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Philippine vegetable farmers commonly use synthetic insecticides to control insect pests on yardlong beans ( Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis ). An important pest on yardlong beans is the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. Overuse of chemical insecticides and the adverse consequences for farmer health and for the environment have been reported. The natural enemies of A. craccivora , such as the coccinelidae beetle, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabr.), do not provide economic control on their own. In the present study the efficacy of the biological insecticide neem (both commercial and homemade) alone, and in combination with diatomaceous earth against A. craccivora was evaluated. The same insecticides were also examined to investigate their deleterious effect on M. sexmaculatus . The efficacies of different treatments with biological insecticides were compared with the use of the synthetic insecticide Hostathion (triazophos). Experiments were conducted under Philippine lowland conditions during the dry season when the occurrence of pest problems in yardlong beans is very great. Commercial neem, NeemAzal-T/S (Trifolio-M GmbH, Lahnau, Germany), significantly reduced the number of A. craccivora . NeemAzal-T/S and diatomaceous earth in combination produced the best control of A. craccivora and were less toxic to M. sexmaculatus than treatment with Hostathion (triazophos). Aqueous homemade neem solution did not control the A. craccivora populations.  相似文献   
With almost 900 described species, Hydraena Kugelann (Hydraenidae) is one of the largest genera among Coleoptera. The subgeneric classification of Hydraena has been controversial, with 11 subgeneric names having so far been attributed to it. Some of these, Haenydra Rey and Spanglerina Perkins, have been treated as valid genera, as subgenera or as species groups. The most recent complete treatment of the genus, based on a cladistic analysis of morphological characters, recognized two major lineages, and only these were classified as subgenera: Hydraenopsis (mainly Gondwanan distribution), and Hydraena s.str. (mainly Laurasian). Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of Hydraena using 212 species plus several outgroups and approximately 4 kb of sequence data from two nuclear (SSU and LSU) and four mitochondrial genes (cox1, rrnL, trnL and nad1). Data were aligned with two different strategies of multiple alignment (implemented in mafft and prank ), and the phylogenies reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. We estimated approximate ages of the main nodes using a relaxed molecular clock with Bayesian methods, and an a priori evolutionary rate of 0.01 substitutions/site/million years (Ma) plus a calibration point based on a biogeographical split. We found strong support for the monophyly of Hydraena and many of the clades recognized with morphological data. The following clades are considered as subgenera: Phothydraena Kuwert, Spanglerina Perkins, Holcohydraena Kuwert, Hydraenopsis Janssens and Hydraena s.str. The placement of three species groups, two Neotropical (H. multispina group, H. paeminosa group) and one South African/Madagascan (H. monikae group), is uncertain, and they are considered incertae sedis within Hydraena. The origin of the genus was estimated to be in the Lower Eocene, with many species complexes diversifying in the Pleistocene. Dispersal events seem to have played a key role in order to determine the current distribution of the species groups in the southern hemisphere (mainly in Hydraenopsis).  相似文献   
CO2 responsiveness of plants: a possible link to phloem loading   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Of the many responses of plants to elevated CO2, accumulation of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC in % dry weight) in leaves is one of the most consistent. Insufficient sink activity or transport capacity may explain this obvious disparity between CO2 assimilation and carbohydrate dissipation and structural investment. If transport capacity contributes to the problem, phloem loading may be the crucial step. It has been hypothesized that symplastic phloem loading is less efficient than apoplastic phloem loading, and hence plant species using the symplastic pathway and growing under high light and good water supply should accumulate more TNC at any given CO2 level, but particularly under elevated CO2. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out CO2 enrichment experiments with 28 plant species known to belong to groups of contrasting phloem-loading type. Under current ambient CO2 symplastic loaders were found to accumulate 36% TNC compared with only 19% in apoplastic loaders (P=0.0016). CO2 enrichment to 600 μmol mol?1 increased TNC in both groups by the same absolute amount, bringing the mean TNC level to 41% in symplastic loaders (compared to 25% in apoplastic loaders), which may be close to TNC saturation (coupled with chlornplast malfunction). Eight tree species, ranked as symplastic loaders by their minor vein companion cell configuration, showed TNC responses more similar to those of apoplastic herbaceous loaders. Similar results are obtained when TNC is expressed on a unit leaf area basis, since mean specific leaf areas of groups were not significantly different. We conclude that phloem loading has a surprisingly strong effect on leaf tissue composition, and thus may translate into alterations of food webs and ecosystem functioning, particularly under high CO2.  相似文献   


Using a functional genomics approach we addressed the impact of folate overproduction on metabolite formation and gene expression in Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1. We focused specifically on the mechanism that reduces growth rates in folate-overproducing cells.  相似文献   
