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Novel methylene tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT) dehydrogenase enzymes, named MtdC, were purified after expressing in Escherichia coli genes from, respectively, Gemmata sp. strain Wa1-1 and environmental DNA originating from unidentified microbial species. The MtdC enzymes were shown to possess high affinities for methylene-H4MPT and NADP but low affinities for methylene tetrahydrofolate or NAD. The substrate range and the kinetic properties revealed by MtdC enzymes distinguish them from the previously characterized bacterial methylene-H4MPT dehydrogenases, MtdA and MtdB. While revealing higher sequence similarity to MtdA enzymes, MtdC enzymes appear to fulfill a function homologous to the function of MtdB, as part of the H4MPT-linked pathway for formaldehyde oxidation/detoxification.  相似文献   
NADP-dependent methylene-H(4)MPT dehydrogenase, MtdA, from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 catalyzes the dehydrogenation of methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin and methylene-tetrahydrofolate with NADP(+) as cosubstrate. The X-ray structure of MtdA with and without NADP bound was established at 1.9 A resolution. The enzyme is present as a homotrimer. The alpha,beta fold of the monomer is related to that of methylene-H(4)F dehydrogenases, suggesting a common evolutionary origin. The position of the active site is located within a large crevice built up by the two domains of one subunit and one domain of a second subunit. Methylene-H(4)MPT could be modeled into the cleft, and crucial active site residues such as Phe18, Lys256, His260, and Thr102 were identified. The molecular basis of the different substrate specificities and different catalytic demands of MtdA compared to methylene-H(4)F dehydrogenases are discussed.  相似文献   
NF-kappaB plays an important role in the early cellular response to pathogens by activating genes involved in inflammation, immune response, and cell proliferation and survival. NF-kappaB is also utilized by many viral pathogens, like human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), to activate their own gene expression programs, reflecting intricate roles for NF-kappaB in both antiviral defense mechanisms and viral physiology. Here we show that the NF-kappaB signaling pathway stimulated by proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) becomes inhibited in HCMV-infected cells. The block to NF-kappaB signaling is first noticeable during the early phase of infection but is fully established only at later times. Biochemical and genetic evidence demonstrates that the viral inhibition of proinflammatory signaling by distinct cytokines occurs upstream of the convergence point of NF-kappaB-activating pathways, i.e., the IkappaB kinase complex, and that it is mediated via different mechanisms. Consistent with this, we further show that an HCMV variant that has lost the ability to downregulate TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB signaling also fails to downregulate surface expression of TNF receptor 1, thereby mechanistically linking the inhibition of TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB signaling by HCMV to TNF receptor targeting. Our data support a model whereby HCMV inhibits cytokine-induced NF-kappaB signaling at later times during infection, and we suggest that this contributes to the inhibition of the cell's antiviral defense program.  相似文献   
In the tropics, old-growth forests are converted to other land cover types at a high rate and young secondary forest may gain in importance. Information on associated changes in leaf gas exchange and other leaf traits can be valuable for modelling biogeochemical fluxes under altered land-use patterns. We studied in situ photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance for water vapour in eight abundant tree species of young secondary forest and eight tree species of natural old-growth forest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In sun leaves, the average maximal stomatal conductance (g smax) in the secondary forest (SF) species was 2.1 times higher than in the old-growth forest (OGF) species. Species with a high g smax reduced g s sharply when vapour pressure deficit of the air increased, whereas species with a low g smax were much less sensitive to air humidity. For area-based photosynthetic capacity (A max-area), the SF species had a 2.3 times higher average than the OGF species. For both, g smax and A max-area the variation among species was higher in the OGF than in the SF. When all tree species (n=16) are considered, species means of specific leaf area (SLA), leaf N concentration and leaf P concentration were significantly correlated with g smax and A max-area. The strong correlation between A max-area and foliar P (r 2=0.8) is remarkable as the alluvial soils in the study region are rich in nutrients. If the eight OGF species are analysed separately, the only significant correlation was observed between SLA and mass-based A max; in the SF species strong correlations were found between leaf size and A max-area and g smax. These results show that the conversion of old-growth forest to young secondary forest in Sulawesi significantly alters tree leaf gas exchange characteristics and that chemical and structural leaf traits can be used for the prediction of these changes. The best correlations between leaf gas exchange parameters and leaf traits were obtained by different traits in the SF species, the OGF species and the entire pool of studied species.  相似文献   
