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A number of specific, distinct neoplastic entities occur in the pediatric kidney, including Wilms’ tumor, clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK), congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN), rhabdoid tumor of the kidney (RTK), and the Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT). By employing DNA methylation profiling using Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27, we analyzed the epigenetic characteristics of the sarcomas including CCSK, RTK, and ESFT in comparison with those of the non-neoplastic kidney (NK), and these tumors exhibited distinct DNA methylation profiles in a tumor-type-specific manner. CCSK is the most frequently hypermethylated, but least frequently hypomethylated, at CpG sites among these sarcomas, and exhibited 490 hypermethylated and 46 hypomethylated CpG sites in compared with NK. We further validated the results by MassARRAY, and revealed that a combination of four genes was sufficient for the DNA methylation profile-based differentiation of these tumors by clustering analysis. Furthermore, THBS1 CpG sites were found to be specifically hypermethylated in CCSK and, thus, the DNA methylation status of these THBS1 sites alone was sufficient for the distinction of CCSK from other pediatric renal tumors, including Wilms’ tumor and CMN. Moreover, combined bisulfite restriction analysis could be applied for the detection of hypermethylation of a THBS1 CpG site. Besides the biological significance in the pathogenesis, the DNA methylation profile should be useful for the differential diagnosis of pediatric renal tumors.  相似文献   
An ATP-dependent protease, FtsH, digests misassembled membrane proteins in order to maintain membrane integrity and digests short-lived soluble proteins in order to control their cellular regulation. This enzyme has an N-terminal transmembrane segment and a C-terminal cytosolic region consisting of an AAA+ ATPase domain and a protease domain. Here we present two crystal structures: the protease domain and the whole cytosolic region. The cytosolic region fully retains an ATP-dependent protease activity and adopts a three-fold-symmetric hexameric structure. The protease domains displayed a six-fold symmetry, while the AAA+ domains, each containing ADP, alternate two orientations relative to the protease domain, making "open" and "closed" interdomain contacts. Apparently, ATPase is active only in the closed form, and protease operates in the open form. The protease catalytic sites are accessible only through a tunnel following from the AAA+ domain of the adjacent subunit, raising a possibility of translocation of polypeptide substrate to the protease sites through this tunnel.  相似文献   

Carbonate production by large benthic foraminifers is sometimes comparable to that of corals and coralline algae, and contributes to sedimentation on reef islands and beaches in the tropical Pacific. Population dynamic data, such as population density and size structure (size-frequency distribution), are vital for an accurate estimation of shell production of foraminifers. However, previous production estimates in tropical environments were based on a limited sampling period with no consideration of seasonality. In addition, no comparisons were made of various estimation methods to determine more accurate estimates. Here we present the annual gross shell production rate of Baculogypsina sphaerulata, estimated based on population dynamics studied over a 2-yr period on an ocean reef flat of Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu, tropical South Pacific). The population density of B. sphaerulata increased from January to March, when northwest winds predominated and the study site was on the leeward side of reef islands, compared to other seasons when southeast trade winds predominated and the study site was on the windward side. This result suggested that wind-driven flows controlled the population density at the study site. The B. sphaerulata population had a relatively stationary size-frequency distribution throughout the study period, indicating no definite intensive reproductive period in the tropical population. Four methods were applied to estimate the annual gross shell production rates of B. sphaerulata. The production rates estimated by three of the four methods (using monthly biomass, life tables and growth increment rates) were in the order of hundreds of g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 or cm−3 m−2 yr−1, and the simple method using turnover rates overestimated the values. This study suggests that seasonal surveys should be undertaken of population density and size structure as these can produce more accurate estimates of shell productivity of large benthic foraminifers.

