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Potato tubers as bioreactors for palatinose production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Palatinose (isomaltulose, 6-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-fructose) is a structural isomer of sucrose with very similar physico-chemical properties. Due to its non-cariogenicity and low calorific value it is an ideal sugar substitute for use in food production. Palatinose is produced on an industrial scale from sucrose by an enzymatic rearrangement using immobilized bacterial cells. To explore the potential of transgenic plants as alternative production facilities for palatinose, a chimeric sucrose isomerase gene from Erwinia rhapontici under control of a tuber-specific promoter was introduced into potato plants. The enzyme catalyses the conversion of sucrose into palatinose. Expression of the palI gene within the apoplast of transgenic tubers led to a nearly quantitative conversion of sucrose into palatinose. Despite the soluble carbohydrates having been altered within the tubers, growth of palI expressing transgenic potato plants was indistinguishable from wild type plants. Therefore, expression of a bacterial sucrose isomerase provides a valid tool for high level palatinose production in storage tissues of transgenic crop plants.  相似文献   
Drought is one of the major factors limiting the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) particularly during grain filling. Under terminal drought condition, remobilization of pre-stored carbohydrates in wheat stem to grain has a major contribution in yield. To determine the molecular mechanism of stem reserve utilization under drought condition, we compared stem proteome patterns of two contrasting wheat landraces (N49 and N14) under a progressive post-anthesis drought stress, during which period N49 peduncle showed remarkably higher stem reserves remobilization efficiency compared to N14. Out of 830 protein spots reproducibly detected and analyzed on two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, 135 spots showed significant changes in at least one landrace. The highest number of differentially expressed proteins was observed in landrace N49 at 20days after anthesis when active remobilization of dry matter was observed, suggesting a possible involvement of these proteins in effective stem reserve remobilization of N49. The identification of 82 of differentially expressed proteins using mass spectrometry revealed a coordinated expression of proteins involved in leaf senescence, oxidative stress defense, signal transduction, metabolisms and photosynthesis which might enable N49 to efficiently remobilized its stem reserves compared to N14. The up-regulation of several senescence-associated proteins and breakdown of photosynthetic proteins in N49 might reflect the fact that N49 increased carbon remobilization from the stem to the grains by enhancing senescence. Furthermore, the up-regulation of several oxidative stress defense proteins in N49 might suggest a more effective protection against oxidative stress during senescence in order to protect stem cells from premature cell death. Our results suggest that wheat plant might response to soil drying by efficiently remobilize assimilates from stem to grain through coordinated gene expression.  相似文献   
Mineral deficiency limits crop production in most soils and in Asia alone, about 50% of rice lands are phosphorous deficient. In an attempt to determine the mechanism of rice adaptation to phosphorous deficiency, changes in proteome patterns associated with phosphorous deficiency have been investigated. We analyzed the parental line Nipponbare in comparison to its near isogenic line (NIL6‐4) carrying a major phosphorous uptake QTL (Pup1) on chromosome 12. Using 2‐DE, the proteome pattern of roots grown under 1 and 100 μM phosphorous were compared. Out of 669 proteins reproducibly detected on root 2‐DE gels, 32 proteins showed significant changes in the two genotypes. Of them, 17 proteins showed different responses in two genotypes under stress condition. MS resulted in identification of 26 proteins involved in major phosphorous deficiency adaptation pathways including reactive oxygen scavenging, citric acid cycle, signal transduction, and plant defense responses as well as proteins with unknown function. Our results highlighted a coordinated response in NIL in response to phosphorous deficiency which may confer higher adaptation to nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   
