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A variant of human T-cell leukemia virus subgroup I (HTLV-I), designated HTLV-Ib, has been isolated from a transformed T-lymphocytic cell line established from a Zairian patient with adult T-cell lymphoma. A recombinant phage clone of the variant provirus, denoted lambda MC-1, hybridizes under high stringency to HTLV-I DNA probes, but 17 of 43 restriction enzyme sites differ from those of HTLV-I, 10 of them clustering within 1.5 kilobases in the env-pX region. Since this variant virus retains its capacity to transform T-cells in vitro, and since a pX product is suspected to be important in transformation, we have determined the nucleotide sequence of the entire pX region of this virus for comparison to the prototype HTLV-I. In addition, the region between the gag and pol genes, parts of the pol and env genes, and a portion of the U3 region of the long terminal repeat sequence were also analyzed. We noted 141 single-base-pair changes among 3,897 base pairs, which were relatively well distributed over those portions of the provirus that were examined. In addition, an 11-base-pair deletion was found which included the potential initiator ATG codon of the first open reading frame of pX (pX-I). The next potential initiator codon predicted by the sequence is followed by 10 codons and then a termination codon. An identical deletion was also demonstrated in the only provirus present in another cell line established from the same patient on a different occasion after transformation in vitro of normal human umbilical cord blood cells. These results indicate that pX-I is not required for transformation.  相似文献   
The 17 base pair operator O R 3 oligonucleotide, which is the preferential binding site for the Cro repressor of phage , was studied by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. A sequential assignment procedure based on two-dimensional Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOESY) and scalar coupling correlated (COSY) NMR spectroscopy, together with the knowledge of the oligodesoxynucleotide sequence, made it possible to assign the non-exhangeable base protons and the H1 and the H2-H2 sugar protons of the O R 3 operator DNA. The pattern of the observed NOE connectivities is consistent with a right-handed helical DNA structure. The base and sugar proton assignments provide the necessary information for further studies of the O R 3 operator — Cro repressor interaction.Abbreviations COSY correlated spectroscopy - FID free induction decay - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - NOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy - RD relaxation delay - TSP sodium 3-trimethylsilyl-(2,2,3,3-2H4)propionate - EDTA sodium ethylendiamine tetraacetate  相似文献   
The potential use of multiple-frequency-band radiometry as a means of noninvasive sensing of one-dimensional temperature profiles is presented in this communication. The radiative energy transfer equation is solved numerically. Ideal-condition thermal noise spectra and distributions of received energy, associated with specific temperature-depth profiles, are presented. Performance characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin (PG) production was evaluated in the three cell types (endothelial, smooth muscle, and fibroblast) comprising the bovine pulmonary artery. Prostacyclin (PGI2) was the predominant prostaglandin (PG) produced by endothelial, smooth muscle, and fibroblast cells as they exist in culture or in freshly excised tissue fragments. In addition to PGI2, measurable amounts of PGE2, PGF2a, and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) were also produced by these cells. Endothelial cells were the most active producers of PGs. However, the type of PG produced was characteristic of the particular cell type, while the level of production was dependent on external factors. Prostaglandin production by cultured cells, both under basal conditions and in response to stimulatory agents, was quite similar to that of the respective freshly excised tissue fragments containing a given cell type. These cells in culture could be stimulated to produce PGI2 by both angiotensin and bradykinin at very low (physiological) concentrations, a further indication of the retention of the physiological responsiveness of these cells in culture. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts were activated by bradykinin at concentrations as low as 10(-12) M but did not respond to angiotensin. Smooth muscle cells in primary and first passage cultures were activated by both bradykinin and angiotensin at 10(-12) M concentrations. Serial subcultivations of smooth muscle cells resulted in a progressive loss in their responsiveness to bradykinin stimulation. The state of cell growth proved to be an important determinant of PG production. Actively growing cells in culture synthesized less PG when compared to cells which had entered into a "quiescent" nongrowth state.  相似文献   
We exposed two awake dogs with a chronic tracheostomy and the cervical vagus nerves exteriorized in skin loops to 1.0 ppm of ozone (O3) for 2 h at intervals of 4 wk. We measured ventilatory variables before and after O3 exposure during rest and exercise before and after vagal block. We compared the effects of vagal blockade, exercise, and O3 on the primary determinants of breathing pattern (VT/TI, VT/TE, TI, and TE) in each of three conditions: base line (steady state), during hypercapnia, and after inhalation of 1% histamine. Under base-line conditions, O3 increased respiratory rate and decreased tidal volume (VT) by shortening time of expiration (TE) and time of inspiration (TI) without affecting VT/TI, an indicator of the neural drive to breathing. During progressive hypercapnia, O3 shortened TE and TI by effects both on tonic (nonvolume-related) and on phasic (volume-related) vagal inputs, and only the latter were prevented completely by cooling of the vagus nerves. Histamine-induced tachypnea was increased by O3 and was totally blocked by cooling the vagus nerves. We conclude that O3 shortens the timing of respiration without increasing ventilatory drive, shortens TI and TE through vagal and nonvagal pathways, increases tonic nonvagal and phasic vagal inputs, and stimulates more than one vagal fiber type.  相似文献   
