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Various analytical methods have been established to quantify isothiocyanates (ITCs) that derive from glucosinolate hydrolysis. However, to date there is no valid method applicable to pharmacokinetic studies that detects both glucosinolates and ITCs. A specific derivatization procedure was developed for the determination of ITCs based on the formation of a stable N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-l-cysteine methyl ester derivative, which can be measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection after extraction with ethylacetate. The novel method, which is also applicable to the indirect determination of glucosinolates after their hydrolysis by myrosinase, was established for the simultaneous determination of glucoraphanin and sulforaphane. By derivatization, the sensitivity of ITC detection was increased 2.5-fold. Analytical recoveries from urine and plasma were greater than 75% and from feces were approximately 50%. The method showed intra- and interday variations of less than 11 and 13%, respectively. Applicability of the method was demonstrated in mice that received various doses of glucoraphanin or that were fed a glucoraphanin-rich diet. Besides glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, glucoerucin and erucin were detected in urine and feces of mice. The novel method provides an essential tool for the analysis of bioactive glucosinolates and their hydrolysis products and, thus, will contribute to the elucidation of their bioavailability.  相似文献   
Cell kinetic parameters of cells in the crypt of the jejunum of the mouse were obtained autoradiographically. A number of different methods used in cell proliferation studies were applied to the same animal strain kept under constant conditions. In order to avoid effects of geometrical factors, squashes of isolated crypts were used.
The generation time was determined by the per cent labelled mitoses method of Quastler, modified by double labelling with 3H- and 14C-TdR. This modified method permits a more exact determination of the generation time. The duration of the cycle was 14 hr.
Double labelling experiments in which an injection of 3H-TdR was followed by an injection of 14C-TdR after 1 hr showed that the cell flux was 7.0%/hr at the beginning of the S-phase and 7.68%/hr at the end. Assuming steady state growth a constant cell flux of 7.15%/hr within the whole cycle can be derived from the measured generation time of 14 hr. These results clearly show that the crypt epithelia constitute a steady state system with constant frequency distribution of the cells throughout the cycle.
The per cent labelled mitoses method after a single injection of 3H-TdR as well as double labelling experiments with 3H- and 14C-TdR give an estimate of the S-phase of 8.0 or 7.4 hr respectively. Double determinations lead to a value of 0.54 or 0.52 hr respectively for the duration of mitosis and to values of 77% and 72%  相似文献   
Diabetes mellitus and neurodegeneration are common diseases for which shared genetic factors are still only partly known. Here, we show that loss of the BiP (immunoglobulin heavy-chain binding protein) co-chaperone DNAJC3 leads to diabetes mellitus and widespread neurodegeneration. We investigated three siblings with juvenile-onset diabetes and central and peripheral neurodegeneration, including ataxia, upper-motor-neuron damage, peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss, and cerebral atrophy. Exome sequencing identified a homozygous stop mutation in DNAJC3. Screening of a diabetes database with 226,194 individuals yielded eight phenotypically similar individuals and one family carrying a homozygous DNAJC3 deletion. DNAJC3 was absent in fibroblasts from all affected subjects in both families. To delineate the phenotypic and mutational spectrum and the genetic variability of DNAJC3, we analyzed 8,603 exomes, including 506 from families affected by diabetes, ataxia, upper-motor-neuron damage, peripheral neuropathy, or hearing loss. This analysis revealed only one further loss-of-function allele in DNAJC3 and no further associations in subjects with only a subset of the features of the main phenotype. Our findings demonstrate that loss-of-function DNAJC3 mutations lead to a monogenic, recessive form of diabetes mellitus in humans. Moreover, they present a common denominator for diabetes and widespread neurodegeneration. This complements findings from mice in which knockout of Dnajc3 leads to diabetes and modifies disease in a neurodegenerative model of Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.  相似文献   
Studies of sulfidic springs have provided new insights into microbial metabolism, groundwater biogeochemistry, and geologic processes. We investigated Great Sulphur Spring on the western shore of Lake Erie and evaluated the phylogenetic affiliations of 189 bacterial and 77 archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences from three habitats: the spring origin (11-m depth), bacterial-algal mats on the spring pond surface, and whitish filamentous materials from the spring drain. Water from the spring origin water was cold, pH 6.3, and anoxic (H2, 5.4 nM; CH4, 2.70 μM) with concentrations of S2− (0.03 mM), SO42− (14.8 mM), Ca2+ (15.7 mM), and HCO3 (4.1 mM) similar to those in groundwater from the local aquifer. No archaeal and few bacterial sequences were >95% similar to sequences of cultivated organisms. Bacterial sequences were largely affiliated with sulfur-metabolizing or chemolithotrophic taxa in Beta-, Gamma-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. Epsilonproteobacteria sequences similar to those obtained from other sulfidic environments and a new clade of Cyanobacteria sequences were particularly abundant (16% and 40%, respectively) in the spring origin clone library. Crenarchaeota sequences associated with archaeal-bacterial consortia in whitish filaments at a German sulfidic spring were detected only in a similar habitat