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The fossil genus Paralbunea Hu and Tao, described as an anomuran albuneid, is a junior homonym of Paralbunea Serène and a possible synonym of either the brachyuran raninid Ranilia H. Milne Edwards, 1837, or Cosmonotus Adams and White, 1848. The type series of P. taipeiensis Hu and Tao is composed of at least two species belonging to two raninid genera and appears (in part) assignable to the genus Ranilia and (in part) to Cosmonotus grayi Adams and White, 1848. However, due to both limited availability and poor quality of the holotype of Paralbunea taipeiensis , and destruction of the paratypes, this taxon cannot be unequivocally synonymized with any particular raninid taxon and a new name is proposed to replace Hu and Tao's preoccupied generic name. Caution is urged when describing purported albuneid fossils, due to strong convergence with raninid crabs, which are far more common in the fossil record.  相似文献   
Heteronuclear NMR relaxation measurements and hydrogen exchange data have been used to characterize protein dynamics in the presence or absence of stabilizing solutes from hyperthermophiles. Rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas was selected as a model protein and the effect of diglycerol phosphate on its dynamic behaviour was studied. The presence of 100 mM diglycerol phosphate induces a fourfold increase in the half-life for thermal denaturation of D. gigas rubredoxin. A model-free analysis of the protein backbone relaxation parameters shows an average increase of generalized order parameters of 0.015 reflecting a small overall reduction in mobility of fast-scale motions. Hydrogen exchange data acquired over a temperature span of 20 degrees C yielded thermodynamic parameters for the structural opening reactions that allow for the exchange. This shows that the closed form of the protein is stabilized by an additional 1.6 kJ x mol(-1) in the presence of the solute. The results seem to indicate that the stabilizing effect is due mainly to a reduction in mobility of the slower, larger-scale motions within the protein structure with an associated increase in the enthalpy of interactions.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that IL-6 release from muscle during exercise may be related to muscle activity of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Eight healthy, well-trained young men completed two 60-min trials on a bicycle ergometer at 70% of their peak oxygen uptake in either a glycogen-depleted or a glycogen-loaded state. IL-6 was released from the leg already after 10 min of exercise in the glycogen-depleted state, whereas no significant release was observed at any time in the loaded state. Nevertheless, plasma IL-6 increased similarly in the two trials from approximately 0.8 pg/ml at rest to approximately 4.5 pg/ml after 60 min of exercise. Activity of alpha1-AMPK (160%) and alpha2-AMPK (145%) was increased at rest in the glycogen-depleted compared with the loaded situation. During exercise, alpha1-AMPK activity did not change from resting levels in both trials, whereas alpha2-AMPK activity increased only in the glycogen-depleted state. After 60 min of exercise in the glycogen-depleted state, individual values of alpha2-AMPK activity correlated significantly (r = 0.87, P < 0.006) with individual values of IL-6 release as well as with average IL-6 release over the entire 60 min (r = 0.86, P < 0.006). The present data are compatible with a role for AMPK in IL-6 release during exercise or a role for IL-6 in activating AMPK. Alternatively, both AMPK and IL-6 are independent sensors of a low muscle glycogen concentration during exercise. In addition, leg release of IL-6 cannot alone explain the increase in plasma IL-6 during exercise.  相似文献   
InDrosophila, unlike humans, the lysosomal acid phosphatase (Acph-1) is a non-essential enzyme. It is also one of the most rapidly evolving gene-enzyme systems in the genus. In order to determine which parts of the enzyme are conserved and which parts are apparently under little functional constraint, we cloned the gene fromDrosophila melanogaster via a chromosomal walk. Fragments from the gene were used to recover an apparently full-length cDNA. The cDNA was subcloned into aDrosophila transformation vector where it was under the control of the 5′ promoter sequence of thehsp-70 gene. Three independent transformants were obtained; in each, Acph-1 expression from the cDNA was constitutive and not dependent on heat shock, as determined by densitometric analyses of the allozymic forms of the enzyme. The pattern of expression indicates thehsp-70 and endogenousAcph-1 promoters act together in some, but not all, tissues. The sequence of the cDNA was determined using deletions made with exonuclease III, and primers deduced from the cDNA sequence were used to sequence the genomic clone. Five introns were found, and putative 5′ up-stream regulatory sequences were identified. Amino acid sequence comparisons have revealed several highly conserved motifs betweenDrosophila Acph-1 and vertebrate lysosomal and prostatic acid phosphatases.  相似文献   