Parasites can induce alterations in host phenotypes in order to enhance their own survival and transmission. Parasites of social insects might not only benefit from altering their individual hosts, but also from inducing changes in uninfected group members. Temnothorax nylanderi ant workers infected with the tapeworm Anomotaenia brevis are known to be chemically distinct from nest-mates and do not contribute to colony fitness, but are tolerated in their colonies and well cared for. Here, we investigated how tapeworm- infected workers affect colony aggression by manipulating their presence in ant colonies and analysing whether their absence or presence resulted in behavioural alterations in their nest-mates. We report a parasite-induced shift in colony aggression, shown by lower aggression of uninfected nest-mates from parasitized colonies towards conspecifics, potentially explaining the tolerance towards infected ants. We also demonstrate that tapeworm-infected workers showed a reduced flight response and higher survival, while their presence caused a decrease in survival of uninfected nest-mates. This anomalous behaviour of infected ants, coupled with their increased survival, could facilitate the parasites'' transmission to its definitive hosts, woodpeckers. We conclude that parasites exploiting individuals that are part of a society not only induce phenotypic changes within their individual hosts, but in uninfected group members as well.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell activation by endotoxin (LPS), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), Interleukin-1-alpha, beta (IL-1-alpha, beta) and phorbolesters (TPA) results in increased monocyte adhesion. Examination of kinetics of monocyte adhesion shows that the onset of adherence enhancement (AE) is similar in all five agents (about 300% AE at 6 h), while its decrease is delayed in LPS/TNF versus IL-1-alpha, beta/TPA-induced activation (LPS versus IL-1-beta:260% versus 60% at 18 h). Monoclonal antibody (4D10), raised against 24 h LPS-stimulated endothelial cells detects an endothelial cell-specific activation antigen at Mr 81,000 that is induced by LPS, TNF, IL-1-alpha, beta and TPA (within 6 h about 100% positive cells). Decrease in antigen-positive cells is delayed in LPS/TNF versus IL-1-alpha, beta/TPA-induced antigen expression (LPS vs. IL-1-beta: 60% vs. 5% at 24 h). In situ the antigen is not expressed in normal and chronic inflammatory tissues. Acute inflammatory tissues, including contact and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and periodontitis, however, show endothelial cells staining strongly positive. In contact eczemas at different times after elicitation (0, 6, 24, 72, 96 h), expression of the antigen is first seen after 24 h and is still strong at 96 h. These data indicate that LPS/TNF conduct an endothelial cell activation program in vitro, showing the same prolonged kinetics that is found for endothelial cell activation in the acute inflammatory process in vivo.  相似文献   
Nmi is an interferon (IFN)-inducible protein homologous to IFN-inducible protein IFP 35. The homology consists of a novel Nmi/IFP 35 domain (NID) of 90-92 amino acids that is repeated in tandem in each protein and mediates Nmi-Nmi protein interactions and subcellular localization. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with a fragment of Nmi protein containing both NIDs, we identified an interaction between Nmi and IFP 35. Deletion derivatives of the proteins indicate that both NIDs are required for the interaction between Nmi and IFP 35. In mammalian cells, Nmi and IFP 35 co-immunoprecipitate and co-localize in large cytoplasmic speckles. Nmi and IFP 35 proteins associate into a high molecular mass complex of 300-400 kDa as determined by native gel electrophoresis and gel filtration. The association of Nmi and IFP 35 into a complex can be demonstrated in multiple cell lines and is not dependent on treatment with IFN. Short term and long term cultures of transfected HEK293 cells suggest that Nmi and IFP 35 proteins stabilize each other through complex formation. IFP 35 appears to be more labile because Nmi was stable in the absence of IFP 35, whereas IFP 35 was degraded in the absence of Nmi. A deletion analysis revealed that Nmi must interact with IFP 35 to prevent its degradation and that the amino terminus of Nmi is required, but not sufficient, for this function. Inhibition of the proteasome, but not other proteases, led to increased levels of IFP 35. Thus, we have shown that Nmi and IFP 35 associate into a protein complex, that IFP 35 is degraded in a proteasome-mediated process, and that a novel function of Nmi is to prevent IFP 35 degradation. The stabilization of IFP 35 by Nmi may serve to amplify the physiologic effects of IFNs.  相似文献   
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