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内蒙古河套灌区玉米与向日葵霜冻的关键温度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王海梅  侯琼  云文丽  高飞翔  杨钦宇 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2948-2953
以玉米和向日葵幼苗为试验材料,利用MSX-2F人工模拟霜箱系统模拟自然霜冻的降温过程,通过测定幼苗叶片的温度,观测植株冻伤、死亡情况,观测河套灌区两种主要作物玉米和向日葵的过冷却点、结冰点温度,确定以上两种作物受冻的临界温度。研究结果表明:(1)玉米幼苗全部冻死的最低温度为≤-5℃;向日葵幼苗全部冻死的最低温度为≤-6℃;(2)玉米幼苗的过冷却点主要分布在-3.5—-5℃之间,而向日葵幼苗的过冷却点主要分布在-4.0—-5.5℃之间;(3)玉米叶龄、高度与组织过冷能力呈现极显著正相关,与过冷却点温度呈现极显著的负相关,与结冰点呈现显著的负相关。以上结果表明:向日葵的抗寒能力比玉米强;玉米在一定叶龄范围内,苗龄越大,高度越高,其过冷却点越低,结冰点越低,抗寒性越强。  相似文献   
Arsenic is the first metal to be identified as a human carcinogen. Arsenite, one inorganic form of arsenic, has been found to induce sister chromatid exchange, chromosome aberrations, and gene amplification in a variety of in vitro systems. In this study of arsenite-induced genotoxicity represented as micronuclei production in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1), we found that the calcium channel blocker, verapamil, can potentiate arsenite-induced micronuclei. And after arsenite treatment, the elevation of intracellular calcium was observed. When extracellular calcium was depleted during arsenite treatment, the arsenite-induced micronuclei formation was significantly suppressed. These data indicated that a calcium ion plays an essential role in arsenite-induced genotoxicity. Further, it was found that the cotreatment of arsenite and a calcium ionophore, A23187, can increase the micronuclei induction. In contrast, pretreatment of the intracellular calcium chelator, quin 2, significantly inhibited micronuclei production of arsenite administration. In addition, we measured the activity of calcium-and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) and found that arsenite can activate PKC activity in a dose-dependent manner. Subsequently, some PKC activators and inhibitors were applied to investigate the involvement of PKC on arsenite-induced micronuclei formation. It was found that H7, a PKC inhibitor, can depress but TPA, a PKC activator, can enhance arsenite-induced micronuclei significantly. These data indicated that arsenite exposure perturbs intracellular calcium homeostasis and activates PKC activity. As a result, the activation of PKC activity may play an important role in arsenite-induced genotoxicity. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:423–433. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
有机磷(Po)是土壤磷库的重要组成部分。为探究马尾松人工林近自然化改造对土壤团聚体Po分布特征的影响,该研究以南亚热带的马尾松纯林(PP)和近自然化改造后的马尾松-阔叶树种混交林(CP)为对象,采集0~10 cm土样后利用干筛法将其筛分为>2 mm、0.25~2 mm和<0.25 mm三部分粒径团聚体,并测定原土及各粒径团聚体中各Po组分、微生物生物量磷(MBP)含量和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性。结果表明:(1)CP的土壤Po组分与PP相比发生了变化,高稳定性有机磷(HRO-P)和中度活性有机磷(MLO-P)在原土以及各团聚体径级中均显著高于PP(P<0.05),而活性有机磷(LO-P)和中度稳定性有机磷(MRO-P)在CP和PP中并无显著差异,PP和CP各组分Po在原土和各团聚体径级中无明显变化规律。(2)各形态Po在PP中占比大小为HRO-P>MRO-P>MLO-P>LO-P,而在CP中为HRO-P>MLO-P>MRO-P>LO-P。(3)CP中的MBP含量和ACP活性在原土及各团聚体径级中均显著高于PP,并且随着团聚体径级的减小,ACP活性上升。(4)冗余分析发现,土壤有效磷(AP)、土壤团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、MBP和全氮(TN)为土壤Po组分的主要驱动因子。综上认为,近自然化改造有利于马尾松人工林土壤中磷的积累与转化,该研究结果为马尾松人工林土壤质量和生产力的提升提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
