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目的 检测P13K、p-AKT及HIF-1α三种蛋白在胰腺癌组织中的表达并探讨其与临床病理因素的关系及三者之间的相关性.方法 采用免疫组织化学SP法检测43例胰腺癌组织、9例胰腺炎组织和8例正常胰腺组织中P13K、p-AKT及HIF.1a三种蛋白的表达.结果 P13K、p-AKT的阳性表达主要位于肿瘤细胞胞浆,HIF-1α的阳性表达主要位于细胞核或细胞浆.P13K、p-AKT及HIF-1α在胰腺癌组织中的阳性表达率分别为62.79%、67.44%和69.77%,三者均显著高于在正常胰腺组织和慢性胰腺炎组织中的表达,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).P13K、p-AKT及HIF-1α的异常表达均与胰腺癌的淋巴结转移和TNM分期有关(P<0.05),与患者的性别、年龄、部位、分化程度和病理分型无关(P>0.05).P13K、p-AKT及HIF-1α三者间的表达呈正相关.结论 P13K、p-AKT及HIF-1α的表达在胰腺癌的生长、浸润转移中起重要作用,P13K-AKT信号通路激活可能促进HIF-1α的表达.  相似文献   
目的:探讨地高辛抗血清对大鼠实验性心肌缺血/再灌注损伤(MI/R)的心肌氧化应激的影响。方法:采用左冠状动脉前降支结扎30min,复灌45min建立在体大鼠MI/R模型。SD大鼠随机分成假手术组、缺血/再灌注模型组、生理盐水组、维拉帕米组、小、中、大剂量地高辛抗血清组:于再灌注45min后检测左室心尖部缺血区心肌中内洋地黄素含量、心肌细胞膜Na^+,K^+-ATP酶和SOD活性以及MDA含量,光镜下观察心肌组织形态学变化。结果:MI/R组和生理盐水组大鼠心肌组织内洋地黄素水平明显升高,细胞膜Na^+,K^+-ATP酶活性明显下降,心肌组织SOD活性降低,MDA水平升高。治疗组包括维拉帕米组均能减轻心肌组织结构损伤,降低MDA水平,部分恢复SOD活性;但只有地高辛抗血清能降低心肌组织内洋地黄素水平,恢复心肌细胞膜Na^+,K^+-ATP酶活性。结论:地高辛抗血清通过拮抗内洋地黄素,恢复心肌细胞膜Na^+,K^+-ATP酶活性,从而减轻缺血/再灌注时的氧自由基损伤。  相似文献   
通过对贵州省普定县喀斯特地区不同植被演替阶段群落的调查, 研究了植被演替过程中群落物种组成和群落结构的变化。结果表明, 该地区的植被主要处于5个演替阶段, 即次生乔木林、乔灌过渡林、藤刺灌丛、稀灌草丛以及火烧干扰后的蕨类植物群落。本次调查共记录到植物365种, 隶属89科218属。其中, 蕨类植物31种, 隶属14科23属; 种子植物334种, 隶属75科195属。物种分布较多的科主要有蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科、百合科、忍冬科、唇形科、莎草科、樟科、葡萄科和水龙骨科。随着正向演替的推进, 物种丰富度增加, 群落结构趋于复杂化。藤刺灌丛与乔灌过渡林群落层次不明显, 次生乔木林分层明显。从藤刺灌丛向次生乔木林演替的过程中, 小径级个体所占比例明显降低, 高于1.3 m植物的总密度、乔木密度和藤本密度都先升高后降低, 而灌木密度呈逐渐降低的趋势。对喀斯特地区植被的恢复提出了参考措施。  相似文献   
病毒侵染对西伯利亚百合DNA甲基化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用基于AFLP的甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术,用10对引物对侵染百合花叶病毒和丛簇病毒的西伯利亚百合植株和无毒植株进行DNA甲基化水平和模式分析.结果发现,西伯利亚百合无毒植株和病毒侵染植株的平均甲基化水平分别为40.1%和31.5%;平均全甲基化率分别为13.0%和9.7%;半甲基化率分别为27.1%和21.8%.研究表明,百合DNA甲基化多以半甲基化的形式存在;病毒侵染导致百合植株DNA甲基化水平降低,且对整体甲基化水平、全甲基化水平和半甲基化水平均产生了影响;说明病毒侵染百合后植株出现的症状在一定程度上与DNA甲基化存在关联.  相似文献   
饲料中硒的添加量与中华米虾肌肉中SOD的活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了饲料中添加量为0、0.15、0.30、0.45、0.60、0.75μg/g的硒,对中华米虾(Caridina denticulatasinensis)体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力的影响。结果表明,硒对中华米虾体内SOD的激活作用显著,并表现出明显的时间效应和剂量效应。随着养殖时间的延长,各实验组虾体内SOD的活性会相应地降低。饲料中添加硒浓度为0.45μg/g时,虾体SOD的活性最高。  相似文献   
水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水生哺乳动物(主要是鲸类和鳍脚类)分布范围广、活动范围大、行为复杂,且在水下活动时间长,常规的目视观察受时间和空间限制,通常只能获取有限的信。信标跟踪记录(Bio-logging)具有可跟随移动和自主操作的特征,能在很大程度上突破时间和空间限制,实时获取动物及其栖息环境信息。水生哺乳动物的信标跟踪记录始于20世纪60年代1,2,40年来,无论是记录技术,还是应用研究,都有了很大发展。2003年在日本东京国立极地研究所召开的“信标跟踪记录科学国际学术讨论会(International Symposium on Bio-loggingScience)”,收到来自法、美、英、日、澳、德、意、加、南非和中国共152名与会代表的104篇论文。这些论文主要介绍信标跟踪记录技术及其应用的现状和未来趋势。会议以不同研究对象分专题进行交流,共分为鲸类、鳍脚类、类、爬行类、鱼类和其他类6个专题,其中鸟类专题论文最多,其次是鱼类专题。有关水生哺乳动物的研究论文共22篇,除了4篇介绍记录技术外,其他论文主要介绍信标跟踪记录的应用研究,包括潜水行为、捕食策略、能量代谢、栖息地标识和发声策略研究。本文是近年来水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录研究领域相关论文的综述,除介绍水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录技术及其应用研究现状外,还对其不足之处和可能的发展趋势进行了讨论。此外,还重点介绍了我国珍稀动物长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides as iaeorientalis)信标跟踪研究的一些进展。    相似文献   
