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高粱芒蝇生活习性及防治的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢祥林 《昆虫学报》1977,(2):177-182
在毛主席革命路线指引下,在农业学大寨运动中,近几年来,我州大力推广杂交高粱,作为粮食超《纲要》的一项重要措施。 高粱芒蝇(Atherigona soccata Rondani),在我州又叫高梁秆蝇。主要为害高梁幼苗,特别是杂交高粱,造成大量枯心,有的地块甚至成片毁灭,以致改种。对杂交高粱的制种,影  相似文献   
蓑蛾越冬幼虫中肠的封闭及中肠细胞淀粉酶的残留   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢麟阁 《昆虫学报》1982,(3):339-341
蓑蛾幼虫(俗称皮虫或袋虫)是许多树木的常见害虫。每年11月中下旬,成熟幼虫停止进食,以幼虫期越冬。至次年4月中旬,雄虫开始化蛹。为探讨长期越冬后,幼虫中肠的形态及功能,作者根据其食性,选择淀粉酶活性作为指标,进行了下述实验。  相似文献   
在长江中游的扬子江白鲟和中华鲟上发现二种粘孢子虫,命名为白鲟碘泡虫,新种和宜都单极虫,新种。  相似文献   
蹄盖蕨科的亚科划分的修订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蹄盖蕨科Athyriaceae是蕨类植物中复杂的大科,分子系统学的研究证据表明它是一个自然类群。前人根据染色体的基数,将蹄盖蕨科划分为3个亚科,但没有得到分子证据的支持;本文依据分子系统学的研究结果,再结合形态特征,将该科重新划分为5个亚科:冷蕨亚科、蹄盖蕨亚科、对囊蕨亚科、双盖蕨亚科和轴果蕨亚科。  相似文献   


The diversity of visual systems in fish has long been of interest for evolutionary biologists and neurophysiologists, and has recently begun to attract the attention of molecular evolutionary geneticists. Several recent studies on the copy number and genomic organization of visual pigment proteins, the opsins, have revealed an increased opsin diversity in fish relative to most vertebrates, brought about through recent instances of opsin duplication and divergence. However, for the subfamily of opsin genes that mediate vision at the long-wavelength end of the spectrum, the LWS opsins, it appears that most fishes possess only one or two loci, a value comparable to most other vertebrates. Here, we characterize the LWS opsins from cDNA of an individual guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a fish that is known exhibit variation in its long-wavelength sensitive visual system, mate preferences and colour patterns.


We identified six LWS opsins expressed within a single individual. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these opsins descend from duplication events both pre-dating and following the divergence of the guppy lineage from that of the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei, the closest species for which comparable data exists. Numerous amino acid substitutions exist among these different LWS opsins, many at sites known to be important for visual pigment function, including spectral sensitivity and G-protein activation. Likelihood analyses using codon-based models of evolution reveal significant changes in selective constraint along two of the guppy LWS opsin lineages.


The guppy displays an unusually high number of LWS opsins compared to other fish, and to vertebrates in general. Observing both substitutions at functionally important sites and the persistence of lineages across species boundaries suggests that these opsins might have functionally different roles, especially with regard to G-protein activation. The reasons why are currently unknown, but may relate to aspects of the guppy's behavioural ecology, in which both male colour patterns and the female mate preferences for these colour patterns experience strong, highly variable selection pressures.


Blastocystis is a highly prevalent anaerobic eukaryotic parasite of humans and animals that is associated with various gastrointestinal and extraintestinal disorders. Epidemiological studies have identified different subtypes but no one subtype has been definitively correlated with disease.


Here we report the 18.8 Mb genome sequence of a Blastocystis subtype 7 isolate, which is the smallest stramenopile genome sequenced to date. The genome is highly compact and contains intriguing rearrangements. Comparisons with other available stramenopile genomes (plant pathogenic oomycete and diatom genomes) revealed effector proteins potentially involved in the adaptation to the intestinal environment, which were likely acquired via horizontal gene transfer. Moreover, Blastocystis living in anaerobic conditions harbors mitochondria-like organelles. An incomplete oxidative phosphorylation chain, a partial Krebs cycle, amino acid and fatty acid metabolisms and an iron-sulfur cluster assembly are all predicted to occur in these organelles. Predicted secretory proteins possess putative activities that may alter host physiology, such as proteases, protease-inhibitors, immunophilins and glycosyltransferases. This parasite also possesses the enzymatic machinery to tolerate oxidative bursts resulting from its own metabolism or induced by the host immune system.


This study provides insights into the genome architecture of this unusual stramenopile. It also proposes candidate genes with which to study the physiopathology of this parasite and thus may lead to further investigations into Blastocystis-host interactions.
在1958至1960年间分别从云南和四川的啮齿动物体上采得额蚤属(Frontopsylla Wagner et Ioff)跳蚤多次。经鉴定,其中除已知种外另有三个新种和新亚种,兹分别记述如下。 1.巨凹额蚤 Frontopsylla megasinus Li et Chen新种 鉴别特征 巨凹额蚤新种在亲缘上与台湾狭指额蚤(F.nakagawai taiwanensis Jameson et Hsieh,1966)接近:在形态上,它们的雄性Ⅷ背板和腹板、抱器突、可动突以及Ⅸ腹板的形状都相似。Ⅷ背板后缘都有一列长而柔的鬃;Ⅷ腹板都狭而长,后缘有刺形鬃;抱器突都较长,达可动突前缘中段以上;可动突都较狭长,略成矩形,后上角有一粗壮而色深的刺形鬃;Ⅸ腹板后臂细长,腹缘中段前方有刺形鬃一列3个等。在宿主方面,它们都寄生于Apodemus属动物,也说明它们是近缘的。本新种与该亚种的区别在于:  相似文献   
通过离体实验方法观察58例22—40岁中国育龄正常妇女周期的不同阶段、妊娠期(1—2个月)及哺乳期(2—10个月)输卵管峡部平滑肌收缩频率、波型及对外源性去甲肾上腺素(NE)的反应。实验观察到增生期、行经期及哺乳期峡部收缩活动比分泌期、妊娠期强,前者收缩频率高,多数呈现阵发性收缩,而后者收缩频率低,呈现单个收缩。增生期、行经期、分泌期及哺乳期峡部对NE呈兴奋性反应,只有妊娠期峡部对NE呈抑制反应。峡部环层肌比纵层肌收缩力强,但收缩波型相似。结果表明人输卵管自发收缩活动及对NE反应与卵巢激素状态有密切关系。  相似文献   
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