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  1. In order to analyze the role of both the fruit-coat and theendosperm in the germination of Grand Rapids lettuce seed andin the elongation of the embryo, the seeds were subjected toa number of operations. The fruit-coat was found to make onlya minor con tribution to the photosensitivity of the seed. Thefact that 100% germination of these seeds can occur in completedarkness, when the restraining influence of the endosperm isremoved by appropriate cuts, makes clear that it is the integrityof the endosperm layer that lecides the photosensitivity ofthe seed to red and far-red light. Thus it is deduced that theeffect of light is exerted primarily on the mechanical propertiesof the endosperm layer.
  2. Neither red nor far-red light wasfound to affect the elongationof the radicle of de-coated seeds,whereas both powerfully affectthe germination of intact seeds.It follows that radicle elongationis not itself the limitingfactor in germination, although ofcourse it follows immediatelyupon the germination process proper.
  3. In order to account forthe ability of red light to initiategermination, it is proposedthat the final step in the germinationcontrol process is theproduction of an enzyme whose actionenables the tip of theradicle to penetrate through the coat.This makes it possiblefor the radicle to begin elongating.Although the detectionof such an enzyme in the radicle wasnot successful, the cotyledonsdo produce both a pectinase andan enzyme hydrolyzing carboxymethylcellulose.Furthermore, seedsinjected with a cellulolytic, hemicellulolyticor pectolyticenzyme germinated to nearly the maximum extentin the dark.This gives considerable support to the hypothesis.
1 Present address: Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. (Received December 5, 1962; )  相似文献   
The metabolism of [2-14C]thymine, [2-14C]thymidine, [2-14C]uraciland [14C]uridine was investigated in protoplasts obtained fromsuspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus. Most of the exogenouslysupplied thymine, thymidine and uracil was degraded, and salvageof these pyrimidines accounted for 5–36 per cent of thetotal amount of 14C-labelled precursors which was metabolized.However, more than 80 per cent of the labelled uridine was utilizedfor the biosynthesis of nucleotides and nucleic acids, and therest was degraded. In contrast to the results from protoplastsof sugar cane cells in suspension culture, the data indicatethat protoplasts possess a pathway for the degradation of pyrimidines,and that the overall metabolism of these pyrimidines in protoplastsis very similar to the metabolism in the intact cells. Catharanthus roseus, madagascar periwinkle, protoplasts, pyrimidine metabolism  相似文献   
Nineteen species of the paper wasp genus Ropalidia are recorded from Vietnam, of which three are new records for Vietnam. A key to all of the species, distribution records and taxonomic remarks are given. New synonymies proposed are: Ropalidia bicolorata parvula van der Vecht, 1962, under R. bicolorata van der Vecht, 1962; R. hongkongensis juncta van der Vecht, 1941, under R. hongkongensis (de Saussure, 1854); Icaria jucunda Cameron, 1898, and R. marginata sundaica van der Vecht, 1941, under R. marginata (Lepeletier, 1836); R. rufocollaris atrata van der Vecht, 1941, under R. rufocollaris (Cameron, 1900); and R. stigma rufa van der Vecht, 1941 and R. stigma nigrolineata van der Vecht, 1962, under R. stigma (Smith, 1858).  相似文献   
A new genus of Assimineidae, Conassiminea, is described fromestuarine habitats in southeastern Australia (New South Wales,Tasmania and Victoria). Two new species, C. studderti and C.zheni, are included in the genus, the former being the typespecies. Conassiminea is distinct from all other assimineidgenera in two autapomorphies in the female reproductive system:the seminal receptacle has two ducts and the bursal duct isextremely wide. The phylogenetic relationships of the new genuswere examined using a morphological dataset. (Received 26 February 2005; accepted 22 April 2005)  相似文献   
Genetic diversities were examined using six microsatellite markers amplifiable in three rare and one widespread species of Tricyrtis section Flavae, which are endemic to Japan. Contrary to a general expectation, the three rare species, Tricyrtis flava, Tricyrtis ohsumiensis and Tricyrtis perfoliata, have comparable genetic variation at the species level to that of the widespread Tricyrtis nana. This is probably because T. nana has not sufficiently recovered genetic diversity from the bottleneck at speciation or because recent range contractions have occurred in the three rare species. Genetic diversity at the population level was smaller in the putative selfing species T. nana than in the other three outcrossing species. Compared with a preceding study using allozyme markers, the genetic diversity in microsatellite loci was considerably larger, probably resulting from higher mutation rates at the microsatellite loci. Owing to the high genetic diversity of the microsatellite markers, genetic differentiation among populations could be estimated even in T. nana with little allozyme polymorphism.  相似文献   
The effects of several growth regulators and amino acids onin vitro organogenesis of Torenia fournieri Lind. were determinedusing internodal segments. Treatment with 2,4-D1 resulted innodular callus formation, while NAA and IAA induced roots constantlybut much less frequently shoot buds. Individually BA, zeatin,and 4-PU induced bud formation, but these shoot buds did notdevelop further. Formation of buds by cytokinin was influencedby a simultaneous application of NAA or 2,4-D, but not of IAA,its degree being reduced when BA was simultaneously appliedwith NAA or 2,4-D. When zeatin or kinetin was added with NAA,numerous roots were induced. The effects of various L-amino acids on in vitro organogenesiswere also investigated using the defined medium in which KNO3was a principal source of nitrogen. The formation of buds wasconsiderably stimulated by alanine and asparagine, and slightlyby glutamic acid in the medium containing both NAA and BA, inwhich bud formation was easily induced. On the other hand, allamino acids except for glutamic acid and aspartic acid inhibitedroom formation in this medium. Root formation was greatly stimulated by proline, alanine, glutamine,glutamic acid, and aspartic acid, and slightly by arginine andtryptophan in the medium containing NAA but no BA. Glutamicacid and aspartic acid also enhanced bud formation in this medium.  相似文献   
The occurrence of a phosphorylase in the extracts of a greenseaweed, Ulva pertusa was demonstrated. In addition, a sugarphosphatase different from non-specific acid phosphatase andan amylase, which are involved in the starch degradation, werealso detected in this sea-lettuce. 1Contributions from the Shimoda Marine Biological Station, No.147.  相似文献   
1. Species diversities of some insect lineages have been attributed to differentiation of feeding habits among species. Our objective was to determine variation in diet composition among harpaline ground beetle species occurring in a riverside grassland. 2. We examined the diet compositions of 14 species from six genera in the spring and 10 species from two genera in the autumn. We performed measurements of nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios in consumers and in their potential food items, and estimated relative contributions of different food items with two mixing models, IsoSource and MixSIR. 3. IsoSource and MixSIR software gave similar results, but IsoSource tended to calculate higher contributions of principal food items and smaller percentile ranges than MixSIR. Among harparine beetle species, there were diverse food utilisation patterns among four food categories (detritivorous invertebrates, herbivorous invertebrates, C3 plants, and C4 plants). Detritivores comprised the main diets of abundant harpaline species in the spring, whereas abundant harpaline species in the autumn were primarily herbivores feeding on C4 plants, or omnivores feeding on herbivorous invertebrates and C3 plants. Seasonal changes in food use were related to seasonal changes in the abundance of each food resource. 4. Mixing model analysis of stable isotope ratios is a convenient and effective method for roughly estimating diets of many species with diverse food habits (such as ground beetles). This method can contribute to determining the trophic relationships of related insects in one ecosystem.  相似文献   
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