dry weight basis. Infrared spectroscopy analysis shows that the obtained Fourier transform infrared spectra of the extracted biopolymer exhibit strong similarities with that of the commercial alginate. Furthermore, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that S. muticum alginate has almost equal amounts of β‐D‐mannuronic acid (M; 49%) and α‐L‐guluronic acid (G; 51%) with an M/G ratio of 1.04 and a high content of heteropolymeric MG GM diads suggesting a sequence distribution of an alternated polymer type. Rheological measurements were performed at different sodium alginate concentrations, temperatures and shear rates. The hydrocolloid exhibited pseudoplastic behavior and showed shear thinning, particularly at high solution concentration and low temperature which is consistent with the rheological behavior reported for commercial alginates. Considering the abundance of S. muticum in the Northwestern Atlantic coast of Morocco and the quality of the extracted hydrogel, this invasive species could be considered as a potential source of alginates.  相似文献   
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