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Alterations in lipid metabolism play a significant role in the pathogenesis of obesity-associated disorders, and dysregulation of the lipidome across multiple diseases has prompted research to identify novel lipids indicative of disease progression. To address the significant gap in knowledge regarding the effect of age and diet on the blood lipidome, we used shotgun lipidomics with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). We analyzed blood lipid profiles of female C57BL/6 mice following high-fat diet (HFD) and low-fat diet (LFD) consumption for short (6 weeks), long (22 weeks), and prolonged (36 weeks) periods. We examined endocannabinoid levels, plasma esterase activity, liver homeostasis, and indices of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity to compare lipid alterations with metabolic dysregulation. Multivariate analysis indicated differences in dietary blood lipid profiles with the most notable differences after 6 weeks along with robust alterations due to age. HFD altered phospholipids, fatty acyls, and glycerolipids. Endocannabinoid levels were affected in an age-dependent manner, while HFD increased plasma esterase activity at all time points, with the most pronounced effect at 6 weeks. HFD-consumption also altered liver mRNA levels of PPARα, PPARγ, and CD36. These findings indicate an interaction between dietary fat consumption and aging with widespread effects on the lipidome, which may provide a basis for identification of female-specific obesity- and age-related lipid biomarkers.  相似文献   
Chiang, Chi-Huei, Kang Hsu, Horng-Chin Yan, Horng-Jyh Harn,and Deh-Ming Chang.PGE1, dexamethasone,U-74389G, or Bt2-cAMP as anadditive to promote protection by UW solution in I/R injury. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 583-590, 1997.A method to reduce ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury can be animportant criterion to improve the preservation solution. AlthoughUniversity of Wisconsin solution (UW) works as a lung preservationsolution, its attenuation effect on I/R injury has not beeninvestigated. We attempted to determine whether, by adding variousprotective agents, modified UW solutions will enhance the I/Rattenuation by UW. We examined the I/R injury in an isolated rat lungmodel. Various solutions, e.g., physiological salt solution (PSS), UW,and modified UW solutions containing various protective agents such asprostaglandin E1, dexamethasone, U-74389G, or dibutyryl adenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphatewere perfused individually to evaluate the I/R injury. Isolated rat lung experiments, with ischemia for 45 min, then reperfusion for 60 min, were conducted in a closed circulating system.Hemodynamic changes, lung weight gain (LWG), capillary filtrationcoefficient (Kfc), proteincontent of lavage fluid, concentration of cytokines, and lunghistopathology were analyzed. Results showed that the acute I/R lunginjury with immediate permeability pulmonary edema was associated withan increase in tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) production. A significant correlation existed betweenTNF- and Kfc(r = 0.8, P < 0.0001) and TNF- and LWG(r = 0.9, P < 0.0001), indicatingthat TNF- is an important cytokine modulating early I/R injury.Significantly lower levels ofKfc, LWG,TNF-, and protein concentration of lung lavage(P < 0.05) were found in theUW-perfused group than in the control group perfused with PSS. ModifiedUW promoted the protective effect of UW to further decreaseKfc, LWG, andTNF- (P < 0.05).Histopathological observations also substantiated this evidence. In theUW+U-74389G group, bronchial alveolar lavage fluid contained lowestprotein concentration. We conclude that the UW solution attenuates I/Rinjury of rat lung and that the modified UW solutions further enhancethe effect of UW in reducing I/R injury. Among modified solutions,UW+U-74389G is the best. Further investigation of the improved effectsof the modified UW solutions would be beneficial in lungtransplantation.

