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Abstract We consider a mathematical model for the coevolution of a plant's defense against herbivores and the herbivore's ability to exploit the plant. The result of coevolution is predicted using the phase portrait of trait value dynamics and contour plots of fitnesses. The following results are derived: (1) The fitnesses of both plant and herbivore are higher at an “armless” state in which both plant and herbivore invest a minimum amount of energy and/or resources in defense and feeding respectively, than at the coevolutionarily stable state (CSS); (2) Perpetual increase in the trait values of both species may occur when the marginal costs of defense and feeding abilities decrease as these abilities increase; (3) If the marginal costs of defense and feeding abilities increase as the abilities increase, there is a coevolutionary equilibrium with finite trait values; (4) There may be more than one coevolutionarily stable state (CSS).  相似文献   
The acrosome reaction-inducing substance (ARIS) was purified from egg jelly of the starfish, Asterias amurensis. The purification procedure included elimination of neutral glycoproteins from the ARIS fraction by isoelectric pointprecipitation and subsequent gel filtrations on Sephadex G–50 and Bio-Gel A-50m columns. The final preparation of ARIS was homogeneous as judged by cellulose acetate electrophoresis of ARIS and by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A–25 of S-carboxymethylated ARIS. ARIS is a very large, sulfated glycoprotein containing fucose, galactose, galactosamine and glucosamine as sugar components. It requires diffusible cofactor (Co-ARIS) for full biological activity. A Pronase digest of ARIS retained its capacity to induce the acrosome reaction when Co-ARIS was added to the bioassay system. The physiological significance of the carbohydrate moiety of ARIS is discussed.  相似文献   
Cardiac muscle cells from newt embryos were cultured at relatively low cell density. Within 10 days in culture, 2 cell types (spindle and flat type) were distinguished both among beating and non-beating cells. Mitosis in single beating cells was frequently observed both in spindle and flat cells. Some cells maintained almost constant contractile activities throughout the mitotic stages, while the others transiently stopped beating during mitosis, which accords well to the case in chick embryos (1). Ultra-thin section shows the presence of myofibril's structure in a dividing cell, as shown in newborn rats (2, 3, 4), chick embryos (1, 5, 6, 7) and adult newts (8, 9). As a consequence of mitosis, 3 types (spindle, flat and mixed type) of beating colonies developed after 34 weeks in culture. Cell proliferation was accompanied with pulsation and could be directly pursued till the 4th division, suggesting that differentiated myocardiac cells with myofibrils proliferate by their mitoses in vivo , maintaining rhythmic contraction.  相似文献   
Monoclonal rat antibodies were prepared against glycoproteins isolated from murine teratocarcinoma OTT6050 by affinity chromatography on Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA). These antibodies defined three distinct groups of antigens (OR antigens) commonly expressed in teratocarcinoma cells and in restricted sites of the kidney. OR 17 antigen was a new glycoprotein antigen and the biochemical properties were different from any membrane glycoprotiens or matrix glycoproteins so far described in teratocarcinoma cells. In the kidney, the antigen was found in the glomerular basement membrane, and to lesser extent in the endothelium of the glomerulus and blood vessels. On the other hand, OR 8 antigen corresponded to "brushin" defined by conventional antibodies, while OR 4 and 19 antigens were carbohydrate antigens resembling "TC antigen". OR 8 antigen was detected in the tubular brush border and the epithelium of Bowman's capsule. OR 4 antigen was present in the collecting tubules and the thin loop of Henle. Although OR 19 antigen showed distribution similar to OR 4 antigen, there were genetic differences in the expression of the former antigen. All of the antigens were present in early postimplantation embryos of the mouse, notably in the visceral endoderm. These antigens are interesting subjects to study the mechanism of differentiation-dependent control of gene expression, since antigenic distribution is specialized as the result of differentiation.  相似文献   
Transformed hairy roots were induced at the excised site ofthe epicotyl of dry mature seed of a Spanish type peanut(Arachishypogaea)cv. Java 13 2 weeks after inoculation with a wild typestrain ofAgrobacterium rhizogenes,MAFF-02-10266. Composite plantsconsisting of transformed roots with non-transformed shootswere cultured using pouches. Forty days after inoculation, thecomposite plant showed a root system with abundant root mass,more lateral branching and high fractal dimension compared tothe control. No differences were observed in production of rosette-typeroot hairs or the cross sectional structure between transformedand non-transformed roots. The inoculation ofBradyrhizobiumsp.A2R1 strain to the composite plants led to the induction oftransformed root nodules. These transformed root nodules showedproduction of leghaemoglobin in the bacterial zone and nitrogenaseactivity as assayed by C2H2reduction, and exhibited enlargementof the nodule cortex region andde novoroot formation from thenodule cortex.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Agrobacterium rhizogenes;Arachis hypogaeaL.; composite plant; peanut; transformation; root nodule.  相似文献   
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