Summary The ability of time-averaged restrained molecular dynamics (TARMD) to escape local low-energy conformations and explore conformational space is compared with conventional simulated-annealing methods. Practical suggestions are offered for performing TARMD calculations with ligand-receptor systems, and are illustrated for the complex of the immunosuppressant FK506 bound to Q50R,A95H,K98I triple mutant FKBP-13. The structure of 13C-labeled FK506 bound to triple-mutant FKBP-13 was determined using a set of 87 NOE distance restraints derived from HSQC-NOESY experiments. TARMD was found to be superior to conventional simulated-annealing methods, and produced structures that were conformationally similar to FK506 bound to wild-type FKBP-12. The individual and combined effects of varying the NOE restraint force constant, using an explicit model for the protein binding pocket, and starting the calculations from different ligand conformations were explored in detail.Abbreviations DG distance geometry - dmFKBP-12 double-mutant (R42K,H87V) FKBP-12 - FKBP-12 FK506-binding protein (12 kDa) - FKBP-13 FK506-binding protein (13 kDa) - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence - KNOE force constant (penalty) for NOE-derived distance restraints - MD molecular dynamics - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - SA simulated annealing - TARMD molecular dynamics with time-averaged restraints - tmFKBP-13 triple-mutant (Q50R,A95H,K98I) FKBP-13 - wtFKBP-12 wild-type FKBP-12  相似文献   
 Mutations causing a visible phenotype in the adult serve as valuable visible genetic markers in multicellular genetic model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans and Arabidopsis thaliana. In a large scale screen for mutations affecting early development of the zebrafish, we identified a number of mutations that are homozygous viable or semiviable. Here we describe viable mutations which produce visible phenotypes in the adult fish. These predominantly affect the fins and pigmentation, but also the eyes and body length of the adult. A number of dominant mutations caused visible phenotypes in the adult fish. Mutations in three genes, long fin, another long fin and wanda affected fin formation in the adult. Four mutations were found to cause a dominant reduction of the overall body length in the adult. The adult pigment pattern was found to be changed by dominant mutations in wanda, asterix, obelix, leopard, salz and pfeffer. Among the recessive mutations producing visible phenotypes in the homozygous adult, a group of mutations that failed to produce melanin was assayed for tyrosinase activity. Mutations in sandy produced embryos that failed to express tyrosinase activity. These are potentially useful for using tyrosinase as a marker for the generation of transgenic lines of zebrafish. Received: 17 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori is an important etiologic agent of gastroduodenal disease in humans. In this report, we describe a general genetic approach for the identification of genes encoding exported proteins in H. pylori. The novel TnMax9 mini-blaM transposon was used for insertion mutagenesis of a H. pylori gene library established in Escherichia coli. A total of 192 E. coli clones expressing active β-lactamase fusion proteins (BlaM+) were obtained, indicating that the corresponding target plasmids carry H. pylori genes encoding putative extracytoplasmic proteins. Natural transformation of H. pylori P1 or P12 using the 192 mutant plasmids resulted in 135 distinct H. pylori mutant strains (70%). Screening of the H. pylori collection of mutant strains allowed the identification of mutant strains impaired in motility, in natural transformation competence and in adherence to gastric epithelial cell lines. Motility mutants could be grouped into distinct classes: (i) mutant strains lacking the major flagellin subunit FlaA and intact flagella (class I); (ii) mutant strains with apparently normal flagella, but reduced motility (class II), and (iii) mutant strains with obviously normal flagella, but completely abolished motility (class III). Two independent mutations that exhibited defects in natural competence for genetic transformation mapped to different genetic loci. In addition, two independent mutant strains were isolated by their failure to bind to the human gastric carcinoma cell line Katoill. Both mutant strains carried a transposon in the same gene, 0.8 kb apart, and showed decreased autoagglutination when compared to the wild-type strain.  相似文献   