The differences in shell structure and population turnover between organic-poor, impunctate (Hemithiris) and organic-rich, punctate brachiopod (Terebratalia) in a mixed-bottom, siliciclastic setting (San Juan Islands, WA) lead to different taphonomic damage and fidelity with respect to community-level abundance in death assemblages. In comparing shell interiors of similar-sized specimens, Terebratalia is predominantly affected by fibre detachment and shows almost no microbioerosion at the SEM scale; whereas, Hemithiris shows less marked fibre detachment at the SEM scale and is more intensely affected by microbioerosion both at SEM and light microscope (LM) scales. Fibre detachment related to rapid, microbially-induced organic matter decay appears to be the main destructive process acting on Terebratalia. Higher bioerosion levels in Hemithiris at SEM and LM scales are probably related to a combination of a low maceration rate and a preferential settlement by borers. From their vastly different abundances in life assemblages it can be deduced that Terebratalia produces dead shells at a much higher rate than Hemithiris. Therefore, the proportion of altered Terebratalia, relative to Hemithiris, is expected to be decreased due to its higher production of recently dead cohorts. That Terebratalia is also characterized by high damage levels shows that differential population turnover alone is not responsible for the differences in taphonomic damage. This shows that organic-rich and organic-poor shells are characterized by differential post-mortem durability. Although very few Hemithiris are present in the life assemblages, high durability ensures its relative over-representation in death assemblages. Terebratalia is not strongly under-represented in death assemblages, despite its high destruction rate, because of large production of recently dead shells. Even with the biasing effect of differential durability, the good fidelity reported in previous live-dead studies can be enhanced by higher population turnover of numerically dominant taxa, leading to constant input of recently dead shells into death assemblages.  相似文献   
Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) were grown in water culture.About 14 d after tuber initiation no significant differenceswere found between apical and basal tuber parts in 14C-uptakeand partitioning into various fractions from 14C-labelled photosynthate.Thus, the fresh weight of these tubers could be used as a parameterfor the sink size. The 14C-content per tuber (sink strength)20 h after 14CO2-supply to the foliage was significantly correlatedwith the tuber fresh weight. No correlation was found betweenthe 14C-concentration of the tuber (sink activity; ct. ming fr. wt.) and tuber fresh weight. Consequently, tuberfresh weight (sink size) per se must have been a factor whichinfluenced sink strength. Stolon parameters characterizing theirgrowth prior to tuber initiation (e.g. stolon volume) and theircapacity for photosynthate transport (diameter, length) weremeasured at the time of tuber initiation. Significant correlationswere found between these stolon parameters and subsequent growthof individual tubers. Anatomical studies on the proportion ofvarious tissues in the cross sectional area of stolons supportthe idea of a negative relation between growth of individualtubers and transport resistance in the phloem of the stolons.It is concluded that in the initial phase of tuber growth, mainlyfactors outside of the tuber determine its growth rate. In laterstages of tuber growth, when the sink strength increases, thecompeting strength of individual tubers for photosynthate isdominated mainly by factors within the tuber itself, such astheir sink size and sink activity. Key words: Potato tuber, sink size, tuber initiation, transport resistance  相似文献   
Summary A cytochemical study on the endothelium of the hypodermic lymphatic capillaries of the green lizard,Lacerta hispanica, has been carried out. The dialysed iron method produced a homogeneous precipitate on the surface of the endothelial cells and on the inside of the endocytic vesicles. The periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate, low pH phosphotungstic acid and high iron diamine techniques gave negative results. The carbohydrates in the capillaries thus seem to be glycosaminoglycans with carboxyl groups. The possible role of these glycosaminoglycans in the formation of the endocytic vesicles is discussed.  相似文献   
All Illicium spp. have explosive fruits, which is a unique character among the basal grade of angiosperms. Illicium fruits consist of several ventrally dehiscing follicles developing from conduplicate carpels, with a prominent, slightly postgenitally fused ventral slit. The closure of the ventral slit is also secured by two mirror‐symmetrical massive longitudinal sclerenchymatous bands in the mesocarp along the edges and by turgor pressure. The pericarp differentiates into a fleshy (or coriaceous) peripheral zone (exocarp and mesocarp) with numerous ethereal‐oil‐containing cells and a sclerenchymatous (single‐layered, palisade) inner zone (endocarp). Dehydration of the fleshy zone of the pericarp and partial compression of the epidermal sclereids with U‐shaped wall thickenings lining the ventral suture are instrumental in explosive fruitlet dehiscence. Generally, the fruit structure of Illicium differs dramatically from those in other early diverging angiosperms. Gynoecium and fruit structure (and a probable early Cretaceous divergence from the SchisandraKadsura clade) provide evidence for treatment of Illicium as separate from Schisandraceae s.s. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 640–654.  相似文献   
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