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  • 1 The geographical distributions of three species of jumping plant lice (psyllids) along an altitudinal transect (988–1300 m a.s.l.) in southern Norway were restricted within the range of their host plant Salix lapponum. One species, Cacopsylla propinqua, occurred at all sampling locations between 988 and 1222 m, whereas C.palmeni was confined to higher altitudes (1153–1222 m) and C.brunneipennis was more abundant at lower altitudes (988–1101 m).
  • 2 C.brunneipennis and C.palmeni developed only on female catkins. Development times of catkins and psyllids were similar (approximately 50 days) and successful psyllid development depended on close phenological synchrony with catkins.
  • 3 Thermal requirements for development of female catkins were greater at low altitude (988 m) compared with higher altitude (1222 m), showing local adaptation of S.lapponum to altitude. In general, thermal requirements of psyllids were less than those of catkins at the same location. C.brunneipennis had higher thermal requirements than C.palmeni.
  • 4 Field experiments, using polythene enclosures to elevate temperatures at two sites at different altitudes (by 0.6–1.4 deg. C), showed that insects had an enhanced relative rate of development under elevated temperatures compared with their host plants.
  • 5 Indices of phenological synchrony were calculated from thermal requirements of psyllids and catkins. Under elevated temperatures, phenological synchrony decreased at both sites. This resulted in the subsequent development of smaller adult insects at low altitude, although at higher altitude, insects developing under elevated temperatures were larger and had a higher survival rate compared with controls.
  • 6 Effects of temperature on phenological synchrony may explain the limits to the geographical range of psyllids. The consequences of climate change on psyllid populations will depend on the effects of decreased phenological synchrony on insect development and this may differ within the insect's geographical range.
The postsynaptic actions of neurohumors on molluscan musclemay be exerted through control of force as well as by meansof excitation and inhibition. The control of force may appearas potentiation of the response to excitation, as increasedinotropism in spontaneous contractions, or as an increase intonus. We have directed our attention to the alterations offorce induced in aplysiid ventricles by applied postulated neurohumors.The results are interpreted in terms of the known effects ofneurohumors on resting potential and action potentials of molluscanhearts. We recorded compound membrane potentials of aplysiidventricles extracellularly, using a single sucrose gap apparatustogether with a force-displacement transducer to measureforcein contractions or contracture. Aplysia californica ventriclehas a membrane potential of –52.5 ± 9.4 mV. Ventriclesof Aplysia dactylomela or Aplysia californica are depolarizedby increased concentrations of external potassium ion, withan accompanying contracture. After incubation in calcium-freemedium, KCl contracture-force is directly dependent on calciumion concentration. A depolarization of 8.3 ±2.14 mV inpotassium-free medium is blocked by substitution of lithiumfor sodium in the medium, suggesting an electrogenic sodiumpump. There is a sustained depolarization in low chloride medium,which suggests a significant chloride contribution to the restingpotential. Ventricles of Dolabella auriculana or Aplysia dactylomelaare depolarized by acetylcholine (ACh). Threshold for depolarizationis lower than threshold for contracture-force. The ventricleof A. dactylomela is depolarized by 5- hydroxytryptamine (5HT)with threshold at 10–9 M and a maximum depolarizationof 30 mV at 10–4M. Depolarization by 5HT may induce beatingbut does not induce contracture. Ventricles of Aplysia californicaare not depolarized by ACh although beating ventricles are inhibited,and a depolarized ventricle in a tonic contracture may be hyperpolarizedand relaxed by low concentrations. The force of contractionof the ventricle of Dolabella auricularia is dependent on theduration of the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential.The plateau is lengthened by 5HT with an accompanying increasein force of beat, and shortened by ACh, with an accompanyingdecrease in force of beat. The action potential in the ventricleof Aplysia californica is not differentiated into spike andplateau phases, and neither ACh nor 5HT has any marked effecton the form of the action potential. Nevertheless, isolatedventricles of Dolabella auricularia, Aplysia dactylomela, andAplysia californica are all excited by 5-hydroxytryptamine,with a threshold at about 10M. Both spontaneous beatingand excitation induced in A. californica ventricles by 5HT areblocked by lack of the sodium ion, which may be responsiblefor pacemaker potentials in molluscan hearts.  相似文献   
Lesions of the basal forebrain deplete the neocortex of cholinergic fibers. Acetylcholine depletion in the somatosensory cortex of rats results in reduced stimulus-evoked activity in response to whisker stimulation. Previous studies demonstrate that embryonic basal forebrain transplants improve functional activity toward normal. It is not clear if the activity increase is due to cholinergic replacement or other factors present in the graft. In this study, we examined the possibility that nerve growth factor (NGF), a neurotrophin known as a survival factor and a specific protectant for cholinergic basal forebrain neurons, can preserve basal forebrain cells after a lesion and restore functional activity in the somatosensory cortex. We report that NGF alone is capable of restoring functional activity in the barrel cortex of animals with basal forebrain lesions, while vehicle injections of saline do not alter activity. Both high (10 mug) and low (5 mug) doses of NGF unilaterally injected into the lateral ventricle improved stimulus-evoked functional activity during bilateral whisker stimulation. The mechanism of NGF action is not clear since the restoration of functional activity in cortex was not accompanied by increased cholinergic activity as detected by acetylcholinesterase fiber staining. NGF may act directly on cortical neurons, although its site of action is not well defined.  相似文献   
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