Extensive and unequivocal tight junctions are here reported between the lateral borders of the cellular layer that circumscribes the arachnid (spider) central nervous system. This account details the features of these structures, which form a beltlike reticulum that is more complex than the simple linear tight junctions hitherto found in invertebrate tissues and which bear many of the characteristics of vertebrate zonulae occludentes. We also provide evidence that these junctions form the basis of a permeability barrier to exogenous compounds. In thin sections, the tight junctions are identifiable as punctate points of membrane apposition; they are seen to exclude the stain and appear as election- lucent moniliform strands along the lines of membrane fusion in en face views of uranyl-calcium-treated tissues. In freeze-fracture replicas, the regions of close membrane apposition exhibit P-face (PF) ridges and complementary E-face (EF) furrows that are coincident across face transitions, although slightly offset with respect to one another. The free inward diffusion of both ionic and colloidal lanthanum is inhibited by these punctate tight junctions so that they appear to form the basis of a circumferential blood-brain barrier. These results support the contention that tight junctions exist in the tissues of the invertebrata in spite of earlier suggestions that (a) they are unique to vertebrates and (b) septate junctions are the equivalent invertebrate occluding structure. The component tight junctional 8- to 10-nm-particulate PF ridges are intimately intercalated with, but clearly distinct from, inverted gap junctions possessing the 13-nm EF particles typical of arthropods. Hence, no confusion can occur as to which particles belong to each of the two junctional types, as commonly happens with vertebrate tissues, especially in the analysis of developing junctions. Indeed, their coexistance in this way supports the idea, over which there has been some controversy, that the intramembrane particles making up these two junctional types must be quite distinct entities rather than products of a common precursor.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The DUET Study is a multicenter prospective efficacy and safety evaluation of the ACS MULTI-LINK DUET coronary stainless steel balloon-expandable stent. AIMS: The primary objective was to determine the one-month incidence of MACE (major adverse cardiac events). The secondary objectives were the acute success rate, the restenosis and reocclusion rates (assessed by quantitative coronary angiography (QCA)) at six months and the occurrence of MACE in hospital and at six months. METHODS: Two hundred and ten patients were enrolled between February and June 1998 in 18 European centers. Successful stent placement was achieved in 209 patients. All patients were treated with ticlopidine 500 mg/day for one month and with aspirin >/=100 mg/day. To allow the investigators to gain familiarity with the stent system, the first one to three patients per center formed a separate lead-in population leaving an intention-to-treat population of 157 patients. The majority of the intention-to-treat population were male (79%); 28% had unstable angina, 69% had stable angina, 44% had had a previous myocardial infarction, 15% had had a previous percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, and 3% had a history of stroke. The target vessel was 38.5% left anterior descending artery, 20.5% left circumflex artery and 41.0% right coronary artery. RESULTS: All but one of the intention-to-treat patients were effectively stented (17 required multiple stents). Six-month angiographic follow-up was available in 90% of the intention-to-treat population. Minimal lumen diameter (MLD) postprocedure was 2.61 +/- 0.33 mm, with a residual diameter stenosis of 16%. Six-month follow-up data showed an MLD of 1.87 +/- 0.56 mm with a residual diameter stenosis of 36%. The binary restenosis rate (>/=50% residual stenosis) was 15.6%. Up to one month following the procedure 94.9% of the population was MACE-free, with two subacute occlusions. At six months all patients were alive, of whom 82.8% were MACE-free, and 73% were free of anginal complaints. CONCLUSION: The results observed in the current DUET registry are comparable to data of other balloon-expandable-stent trials, with a low incidence of clinical events at follow-up.  相似文献   
Hsu BG  Lee RP  Yang FL  Harn HJ  Chen HI 《Life sciences》2006,79(21):2010-2016
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant and cytoprotective agent with scavenging action against reactive oxygen species and inhibitory effects on pro-inflammatory cytokines. In a previous study, we found that pretreatment with NAC attenuated organ dysfunction and damage, reduced the production of free radicals, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) following endotoxemia elicited by administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the present study, we tested the effects of post-treatment with NAC on the sepsis-induced change. Post-treatment imitates clinical therapeutic regimen with administration of drug after endotoxemia. Endotoxin shock was induced by intravenous injection of Klebsiella pneumoniae LPS (10 mg/kg) in conscious rats. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were continuously monitored for 48 h after LPS administration. NAC was given 20 min after LPS. Measurements of biochemical substances were taken to reflect organ functions. Biochemical factors included blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Cre), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate transferase (GOT), alanine transferase (GPT), TNF-alpha, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-10 (IL-10). LPS significantly increased blood BUN, Cre, LDH, CPK, GOT, GPT, TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-10 levels and HR, and decreased MAP. Post-treatment with NAC diminished the decrease in MAP, increased the HR, and decreased the markers of organ injury (BUN, Cre, LDH, CPK, GOT, GPT) and inflammatory biomarkers (TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-10) after LPS. We conclude that post-treatment with NAC suppresses the release of plasma TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-10 in endotoxin shock, and decreases the markers of organ injury. These beneficial effects protect against LPS-induced kidney, heart and liver damage in conscious rats. The beneficial effects may suggest a potential chemopreventive effect of this compound after sepsis.  相似文献   
A simple model based on one single identified quantitative trait locus (QTL) in a two-way crossing system was used to demonstrate the power of mate selection algorithms as a natural means of opportunistic line development for optimization of crossbreeding programs over multiple generations. Mate selection automatically invokes divergent selection in two parental lines for an over-dominant QTL and increased frequency of the favorable allele toward fixation in the sire-line for a fully-dominant QTL. It was concluded that an optimal strategy of line development could be found by mate selection algorithms for a given set of parameters such as genetic model of QTL, breeding objective and initial frequency of the favorable allele in the base populations, etc. The same framework could be used in other scenarios, such as programs involving crossing to exploit breed effects and heterosis. In contrast to classical index selection, this approach to mate selection can optimize long-term responses.  相似文献   
Single-molecule anisotropy imaging   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A novel method, single-molecule anisotropy imaging, has been employed to simultaneously study lateral and rotational diffusion of fluorescence-labeled lipids on supported phospholipid membranes. In a fluid membrane composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, in which the rotational diffusion time is on the order of the excited-state lifetime of the fluorophore rhodamine, a rotational diffusion constant, D(rot) = 7 x 10(7) rad(2)/s, was determined. The lateral diffusion constant, measured by direct analysis of single-molecule trajectories, was D(lat) = 3.5 x 10(-8) cm(2)/s. As predicted from the free-volume model for diffusion, the results exhibit a significantly enhanced mobility on the nanosecond time scale. For membranes of DPPC lipids in the L(beta) gel phase, the slow rotational mobility permitted the direct observation of the rotation of individual molecules characterized by D(rot) = 1.2 rad(2)/s. The latter data were evaluated by a mean square angular displacement analysis. The technique developed here should prove itself profitable for imaging of conformational motions of individual proteins on the time scale of milliseconds to seconds.  相似文献   
As an alternative to pharmacological treatment to diseases, lifestyle interventions, such as dietary changes and physical activities, can help maintain healthy metabolic conditions. Recently, the emerging analyses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from breath and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from plasma/feces have been considered as useful tools for the diagnosis and mechanistic understanding of metabolic diseases. Furthermore, diet-induced changes of SCFAs in individuals with diagnosed metabolic abnormalities have been correlated with the composition changes of the gut microbiome. More interestingly, the analysis of exhaled breath (breathomics) has gained attention as a useful technique to measure the human VOC profile altered as a result of dietary interventions. In this mini-review, we examined recent clinical trials that performed promising dietary interventions, SCFAs analysis in plasma/feces, and VOC profile analysis in exhaling breath to understand the relationship between dietary intervention and metabolic health.  相似文献   


