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Deterministic and stochastic models motivated by Salmonella transmission in unmanaged/managed populations are studied. The SIRS models incorporate three routes of transmission (direct, vertical and indirect via free-living infectious units in the environment). With deterministic models we are able to understand the effects of different routes of transmission and other epidemiological factors on infection dynamics. In particular, vertical transmission has little influence on this dynamics, whereas the higher the indirect (direct) transmission rate the greater the tendency to persistent oscillation (stable endemic states). We show that the sustained cycles are also prone to demographic effect, i.e., persistent oscillation becomes impossible in the managed case (in the sense of balanced recruitment and death rates) by comparing with results in unmanaged populations (exponential population dynamics). Further, approximations of quasi-stationary distributions are derived for stochastic versions of the proposed models based on a diffusion approximation to the infection process. The effect of transmission parameters on the ratio of mean to standard deviation of the approximating distribution, used to judge the validity of the approximations and the expected time until fade out of infection, is further discussed. We conclude that strengthening any route of transmission may or may not reduce the expected time to fade out of infection, depending on the population dynamics.  相似文献   
Crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) is a serious long‐standing parasitic weed problem in Algeria, mainly affecting legumes but also vegetable crops. Unresolved questions for parasitic weeds revolve around the extent to which these plants undergo local adaptation, especially with respect to host specialization, which would be expected to be a strong selective factor for obligate parasitic plants. In the present study, the genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) approach was used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of 10 Northern Algerian O. crenata populations with different geographical origins and host species (faba bean, pea, chickpea, carrot, and tomato). In total, 8004 high‐quality single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (5% missingness) were obtained and used across the study. Genetic diversity and relationships of 95 individuals from 10 populations were studied using model‐based ancestry analysis, principal components analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components, and phylogeny approaches. The genetic differentiation (F ST) between pairs of populations was lower between adjacent populations and higher between geographically separated ones, but no support was found for isolation by distance. Further analyses identified four genetic clusters and revealed evidence of structuring among populations and, although confounded with location, among hosts. In the clearest example, O. crenata growing on pea had a SNP profile that was distinct from other host/location combinations. These results illustrate the importance and potential of GBS to reveal the dynamics of parasitic weed dispersal and population structure.  相似文献   
Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme inactivates the small GTP-binding protein family Rho by ADP-ribosylating asparagine 41, which depolymerizes the actin cytoskeleton. C3 thus represents a major family of the bacterial toxins that transfer the ADP-ribose moiety of NAD to specific amino acids in acceptor proteins to modify key biological activities in eukaryotic cells, including protein synthesis, differentiation, transformation, and intracellular signaling. The 1.7 A resolution C3 exoenzyme structure establishes the conserved features of the core NAD-binding beta-sandwich fold with other ADP-ribosylating toxins despite little sequence conservation. Importantly, the central core of the C3 exoenzyme structure is distinguished by the absence of an active site loop observed in many other ADP-ribosylating toxins. Unlike the ADP-ribosylating toxins that possess the active site loop near the central core, the C3 exoenzyme replaces the active site loop with an alpha-helix, alpha3. Moreover, structural and sequence similarities with the catalytic domain of vegetative insecticidal protein 2 (VIP2), an actin ADP-ribosyltransferase, unexpectedly implicates two adjacent, protruding turns, which join beta5 and beta6 of the toxin core fold, as a novel recognition specificity motif for this newly defined toxin family. Turn 1 evidently positions the solvent-exposed, aromatic side-chain of Phe209 to interact with the hydrophobic region of Rho adjacent to its GTP-binding site. Turn 2 evidently both places the Gln212 side-chain for hydrogen bonding to recognize Rho Asn41 for nucleophilic attack on the anomeric carbon of NAD ribose and holds the key Glu214 catalytic side-chain in the adjacent catalytic pocket. This proposed bipartite ADP-ribosylating toxin turn-turn (ARTT) motif places the VIP2 and C3 toxin classes into a single ARTT family characterized by analogous target protein