The effect of hypoxia on root development and carbon metabolism was studied using potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants as a model system. Hypoxia led to a cessation of root elongation, and finally to the death of meristematic cells. These changes were accompanied by a 4- to 5-fold accumulation of hexoses, suggesting that insufficient carbohydrate supply was not the cause of cell death. In addition, prolonged hypoxia (96 h) resulted in a 50% increase in activity of most glycolytic enzymes studied and the accumulation of glycerate-3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate. This indicates that endproduct utilisation may restrict metabolic flux through glycolysis. As expected, the activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (EC and pyruvate decarboxylase (EC increased during hypoxia. Apart from the enzymes of ethanolic fermentation the activity of sucrose synthase (SuSy; EC was enhanced. To investigate the in-vivo significance of this increase, transgenic plants with reduced SuSy activity were analysed. Compared to untransformed controls, transgenic plants showed a reduced ability to resume growth after re-aeration, emphasising the crucial role of SuSy in the toleration of hypoxia. Surprisingly, analysis of glycolytic intermediates in root extracts from SuSy antisense plants revealed no change as compared to wildtype plants. Therefore, limitation of glycolysis is most likely not responsible for the observed decreased ability for recovery after prolonged oxygen starvation. We assume that the function of SuSy during hypoxia might be to channel excess carbohydrates into cell wall polymers for later consumption rather than fuelling glycolysis. Received: 17 February 1999 / Accepted: 10 June 1999  相似文献   
Tocopherols (vitamin E) are lipophilic antioxidants presumed to play a key role in protecting chloroplast membranes and the photosynthetic apparatus from photooxidative damage. Additional nonantioxidant functions of tocopherols have been proposed after the recent finding that the Suc export defective1 maize (Zea mays) mutant (sxd1) carries a defect in tocopherol cyclase (TC) and thus is devoid of tocopherols. However, the corresponding vitamin E deficient1 Arabidopsis mutant (vte1) lacks a phenotype analogous to sxd1, suggesting differences in tocopherol function between C4 and C3 plants. Therefore, in this study, the potato (Solanum tuberosum) ortholog of SXD1 was isolated and functionally characterized. StSXD1 encoded a protein with high TC activity in vitro, and chloroplastic localization was demonstrated by transient expression of green fluorescent protein-tagged fusion constructs. RNAi-mediated silencing of StSXD1 in transgenic potato plants resulted in the disruption of TC activity and severe tocopherol deficiency similar to the orthologous sxd1 and vte1 mutants. The nearly complete absence of tocopherols caused a characteristic photoassimilate export-defective phenotype comparable to sxd1, which appeared to be a consequence of vascular-specific callose deposition observed in source leaves. CO2 assimilation rates and photosynthetic gene expression were decreased in source leaves in close correlation with excess sugar accumulation, suggesting a carbohydrate-mediated feedback inhibition rather than a direct impact of tocopherol deficiency on photosynthetic capacity. This conclusion is further supported by an increased photosynthetic capacity of young leaves regardless of decreased tocopherol levels. Our data provide evidence that tocopherol deficiency leads to impaired photoassimilate export from source leaves in both monocot and dicot plant species and suggest significant differences among C3 plants in response to tocopherol reduction.  相似文献   
The alpha3 fucosyltransferase, FucT-VII, is one of the key glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of the sialyl Lewis X (sLex) antigen on human leukocytes. The sialyl Lewis X antigen (NeuAcalpha(2-3)Galbeta(1-4)[Fucalpha(1-3)]GlcNAc-R) is an essential component of the recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation, mediating the primary interaction between circulating leukocytes and activated endothelium. In order to characterize the enzymatic properties of the leukocyte alpha3 fucosyltransferase FucT-VII, the enzyme has been expressed in Trichoplusia ni insect cells. The enzyme is capable of synthesizing both sLexand sialyl-dimeric-Lexstructures in vitro , from 3'-sialyl-lacNAc and VIM-2 structures, respectively, with only low levels of fucose transfer observed to neutral or 3'-sulfated acceptors. Studies using fucosylated NeuAcalpha(2-3)-(Galbeta(1- 4)GlcNAc)3-Me acceptors demonstrate that FucT-VII is able to synthesize both di-fucosylated and tri-fucosylated structures from mono- fucosylated precursors, but preferentially fucosylates the distal GlcNAc within a polylactosamine chain. Furthermore, the rate of fucosylation of the internal GlcNAc residues is reduced once fucose has been added to the distal GlcNAc. These results indicate that FucT-VII is capable of generating complex selectin ligands, in vitro , however the order of fucose addition to the lactosamine chain affects the rate of selectin ligand synthesis.   相似文献   