土壤团聚体稳定性是评价土壤结构和土壤肥力的重要指标。为探究固氮树种马占相思对巨尾桉人工林土壤团聚体粒径分布及稳定性的影响,该文以17年生的巨尾桉纯林(PP)与巨尾桉/马占相思(固氮树种)混交林(MP)为研究对象,采用干筛法和湿筛法分别测定0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层团聚体粒径分布及平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)、分形维数(Dm)、水稳定性团聚体含量(WSA)、团聚体破坏率(PAD)和团聚体稳定性指数(ASI)等稳定性指标。结果表明:(1)与PP相比,MP的土壤理化性质有不同程度的提升,其中以土壤pH、有机碳(SOC)及全氮(TN)最为显著。(2)MP的土壤团聚体粒径分布优于PP,差异主要体现在>2.00 mm和<0.25 mm粒径中,均以大团聚体(>0.25 mm)为主; 相较于PP,MP的土壤团聚体机械稳定性仅在0~10 cm土层显著提高,但其团聚体水稳定性在0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层均显著提高。(3)Mantel分析结果显示团聚体稳定性与TN相关性最强,通过RDA分析进一步说明TN是驱动其团聚体稳定性变异的最关键因子。综上认为,固氮树种马占相思对巨尾桉人工林土壤团聚体稳定性具有明显改善作用,该研究结果为南亚热带桉树人工林水土保持、养分管理及可持续经营等提供了科学的理论依据。  相似文献   
利用主成分分析法 (PCA)和多组判别分析法 (MGDA)研究了东北地区城市地带性植被类型判别模型 :①以东北地区 2 10个城市 (镇 ) 7个气象因子为变量 ,组成 2 10× 7矩阵 ,用PCA方法进行分类和排序 ,其结果明显划分 7个城市 (镇 )地带性植被类型 ;②影响城市 (镇 )地带性植被类型分布的气候因子 ,主要是热量和水分条件以及二者的综合状况 ;③采用MGDA法建立了东北地区城市地带性植被类型判别函数模型 ,预测城市地带性植被类型 ;④确定城市(镇 )地带性植被类型 ,并提出了 3种城市森林生态建设模式 ,为城市森林生态建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
西双版纳地区土地利用的空间分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用西双版纳地区2003年TM数据,对土地利用结构及土地利用与海拔、坡度、水系等自然地理要素相互关系的空间进行分析.结果表明,耕地、林地和草地是该地区土地利用的主体,其中林地面积13 420 km2,占研究区总面积的74%;草地面积3 251 km2,耕地面积2 332 km2,分别占13%和18%.林地、耕地和草地面积随海拔高度具有单峰变化的曲线特征,在海拔1 000~1 200 m处林地分布最多,耕地和草地面积达到峰值时的海拔约为900 m.受人为活动影响强的用地类型坡度指数较低,城乡建筑用地和耕地的坡度指数为5°和14°,人为活动影响较弱的林地草地坡度指数较高,分别为22°和20°.河谷内随缓冲距离增加,土地利用呈现规律性变化,耕地、城镇居民点、未利用地3种土地利用方式主要集中在河谷底部近水域处,远离河谷林地草地组分增加明显.西双版纳地区自然生态系统相对原生,具有林地为基质,河流为廊道,坝区、沟谷农业景观镶嵌分布的特点.  相似文献   
The recent development for in situ transmission electron microscopy, which allows imaging through liquids with high spatial resolution, has attracted significant interests across the research fields of materials science, physics, chemistry and biology. The key enabling technology is a liquid cell. We fabricate liquid cells with thin viewing windows through a sequential microfabrication process, including silicon nitride membrane deposition, photolithographic patterning, wafer etching, cell bonding, etc. A liquid cell with the dimensions of a regular TEM grid can fit in any standard TEM sample holder. About 100 nanoliters reaction solution is loaded into the reservoirs and about 30 picoliters liquid is drawn into the viewing windows by capillary force. Subsequently, the cell is sealed and loaded into a microscope for in situ imaging. Inside the TEM, the electron beam goes through the thin liquid layer sandwiched between two silicon nitride membranes. Dynamic processes of nanoparticles in liquids, such as nucleation and growth of nanocrystals, diffusion and assembly of nanoparticles, etc., have been imaged in real time with sub-nanometer resolution. We have also applied this method to other research areas, e.g., imaging proteins in water. Liquid cell TEM is poised to play a major role in revealing dynamic processes of materials in their working environments. It may also bring high impact in the study of biological processes in their native environment.  相似文献   
A DNA barcode is a short piece of DNA sequence used for species determination and discovery. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS/ITS2) region has been proposed as the standard DNA barcode for fungi and seed plants and has been widely used in DNA barcoding analyses for other biological groups, for example algae, protists and animals. The ITS region consists of both ITS1 and ITS2 regions. Here, a large‐scale meta‐analysis was carried out to compare ITS1 and ITS2 from three aspects: PCR amplification, DNA sequencing and species discrimination, in terms of the presence of DNA barcoding gaps, species discrimination efficiency, sequence length distribution, GC content distribution and primer universality. In total, 85 345 sequence pairs in 10 major groups of eukaryotes, including ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, liverworts, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, monocotyledons, eudicotyledons, insects and fishes, covering 611 families, 3694 genera, and 19 060 species, were analysed. Using similarity‐based methods, we calculated species discrimination efficiencies for ITS1 and ITS2 in all major groups, families and genera. Using Fisher's exact test, we found that ITS1 has significantly higher efficiencies than ITS2 in 17 of the 47 families and 20 of the 49 genera, which are sample‐rich. By in silico PCR amplification evaluation, primer universality of the extensively applied ITS1 primers was found superior to that of ITS2 primers. Additionally, shorter length of amplification product and lower GC content was discovered to be two other advantages of ITS1 for sequencing. In summary, ITS1 represents a better DNA barcode than ITS2 for eukaryotic species.  相似文献   
Ganoderma lucidum is one of the well-known medicinal basidiomycetes worldwide. The mitochondrion, referred to as the second genome, is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells and participates in critical cellular functions. Elucidating the structure and function of this genome is important to understand completely the genetic contents of G. lucidum. In this study, we assembled the mitochondrial genome of G. lucidum and analyzed the differential expressions of its encoded genes across three developmental stages. The mitochondrial genome is a typical circular DNA molecule of 60,630 bp with a GC content of 26.67%. Genome annotation identified genes that encode 15 conserved proteins, 27 tRNAs, small and large rRNAs, four homing endonucleases, and two hypothetical proteins. Except for genes encoding trnW and two hypothetical proteins, all genes were located on the positive strand. For the repeat structure analysis, eight forward, two inverted, and three tandem repeats were detected. A pair of fragments with a total length around 5.5 kb was found in both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, which suggests the possible transfer of DNA sequences between two genomes. RNA-Seq data for samples derived from three stages, namely, mycelia, primordia, and fruiting bodies, were mapped to the mitochondrial genome and qualified. The protein-coding genes were expressed higher in mycelia or primordial stages compared with those in the fruiting bodies. The rRNA abundances were significantly higher in all three stages. Two regions were transcribed but did not contain any identified protein or tRNA genes. Furthermore, three RNA-editing sites were detected. Genome synteny analysis showed that significant genome rearrangements occurred in the mitochondrial genomes. This study provides valuable information on the gene contents of the mitochondrial genome and their differential expressions at various developmental stages of G. lucidum. The results contribute to the understanding of the functions and evolution of fungal mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
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