The elongation of amylose and amylopectin chains in isolated starch granules   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
The aim of this work was to investigate the conditions required for amylose synthesis in starch granules. Although the major granule-bound isoform of starch synthase - GBSSI - catalyses the synthesis of amylose in vivo, 14C from ADP[14C]glucose was incorporated primarily into a specific subset of amylopectin chains when supplied to starch granules isolated from pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Incubation of granules with soluble extracts of these organs revealed that the extracts contained compounds that increased the incorporation of 14C into amylose. These compounds were rendered inactive by treatment of the extracts with α-glucosidase, suggesting that they were malto-oligosaccharides. Consistent with this idea, provision of pure malto-oligosaccharides to isolated granules resulted in a dramatic shift in the pattern of incorporation of 14C, from amylopectin chains to amylose molecules. Comparison of the pattern of incorporation in granules from wild-type peas and lam mutant peas which lack GBSSI showed that this effect of malto-oligosaccharides was specifically on GBSSI. The significance of these results for understanding of the synthesis of amylose and amylopectin in storage organs is discussed.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies Ki-S3 and Ki-S5 yield new data on the 'Ki-67'proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The monoclonal antibody (mab) Ki-67 has been used for about 10 years, mainly in tissue sections, to monitor proliferating cells, but so far only very little is known about the proteins it recognizes. The new mabs Ki-S3 and Ki-S5 detect proliferating cells in frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues. They recognize proteins with the same molecular mass as Ki-67 in Western blot and for the first time also in immunoprecipitation experiments. With these mabs we were able to enrich and purify the Ki-67 proteins. Protein sequencing of four peptides of the digested proteins corresponded to the cDNA-deduced amino acid sequence already published for the Ki-67 proteins.
Since we were able to immunoprecipitate the Ki-67 proteins, we performed various immunoprecipitation experiments to obtain more information about the nature of these proteins. After radiolabelling L428 cells with [35S]-methionine we were able to immunoprecipitate the Ki-67 proteins after only 5 min of labelling time. In turnover experiments the Ki-67 proteins could not be detected 3 h after the end of labelling. These data indicate a halt-life of the Ki-67 proteins of about 90 min.
Labelling experiments with [32P]-orthophosphate revealed that the Ki-67 proteins are phosphorylated. After dephosphorylation was blocked with okadaic acid or cell growth was arrested by means of Colcemid, the phosphorylation of the Ki-67 proteins was greatly increased, indicating that the Ki-67 proteins are phosphorylated via serine and threonine, and that the phosphorylation of the Ki-67 proteins increases in cycling cells. Labelling experiments with [3H]-mannose and [3H]-glucose revealed that the protein is weakly N -glycosylated.  相似文献   
The aim of the work was to determine the effect of exposing ovine bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM)in vivotoPasteurella haemolyticaand/orBordetella parapertussison the subsequent uptake and killing ofP. haemolyticaby these cellsin vitro. Exposurein vivotoP. haemolyticadid not affect the uptake ofP. haemolyticaby BAMin vitrobut reduced (P< 0·05) the intracellular killing of bacteria. Exposurein vivotoB. parapertussishad no significant effect on either the uptake of killing ofP. haemolytica in vitro. However, sequential exposurein vivotoB. parapertussisandP. haemolyticareduced both the ingestion (P< 0·05) and killing (P< 0·001) ofP. haemolytica in vitro. These results indicate that exposure toP. haemolyticacompromised the bacterial killing mechanisms of BAM and that synergy betweenB. parapertussisandP. haemolyticareduced the ability of BAM to ingest bacteria.  相似文献   
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