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Divalent cations activate the lysophospholipase and transacylase reactions catalyzed by the same enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The activation was observed at neutral pH, but not at the pH optimum of lysophospholipase/transacylase, near 3.5. Adenine nucleotides, especially AMP and ADP, are strong inhibitors of the same group of enzymes. Half maximal inhibition by AMP was found at a concentration of about 20 M. The inhibition by nucleotides in low concentrations is enhanced by divalent cations.  相似文献   
As in other insects acetylcholine (ACh) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) function in synaptic transmission in the central nervous system of Drosophila. Studies on flies mutant for AChE indicate that in addition to its synaptic function of inactivating acetylcholine, this neural enzyme is required for normal development of the nervous system (J.C. Hall, S.N. Alahiotis, D.A. Strumpf, and K. White, 1980, Genetics 96, 939-965; R.J. Greenspan, J.A. Finn, and J.C. Hall, 1980, J. Comp. Neurol. 189, 741-774). In order to understand what role AChE may play in neural development, it is necessary to know, in detail, where and when the enzyme appears. The use of monoclonal antibodies to localize AChE in the developing visual system of wild type Drosophila has yielded the novel observation that AChE appears in photoreceptor (retinula) cells 4-6 hr after they differentiate and 3 to 4 days before they are functional. Three days later the staining in the cell body of these cells is reduced. Because retinula cells have no functional connections at the time when AChE is first detected, AChE can not be performing its standard synaptic function. Subsequent to the reduction of AChE in the retinula cells, midway through the pupal stage, the enzyme accumulates rapidly in the neuropils of the optic lobes of the brain. Thus, there is a biphasic accumulation of AChE in the developing visual system with the enzyme initially being expressed in the retinula cells and accumulating later in the optic lobes.  相似文献   
Four aphid species (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker and Uroleucon cirsii (L.)) feed on the creeping thistle Cirsium arvense. They utilize different parts of their host plant and at different times. A wide niche is typical of C. carduinus and U. cirsii, whereas A. f. crisiiacanthoidis and B. cardui, show narrower but overlapping niches. Morphological features such as stylet length and body size as well as colony size and density are associated with the choice of feeding site. C. carduinus, the smallest species with the shortest stylets was able to use leaf veins and lamina, while the other species mainly used the stem and peduncles. Within this group, A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis and B. cardui are restricted to the upper part of the stem because of their short stylets, but adult U. cirsii, the species with the longest stylets, can also feed at the base of the stem.
Räumliche und zeitliche ressourcenaufteilung in der blattlausgilde an der ackerkratzdistel cirsium arvense
Zusammenfassung An der Ackerkratzdistel leben vier Blattlausarten (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker und Uroleucon cirsii (L.)), die im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode verschiedene Strukturen ihrer Wirtspflanze nutzen. Eine breite Nische ist für U. cirsii und C. carduinus typisch, während A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und B. cardui engere Nischen besitzen, die sich nahezu überlappen. Die Nahrungsplatzwahl wird sowohl durch morphologische Parameter wie Stilettlänge und Körpergewicht als auch durch Koloniegröe und Dispersion innerhalb der Kolonie beeinflut. Die kleinste Art, C. carduinus, die auch das kürzeste Stilett besitzt, ist in der Lage, an Blattadern und auf der Blattspreite zu saugen. Die anderen Arten bevorzugen Stengel, Seitenstengel und Blütenstiele. Innerhalb dieser Gruppe können A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und C. carduinus wegen ihrer kürzeren Stilette nur am oberen Teil des Stengels saugen, während adulte U. cirsii aufgrund ihrer längeren Stilette auch an der Stengelbasis leben können.
Zusammenfassung Mittels der Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie wurden Lebern, Nieren und Federn von Graureihern und von diesjährigen Kormoranen auf Cadmium und Blei untersucht.Cadmium war in Geweben der Kormorane höher konzentriert als in gleichaltrigen Graureihern (Leber 0,063 bzw. 0,039, Niere 0,113 bzw. 0.104 mg/kg Frischmasse; Federn 0,077 bzw. 0,025 mg/kg Trockenmasse). Dies könnte auf unterschiedliche Nahrung oder unterschiedliche physiologische Situation der Vögel zurückzuführen sein. Als Maximum wurden in der Niere eines Kormorans 0,375 mg/kg gemessen. Bei den Graureihern konnte in Lebern und Nieren eine Altersakkumulation erkannt werden. Blei war in den Geweben beider Arten unterschiedlich hoch konzentriert. Kormorane enthielten in Lebern 0,124 und in Nieren 0,147 mg/kg Frischmasse sowie in Federn 0,442 mg/kg Trockenmasse, Graureiher 0,110, 0,157 bzw. 0,739 mg/kg. Die höchsten Konzentrationen wurden in Federn gemessen und betrugen bei einem Graureiher 4,525 mg/kg. Eine Altersakkumulation konnte bei Graureihern in Lebern nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenhänge zwischen Feder- und Organbelastungen wurden nur bei diesjährigen Graureiher- erkannt: Federcadmium und Lebercadmium korrelierten positiv miteinander.
