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Higher plants growing in natural environments experience various abiotic stresses. The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure to temperature-stress would lead to oxidative stress and whether this effect varied with different exposure periods. The thermal dependencies of the activities of protective enzymes, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), protein, non-protein thiol (NP-SH), cysteine content, lipoxygenase (LOX) activity (EC and malondialdehyde (MDA) content at 25-40 degrees C were determined for 4, 24 and 48 h in leaf and root segments of Phalaenopsis. The increase in MDA level and LOX activity may be due to temperature-associated oxidative damage to leaf and root segments. Temperature-stress induced not only activities of active oxygen species (AOS) scavenging enzymes but also protein, NP-SH and cysteine content in both leaf and root segments at 30 degrees C for 4 and 24 h (except for 48 h in some cases) compared to 25 degrees C-and greenhouse-grown leaf and root segments indicating that antioxidants enzymes played an important role in protecting plant from temperature-stress. However, activities of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR, EC, glutathione peroxidase (GPX, EC and glutathione-S-transferase (GST, EC in leaf and root, glutathione reductase (GR, EC in leaf and guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD, in root segments were induced significantly at 40 degrees C compared to 25 degrees C and greenhouse-grown plants suggesting that these enzymes play protective roles at high temperature. In contrast, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR, EC in leaf and root, catalase (CAT, EC in root, GR in root, and protein, cysteine, NP-SH content in both root and leaf and Fv/Fm ratio were diminished significantly at 40 degrees C compared to 25 degrees C-and greenhouse-grown plants. These indicate that these enzymes were apparently not involved in detoxification process and sensitive at higher temperature. Also, the close relation between activities of enzymes with their metabolites at 30 degrees C than 40 degrees C indicated that the antioxidants enzymes and metabolites both may play an important role in protecting cells against the temperature-stress.  相似文献   
Appropriately timed integration of breeding into avian annual cycles is critical to both reproductive success and survival. The mechanisms by which birds regulate timing of breeding depend on environmental cue response systems that regulate both when birds do and do not breed. Despite there being multiple possible explanations for birds' abilities to time breeding appropriately in different environments, and for the distribution of different cue response system characteristics among taxa, many studies infer that adaptive specialization of cue response systems has occurred without explicitly considering the alternatives. In this paper, we make explicit three hypotheses concerning the timing of reproduction and distribution of cue response characteristics among taxa: adaptive specialization; conditional plasticity; and phylogenetic history. We emphasize in particular that although conditional plasticity built into avian cue response systems (e.g. differing rates of gonadal development and differing latencies until onset of photorefractoriness) may lead to maladaptive annual cycles in some novel circumstances, this plasticity also can lead to what appear to be adaptively specialized cue response systems if not viewed in a comparative context. We use a comparative approach to account for the distribution of one important feature of avian reproductive cue response systems, photorefractoriness. Analysis of the distribution within songbirds of one criterion for absolute photorefractoriness, the spontaneous regression of the gonads without any decline in photoperiod, reveals that a failure to display this trait probably represents an adaptive specialization to facilitate a flexible reproductive schedule. More finely resolved analysis of both criteria for absolute photorefractoriness (the second being total lack of a reproductive response even to constant light after gonadal regression has occurred) within the cardueline finches not only provides further confirmation of this interpretation, but also indicates that these two criteria for photorefractoriness can be, and have been, uncoupled in some taxa. We suggest that careful comparative studies at different phylogenetic scales will be extremely valuable for distinguishing between adaptive specialization and non-adaptive explanations, such as phylogenetic history as explanations of cue response traits in particular taxa. We also suggest that particular focus on taxa in which individuals may breed on very different photoperiods (latitudes or times of year) in different years should be particularly valuable in identifying the range of environmental conditions across which conditionally plastic cue responses can be adaptive.  相似文献   
The Plant Genetic Map Database (PlantGM) has been developed as a web-based system which provides information about genetic markers in rice (Oryza sativa) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa). The database has three major parts and functions; (1) Map Search, (2) Marker Search, and (3) QTL Search. At present, the database provides characterization information for about 3258 genetic markers. It has 2800 RFLP and 112 QTL markers related to rice in addition to 321 RFLP and 25 PCR-based markers for Chinese cabbage. In addition, a genetic linkage map was also constructed by using 1,054 markers from 2,912 markers in rice.


