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BLT2, a low affinity receptor for leukotriene B4 (LTB4), is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family and is involved in many signal transduction pathways associated with various cellular phenotypes, including chemotactic motility. However, the regulatory mechanism for BLT2 has not yet been demonstrated. To understand the regulatory mechanism of BLT2, we screened and identified the proteins that bind to BLT2. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay with the BLT2 C-terminal domain as bait, we found that RanBPM, a previously proposed scaffold protein, interacts with BLT2. We demonstrated the specific interaction between BLT2 and RanBPM by GST pulldown assay and co-immunoprecipitation assay. To elucidate the biological function of the RanBPM-BLT2 interaction, we evaluated the effects of RanBPM overexpression or knockdown. We found that BLT2-mediated motility was severely attenuated by RanBPM overexpression and that knockdown of endogenous RanBPM by shRNA strongly promoted BLT2-mediated motility, suggesting a negative regulatory function of RanBPM toward BLT2. Furthermore, we observed that the addition of BLT2 ligands caused the dissociation of BLT2 and RanBPM, thus releasing the negative regulatory effect of RanBPM. Finally, we propose that Akt-induced BLT2 phosphorylation at residue Thr355, which occurs after the addition of BLT2 ligands, is a potential mechanism by which BLT2 dissociates from RanBPM, resulting in stimulation of BLT2 signaling. Taken together, our results suggest that RanBPM acts as a negative regulator of BLT2 signaling to attenuate BLT2-mediated cell motility.  相似文献   
Hanna M  Ball LG  Tong AH  Boone C  Xiao W 《Mutation research》2007,625(1-2):164-176
POL32 encodes a non-essential subunit of Polδ and plays a role in Polδ processivity and DNA repair. In order to understand how Pol32 is involved in these processes, we performed extensive genetic analysis and demonstrated that POL32 is required for Polζ-mediated translesion synthesis, but not for Polη-mediated activity. Unlike Polζ, inactivation of Pol32 does not result in decreased spontaneous mutagenesis, nor does it limit genome instability in the absence of the error-free postreplication repair pathway. In contrast, inactivation of Pol32 results in an increased rate of replication slippage and recombination. A genome-wide synthetic lethal screen revealed that in the absence of Pol32, homologous recombination repair and cell cycle checkpoints play crucial roles in maintaining cell survival and growth. These results are consistent with a model in which Pol32 functions as a coupling factor to facilitate a switch from replication to translesion synthesis when Polδ encounters replication-blocking lesions. When Pol32 is absent, the S-phase checkpoint complex Mrc1–Tof1 becomes crucial to stabilize the stalled replication fork and recruit Top3 and Sgs1. Lack of any of the above activities will cause double strand breaks at or near the replication fork that require recombination as well as Rad9 for cell survival.  相似文献   
Wei  Lin-Wei  Zhu  Pei-Qiu  Chen  Xiao-Qing  Yu  Jin 《Mycopathologia》2022,187(1):1-14
Mycopathologia - Mucormycosis is a lethal fungal infection with increasing incidence. The epidemiology of mucormycosis in current mainland China has not been fully elucidated. To investigate the...  相似文献   
Distal arthrogryposes (DAs) are a group of disorders that mainly involve the distal parts of the limbs and at least ten different DAs have been described to date. DAs are mostly described as autosomal dominant disorders with variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance, but recently autosomal recessive pattern was reported in distal arthrogryposis type 5D. Mutations in the contractile genes are found in about 50% of all DA patients. Of these genes, mutations in the gene encoding myosin binding protein C slow MYBPC1 were recently identified in two families with distal arthrogryposis type 1B. Here, we described two large Chinese families with autosomal dominant distal arthrogryposis type 2(DA2) with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Some unique overextension contractures of the lower limbs and some distinctive facial features were present in our DA2 pedigrees. We performed follow-up DNA sequencing after linkage mapping and first identified two novel MYBPC1 mutations (c.1075G>A [p.E359K] and c.956C>T [p.P319L]) responsible for these Chinese DA2 families of which one introduced by germline mosacism. Each mutation was found to cosegregate with the DA2 phenotype in each family but not in population controls. Both substitutions occur within C2 immunoglobulin domain, which together with C1 and the M motif constitute the binding site for the S2 subfragment of myosin. Our results expand the phenotypic spectrum of MYBPC1-related arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC). We also proposed the possible molecular mechanisms that may underlie the pathogenesis of DA2 myopathy associated with these two substitutions in MYBPC1.  相似文献   
Genotype imputation has become standard practice in modern genetic studies. As sequencing-based reference panels continue to grow, increasingly more markers are being well or better imputed but at the same time, even more markers with relatively low minor allele frequency are being imputed with low imputation quality. Here, we propose new methods that incorporate imputation uncertainty for downstream association analysis, with improved power and/or computational efficiency. We consider two scenarios: I) when posterior probabilities of all potential genotypes are estimated; and II) when only the one-dimensional summary statistic, imputed dosage, is available. For scenario I, we have developed an expectation-maximization likelihood-ratio test for association based on posterior probabilities. When only imputed dosages are available (scenario II), we first sample the genotype probabilities from its posterior distribution given the dosages, and then apply the EM-LRT on the sampled probabilities. Our simulations show that type I error of the proposed EM-LRT methods under both scenarios are protected. Compared with existing methods, EM-LRT-Prob (for scenario I) offers optimal statistical power across a wide spectrum of MAF and imputation quality. EM-LRT-Dose (for scenario II) achieves a similar level of statistical power as EM-LRT-Prob and, outperforms the standard Dosage method, especially for markers with relatively low MAF or imputation quality. Applications to two real data sets, the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey study and the Women’s Health Initiative Study, provide further support to the validity and efficiency of our proposed methods.  相似文献   
人类基因组计划大事记   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
今年 2月中旬 ,《Nature》与《Science》分别发表了人类基因组工作框架图 (thedraftgenome) ,这是人类基因组计划 (HumanGenomeProject,HGP)实施以来所取得的最重大进展 ,也是生命科学领域中的一个里程碑 .自人类基因组计划提出以来 ,到现在一共 15年 .这 15年来科学家们所走过的是一条充满艰辛的路 ,同时也是一条谱写辉煌的路 .回顾这段将在人类历史上永载史册的光辉历程 ,相信对每一位科学殿堂里的探索者都会大有启迪 .为此 ,参考有关资料 ,我们将这段时期围绕基因组测序所发生的重大事…  相似文献   
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