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The ability of rumen microorganisms to use fibrous plant matter plays an important role in ruminant animals; however, little information about rumen colonization by microbial populations after weaning has been reported. In this study, high-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the establishment of this microbial population in 80 to 110-day-old goats. Illumina sequencing of goat rumen samples yielded 101,356,610 nucleotides that were assembled into 256,868 reads with an average read length of 394 nucleotides. Taxonomic analysis of metagenomic reads indicated that the predominant phyla were distinct at different growth stages. The phyla Firmicutes and Synergistetes were predominant in samples taken from 80 to 100-day-old goats, but Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes became the most abundant phyla in samples from 110-day-old animals. There was a remarkable variation in the microbial populations with age; Firmicutes and Synergistetes decreased after weaning, but Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria increased from 80 to 110 day of age. These findings suggested that colonization of the rumen by microorganisms is related to their function in the rumen digestive system. These results give a better understanding of the role of rumen microbes and the establishment of the microbial population, which help to maintain the host’s health and improve animal performance.  相似文献   
隐甲藻深层培养产生二十碳五烯酸的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
二十碳五烯酸 (C2 0 :5 ,Eicosapentaenoicacid ,简称EPA)是一种重要的ω 3系列人体必需多不饱和脂肪酸 (Polyun saturatedfattyacids,PUFA) [1~ 2 ] 。自从Dyerberge等人报道了二十碳五烯酸对防止和治疗血栓、关节硬化、抗炎症、抗癌、促进脑组织发育等方面具有明显效果以来 ,人们对它的营养和医药价值及生产方法进行了广泛的研究[3~ 6] 。目前 ,二十碳五烯酸主要来源于深海鱼油 ,但其产量不稳定 ,纯化工艺复杂且含有难以消除的鱼腥味 ,难以满足市场的需求。由于二十碳五…  相似文献   
Cerebellum is involved in the motion coordination and working memory, to which the programming of sequential spikes at Purkinje cells is essential. It is not clear about the intrinsic mechanisms underlying spike capacity and timing precision as well as their postnatal maturation. We investigated the programming and intrinsic property of sequential spikes at Purkinje neurons during postnatal development by whole-cell recording in cerebellar slices. Cerebellar Purkinje neurons demonstrate the increasing of spike capacity and timing precision, as well as the lowering of refractory periods and threshold potentials during the postnatal maturation. In addition, the correlation between spike parameters and intrinsic properties converts to be more linear. This postnatal plasticity of neuronal intrinsic properties improves the timing precision and capacity of spike programming at cerebellar Purkinje neurons.  相似文献   
MicroRNA-21 targets tumor suppressor genes in invasion and metastasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhu S  Wu H  Wu F  Nie D  Sheng S  Mo YY 《Cell research》2008,18(3):350-359
影响类弹性蛋白多肽(ELPs)自组装成微球的因素较多,目前尚缺乏系统研究。以类弹性蛋白多肽[KV8F]n为对象,利用动态光散射仪测定了不同条件下其自组装成微球的粒径。结果表明:随着分子量的增加ELPs形成的微球粒径也随之增大,粒径的均一度减小;当盐浓度低于0.4 mol/L时,盐浓度的增加,微球粒径相应增加,而盐浓度高于0.4 mol/L则呈减少的趋势,但粒径均大于1.1μm;而当ELPs末端融合木聚糖酶和1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶后,其自组装形成的微球粒径急剧减小,约为游离ELPs的1/10,分别为151.0 nm和174.2 nm。导致这种现象的原因可能是酶分子和ELPs通过静电引力相互作用后,酶分子的空间位阻妨碍了ELPs分子的聚集。  相似文献   