at Great Sulphur Spring. This study expands the geographic distribution of many uncultured Archaea and Bacteria sequences to the Laurentian Great Lakes, indicates possible roles for epsilonproteobacteria in local aquifer chemistry and karst formation, documents new oscillatorioid Cyanobacteria lineages, and shows that uncultured, cold-adapted Crenarchaeota sequences may comprise a significant part of the microbial community of some sulfidic environments.Cold, sulfidic springs upwelling into caves (1, 16-19) or exposed at the land surface (14, 15, 31, 39, 47, 50, 51) have recently been shown to harbor unique microbial communities, reflective of the aqueous sulfur chemistry of the upwelling groundwater or of unique cave conditions. Within these spring and cave ecosystems, new and unique Epsilonproteobacteria 16S rRNA gene sequences associated with a limited number of cultured isolates that carry out oxidation of sulfur compounds have been discovered (7). The abundance of Epsilonproteobacteria sequences in these settings and associated biogeochemical research have led to new interest in the role of microbially mediated sulfuric acid speleogenesis as an important limestone dissolution process that may contribute to the development of karst features in limestone bedrock (19). Additionally, in streamlets from sulfidic springs, unique symbioses between uncultured Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Epsilonproteobacteria spp. that grow in whitish, macroscopically visible filaments have been described (31, 51). Sulfur cycling was identified as a major means of energy production and maintenance of microbial communities in cold, saline, perennial springs emanating from permafrost in the Arctic (47). Studies of cold, sulfidic springs have therefore provided new insights into microbial metabolism, ecology, and evolution as well as groundwater biogeochemistry and geologic processes.All studies of sulfidic springs to date have focused on terrestrial landscapes typically associated with limestone (CaCO3) bedrock. Limestone is one of several carbonate sedimentary rocks deposited by ancient seas, which may contain significant amounts of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) as well as pockets of hydrocarbon deposits, both a source of sulfur. Water that moves for long distances through such rocks evolves through sequential dissolution and precipitation reactions to a geochemistry that bears little resemblance to freshwater. SO42− becomes available for microbial reduction to sulfide in aquifer zones where conditions are appropriate. Where spring waters rich in CaCO3, CO2, and sulfide emerge at the surface, carbonate deposition and microbially mediated sulfide oxidation occur. These processes result in tufa deposits and the whitish crusts often noted in sulfidic spring outflows (12, 13). Carbonate bedrock underlies large portions of the lower Laurentian Great Lakes. Caves in contact with lake water occur on islands in Lake Erie and along the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario, Canada. A cold, sulfidic spring is located in Ancaster, Ontario, about 5 km from the Lake Ontario shoreline (13). Recently, plumes of high-conductivity sulfidic groundwater, surrounded by whitish filamentous materials and variously colored microbial mats, were reported to occur at a 93-m depth in Lake Huron (2, 49). However, there have been few molecular surveys of Bacteria or Archaea in any Great Lakes environment, and no reports focusing on the molecular phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms associated with these Great Lakes sulfidic environments.Along the western shoreline of Lake Erie and within Monroe County, MI, sinkholes and springs are abundant in the Silurian-Devonian carbonate bedrock, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ with SO42− or HCO3 dominate groundwater composition (43). In some areas of Monroe County, sulfide in groundwater prohibits its use as a drinking water source. Great Sulphur Spring (GSS) was first described by Sherzer in 1900 (53) and was named for its sulfide-rich water. The spring arises from Silurian-Devonian carbonate bedrock within 0.5 km of the Lake Erie shoreline and is a convenient location for accessing sulfide-rich groundwater and for exploring potential interactions between groundwater and lake water. As part of a larger study of nearshore groundwater interactions with Lake Erie (27) and to better understand the potential role of microorganisms in sulfur chemistry of nearshore groundwater, we evaluated the chemistry and bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene diversity of GSS. Our study documents a unique microbial community for the Laurentian Great Lakes, comprised in large part of new lineages and uncultivated members of the Archaea, Deltaproteobacteria, Epsilonproteobacteria, and Cyanobacteria. These sequences suggest a microbial community structure driven by (possibly H2S-based) carbon fixation and chemolithotrophy of reduced compounds such as H2, H2S, or reduced nitrogen compounds, all consistent with spring geochemistry.  相似文献   
Purpose: Dendritic cells (DCs) are characterized by their extraordinary capacity to induce T-cell responses, providing the opportunity of DC-based cancer vaccination protocols. In the present study, we conducted a phase I/II clinical trial to determine the capability of DCs differentiated from immunomagnetically isolated CD14+ monocytes and pulsed with a carcinoembyonic antigen-derived altered peptide (CEAalt) to induce specific CD8+ T cells in cancer patients. Experimental design: Nine patients with CEA-positive colorectal cancer (n=7) or lung cancer (n=2) were enrolled in this study. Autologous CD14+ monocytes were isolated by large-scale immunomagnetic separation and differentiated to mature DCs in sufficient numbers and at high purity. After incubation with the CEAalt peptide and keyhole limpet hemocyanin, DCs were administered to patients intravenously at dose levels of 1×107 and 5×107 cells. Patients