recognition via turn 1 aromatic and turn 2 hydrogen-bonding side-chain moieties. Turn 2 centrally anchors the catalytic Glu214 within the ARTT motif, and furthermore distinguishes the C3 toxin class by a conserved turn 2 Gln and the VIP2 binary toxin class by a conserved turn 2 Glu for appropriate target side-chain hydrogen-bonding recognition. Taken together, these structural results provide a molecular basis for understanding the coupled activity and recognition specificity for C3 and for the newly defined ARTT toxin family, which acts in the depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. This beta5 to beta6 region of the toxin fold represents an experimentally testable and potentially general recognition motif region for other ADP-ribosylating toxins that have a similar beta-structure framework.  相似文献   
The negative effects on adult behavior of juvenile undernourishment are well documented in vertebrates, but relatively poorly understood in invertebrates. We examined the effects of larval nutritional stress on the foraging and recruitment behavior of an economically important model invertebrate, the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Pollen, which supplies essential nutrients to developing workers, can become limited in colonies because of seasonal dearths, loss of foraging habitat, or intensive management. However, the functional consequences of being reared by pollen-stressed nestmates remain unclear, despite growing concern that poor nutrition interacts with other stressors to exacerbate colony decline. We manipulated nurse bees’ access to pollen and then assessed differences in weight, longevity, foraging activity, and waggle-dance behavior of the workers that they reared (who were co-fostered as adults). Pollen stress during larval development had far-reaching physical and behavioral effects on adult workers. Workers reared in pollen-stressed colonies were lighter and shorter lived than nestmates reared with adequate access to pollen. Proportionally fewer stressed workers were observed foraging and those who did forage started foraging sooner, foraged for fewer days, and were more likely to die after only a single day of foraging. Pollen-stressed workers were also less likely to waggle dance than their unstressed counterparts and, if they danced, the information they conveyed about the location of food was less precise. These performance deficits may escalate if long-term pollen limitation prevents stressed foragers from providing sufficiently for developing workers. Furthermore, the effects of brief pollen shortages reported here mirror the effects of other environmental stressors that limit worker access to nutrients, suggesting the likelihood of their synergistic interaction. Honey bees often experience the level of stress that we created, thus our findings underscore the importance of adequate nutrition for supporting worker performance and their potential contribution to colony productivity and quality pollination services.  相似文献   
Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) Visual is a graphical standard for genetic engineering. It consists of symbols representing DNA subsequences, including regulatory elements and DNA assembly features. These symbols can be used to draw illustrations for communication and instruction, and as image assets for computer-aided design. SBOL Visual is a community standard, freely available for personal, academic, and commercial use (Creative Commons CC0 license). We provide prototypical symbol images that have been used in scientific publications and software tools. We encourage users to use and modify them freely, and to join the SBOL Visual community: http://www.sbolstandard.org/visual.  相似文献   
Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) has been seen to provide the potential of mean force (PMF) along a peptide unfolding pathway effectively but at significant computational cost, particularly in all-atom solvents. Adaptive steered molecular dynamics (ASMD) has been seen to provide a significant computational advantage by limiting the spread of the trajectories in a staged approach. The contraction of the trajectories at the end of each stage can be performed by taking a structure whose nonequilibrium work is closest to the Jarzynski average (in naive ASMD) or by relaxing the trajectories under a no-work condition (in full-relaxation ASMD—namely, FR-ASMD). Both approaches have been used to determine the energetics and hydrogen-bonding structure along the pathway for unfolding of a benchmark peptide initially constrained as an α-helix in a water environment. The energetics are quite different to those in vacuum, but are found to be similar between implicit and explicit solvents. Surprisingly, the hydrogen-bonding pathways are also similar in the implicit and explicit solvents despite the fact that the solvent contact plays an important role in opening the helix.  相似文献   