The genome of the slow-growing Bradyrhizobium japonicum (strain 110) was mutagenized with transposon Tn5. A total of 1623 kanamycin/streptomycin resistant derivatives were screened in soybean infection tests for nodulation (Nod) and symbiotic nitrogen fixation (Fix). In this report we describe 14 strains possessing a stable, reproducible Nod+Fix- phenotype. These strains were also grown under microaerobic culture conditions to test them for free-living nitrogen fixation activity (Nif). In addition to strains having reduced Fix and Nif activities, there were also strains that had reduced symbiotic Fix activity but were Nif+ ex planta.Analysis of the genomic structure revealed that the majority of the strains had a single Tn5 insertion without any further apparent physical alteration. A few strains had additional insertions (by Tn5 or IS50), or a deletion, or had cointegrated part of the vector used for Tn5 mutagenesis. One of the insertions was found in a known nif gene (nifD) whereas all other mutations seem to affect different, hitherto unknown genes or operons.Several mutant strains had an altered nodulation phenotype, inducing numerous, small, widely distributed nodules. Light and electron microscopy revealed that most of these mutants were defective in different stages of bacteroid development and/or bacteroid persistence. The protein patterns of the mutants were inspected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis after labelling microaerobic cultures with l-(35S)methionine. Of particular interest were mutants lacking a group of proteins the synthesis of which was known to be under oxygen control. Such strains can be regarded as potential regulatory mutants.  相似文献   
In contrast to Klebsiella pneumoniae or fast-growing Rhizobium species, such as R. meliloti, where the nitrogenase structural genes are clustered in one operon (nifHDK), in slow-growing Rhizobium japonicum 110, nifH and nifDK are on separate operons.  相似文献   
The influence of radiation dose distribution on the frequency of 239Pu-induced liver tumors was evaluated in the Chinese hamster. Different concentrations of 239Pu citrate 239PuO2 particles of known sizes were injected intravenously via the jugular vein. About 60% of the injected 239Pu citrate was deposited in the liver and 40% in the bone. The 239Pu citrate was rather uniformly distributed throughout the liver parenchyma. Injected plutonium oxide particles were taken up by the reticuloendothelial system with 90% of the body burden deposited in the liver. The 239PuO2 particles were localized in the Kupffer cells and produced nonuniform dose distributions that were dependent on particle size. There was an activity- and dose-dependent increase in the incidence of total liver parenchymal cell tumors following injection with either plutonium particles or citrate. For animals that received 14.0-, 2.7-, 0.3-, and 0.04-Gy dose to liver from 239Pu citrate the cumulative tumor incidence was 39, 32, 5, and 0%, respectively. Animals that were injected with the 0.24 micron 239PuO2 particles had doses of 42.0, 7.2, and 0.8 Gy to the liver and tumor incidences of 34, 26, and 5%, respectively. Plutonium citrate also produced hemangiosarcomas of the liver and tumors in bone and bone marrow. The latent period for liver tumor appearance in animals exposed to 239Pu citrate or 239PuO2 particles increased as the injected activity decreased. For animals injected with a similar total activity (7.4 Bq/g), the lifetime cumulative liver tumor incidence was similar for animals exposed to either 239Pu citrate (32%) or 239PuO2 (26%). There was little effect of particle size on liver tumor incidence. These data indicate that, in Chinese hamster liver, local radiation dose distribution is less important in altering tumor incidence than injected activity or average dose. However, the more uniform irradiation from 239Pu citrate administration was more effective in cancer production than the nonuniform irradiation from 239PuO2 particles.  相似文献   
The fatty acid composition of lipids isolated from the depot fat, stomach contents, and proventricular oil of adult and chick Puffinus tenuirostris (Temminck) has been analysed. The diet of both adults and chicks is almost exclusively derived from the euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis Sars, and an attempt was made to determine whether dietary lipid affects the composition of depot fat, and whether individual fatty acids in the stomachs and proventricular oil can be used as markers for the origin of the diet. An apparent selectivity in the deposition of fatty acids in the fat depots can be explained by the conversion of fatty alcohols, derived from the euphausiid wax ester, into fatty acids of equivalent chain length and unsaturation. Hexadecadienoic acid appeared to be the only possible marker fatty acid from the euphausiid, but wide variations in its level limits its usefulness as a reliable index of the diet of Puffinus tenuirostris.  相似文献   
Class I antigens were isolated by immunoprecipitation from cell extracts prepared from mitogenically stimulated and internally radiolabeled peripheral blood lymphocytes (PLBs). The precipitating antibodies used are monomorphic and recognize a determinant on the heavy chain of HLA-A, B, C antigens regardless of their allelic specificities when complexed with 2m, or determinants on 2m itself. Comparison of class I molecules isolated from 25 different homozygous typing cels (HTC) and analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis allowed the identification of those HLA-A,13 locus specificities most common in the European Caucasoid population. Class I antigens isolated from HTC that are HLA identical are biochemically indistinguishable also. Evidence was obtained for the expression of additional class I antigens besides the HLA-A, B, C locus products: for some haplotypes, up to six class I genes may be active in mitogenically activated PBLs. No differences in molecular weight and isoelectric point of the class I heavy chains were observed between the antigens recognized by W6/32, the anti-heavy chain reagent, and anti- 2m reagents. The nature of the mitogenic stimulus, i. e., pokeweed mitogen or phytohemagglutinin, was irrelevant with respect to the class I antigens isolated by this method. Using the HTCs as reference, a panel of HLA-B27 positive heterozygous cells was analyzed. Two types of HLA-B27 antigens, distinct by CML typing were represented. These two forms differed also in their biochemical properties. In addition, we obtained evidence for the existence of an A2 variant. This finding was likewise confirmed by CML typing.  相似文献   
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