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毛囊蠕形螨扫描电镜的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过扫描电镜对寄生人体的常见毛囊蠕形螨的观祭,进一步了解其颚体、足体和雌雄外生殖器等形态构造,为今后深入研究其形态和寄生致病关系,以及和其他种类的鉴別分类等作了初步探索。  相似文献   
1960年7-9月在华中、华北各省市十余个地区, 对当地淡色库蚊幼虫作了对DDT及666敏感度的调查。经测定证明在使用该两种杀虫剂5年左右的地区, 已有不同程度的抗药性产生;部分地区对DDT的抗性较正常品系蚊的致死中浓度高3-18倍, 对666为2-5倍。  相似文献   
龙洞东洋恙螨新种描述及其生活史观察(蜱螨目:恙螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫艳霞  黎家灿 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):495-498
从广州郊区黄毛鼠与黄胸鼠检获的一种恙螨经过实验室培育获得生活史各期.经比较观察两代幼虫的形态,认为是一种未曾描述的种类,定名为龙洞东洋恙螨新种(Dongyangsha longdongensis sp.nov.)  相似文献   
Several models have been proposed to describe germination rates,but most are limited in statistical analysis and biologicalmeaning of indices. Therefore, a mathematical model is proposedto utilize the logistic function. The function was defined asan overall response including time, temperature, and the interactionbetween time and temperature. Cumulative germination percentagesover time were used to develop the model. Germination tests were conducted on indiangrass (Sorghastrumnutans (L.) Nash) strain ‘IG-2C-F1’, at constanttemperatures of 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C. The functionfitted the observed data over six temperatures at r2 = 0.99.Time to reach 10% of final germination (Gt10) increased from2.5 d at 30 °C to 44.0 d at 9 °C, and Gt50 (time toreach 50% of final germination) increased from 3.6 d at 30 °Cto 53.8 d at 9 °C. True germination rate (% d–1) foreach temperature was maximum at Gt50. A linear model of 1/Gt50versus temperature was used to estimate the base temperatureof 8.3 °C for germination. An Arrhenius plot indicated achange occurred between 20 °C and 25 °C for temperatureresponse of germination. Published data on hypocotyl growthof Cucumis melo L. were recalculated using the model. Absolutegrowth rates showed a temperature response similar to the publishedweighted-mean elongation rates. Base temperature for hypocotylgrowth of C. melo was estimated as 8.8 °C. The proposedmodel proved to be useful in calculating and interpreting germinationand growth kinetics. Key words: Indiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash, Germination rate, Threshold temperature, Arrhenius plot, Growth rate, Cucumis melo L  相似文献   
本文报告研究X射线对东亚飞蝗精母细胞成熟分裂和精子分化扰乱的结果。 当蝗蝻进入五龄后12-24小时,用X射线进行一次全身照射,照射剂量为200,500,1000和1500伦。在照射后4—7天取睾丸作涂片,用佛来明氏和 FAA液固定,海登韩氏苏木精或孚尔根反应染色。有时也用相差显微镜对细胞作活体观察。 X射线对飞蝗精母细胞成熟分裂的扰乱主要在引起染色体桥和染色体碎片;在大剂量照射后甚至使染色体粘着成团,阻碍了细胞分裂,或由于破坏纺锤体使染色体分布散乱。 由精母细胞畸形分裂所产生的精子细胞带有许多染色体碎片,这些碎片中形体较大者形成各种大小的微核。 X射线对精子分化的扰乱在于产生各种畸形精子。在精子变态过程中,常见的变化有精子头部(胞核)后端分叉以及由第二次成熟分裂时子核不离开结果而形成的双头精子。 上述的染色体桥和碎片,微核及畸形精子——它们的数量都和照射剂量有密切的关系。作者曾用统计学方法作了分析,计算出经验公式,并分别作了配线。这些曲线都是属于指数型的,作者对它们的意义也作了讨论。  相似文献   
Routine cytological examination and HPV-DNA probing were performed on cervical cells obtained from 215 pregnant Chinese females. The procedure utilized the specific binding of a mixture of complementary [32P]-labelled RNA probes to membrane-bound target HPV DNA types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35. Positive results for HPV-DNA were obtained in 11/215 (5%) of the cases. The cervical smears were routinely processed and in 3/215 (1.5%) cases a cytological diagnosis of wart virus infection was made. All three were included in the 11 probe-positive cases. Using similar molecular biological techniques, pregnant Western females have an incidence of HPV infection of the cervix which is up to five times that of the present series. This is an unexpected finding in view of the fact that the incidence of cervical cancer is higher in Chinese women than American women.  相似文献   
Tongue upfolding; a newly reported heritable character in man   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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