The database is available for free at http://www.niab.go.kr/nabic/PlantGM  相似文献   
This study investigated blubber morphology and correlations of histological measurements with ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state in live, wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the southeastern United States. Surgical skin-blubber biopsies (N=74) were collected from dolphins during capture-release studies conducted in two geographic locations: Charleston, SC (N=38) and Indian River Lagoon, FL (N=36). Histological analysis of blubber revealed stratification into superficial, middle, and deep layers. Adipocytes of the middle blubber were 1.6x larger in Charleston subadults than in Indian River Lagoon subadults (4,590+/-340 compared to 2,833+/-335 microm2 per cell). Charleston subadult dolphins contained higher levels of total blubber lipids than Charleston adult animals (49.3%+/-1.9% compared to 34.2%+/-1.7%), and this difference was manifested in more adipocytes in the middle blubber layer (19.2+/-0.9 compared to 14.9+/-0.5 cells per field). However, dolphins from Indian River Lagoon did not exhibit this pattern, and the adipocyte cell counts of subadults were approximately equal to those of the adults (16.0+/-1.4 compared to 13.4+/-0.8 cells per field). The colder year-round water temperatures in Charleston compared to Indian River Lagoon may explain these differences. Adipocytes in the deep blubber layer were significantly smaller in lactating and simultaneously pregnant and lactating animals compared to pregnant dolphins (840+/-179, 627+/-333, and 2,776+/-586 microm2 per cell, respectively). Total blubber lipid content and adipocyte size in the deep blubber of mothers with calves decreased linearly with calf length. Lactating females may utilize lipids from the deep blubber during periods of increased energetic demands associated with offspring care. This study demonstrates that ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state may influence morphological parameters such as structural fiber densities and adipocyte numbers and sizes, measured in bottlenose dolphin blubber.  相似文献   
An efficient, simple micropropagation method was developed for Alocasia amazonica using corms in semisolid and liquid cultures. Explants were cultured onto Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium (Murashige and Skoog, Physiol. Plant. 15:473–497, 1962) supplemented with different cytokinins (Benzyladenine [BA, 2.22–13.32 μM], kinetin [2.32–13.95 μM], Thidiazuron [TDZ, 0.45–4.54 μM]) and cytokinin in combination with auxins [naphthalene acetic acid (NAA, 0.54–5.37 μM)/indole acetic acid (IAA, 0.57–5.71 μM)/indole butyric acid (IBA, 0.49–4.9 μM)]. All supplementary-induced shoot proliferation and the optimal results was on the medium supplemented with 2.27 μM TDZ, which induced 5.1 shoots per explant. Among the different concentrations of sucrose (0–120 g l−1) tested for shoot proliferation, 30 g l−1 was found suitable for corm cultures of Alocasia amazonica. The optimal shoot proliferation and biomass values were with the plantlets grown at 30 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and 25°C. Liquid cultures found suitable for shoot proliferation and biomass accumulation was compared to semisolid cultures. Comparative studies of bioreactor systems [continuous immersion (with or without net) and temporary immersion in liquid media using ebb and flood] revealed that shoot multiplication and growth were greatest with the raft bioreactor system. Plantlets (cormlets) from the bioreactor were hydroponically cultured for 30 days, and 100% of plants were acclimatized successfully. The simple efficient method of production of plantlets (cormlets) is useful for large-scale multiplication of this important ornamental plant. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Micropropagation of an Endangered Orchid Anoectochilus formosanus   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A rapid and efficient procedure is outlined for in vitro clonal propagation of an elite cultivar of jewel orchid (Anoectochilus formosanus). Multiple shoot proliferation was induced in shoot tip explants on Hyponex (H3) media supplemented with 1 mg dm–3 benzyladenine or 1 – 2 mg dm–3 thidiazuron (TDZ). Addition of activated charcoal (1 g dm–3) to the TDZ containing medium promoted multiple shoot formation (11.1 shoots per explant). However, the regenerated shoots had slow growth rate and failed to elongate. This problem was overcome by transferring the shoot clumps to a hormone free H3 medium supplemented with 2 % sucrose and 0.5 g dm–3 activated charcoal. Rooting was induced in 100 % of the regenerated shoots in the same media. The plantlets were acclimatized and established in greenhouse.  相似文献   
The Perilla (Perilla frutescens L. cv. Okdong) oleosin gene, PfOle19, produces a 19-kDa protein that is highly expressed only in seeds. The activity of the −2,015 bp 5′-upstream promoter region of this gene was investigated in transgenic Arabidopsis plants using the fusion reporter constructs of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and β-glucuronidase (GUS). The PfOle19 promoter directs Egfp expression in developing siliques, but not in leaves, stems or roots. In the transgenic Arabidopsis, EGFP fluorescence and histochemical GUS staining were restricted to early seedlings, indehiscent siliques and mature seeds. Progressive 5′-deletions up to the −963 bp position of the PfOle19 promoter increases the spatial control of the gene expression in seeds, but reduces its quantitative levels of expression. Moreover, the activity of the PfOle19 promoter in mature seeds is 4- and 5-fold greater than that of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in terms of both EGFP intensity and fluorometric GUS activity, respectively.  相似文献   
The X-ray structure of the Fab fragment from the anti-c-myc antibody 9E10 was determined both as complex with its epitope peptide and for the free Fab. In the complex, two Fab molecules adopt an unusual head to head orientation with the epitope peptide arranged between them. In contrast, the free Fab forms a dimer with different orientation. In the Fab/peptide complex the peptide is bound to one of the two Fabs at the "back" of its extended CDR H3, in a cleft with CDR H1, thus forming a short, three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The N- and C-terminal parts of the peptide are also in contact with the neighboring Fab fragment. Comparison between the CDR H3s of the two Fab molecules in complex with the peptide and those from the free Fab reveals high flexibility of this loop. This structural feature is in line with thermodynamic data from isothermic titration calorimetry.  相似文献   
DNA microarrays serve to monitor a wide range of molecular events, but emerging applications like measurements of weakly expressed genes or of proteins and their interaction patterns will require enhanced performance to improve specificity of detection and dynamic range. To further extend the utility of DNA microarray-based approaches we present a high-performance tag microarray procedure that enables probe-based analysis of as little as 100 target cDNA molecules, and with a linear dynamic range close to 105. Furthermore, the protocol radically decreases the risk of cross-hybridization on microarrays compared to current approaches, and it also allows for quantification by single-molecule analysis and real-time on-chip monitoring of rolling-circle amplification. We provide proof of concept for microarray-based measurement of both mRNA molecules and of proteins, converted to tag DNA sequences by padlock and proximity probe ligation, respectively.  相似文献   
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