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During the past 20 years, palaeoecology has established itself as a concept in palaeontology and geology. As in other interdisciplinary sciences, the interchange of methods and terminology between the branches involved has led to changes in the meaning of the terms, and changes or confusion in the corresponding scientific concepts. This calls for stricter adherence to the original definition of the terms in many cases and for their redefinition in others. Starting with a critical review of the scientific and methodological range of palaeoecology, this paper presents a reconsideration of its basic concepts, with proposals concerning the conservation or redefinition of terms and with special regard to terms coined in German literature. It is desirable that similar revisions be undertaken in other language areas in order to attain a stricter, internationalized terminology, preferably substantiated in a dictionary.  相似文献   
The Andes, the world's longest mountain chain, harbours great taxonomic and ecological diversity. Despite their young age, the tropical Andes are highly diverse due to recent geological uplift. Speciation either followed the orogeny closely or occurred after the Andean uplift, as a result of subsequent climatic changes. Different scenarios have been proposed to explain the diversification of high Andean taxa. The Melanoplinae grasshopper Ponderacris Ronderos & Cigliano is endemic to the eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia, mostly distributed between 1000 and 4000 m above sea level. Diversification in several montane habitats of Bolivia and Peru allows tests via cladistic analysis of distinct possible geographic modes of speciation. Eight species are recognized, with three described here as new with revised diagnostic morphological characters provided: Ponderacris carlcarbonelli sp.n., P. chulumaniensis sp.n. and P. amboroensis sp.n. Cladistic analyses of 15 species (8 ingroup and 7 outgroup) and 38 morphological characters, under equal and implied weighting, confirm the monophyly of Ponderacris. Characters from the external morphology and colour pattern provided less phylogenetic information than did the male abdominal terminalia and phallic complex. Species distributed in the Peruvian Andes constituted a monophyletic group, whereas those from the Bolivian Andes formed a basal paraphyletic grade. Dispersal–vicariance analysis resulted in one ancestral distribution reconstruction indicating that the most recent common ancestor was distributed in the Lower Montane Yungas of Bolivia. Eleven dispersal and one vicariant events are postulated, with a South‐to‐North speciation pattern coincident with progressive Andean uplift. Vicariance could relate to fragmentation of montane forest during the dry intervals of the late Cenozoic. From the Bolivian area, ancestral Peruvian Ponderacris may have dispersed northward, coinciding with the rise of the Andes. Ten of 11 dispersal events occurred at terminal taxa and are likely to be recent. However, diversification of Ponderacris cannot be explained solely by the South‐to‐North speciation hypothesis, but may also include both vicariance and dispersal across barriers influenced by Pleistocene climatic cycles.  相似文献   
1. Benthic algal communities are shaped by the availability of nutrients and light and by herbivore consumption. Many studies have examined how one of these factors affects algal communities, but studies simultaneously addressing all three are rare. 2. We investigated the effects of nutrients, light and a herbivore (the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum) on benthic stream algae in a fully factorial experiment in 128 circular streamside channels. Four nutrient levels (none added to highly enriched), four snail grazing pressures (no snails to 777 individuals m?2) and two light levels (ambient and 65% reduced) were applied. Colonising algae were dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyta), which were determined to species using acid‐cleaned samples and assigned to functional groups according to their physiognomic growth form. 3. Diatom community structure changed considerably in response to our manipulations. Light had the strongest influence (as indicated by manova effect size), whereas nutrients had an intermediate effect and grazing was fairly weak. Relative abundances of six common diatom taxa decreased under reduced light, whereas five others became more prevalent. Eight taxa benefitted from nutrient enrichment, while three became rarer. Grazing affected the relative density of only one common taxon, which increased at higher grazing pressure. 4. Diatom functional groups also responded strongly. ‘Low profile’ taxa dominated at low resource levels (nutrients and especially light), whereas ‘high profile’ and ‘motile’ taxa became markedly more prevalent at higher resource levels. 5. Two‐way interactions between experimental factors were quite common. For example, Planothidium lanceolatum and Rossithidium petersenii responded more strongly to nutrient enrichment at reduced than at ambient light, whereas Cocconeis placentula responded more strongly at ambient light. For diatom functional groups, the benefit of nutrient enrichment for ‘motile’ diatoms was greater at ambient than at reduced light. 6. Our results imply that multifactor experiments are required to determine the main forces driving the composition of benthic algal communities. Further, our findings highlight the considerable potential of using functional algal groups as indicators of changing environmental conditions to complement the traditional taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Lucinoma aequizonata is a large lucinid clam which lives in reducing mud around 500 m deep. Adults harbor intracellular chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in specialized gill cells called bacteriocytes. The embryonic and early larval development of L. aequizonata is described by using light and scanning electron microscopy. Gametes were obtained by injection of 0.2ml of 4 mM serotonin solution in seawater into the posterior adductor muscle. The oocytes, 200 μm in diameter, are surrounded by a glycoprotein capsule which gives to the egg a total diameter of 500μm. The development which occurs at 10°C is slow. The first polar body is detected 2.5 h after contact between sperm and oocytes (To+2.5 h), and the first cleavage begins 10 h later (To+12.5 h). The following successive cleavages produce a nonciliated morula, then a ciliated gastrula which begins to rotate within the egg-capsule at To+4.5 days. At this stage, the first shell pellicle appears on the dorsal side of the embryo. At T0+8 days, the trochophore larvae develop discrete ciliary bands which constitute the prototroch. Typical straight-hinge veligers, D-shaped larvae, hatch from the egg-capsule 12 days after fertilization. The newly hatched larvae are 240 μm in length and 200μm in height, and the straight hinge 150μm long. To elucidate the symbiont transmission mode, two symbiont-specific primers were designed and used in amplifications by PCR. This primer set was unsuccessful in amplifying symbiont DNA targets from mature gonads, spawned oocytes, eggs, and veligers whereas successful amplifications were obtained from symbiont-containing gill tissues. These data rule out the vertical transmission mode and strongly suggest that the symbionts are environmentally transmitted to the new host generation in L. aequizonata as for all tropical lucinids examined to date.  相似文献   
The new microsporidium (Microsporida: Pereziidae), Perezia dichroplusae n. sp., infects the epithelial cells of the Malpighian tubules of the Argentine grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus. Characteristics of the pathogen include the following: development in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm; bi-, tetra-, and sometimes multinucleate diplokaryotic meronts, rounded or elongate in shape; unikaryotic sporonts and sporogonial plasmodia, elongate in shape; sporoblasts and spores uninucleated; spores highly variable in size (1.6–6.7 by 1.0–2.7 μm, x?= 3.5 ± 0.09 by 1.5 ± 0.02, n = 100) with eight or fewer polar tube coils and showing a posterior electron-dense inclusion body.  相似文献   
Ozone toxicity was studied in peas, beans, and tobacco (BelB and Bel W3). These experiments showed that ozone toxicitywas related to the rates of ethylene biosynthesis. Sensitivityto ozone was reduced if ethylene biosynthesis was inhibitedafter treatment with aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). Similarly,plants that were able to reduce or prevent stress ethylene formationwere less sensitive after both short- and long-term exposureto ozone. Plants conditioned by longer exposures to ozone havelow rates of ethylene formation and this may be why brief ozoneexposures may be more phytotoxic than prolonged fumigations. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, lipid peroxidation, peas, Pinto beans, tobacco  相似文献   
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