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Convenient extraction and radioimmunoassay methods for measurement of leukotrienes C4 and D4 (LTC4 and LTD4) in biological fluids are described. LTC4 or LTD4 in plasma was extracted with acetonitrile, and the extract was washed with dichloromethane then adjusted to pH 3.5 or 6.0, respectively. Each leukotriene was partially purified by using a C18-bonded silica cartridge and quantitated by radioimmunoassay. Amounts of LTC4 and LTD4 in the range of 0.025-1.6 ng could be assayed in plasma. This procedure was employed to examine the increase in plasma LTC4 (0.249 +/- 0.036 ng/ml) and LTD4 (1.399 +/- 0.235 ng/ml) of guinea pigs during intravenous challenge-induced anaphylactic bronchoconstriction, and the suppression of the increase of bronchoconstriction and leukotrienes by the administration of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors such as E6080 (6-hydroxy-2-(4-sulfamoylbenzyl-amino)- 4,5,7-trimethylbenzothiazole hydrochloride), AA861 (2,3,5-trimethyl-6-(12-hydroxy-5,10-dodecadiynyl)-1,4-benzoquinone ) and phenidone. On the other hand, LTC4 and LTD4 were not detected in plasma after an inhaled challenge, though significant bronchoconstriction was provoked. It was concluded that the present study validates a new technique for quantitating plasma leukotrienes on the basis of pH and a suitable method for evaluating the pharmacological efficacy of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors.  相似文献   
In guinea pig chief cells, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) caused release of Ca2+, which was accumulated by ATP, from an endoplasmic reticulum-enriched fraction in both the permeable system and the cell-free system. This was mimicked with the Ca2+ ionophores A23187 and ionomycin on a large scale since an IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pool might be a subset of the Ca2+ ionophore-sensitive Ca2+ pool. The permeable chief cells, but not the cell-free system, retained the ability to react to synthetic cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) with Ca2+ release from an IP3-sensitive pool due to of the non-additive but constant effect in exerting Ca2+ release from the store(s) induced by the combination with IP3 and CCK-OP. The increase in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of intact chief cells responding to CCK-OP or the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, comprised two components, namely, that by the Ca2+ entry from the extracellular space, and that by the Ca2+ release from the intracellular space(s) (as measured by fura-2). When CCK-OP or ionomycin was added, there was a biphasic response of pepsinogen secretion. An initial but transient response reaching a peak in 5 min was followed by a sustained response reaching a peak in 30 min. The initial pepsinogen release was independent of medium Ca2+, whereas the sustained one was dependent on medium Ca2+. The results suggest that the intracellular Ca2+ release from the store(s), presumably endoplasmic reticulum, may trigger the initial pepsinogen release, whereas the sustained pepsinogen secretion may be caused by acting in concert with the initial response and external Ca2+ entry. On the other hand, the disruption of the microtubular-microfilamentous system by colchicine or cytochalasin D failed to cause the Ca2+ release evoked by either IP3, CCK-OP or Ca2+ ionophores and to cause the CCK-OP- or ionomycin-induced initial pepsinogen release. These findings suggest that the IP3-sensitive pool is the same Ca2+ store which is completely or partially sensitive to CCK-OP and Ca2+ ionophores, respectively, and that the assembly of the cytoskeletal system is involved in initial intracellular Ca2+ metabolism and the following initial pepsinogen release. The assembly of the cytoskeletal system may be an early event in mediating the CCK-OP-induced initial pepsinogen release, perhaps by causing the Ca2+ release from an IP3-sensitive pool of the chief cell. The translocation or attachment of the IP3-sensitive pool brought about by cytoskeletal system might be necessary to cause Ca2+ release after the cell stimulation with CCK-OP.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of Ca2+ overload on the phospholipase C-catalyzed hydrolysis of phosphoinositides in the rat left ventricular papillary muscle. Ca2+ overload on the papillary muscle was induced by treatment with 0.3 mM ouabain in Ca2+-containing medium following either Ca2+-containing or Ca2+-free superfusion. The phosphoinositide breakdown was evaluated by determining accumulations of [3H]inositol phosphates ([3H]IPs) in the tissues prelabeled with [3H]inositol. Ca2+ repletion following Ca2+-free superfusion resulted in a rapid but small increase in resting tension that was not followed by contracture, nor was it associated with a significant increase in [3H]IPs accumulations. Treatment with ouabain following Ca2+-containing superfusion increased resting tension after a lag period of several minutes and produced contracture associated with an increase in [3H]IPs accumulations. The ouabain induced increases in resting tension, and accumulations of [3H]IPs were significantly potentiated by prior Ca2+-free superfusion instead of Ca2+-containing superfusion. There was a significant positive correlation between increases in resting tension and the phosphoinositide breakdown. The increased resting tension and the accumulations of [3H]IPs were not antagonized by treatments with prazosin plus atropine or indomethacin, but were abolished by superfusion with Ca2+-free buffer solution. Although the enhanced phospholipase C-catalyzed hydrolysis of phosphoinositides appears to be a consequence rather than a cause of increased intracellular Ca2+, such a biochemical change may provoke a positive feedback mechanism to develop the muscle contracture through the putative intracellular messenger action of inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol.Abbreviations [3H]IPs [3H]Inositol Phosphates - IP Inositol Phosphate - IP2 Inositol Bisphosphate - IP3 Inositol Trisphosphate - PI Phosphatidylinositol - PI-4-P Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate - PI-4,5-P2 Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate - PRZ Prazosin - ATR Atropine - INDO Indomethacin - min Minutes  相似文献   