[目的]分离纯化(Lactobacillus paracasei)HD1.7所产生的细菌素并分析其特性.[方法]细菌素Paracin1.7的纯化采用色谱技术,其分子量检测采用十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE),利用琼脂扩散法测定细菌素活力.[结果]Paracin 1.7分离于我国传统发酵食品酸菜发酵液中,其产生菌为副干酪乳杆菌.Paracin 1.7可以抑制其它微生物的生长,为细菌素.该菌在稳定期可产生大量Paracin 1.7.经过阳离子交换层析、凝胶过滤层析以及高效液相色谱(HPLC),对该细菌素进行了初步纯化,并经Tricine-SDS-PAGE检测其分子量大约为11 kDa.Paracin 1.7抑菌谱较广,其抑菌范围包括Proteus,Bacillus,Enterobacter,Staphylococcus,Escherichia,Lactobacillus,Microccus,Pseudomonas,Salmonella,Saccharomyces,其中有些为食品源致病菌.该细菌素在酸性及高温下稳定,对几种蛋白质酶敏感.该细菌素对敏感菌株的作用方式为抑菌.在4℃保存4个月后,Paraein 1.7的抑菌活性保持稳定.[结论]基于细菌素Paracin 1.7的性质,该细菌素可用作食品防腐剂.  相似文献   
定向进化已广泛应用于蛋白质的分子改造,是改善蛋白质特性的最有效策略之一。为了获得更高的突变效率,构建含有更多突变体的文库,不断地发明创新各种高效的蛋白质体外定向进化方法。对近年来出现的几种定向进化方法三核苷酸突变(TriNex)、序列饱和突变(SeSaM)、随机链交换突变法(RAISE)、重叠延伸蛋白域文库法(PDLGO)和迭代饱和突变法(ISM)的原理、特点及应用进行综述。  相似文献   
该实验以烟草悬浮细胞 BY 2 为材料,在烟草悬浮细胞中分别加入0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20 mmol·L-1AlCl3,以等体积去离子水处理的悬浮细胞液为对照,并依据前述实验结果选择0.15 mmol·L-1 AlCl3,分别添加5 mmol·L-1 DMTU(H2O2 抑制剂)、20 μmol·L-1CaCl2、15 μmol·L-1 LaCl3(Ca2+通道抑制剂)和50 μmol·L-1 ATP设计多项处理,分析胞外ATP(eATP)对铝离子(Al3+)胁迫引起的植物细胞死亡及其胞内H2O2、Ca2+的影响,以揭示Al3+胁迫下植物调节细胞死亡的可能机制,进一步扩展对eATP功能的认知。结果显示:(1)随着 AlCl3 胁迫浓度的提高,细胞死亡水平和胞内H2O2水平上升,而胞内Ca2+和eATP水平则逐渐降低。(2)外援施加H2O2抑制剂 DMTU(二甲基硫脲)和Ca2+能够有效缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡水平的上升;而Ca2+通道抑制剂LaCl3(三氯化镧)则加剧了AlCl3胁迫下的细胞死亡。(3)在AlCl3胁迫下对细胞添加外源ATP,能够缓解AlCl3胁迫下胞内H2O2水平上升和Ca2+水平下降的同时,并显著降低AlCl3胁迫导致的细胞死亡。研究表明, Al3+以剂量依赖的模式提升细胞死亡和细胞内H2O2的水平并降低胞内Ca2+和eATP水平,AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡受到H2O2和Ca2+水平变化的调节,eATP可以通过调节H2O2与Ca2+水平缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡。推测Al3+胁迫可能通过抑制钙离子通道而破坏了细胞内H2O2和Ca2+之间的协同关系,外源ATP对Al3+诱导H2O2上升的缓解作用可能是由于其提升了细胞的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   
用苗期症状观察和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)两种方法检查了大豆种子内的大豆花叶病毒(sMV)的传毒率及带毒率,并对两种方法所得的结果进行了比较。带毒大豆种子产生的病苗,其症状主要有花叶、卷叶、叶脉束状、叶脉坏死、凸斑和单叶扭曲等类型。苗期症状观察得到的种子传毒率,与用ELISA法检查去种皮大豆种子的带毒率高度吻合,相关系数r=0.92(n=31),说明此两种方法检查种子传(带)毒率具有相同的生物学和病理学意义。 本文提出了种子“群体病毒浓度”的概念。“群体病毒浓度”=群体内病毒总量/群体内种子总数。38个处理组合和3,591粒种子逐粒用ELISA法检查表明,“群体病毒浓度”与该群体的种子传毒率呈正相关,r=0.93(n=38)。将种子群体作为一个整体用ELISA法检查的结果也证明,“群体病毒浓度”与种子传毒率呈直线相关。因此认为可以用ELISA法对种子群体直接进行测定来估计种子的传毒率。  相似文献   
Despite the long availability of a traditional prophylactic vaccine containing the HBV surface antigen(HBsA g) and aluminum adjuvant, nearly 10% of the population remains unable to generate an effective immune response. Previous studies have indicated that hepatitis B virus(HBV) PreS 2-S is abundant in T/B cell epitopes, which induces a stronger immune response than HBsA g, particularly in terms of cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL) reaction. In the current study, the HBV PreS 2-S gene encoding an extra26 amino acids(PreS 2 C-terminus) located at the N-terminus of HBsA g was cloned into the pV CH1300 expression vector. Pre S2-S expressed in the methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha, was produced at a yield of up to 250 mg/L. Subsequent purification steps involved hydrophobic adsorption to colloidal silica, ion-exchange chromatography and density ultracentrifugation. The final product was obtained with a total yield of ~15% and purity of ~99%. In keeping with previous studies, ~22 nm viruslike particles were detected using electron microscopy. The generated PreS 2-S antigen will be further studied for efficacy and safty in animals.  相似文献   
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