The circumarctic ranges of arctic‐alpine plants are thought to have been established in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene, when the modern arctic tundra was formed in response to climate cooling. Previous findings of range‐wide genetic structure in arctic‐alpine plants have been thought to support this hypothesis, but few studies have explicitly addressed the temporal framework of the genetic structure. Here, we estimated the demographic history of the genetic structure in the circumarctic Kalmia procumbens using sequences of multiple nuclear loci and examined whether its genetic structure reflects prolonged isolation throughout the Pleistocene. Both Bayesian clustering and phylogenetic analyses revealed genetic distinction between alpine and arctic regions, whereas detailed groupings were somewhat discordant between the analyses. By assuming a population grouping based on the phylogenetic analyses, which likely reflects a deeper intraspecific divergence, we conducted model‐based analyses and demonstrated that the intraspecific genetic divergence in Kprocumbens likely originated during the last glacial period. Thus, there is no need to postulate range separation throughout the Pleistocene to explain the current genetic structure in this species. This study demonstrates that range‐wide genetic structure in arctic‐alpine plants does not necessarily result from the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene origin of their circumarctic ranges and emphasizes the importance of a temporal framework of the current genetic structure for understanding the biogeographic history of the arctic flora.  相似文献   
A genomic clone bank of Acetobacter polyoxogenes NBI1028 constructed in Escherichia coli by use of the expression vector pUC18 was screened with antibody raised against membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH; 75 kilodaltons [kDa]) from A. polyoxogenes NBI1028. A clone that synthesized a 41-kDa protein cross-reactive with anti-ALDH antibody was isolated. For cloning of the full-length ALDH structural gene, a cosmid gene bank was screened by Southern blot hybridization with the cloned DNA as a probe, and subcloning from the positive cosmid clone was performed with shuttle vector pMV24. Plasmid pAL25, containing the full-length ALDH structural gene, was isolated and expressed in both E. coli and Acetobacter aceti to produce a fused protein (78 kDa) with a short NH2-terminal β-galactosidase peptide. pAL25 conferred ALDH production on a mutant of A. aceti lacking the enzyme activity. Transformation of A. aceti subsp. xylinum NBI2099 with pAL25 caused 2- and 1.4-fold increases in the production rate and in the maximum concentration of acetic acid in submerged fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   
A novel cyclic pentasaccharide (CPS) and a branched cyclic pentasaccharide (6G-CPS) consisting of d-glucopyranose were synthesized with 6-alpha-glucosyltransferase (6GT) and 3-alpha-isomaltosyltransferase (IMT) from Bacillus globisporus N75. The structure of CPS was cyclo-[-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->]. The other, 6G-CPS, had the structure cyclo-[-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->3)-[alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->6)]-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1-->]. The formation of CPS was presumed to occur after the following four successive reactions: a 6-glucosyltransfer reaction with 6GT, a 4-glucosyltransfer reaction with 6GT, a 3-isomaltosyltransfer reaction with IMT, and a cyclization reaction with IMT.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing the heterocyst-to-vegetative cell ratio on the nitrogenase-based photobiological hydrogen production by the filamentous heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 were studied. Using the uptake hydrogenase-disrupted mutant (ΔHup) as the parent, a deletion-insertion mutant (PN1) was created in patN, known to be involved in heterocyst pattern formation and leading to multiple singular heterocysts (MSH) in Nostoc punctiforme strain ATCC 29133. The PN1 strain showed heterocyst differentiation but failed to grow in medium free of combined-nitrogen; however, a spontaneous mutant (PN22) was obtained on prolonged incubation of PN1 liquid cultures and was able to grow robustly on N2. The disruption of patN was confirmed in both PN1 and PN22 by PCR and whole genome resequencing. Under combined-nitrogen limitation, the percentage of heterocysts to total cells in the PN22 filaments was 13–15 and 16–18% under air and 1% CO2-enriched air, respectively, in contrast to the parent ΔHup which formed 6.5–11 and 9.7–13% heterocysts in these conditions. The PN22 strain exhibited a MSH phenotype, normal diazotrophic growth, and higher H2 productivity at high cell concentrations, and was less susceptible to photoinhibition by strong light than the parent ΔHup strain, resulting in greater light energy utilization efficiency in H2 production on a per unit area basis under high light conditions. The increase in MSH frequency shown here appears to be a viable strategy for enhancing H2 productivity by outdoor cultures of cyanobacteria in high-light environments.

In vitro fertilization of follicular oocytes harvested from ovaries and matured in vitro was attempted for 55 minke whales ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) captured for Japanese research purposes in the Antarctic Ocean during the period from November 1995 to March 1996. In Experiment 1, effects of culture duration (96 h or 120 h) on maturation of follicular oocytes and addition of caffeine (5 mM) and/or heparin (100 pg/ml) on sperm penetration and pro-nuclear formation were investigated. Spermatozoa recovered from the vasa deferentia of four mature males were diluted (5-fold) and frozen at - 80°C. The post-thawed and pooled spermatozoa were used for in vitro insemination. A higher ( P < 0.05) proportion of the oocytes cultured for 120 h (34.2% of 260) progressed beyond the second metaphase stage than of the oocytes cultured for 96 h (26.0% of 262). For the matured oocytes, higher rates of penetration ( P < 0.05) and pronuclear formation ( P < 0.01) were obtained in the oocytes cultured for 120 h (55.1% and 40.4%) than in those cultured for 96 h (32.4 % and 20.6%). Addition of caffeine and heparin did not show a significant effect. In Experiment 2, follicular oocytes matured for 120 h and then inseminated were cultured to examine the subsequent development in two culture systems (with and without co-cultured cumulus cells). Of 448 inseminated oocytes, cleaved embryos (2–16 cells) were observed with (5.8%) and without (4.9%) co-cultured systems. No cleavage was observed in 54 ova without insemination. These results indicate that in vitro fertilization of minke whale in vitro matured follicular oocytes with cryopreserved spermatozoa is possible, yielding cleaved embryos.  相似文献   
Human serum albumin is a mixture of mercapt- (HMA, reduced form) and nonmercaptalbumin (HNA, oxidized form). We studied the mercapt↔nonmercapt conversion of human serum albumin, which reflects the redox state of the extracellular fluids, in cardiac and other common surgical patients using high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean values of [(HMA)/(HMA + HNA)] ± standard deviation [fHMA ± σ], for patients who received common surgery (group 1) and cardiac surgery (group 2) at the start of anesthesia were0.636±0.50(n=83) and 0.615±0.062(n=14), respectively. fHMA values were markedly lower than those for healthy male adults of 0.750±0.028(n=28). fHMA values increased at 24 h after the start of anesthesia and decreased on the 4th postoperative day in most of the patients. These postoperative changes were prominent in surgical cardiac patients. Although fHMA values after the 7th postoperative day recovered to those at the start of anesthesia in almost all of common surgical patients, those in cardiac surgical patients, never recovered even on the 21st postoperative day.  相似文献   
The oak longicorn beetle, Moechotypa diphysis (Pascoe), is a pest of bed logs for shiitake mushroom and an invasive species on Japan’s main islands. I attempted to rear larvae of M. diphysis on two artificial diets consisting of a commercially available diet for silkworm plus dried yeast and sawdust of the sawtooth oak, Quercus acutissima Carruthers, or of Japanese beech, Fagus crenata Blume. Newly hatched larvae were inoculated on these artificial diets and reared at 25°C in the dark. More than 60% of larvae emerged as adults when fed with these diets. The weights of emerged adults fed on the artificial diets were heavier than those emerging from logs of Q. acutissima, their natural diet, in a field cage. These results demonstrate that the two artificial diets are useful for rearing M. diphysis larvae and can assist further studies on the development of this invasive species.  相似文献   
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