Heavy metals in tissue and feathers of Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) and Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)
Summary The livers, kidneys and feathers of 40 Grey Herons and 20 Cormorants were investigated by AAS to determine the extent of contamination with cadmium and lead. The birds had been shot in autumn 1979–1986 in Schleswig-Holstein. All results are given in mg/kg (ppm) wet mass (liver, kidney) or dry weight (feather). On the average, the contamination by cadmium in the livers (0.063), kidneys (0.113) and feathers (0.077) was higher in Cormorants than in Grey Herons (0.039, 0.104 and 0.025). These differences may be the result of different food or physiology. The livers and kidneys of young Grey Herons contained less cadmium than the tissue of older birds. The feathers of male Grey Herons contained more cadmium than feathers of females do. This was also the case in kidneys of male Cormorants as compared to the females. Cadmium values in livers and kidneys were positive correlated. No general tendency was detectable in regards to lead contamination. The results concerning Cormorants were 0.124 (liver), 0.147 (kidney), 0.442 (feather) and concerning Grey Herons 0.110, 0.157 and 0.739. The livers of old Grey Herons were more highly contaminated by lead than livers of young ones. The feathers of male Herons contained two times more lead than the feathers of females do.In general, a concentration of heavy metals in feathers does not indicate a contamination of livers or kidneys. A correlation between the values in feathers and tissue was evident only in one case, where a positive correlation was found between feather- and liver cadmium in young male Grey Herons.
A native high molecular complex (Mr 850000) containing about 50% of the allphycocyanin of the phycobilisome but lacking allophycocyanin B was separated from isolated phycobilisomes by gel electrophoresis. It was designated APCM since the large linker polypeptide LCM was exclusively localized in this complex. The complex exhibited a ?196°C fluorescence emission maximum at 673 nm (671 nm at 25°C). In addition, a core complex (designated APC, Mr≥1000000) consisting of both APCM and AP 680 was isolated by combined gel filtration and linear gradient centrifugation. At 25°C this complex showed dual emission peaks at 670 and 680 nm demonstrating functional independence of the terminal emitters. A complex similar to APCM can be isolated from phycobilisomes of Anabaena variabilis. This is evidence that APCM is the constitutive center of the tricylindrical core of hemidiscoidal cyanobacterial phycobilisomes. Two models summarizing the structural and functional consequences of the results are presented in the discussion.  相似文献   
Summary Male fire-bellied toads,Bombina bombina, are stimulated into calling by conspecific mating calls. They tend to synchronize their activity with other calling individuals, which leads to antiphonal calling. Behavioral physiological experiments revealed the existence of two different auditory filter systems which influence this acoustic behavior. One filter system is tuned to the recognition of conspecific mating calls, the other is part of a circuit that controls an acoustic jamming avoidance reaction. The two filter systems differ in several properties: filter bandwidth, threshold, and time constant. Neurophysiological recordings in the midbrain and the thalamus show that the filter characteristics can be explained by the coding properties of auditory neurons in these two brain nuclei.  相似文献   
Summary Cyanidium caldarium grows in acid water obtained from a bacterial leaching procedure and the alga is capable of precipitating metals from the solution. This study demonstrates that changes in culture and oxidation-reduction conditions may result in a different bioaccumulation of metals.  相似文献   
A monkey cell factor that interacts specifically with double- and single-stranded DNA sequences in the early domain of the simian virus 40 (SV40) core origin of replication was identified using gel-retention assays. The protein was enriched over 1200-fold using ion-exchange and affinity chromatography on single-strand DNA cellulose. Binding of protein to mutant origin DNA restriction fragments was correlated with replication activity of the mutant DNAs. Exonuclease footprint experiments on single-stranded DNA revealed prominent pause sites in the early domain of the core origin. The results suggest that this cellular protein may be involved in SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   
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