The original aim of this work was to increase starch accumulation in potato tubers by enhancing their capacity to metabolise sucrose. We previously reported that specific expression of a yeast invertase in the cytosol of tubers led to a 95% reduction in sucrose content, but that this was accompanied by a larger accumulation of glucose and a reduction in starch. In the present paper we introduced a bacterial glucokinase from Zymomonas mobilis into an invertase-expressing transgenic line, with the intention of bringing the glucose into metabolism. Transgenic lines were obtained with up to threefold more glucokinase activity than in the parent invertase line and which did not accumulate glucose. Unexpectedly, there was a further dramatic reduction in starch content, down to 35% of wild-type levels. Biochemical analysis of growing tuber tissue revealed large increases in the metabolic intermediates of glycolysis, organic acids and amino acids, two- to threefold increases in the maximum catalytic activities of key enzymes in the respiratory pathways, and three- to fivefold increases in carbon dioxide production. These changes occur in the lines expressing invertase, and are accentuated following introduction of the second transgene, glucokinase. We conclude that the expression of invertase in potato tubers leads to an increased flux through the glycolytic pathway at the expense of starch synthesis and that heterologous overexpression of glucokinase enhances this change in partitioning.  相似文献   
The kinetics of iron release from N-terminal and C-terminal monoferric human transferrins has been studied using EDTA as the accepting chelate. In the absence of added salts iron release from the N-terminal site is more facile but the relative lability can be reversed by the addition of NaClO4, NaCl and LiCl. The results indicate that both anions and cations can affect the lability of the two sites. Since the relative lability of the two monoferrictransferrins is affected by fairly moderate concentrations of NaCl and NaClO4 we suggest that the ionic composition serum may play an important role in determining the observed distribution of iron among the sites. A new method for the preparation of N-terminal monoferrictransferrin is described.  相似文献   
The application of beta-radiation in coronary arteries is a promising new technique for the treatment of in-stent restenosis. This is the first case in which the 5 F. delivery catheter of the Beta-Cath trade mark system was advanced through the struts of a stent, previously deployed in an adjacent branch, so as to deliver radiation to the target vessel.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is determining the different patterns of egg nests and the morphological differences between the specimens of Cicadatra persica Kirkalidy, 1909 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) distributed in fruit orchards in Erneh located on AL-Sheikh mountain south west of Syria. The appearance of 80 egg nests was studied, and the results showed that there were two basic patterns of egg nests laid by Cicadatra persica, 90% of the egg nests were of the first pattern (consists of several adjacent slits), while 10% of them were of the second pattern (consists of several divergent slits). A random sample consisting of 300 specimens (150 males and 150 females) were also studied concentrating on the differences in the color of the supra-antennal plate and in the number of spurs on the tibia of the hind legs. The results showed that there were two basic patterns of individuals based on the differences in the color of supra-antennal plate. The first pattern (individuals with yellow supra-antennal plates), constituted more than 90%, and the second one (individuals with black supra-antennal plates) constituted less than 10%. The results also showed that there were 27 different patterns based on the number of spurs on the tibia of the hind legs. One of them was a common pattern (2, 3) whose individuals have 2 spurs on the upper side of the tibia of the hind legs and 3 spurs on the lateral side of the tibia of the hind legs. The total percent of this common pattern was 76%. The other 26 patterns were different from each other, and the total percent of all these different patterns was 24%.  相似文献   
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