Water Rails (Rallus aquaticus) inhabit fragmented freshwater wetlands across their Palearctic distribution. Disjunct populations are now thought to be morphologically similar over their vast geographic range, though four subspecies had been recognized previously. The fossil record suggests that Water Rails (R. aquaticus) were already spread across the Palearctic by the Pleistocene ~2 million years ago, and the oldest fossil remains thought to be closely related to the common ancestor of water rails date from the Pliocene.  相似文献   


The theory of genomic selection is based on the prediction of the effects of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with markers. However, there is increasing evidence that genomic selection also relies on "relationships" between individuals to accurately predict genetic values. Therefore, a better understanding of what genomic selection actually predicts is relevant so that appropriate methods of analysis are used in genomic evaluations.


Simulation was used to compare the performance of estimates of breeding values based on pedigree relationships (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction, BLUP), genomic relationships (gBLUP), and based on a Bayesian variable selection model (Bayes B) to estimate breeding values under a range of different underlying models of genetic variation. The effects of different marker densities and varying animal relationships were also examined.


This study shows that genomic selection methods can predict a proportion of the additive genetic value when genetic variation is controlled by common quantitative trait loci (QTL model), rare loci (rare variant model), all loci (infinitesimal model) and a random association (a polygenic model). The Bayes B method was able to estimate breeding values more accurately than gBLUP under the QTL and rare variant models, for the alternative marker densities and reference populations. The Bayes B and gBLUP methods had similar accuracies under the infinitesimal model.


Our results suggest that Bayes B is superior to gBLUP to estimate breeding values from genomic data. The underlying model of genetic variation greatly affects the predictive ability of genomic selection methods, and the superiority of Bayes B over gBLUP is highly dependent on the presence of large QTL effects. The use of SNP sequence data will outperform the less dense marker panels. However, the size and distribution of QTL effects and the size of reference populations still greatly influence the effectiveness of using sequence data for genomic prediction.  相似文献   
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