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The red abdominal skin of the neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi and the cardinal tetra P. axelrodi was found to blanch at night or in the dark. Melatonin added to the bathing medium caused blanching of the red skin. Microscopic observations of the erythrophores indicated that the erythrosomes aggregated in response to norepinephrine, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), and melatonin. Of these compounds, melatonin was the most effective. By contrast, many erythrophores were refractory to MCH. Alpha-melanophore-stimulating hormone, isoproterenol, adenosine, and ATP each caused dispersal of the pigment to some extent. Isoproterenol dispersed the pigment only when an alpha-adrenergic blocker, tolazoline, was present. It appears that the change in color of the abdominal skin is primarily due to increased secretion during the night of the pineal hormone melatonin, while other hormonal and nervous factors may modify the distribution of the pigment in the erythrophores.  相似文献   
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E.C. was partially purified by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and phosphocellulose chromatography. The Km value for glucose-6-phosphate is 1.6 × 10?4 and 6.3 × 10?4M at low (1.0–6.0 × 10?4M) and high (6.0–30.0 × 10?4M) concentrations of the substrate, respectively. The Km value for NADP+ is 1.4 × 10?5M. The enzyme is inhibited by NADPH, 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate, and ATP, and it is activated by Mg2+, and Mn2+. In the presence of NADPH, the plot of activity vs. NADP+ concentration gave a sigmoidal curve. Inhibition of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate and ATP is reversed by Mg2+ or a high pH. It is suggested that black gram glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is a regulatory enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   
Several areas of the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) have soils with significant levels of high explosives (HE) contamination because of a long history of training and range activities (such as open burning, open detonation, disposal, and artillery and mortar firing). Site-specific transport and attenuation mechanisms were assessed in sandy soils for three contaminants of concern: the nitramine hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and the nitroaromatics 2,4-dinitrotolune (2,4-DNT) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). For all three contaminants, linear distribution coefficients (Kd) were dependent on the fraction of organic carbon in soil. The nitroaromatics sorbed much more strongly than RDX in both soils. Over 120 hours, the desorption rate of RDX from field contaminated surface soil was much slower than its sorption rate, with the desorption Kd (1.5 L/kg) much higher than Kd for sorption (0.37 L/kg). Desorption of 2,4-DNT was negligible over 120 hours. Thus, applying sorption-derived Kd values for transport modeling may significantly overestimate the flux of explosives from MMR soils. Based on multiple component column transport tests, RDX will be the most mobile of these contaminants in MMR soils. In saturated columns packed with uncontaminated soil, RDX broke through rapidly, whereas the nitroaromatics were significantly attenuated by irreversible sorption or abiotic transformations.  相似文献   
1. Trichome‐producing (hairy) and trichomeless (glabrous) plants of Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera were investigated to test whether plant resistance to herbivory depends on the plants' phenotypes and/or the phenotypes of neighbouring plants (associational effects). 2. A common garden experiment was conducted in which the relative frequency of hairy and glabrous plants was manipulated. Two species of leaf‐chewing insects (larvae of a white butterfly and a cabbage sawfly) were found less often on hairy plants than on glabrous plants. By contrast, the numbers of aphids and flea beetles did not differ significantly between hairy and glabrous plants. For none of these insects did abundance depend on the frequency of the two plant morphs. 3. A field survey was conducted in two natural populations of A. halleri. In the first population, a species of white butterfly was the dominant herbivore, and hairy plants incurred less leaf damage than glabrous plants across 2 years. By contrast, in the other population, where flea beetles were dominant, there were no consistent differences in leaf damage between the two types of plants. In neither of the two populations was any evidence found of associational effects. 4. This study did not provide any conclusive evidence of associational effects of anti‐herbivore resistance, but it was discovered that trichomes can confer resistance to certain herbivores. Given the results of previous work by the authors on associational effects against a flightless leaf beetle, such associational effects of the trichome dimorphism of A. halleri were herbivore‐specific.  相似文献   
N6-Benzyladenine (BA) was applied to intact bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) primary leaves at 2 and 6 days after imbibition,when they were in the cell division and post-cell division stages,respectively. BA treatment at day 2 temporarily inhibited an increase in chlorophyllcontent in the following day, but stimulated it in later days.No such inhibition by BA was observed for changes with timein DNA, RNA, and protein content and f. wt. On the other hand,BA treatment at day 6 enhanced RNA and protein content, withoutsignificant influence on DNA and chlorophyll content and f.wt. The mode of cytokinin action on greening in leaves during cell-divisiongrowth seems to be different from that in etiolated cotyledons. Phaseolus vulgaris L., bean, greening, benzyladenine, DNA, RNA, protein  相似文献   
The shapes and lengths of copulatory pieces and vaginal appendices of the carabid beetle subgenus Ohomopterus (genus Carabus) vary among species. In Japan, the species in the group with a medium body size (C. yaconinus, C. iwawakianus, C. maiyasanus, C. uenoi, C. arrowianus, C. esakii, and C. insulicola) are usually allopatric or parapatric, except at Mt Kongosan, where C. uenoi, C. iwawakianus, and C. yaconinus are sympatrically distributed. The degree of premating isolation by mate preference was high between sympatric populations, irrespective of the genetic distance between them. However, premating isolation was absent between parapatric populations. The degree of premating isolation for allopatric populations spanned a wide range of isolation values. Thus, mate discrimination by males seems to have evolved mostly between sympatric pairs. These results suggest two hypotheses. First, premating isolation has evolved through reinforcement or through reproductive character displacement after sympatric contact. Second, premating isolation has evolved in allopatry, and as a result of premating isolation, the species can coexist in sympatry. We also examined the degree of mechanical isolation between C. uenoi and C. iwawakianus (a sympatric pair), which have a very large difference in the length of the copulatory piece. The insertion success was low and only one female produced viable offspring among 15 crosses; however, death in females due to copulation was rare. For sympatric matings between C. uenoi and C. iwawakianus, a large difference in the genital size might reduce the gene flow with small mating costs. Gene flow that was significantly reduced by genital difference might cause either the evolution of premating isolation through reinforcement/reproductive character displacement or through the maintenance of a high degree of premating isolation following sympatric contact. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 145–154.  相似文献   
Silica gel thin layer chromatography showed that acetate-2-14C,pyruvate-3-14C and citrate-2,4-14C were incorporated into ipomeamaronein sweet potato root tissues infected by Ceratocystis fimbriata.Rates of incorporation of 14C, from these 3 substances, intothe CHCl3-CH3OH-soluble lipid fraction and ipomeamarone wereof the followingder: acetate > pyruvate > citrate 1This paper constitutes Part 82 of the Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot and Injury (Received December 11, 1969; )  相似文献   
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