Oxygen transport behavior in erythrocyte suspension or in hemoglobin solution was studied as a potential therapeutic model for the clinical treatment of blood loss, and this can also provide physiological data with which to evaluate blood substitutes. In the present project, we examined the in vitro kinetics of hemoglobin binding to and releasing oxygen, to provide detailed oxygen-flux measurements for unmodified hemoglobin solutions and erythrocyte suspensions in human, as well as other vertebrates. An in vitro method was used, based on a widely used artificial system, with the oxygen saturation level being detected in real time. Results from this study indicated that the kinetic curves of human erythrocyte suspensions and hemoglobin solutions were either S-shaped or hyperbolic, respectively. Based on these curves, the significance of T(50) emerged in our investigation, where T(50) is defined as the time needed for 50% hemoglobin to be saturated with oxygen, and reflects the efficiency with which hemoglobin carries oxygen. This parameter may be used to diagnose blood diseases, and could be a standard for evaluating blood substitutes. In this study, we also compared the T(50) of 4 species of vertebrates, and found that it shows a distinct efficiency of oxygen binding related to species, and potentially reveals the evolutionary function of hemoglobin and its possible adaptation to the environment.  相似文献   
Protein function annotation and rational drug discovery rely on the knowledge of binding sites for small organic compounds, and yet the quality of existing binding site predictors was never systematically evaluated. We assess predictions of ten representative geometry-, energy-, threading-, and consensus-based methods on a new benchmark data set that considers apo and holo protein structures with multiple binding sites for biologically relevant ligands. Statistical tests show that threading-based Findsite outperforms other predictors when its templates have high similarity with the input protein. However, Findsite is equivalent or inferior to some geometry-, energy-, and consensus-based methods when the similarity is lower. We demonstrate that geometry-, energy-, and consensus-based predictors benefit from the usage of holo structures and that the top four methods, Findsite, Q-SiteFinder, ConCavity, and MetaPocket, perform better for larger binding sites. Predictions from these four methods are complementary, and our simple meta-predictor improves over the best single predictor.  相似文献   
DArT and SSR markers were used to saturate and improve a previous genetic map of RILs derived from the cross Chuan35050 × Shannong483. The new map comprised 719 loci, 561 of which were located on specific chromosomes, giving a total map length of 4008.4 cM; the rest 158 loci were mapped to the most likely intervals. The average chromosome length was 190.9 cM and the marker density was 7.15 cM per marker interval. Among the 719 loci, the majority of marker loci were DArTs (361); the rest included 170 SSRs, 100 EST-SSRs, and 88 other molecular and biochemical loci. QTL mapping for fatty acid content in wheat grain was conducted in this study. Forty QTLs were detected in different environments, with single QTL explaining 3.6-58.1% of the phenotypic variations. These QTLs were distributed on 16 chromosomes. Twenty-two QTLs showed positive additive effects, with Chuan35050 increasing the QTL effects, whereas 18 QTLs were negative with increasing effects from Shannong483. Six sets of co-located QTLs for different traits occurred on chromosomes 1B, 1D, 2D, 5D, and 6B.  相似文献   
克隆得到了柔红霉素产生菌天蓝淡红链霉菌(Streptomyces coeruleorubidus) SIPI-1482位于dnrX下游的新基因dauW,其位于基因组上dnrX和drrB之间,GenBank中Blast发现它与dnrW有较高的同源性,将其命名为dauW,并提交GenBank获得登录号EF523565,根据保守域推测dauW所编码的蛋白属于FAD依赖的氧化还原酶类。将dauW分别克隆至表达载体pET-28a(+)、pET-32a(+),在宿主菌BL21(DE3)中经IPTG诱导后,实现了在大肠杆菌中的表达。初步实验表明dauW在BL21(DE3)中的表达能增加宿主对柔红霉素的抗性,可能与天蓝淡红链霉菌对柔红霉素的自身抗性有关。  相似文献   
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