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利血平能使神经分泌细胞的儿茶酚胺贮存量减少甚至消耗殆尽,导致多巴胺作为GRIF的作用减弱,从而显著增强LHRH-A促进GtH分泌和诱导排卵的效应。对大鳞副泥鳅,利血平和LHRH-A同时注射或者利血平比LHRH-A提前3小时注射,都能激活GtH细胞,显著增强其分泌活动并诱导排卵。利血平的最低有效剂量为1—5微克/克体重。利血平(25微克/克体重) LHRH-A(0.05微克/克体重)的催产效果和多巴胺拮抗物pimozide(1微克/克体重) LHRH-A(0.05微克/克体重)的催产效果一样,排卵率都达到了100%。  相似文献   
Studies of bovine hypothalamic cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) indicate the presence of several peaks of PDE activity, distinguishable by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, displaying different substrate specificities, kinetic behavior, and regulatory properties. Evidence is presented that chromatographically separated forms of PDE activity are subject to control by Ca2+-calmodulin, cyclic nucleotides, limited proteolysis, reagents affecting sulfhydryl groups, and neurohormone “C”—one of several new cardioactive compounds isolated from hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei of animals—in a complex substrate-specific and concentration-dependent manner. Of particular interest is the finding that each of the forms of cGMP PDE, being Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent, possesses sensitivity to activation by cAMP, especially under conditions favoring the oxidation of thiol groups of PDE, resulting in a loss in responsiveness of the enzyme to the activation by calmodulin. This effect appears to be relatively stable but readily reversible by sulfhydryl reducing reagents, which restore both the cGMP PDE sensitivity to competitive inhibition by cAMP and the responsiveness of the enzyme to activation by calmodulin. A reinterpretation of the regulatory properties of multiple forms of PDE is proposed. Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Kreps.  相似文献   
中华白蛉的自育性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现场及实验室结果表明,我国黄土高原的大多数中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)应属自育性品系,它通常在羽化后、吸血前经交配能依靠腹节内脂肪体发育卵泡,一般在产卵后始行吸血。其生理性状是:胃内无血、腹节内有大量块状或条状脂肪体。羽化24小时后,附腺内有暗色颗粒,卵巢内有发育的卵泡。在25℃士1℃下它的生活史分快、慢两型。快型从卵至成虫仅需44—50夭,慢型需要以四龄幼虫滞育,其长短随滞育期而定,最长的滞育期达301天。观察了白蛉幼虫在饥饿状态下对自育性的影响。此外,还比较了吸血白蛉与自育性白蛉的妊卵数。吸血白蛉的妊卵数约较自育性的高出1/5。这种自育性品系的中华白蛉在自然居群约内占92%、主要栖于洞穴内为野栖种类。本文对自育性中华白蛉的生态及其防制策略作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
诱导茄链格孢菌分生孢子形成的新技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道诱导茄链格孢菌(Alternaria solani)分生孢子形成的一种新技术。生长在马铃薯-葡萄糖-琼脂(PDA)上两天的茄链格孢菌琼脂块移接到玉米培养基上,置于日光灯下照射,诱发分生孢子梗生长。然后,再放在18℃下黑暗培养。12小时后,在菌丝块表面有大量的分生孢子形成。成熟的茄链格孢菌分生孢子用蒸馏水洗脱。  相似文献   
Summary We have isolated restriction fragments from a shotgun collection of Drosophila DNA which function as autonomously replicating sequences (ARS) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and hybridize with telomeric regions of the 2L, 2R, 4, and X chromosomes. In an independently obtained set of D. melanogaster clones five fragments hybridize in situ with telomeres and a number of internal sites. Two of them also contain ARSs. A Drosophila mobile P-element also possesses ARS activity in yeast.  相似文献   
从管花马兜铃中分得马兜铃酸-A,7-甲氧基马兜铃酸-A,马兜铃内酰胺-β-D-葡萄糖甙,尿囊素和Eupomatenoid-7。  相似文献   
Two types of electroreceptive neurons — tonic and phasic — were found in acute experiments with extracellular recording of unit activity from the lateral lobes of the medulla in the Turkestan catfishGlyptosternum reticulatum. Tonic neurons were more sensitive to the potential gradient in water (the threshold for most neurons was 1–6 µV/cm) than phasic neurons, they possessed spontaneous activity (mean frequency 4–10 spikes/sec), and their response characteristics depended significantly on the intensity and duration of stimulation. Phasic neurons had no spontaneous activity; their sensitivity was about one order of magnitude lower than that of the tonic neurons, and the response was independent of the parameters of the stimuli. The probable mechanisms of differentiation of neurons into two types, with a possible link with the characteristics of the receptor formations or with the functional organization of the corresponding brain centers, are discussed.  相似文献   
林平 《昆虫学报》1974,(2):189-194
本文记述了在云南采获的金龟子科丽金龟亚科喙丽金龟属的新种5种。新种的模式标本存中国科学院动物研究所。 Adoretus(Prionadoretus)runcinatus新种 体长9-10毫米,体宽4-4.7毫米。 棕或深棕色。披灰白色短细卧毛,均匀不密,底色显露,极疏稀地夹杂较长的竖毛。 体长形,届部稍宽。唇基半圆形,边缘上卷,在黑色边缘后密生一列短毛,表面布锯齿状细刻和小粒疣;额唇基缝稍后弯;额头顶部刻点较粗密,前方刻纹与唇基上的相似;上唇及其喙状部边缘有锯齿状深裂,喙状部的中纵脊弱小或缺;触角10节,鳃片部长于前6节  相似文献   
白翅叶蝉是福建省水稻的重要害虫,苗期受害严重者,整片稻苗苍白,甚至枯死;早稻孕穗、抽穗期常大量发生为害,影响谷粒饱满度,造成减产。福州和闽侯地区一年发生4代,部分5代。成虫越冬。冬季日平均温度达11℃以上时仍能取食为害。春季成虫侵入稻田,4月下旬前后大量产卵,5月中旬虫数激增,5月下旬或6月初达到高峰。早稻收割时由于农事活动引致若虫大量死亡。晚稻田于8、9月虫数较多,但危害不如早稻严重。10月中旬以后成虫逐渐离开稻田,迁往越冬场所。 寄主植物幼嫩茂密和较大湿度的小生境有利于白翅叶蝉的发育繁殖。大发生的气候因子主要是春季多雨。适宜的温湿度范围为温度20—25℃,相对湿度85—90%。 DDT单独使用或DDT与666混用防治白翅叶蝉都能收到满意的效果。早稻秧田宜在播种后两周施药防治;本田于5月中旬虫口密度开始增长之际施药,亦能抑制为害。冬季小麦出土以前清除田边杂草,也是一项有效的防治措施  相似文献   
香蕉低温酶促褐变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
7℃低温导致香蕉果皮变褐,褐变程度可用提取液的OD_(450)值表示。随低温处理时间的延长,OD_(450)增大;还原性物质抗坏血酸、谷胱甘肽含量迅速下降;多酚氧化酶底物多巴胺先有增加,接着降低。 低温下,多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较常温低,PPO和POD的游离态酶活性增高。此外,H_2O_2处理加速果皮变褐,刺激PPO及POD活性;棓酸丙酯处理起相反的效应。故认为香蕉低温褐变是低温损伤、酶促褐变引起的一个复杂过程。  相似文献   
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