received four immunizations every second week. Results: ELISPOT analysis revealed a vaccine-induced increase in the number of CEAalt peptide-specific Interferon (IFN)-gamma producing CD8+ T cells in five of nine patients and of CD8+ T lymphocytes recognizing the native CEA peptide in three of nine patients. In addition, CD8+ T lymphocytes derived from one patient exhibiting an immunological response after vaccination efficiently lysed peptide-loaded T2 cells and tumor cells. Immunization was well tolerated by all patients without severe signs of toxicity. Conclusion: Vaccination with CEAalt-pulsed DCs derived from immunomagnetically isolated CD14+ monocytes efficiently expand peptide-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in vivo and may be a promising alternative for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Two xylose-fermenting glucose-derepressed Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were constructed in order to investigate the influence of carbon catabolite repression on xylose metabolism. S. cerevisiae CPB.CR2 (mig1, XYL1, XYL2, XKS1) and CPB.MBH2 (mig1, mig2, XYL1, XYL2, XKS1) were analysed for changes in xylose consumption rate and ethanol production rate during anaerobic batch and chemostat cultivations on a mixture of 20 g l–1 glucose and 50 g l–1 xylose, and their characteristics were compared to the parental strain S. cerevisiae TMB3001 (XYL1, XYL2, XKS1). Improvement of xylose utilisation was limited during batch cultivations for the constructed strains compared to the parental strain. However, a 25% and 12% increased xylose consumption rate during chemostat cultivation was achieved for CPB.CR2 and CPB.MBH2, respectively. Furthermore, during chemostat cultivations of CPB.CR2, where the cells are assumed to grow under non-repressive conditions as they sense almost no glucose, invertase activity was lower during growth on xylose and glucose than on glucose only. The 3-fold reduction in invertase activity could only be attributed to the presence of xylose, suggesting that xylose is a repressive sugar for S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
Excessive sympathetic drive is a hallmark of chronic heart failure (HF). Disease progression can be correlated with plasma norepinephrine concentration. Renal function is also correlated with disease progression and prognosis. Because both the renal nerves and renin-angiotensin II system are activated in chronic HF we hypothesized that excessive renal sympathetic nerve activity decreases renal blood flow in HF and is associated with changes in angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) and angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) expression. The present study was carried out in conscious, chronically instrumented rabbits with pacing-induced HF. We found that rabbits with HF showed a decrease in mean renal blood flow (19.8±1.6 in HF vs. 32.0±2.5 ml/min from prepace levels; P<0.05) and an increase in renal vascular resistance (3.26±0.29 in HF vs. 2.21±0.13 mmHg·ml(-1)·min in prepace normal rabbits; P<0.05) while the blood flow and resistance was not changed in HF rabbits with the surgical renal denervation. Renal AT1R expression was increased by ~67% and AT2R expression was decreased by ~87% in rabbits with HF; however, kidneys from denervated rabbits with HF showed a near normalization in the expression of these receptors. These results suggest renal sympathetic nerve activity elicits a detrimental effect on renal blood flow and may be associated with alterations in the expression of angiotensin II receptors.  相似文献   
Arg72Pro SNP of p53 has been associated with many types of cancer as well as with survival and longevity. We evaluated the Arg72Pro SNP frequencies of a Brazilian birth cohort and their association with current, demographic and birth epidemiological parameters available. In 1982, all hospital births of Pelotas, southern Brazil, were identified and studied prospectively. In 2004–5, blood samples were collected and DNA extracted. PCR-RFLP was used to genotype the Arg72Pro SNP in 3794 individual samples of the Brazil birth cohort and DNA sequencing was performed to confirm the genotypes. The genotype distribution, which was in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, showed a predominance of the arginine amino acid with a frequency of 46.9% Arg/Arg, 42.2% Arg/Pro and 10.9% Pro/Pro. The allele frequency was 0.68 of Arginine and 0.32 of Proline. The Arg72Pro SNP genotype and allelic frequency were related to skin colour where proline amino acid was observed more among black subjects, while arginine amino acid was observed more among white subjects. The individuals without family history of cancer and those with low birth weight were associated with arginine amino acid. The Arg72Pro SNP was strongly associated with important epidemiological variables confirming that genetic profiles on cohort studies can improve our understanding of the susceptibility of diseases and its risk factors.  相似文献   
Conantokin-T, a 21-amino acid peptide which induces sleep-like symptoms in young mice was purified from the venom of the fish-hunting cone snail, Conus tulipa. The amino acid sequence of the peptide was determined and verified by chemical synthesis. The peptide has 4 residues of the modified amino acid, gamma-carboxyglutamate (Gla). The sequence of the peptide is: Gly-Glu-Gla-Gla-Tyr-Gln-Lys-Met-Leu-Gla-Asn-Leu-Arg-Gla-Ala-Glu-Val-Lys- Lys-Asn-Ala-NH2. Conantokin-T inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated calcium influx in central nervous system neurons. This observation suggests that like conantokin-G (a homologous Conus peptide with recently identified NMDA antagonist activity) conantokin-T has NMDA antagonist activity. A sequence comparison of conantokins-T and -G identifies the 4 Gla residues and the N-terminal dipeptide sequence as potential key elements for the biological activity of this peptide.  相似文献   
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