The spatial-temporal dynamics of farm animal diseases depend both on disease specific processes and the underlying contact network between farms. Indirect transmission via free-living bacteria in the environment is an important transmission route and contributes significantly to the dynamics. The pair-wise model has been developed to include both direct transmission and indirect transmission via free stages. The model is compared with stochastic simulations of epidemics on contact networks. The network framework is applied to the investigation of the epidemiological dynamics of between-herd transmission of Salmonella spp. The main results help to explain differences in observed epidemiological patterns and to identify possible causes for different strains of Salmonella developing so much variation in their infection dynamics in UK dairy herds. Numerical results show that shorter infectious period, more persistent immune response and more rapid removal of faeces result in a lower prevalence of infection and a greater tendency for (damped) oscillation. A possible control strategy is consequently suggested. Furthermore, the effect of network structure on long-term dynamics is examined.  相似文献   

Respiratory allergies triggered by pollen allergens represent a significant health concern to the Irish public. Up to now, Ireland has largely refrained from participating in long-term aerobiological studies. Recently, pollen monitoring has commenced in several sampling locations around Ireland. The first results of the pollen monitoring campaigns for Dublin (urban) and Carlow (rural) concerning the period 2017–2019 and 2018–2019, respectively, are presented herein. Additional unpublished pollen data from 1978–1980 and, 2010–2011 were also incorporated in creating the first pollen calendar for Dublin. During the monitoring period over 60 pollen types were identified with an average Annual Pollen Integral (APIn) of 32,217 Pollen × day/m3 for Dublin and 78,411 Pollen × day/m3 for Carlow. The most prevalent pollen types in Dublin were: Poaceae (32%), Urticaceae (29%), Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (11%), Betula (10%), Quercus (4%), Pinus (3%), Fraxinus (2%), Alnus (2%) and Platanus (1%). The predominant pollen types in Carlow were identified as Poaceae (70%), Urticaceae (12%), Betula (10%), Quercus (2%), Fraxinus (1%) and Pinus (1%). These prevalent pollen types increased in annual pollen concentration in both locations from 2018 to 2019 except for Fraxinus. Although higher pollen concentrations were observed for the Carlow (rural) site a greater variety of pollen types were identified for the Dublin (urban) site. The general annual trend in the pollen season began with the release of tree pollen in early spring, followed by the release of grass and herbaceous pollen which dominated the summer months with the annual pollen season coming to an end in October. This behaviour was illustrated for 21 different pollen types in the Dublin pollen calendar. The correlation between ambient pollen concentration and meteorological parameters was also examined and differed greatly depending on the location and study year. A striking feature was a substantial fraction of the recorded pollen sampled in Dublin did not correlate with the prevailing wind directions. However, using non-parametric wind regression, specific source regions could be determined such as Alnus originating from the Southeast, Betula originating from the East and Poaceae originating from the Southwest.

Modulator compounds intended to overcome disease-causing mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) show significant promise in clinical testing for cystic fibrosis. However, the mechanism(s) of action underlying these compounds are not fully understood. Activation of CFTR ion transport requires PKA-regulated phosphorylation of the regulatory domain (R-D) and dimerization of the nucleotide binding domains. Using a newly developed assay, we evaluated nine compounds including both CFTR potentatiators and activators discovered via various high-throughput screening strategies to acutely augment CFTR activity. We found considerable differences in the effects on R-D phosphorylation. Some (including UC(CF)-152) stimulated robust phosphorylation, and others had little effect (e.g., VRT-532 and VX-770). We then compared CFTR activation by UC(CF)-152 and VRT-532 in Ussing chamber studies using two epithelial models, CFBE41o(-) and Fischer rat thyroid cells, expressing various CFTR forms. UC(CF)-152 activated wild-type-, G551D-, and rescued F508del-CFTR currents but did not potentiate cAMP-mediated CFTR activation. In contrast, VRT-532 moderately activated CFTR short-circuit current and strongly potentiated forskolin-mediated current. Combined with the result that UC(CF)-152, but not VRT-532 or VX-770, acts by increasing CFTR R-D phosphorylation, these findings indicate that potentiation of endogenous cAMP-mediated activation of mutant CFTR is not due to a pathway involving augmented R-D phosphorylation. This study presents an assay useful to distinguish preclinical compounds by a crucial mechanism underlying CFTR activation, delineates two types of compound able to acutely augment CFTR activity (e.g., activators and potentiators), and demonstrates that a number of different mechanisms can be successfully employed to activate mutant CFTR.  相似文献   
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