A genomic clone bank of Acetobacter polyoxogenes NBI1028 constructed in Escherichia coli by use of the expression vector pUC18 was screened with antibody raised against membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH; 75 kilodaltons [kDa]) from A. polyoxogenes NBI1028. A clone that synthesized a 41-kDa protein cross-reactive with anti-ALDH antibody was isolated. For cloning of the full-length ALDH structural gene, a cosmid gene bank was screened by Southern blot hybridization with the cloned DNA as a probe, and subcloning from the positive cosmid clone was performed with shuttle vector pMV24. Plasmid pAL25, containing the full-length ALDH structural gene, was isolated and expressed in both E. coli and Acetobacter aceti to produce a fused protein (78 kDa) with a short NH2-terminal β-galactosidase peptide. pAL25 conferred ALDH production on a mutant of A. aceti lacking the enzyme activity. Transformation of A. aceti subsp. xylinum NBI2099 with pAL25 caused 2- and 1.4-fold increases in the production rate and in the maximum concentration of acetic acid in submerged fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The levels of a variety of immunological parameters were examined in 203 preoperative patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at various stages (I–IV). The changes in the peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) count, the serum level of immunosuppressive acidic protein and the degree of the skin reaction to purified protein derivative were associated significantly with the stage of HCC progression. However, the percentages of lymphocyte subsets, mitogenic responsiveness of PBL and serum immunoglobulin concentration remained at the levels of stage I. Further study demonstrated that in patients undergoing hepatic artery ligation, there were statistically significant correlations between the PBL count, immunosuppressive acidic protein concentration and intensity of the skin reaction to purified protein derivative, assayed 1 month after surgery, and the prognosis. HCC-specific immunity was examined in 34 patients treated by hepatic resection or hepatic artery ligation using in vitro responses of PBL to HCC extracts (ATS test). This test was performed using culture medium containing added arginine. None of the PBL from the patients showed a positive response to allogeneic HCC extracts, but the PBL from 12 patients (9 hepatic resections, 3 hepatic artery ligations) were stimulated significantly (SI 2.5) with autologous HCC extracts. In 7 of 9 hepatic resection patients who were positive in the ATS test, tumor recurrence was identified. Statistical analysis indicated that the ATS test result was significantly correlated with tumor recurrence in hepatic resection patients. Autologous-PBL-stimulating activities were isolated in a fraction at pH 8.3 and in fractions at pH 6.7–7.0 by chromatofocusing of the crude extract. Although identification of the HCC-specific antigen remains to be done, use of the above fractions may simplify the ATS test procedure and improve its sensitivity.  相似文献   
The relation of plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma levels of angiotensin I (AI) and II (AII) to those of various proteases, including eight endopeptidases and four aminopeptidases, was investigated in 51 normal control subjects. The multivariate study using factor analysis showed that the plasma proteases can be classified into three main components: the aminopeptidase, the plasmin, and the kinin-kallikrein. PRA and AI were related almost exclusively to the aminopeptidase component, while the AII level was related not only to the same component but also to the kallikrein-kinin component. This kind of multivariate study may help in the elucidation of the role of proteases and bioactive peptides, such as angiotensin derivatives, in essential hypertension through a comparison of multivariate relationships in controls and patients.  相似文献   
In this paper, we describe the procedure of large-scale and efficient electrofusion for pronuclear transplantation in mouse eggs and the tolerance of the eggs for electric stimulus, assessed in vitro and in vivo development. The fusion chamber was arranged in parallel by dielectrodes (30-mm length, 1-mm width, and 2-mm height), and 0.3 M mannitol in distilled water was used as a fusion solution. The agglutination cleavage of enucleated eggs with karyoplast was easily orientated in parallel with electrodes by alternating current between 100 and 500 kHz at 2 and 10 V/mm. Immediately after the orientation, a direct current of 150 V/mm was given for 200 μsec twice and repeated three times to induce fusion of the enucleated eggs with karyoplast. More than five eggs, at least, can be submitted to electrofusion at the same time. The eggs that were not fused were treated again in the same manner. The proportion of eggs fused with karyoplast was increased by preincubation in M16 medium prior to submitting them to the electrofusion. When the eggs were incubated for 60 min, 80% of them were fused with karyoplast by the first electric treatment; in contrast, only 19% of the eggs were fused if they were submitted to electrofusion directly. It was found that between the CD-1 and F1 strains there was a difference in tolerance of the eggs to electric stimulus and that this was depend on the nuclei but not on cytoplasm. The proportion of development to blastocyst in the eggs fused with the pronuclear karyoplast derived from F1 (75 and 71%) was twice that of the eggs fused with the pronuclei derived from CD-1 strain (25 and 37%). After transfer to recipients, live young were obtained from both the eggs fused with karyoplast following one or two electrofusion exposures.  相似文献   
A comparative study has been carried out to investigate the performance of the hot-wire spirometer and the Rollingseal spirometer; the reproducibility of the data generated by an individual examiner; and the validity of data obtained by an "inexperienced examiner" using the hot-wire spirometer. The following results were obtained: 1. The experimental data given by the hot-wire spirometer were about 5-6% higher for FVC and FEV1, and about 10-12% higher for PFR, V50, and V25, respectively, when compared to the data generated by the Rollingseal spirometer. 2. The reproducibility of the data produced by the hot-wire spirometer operated by an "experienced examiner" was good, as the percent difference was about +/- 3%. 3. Reliable data were obtained with the spirometer even by an "inexperienced examiner" if he/she has gone through an on-site training concerning instrumentation and measurement methods for spirography.  相似文献   
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