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介绍一种IBM-PC系列微机生理信号采集、处理系统。该系统信号采集卡集程控放大、脉冲甄别、A/D、D/A等电路于一体,可满足各种生理信号的采集需要。采集信号时可长时间显示,动态观察。采样后,按需要给出各种图表与结果。部分处理方法采用独特数学模型,使结果更加精确。  相似文献   
用浅麻醉的Wistar大鼠40只,以辐射热照尾作为伤害性刺激,经玻璃微电极引导尾核痛兴奋神经元(PEN)和痛抑制神经元(PIN)的放电,同时测量甩尾反射潜伏期(TFL)作为甩尾痛阈的指标。结果表明:(1)自然状态下辐射热照尾引起尾核中PEN放电频率增加和PIN放电频率减少与甩尾反射(TF)相伴行。放电变化发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后,PEN和PIN放电变化与TFL呈高度正相关。(2)辐射热照尾同时引起一侧尾核PEN放电频率增加和另一侧PIN放电频率减少,二者协同活动,并发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后。(3)侧脑室注射55μg/10μl吗啡呈镇痛作用时,尾核PEN放电频率减少和PIN放电频率增加,放电变化仍发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后。结果提示,尾核中PEN、PIN放电和TF是中枢不同水平同时对痛觉调制所产生的结果。  相似文献   
 高血糖、蛋白质糖化与脂质过氧化反应孙贺英,柳洁,高应,王惠云(山西职工医学院生化组,太原030012)(山西省人民医院内分泌科)(山西医学院生化组)血糖持续性升高是糖尿病的重要临床特征。近年来报道糖尿病患者体内自由基反应明显增强,脂质过氧化产物增加。...  相似文献   
In the environment of microgravity, the disused atrophy of skeletal muscle, especially leg's muscle, would occur. The three purposes of this study were: 1. To observe the dynamic changes of disused atrophy of skeletal muscle under simulated weightlessness; 2. To approach the mechanism of disused atrophy of muscle; 3. To approach the countermeasures for reducing the degree of atrophy of muscle.  相似文献   
Abstract: Addition of endothelins (ETs) to neuroblastomaglioma hybrid cells (NG108-15) induced increases in cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) levels of labeled inositol monophosphates and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3]. The increases in [Ca2+]i elicited by the three ETs (ET-1, ET-2, and ET-3) were transient and did not show a sustained phase. Chelating extracellular Ca2+ in the medium by adding excess EGTA decreased the ET-mediated Ca2+ response by 40-50%. This result indicates that a substantial portion of the increase in [Ca2+]i was due to influx from an extracellular source. However, the increase in [Ca2+]i was not affected by verapamil or nifedipine (10?5M). A rank order potency of ET-1 ET-2 ET-3 is shown for the stimulated increase in [Ca2+]i, as well as labeled inositol phosphates, in these cells. ATP (10?4M) and bradykinin (10?7M) also induced the increases in [Ca2+]i and Ins(1,4,5)P3 in NG108-15 cells, albeit to a different extent. When compared at 10?7M, bradykinin elicited a five- to sixfold higher increase in the level of Ins(1,4,5)P3, but less than a twofold higher increase in [Ca2+]i than those induced by ET-1. Additive increases in both Ins(1,4,5)P3 and [Ca2+]i were observed when ET-1, ATP, and bradykinin were added to the cells in different combinations, suggesting that each receptor agonist is responsible for the hydrolysis of a pool of polyphosphoinositide within the membrane. ET-1 exhibited homologous desensitization of the Ca2+ response, but partial heterologous desensitization to the Ca2+ response elicited by ATP. On the contrary, ET-1 did not desensitize the response elicited by bradykinin, although bradykinin exhibited complete heterologous desensitization to the response elicited by ET-1. Taken together, these results illustrate that, in NG108-15 cells, a considerable amount of receptor cross talk occurs between ET and other receptors that transmit signals through the polyphosphoinositide pathway.  相似文献   
环境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究人类改造荒漠的活动,植被,潜在的可利用的食物资源,竞争种的密度,土壤理化性质等坏境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度的影响。结果说明:人类的活动对沙蜥种群密度没有显著影响;决定沙蜥种群密度的主导因子是潜在的可利用的食物资源,植被,土壤含水量,竞争种的密度。这些因子的任何改变都能改变沙蜥的种群密度,均具有调节种群的作用。  相似文献   
The predominant cell cycle change induced by X-rays and clastogens in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is the accumulation of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. We show that this accumulation consists of cells that are either delayed or arrested within the G2 phase. Since both X-rays and DNA crosslinking chemicals are known to damage DNA, the G2 phase inhibition caused by these agents is thought to be one of the primary manifestations of (unrepaired) DNA damage. This interpretation is supported by two additional findings. (1) Older individuals have elevated baseline levels of mononuclear blood cells that are delayed and/or arrested in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. This coincides with the increased chromosomal breakage rates reported for older individuals. (2) Irrespective of their age, individuals with inherited genetic instability syndromes (such as Fanconi anemia and Bloom syndrome) exhibit elevated G2 phase cell fractions. We show that the method used to detect such induced or spontaneous cell cycle changes, viz. BrdU-Hoechst flow cytometry, is a rapid and highly sensitive technique for the assessment of genetic cell damage.Dedicated to Professor Ulrich Wolf on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
本文用ABC—GDN免疫组织化学方法,研究了γ-氨基丁酸(Gamma—Aminobutyric Acid,GABA)在大鼠胰腺的定位和分布,并用相邻切片法,观察它与胰岛素的共存关系。结果发现GABA免疫反应阳性细胞主要分布于胰腺内分泌部(胰岛)。在外分泌部亦有少许分布。大部分胰岛细胞呈GABA免疫反应阳性,集中位于胰岛的中央部。相邻连续切片免疫染色证实GABA与胰岛素共存于胰岛B细胞中。外分泌部胰腺GABA免疫反应阳性细胞,呈零散分布于腺泡和导管上皮间。本文为进一步探讨GABA在胰腺的生理作用提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
The effects of IL-1α and IL-1β on cultured human fetal membranes were studied. These cytokines are known to regulate prostaglandin synthesis by the separated components of the fetal membranes (amnion, chorion and decidua), but their effects on intact tissue are unknown. IL-1α increased PGE2 levels on the fetal side of the membrane, indicating increased production of prostaglandin from the amnion, but had little effect on levels of PGE2 on the maternal side of the membrane. Low levels of IL-1β (0.1 - 1.0 ng/ml) increased PGE2 levels on the fetal side of the meembrane, and also increased the production of PGE2 metabolites and PGF2α, suggesting that this cytokine stimulated the decidua as well as the amnion. High concentrations of both cytokines appeared able to stimulate prostaglandin production by the side of the membrane opposing that to which they were added, but it is not clear whether this was mediated by factors released by the stimulated membrane, or by direct transfer of small quantities of cytokines through the membrane. Taken together, these results indicate that IL-1β was a potent stimulator of the synthesis of prostaglandins by decidua and by amnion, whereas IL-1α only stimulated the amnion.  相似文献   
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