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Timothy Asch and Ethnographic Film. E. D. Lewis, ed. London: Routledge Harwood Anthropology, 2004. 297 pp.  相似文献   
The Rhizocephala are considered to be monophyletic due to several synapomorphies in the ontogeny of the cndoparasitic phase. The various types of metamorphosis described in the Rhizocephala are discussed and compared to metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica. In males and females of the suborder Kentrogonida. the cyprid settles and metamorphoses into a new instar, in males the trichogen and in females the infective kentrogon. The kentrogon goes through yet another. incomplete moult associated with the development of the stylet. Within the three kentrogonidan families. the Iernaeodiscid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon differs from the sacculinid type in the mode of attachment to the host. in the complexity of internal anatomy. in the position and penetration of the stylet, and in whether or not the cyprid carapace must be shed prior to penetration of the stylet. In the Akentrogonida metamorphosis never results in a new instar. Where observed (Clistosaccidae and Thompsoniidae). both male and female cyprids settle and penetrate into their substrate (female parasite or new host) with one of the antennules. Using the antennule as a syringe. male cyprids inject spermatogonia while female cyprids injects embryonic cells developing into an endoparasite. By comparison with metamorphosis in the Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica it is concluded that the presence of a metamorphic moult leading to a post-cyprid instar is plesiomorphic and that the trichogon and kentrogon are homologous with the first metamorphosed juvenile in these outgroups. The abbreviated ontogeny in the Akentrogonida without metamorphic moult and post-cyprid larval instars is considered apomorphic. This contradicts the long-held supposition that the Akentrogonida are the most‘primitive’Rhizocephala and dovetails with new information that this suborder contains many advanced traits. Within the Kentrogonida. the lernacodiseid-peltogastrid type of kentrogon is considered more plesiomorphic than the sacculinid type, which resembles the clistosaccidthompsoniid type in having the antennules involved in the penetration process. The homologization of the kentrogon with a juvenile barnacle indicates that presence of a kentrogon is plesiomorphic within the Rhizocephala and that the Kentrogonida is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

After fertilization of sea urchin eggs, there is a rapid increase in cellular levels of NADPH, a metabolite utilized in a variety of biosynthetic reactions during early development. Recent studies have shown that a dramatic increase in the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt occurs in vivo shortly after fertilization, consistent with the hypothesis mat this metabolic pathway is a major supplier of NADPH in sea urchin zygotes. One mechanism that may account, in part, for this increase in pentose shunt activity is the dissociation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), the first enzyme of the shunt, from cell structural elements. In vitro, G6PDH is associated with the insoluble matrix obtained from homogenates of unfertilized eggs, and in this state, the enzyme is inhibited. Within minutes of fertilization, G6PDH is released as an active, soluble enzyme. A similar solubilization and activation of G6PDH occurs after fertilization of eggs of other marine invertebrates and in mammalian cells in culture stimulated by growth factors. The occurrence of this phenomenon in such diverse cell types, in response to different stimuli, suggests that the redistribution of G6PDH between insoluble and soluble locations may be involved in the regulation of the pentose phosphate shunt during cell activation in general.  相似文献   
A population of Luisia curtisii (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) in northern Thailand was studied with regard to pollination biology. Although a high level of self-compatibility was demonstrated experimentally, the very low natural fruit set (1.4–1.9 %) clearly indicated that the species depends on external agents for pollination. Our observations suggest that L. curtisii is pollinated by beetles, as Lema unicolor (Chrysomelidae) and Clinteria ducalis (Scarabaeidae) were the only flower visitors observed to carry pollinaria of this species. The hypothesis of specialised cantharophily is further supported by 2-methylbutyric acid and caproic acid being striking components of the floral scent. Judging from the lack of nectar and the behaviour of visiting beetles, the pollination system seems to rely on food or brood site deception. Retention of the anther on the pollinarium for some time after pollinarium removal probably reduces the frequency of insect-mediated autogamy and geitonogamy in Luisia curtisii—a possibility that was supported by comparative data on (1) the anther retention time and inflorescence visitation time of Lema unicolor and (2) stigma and anther length in the orchid. Existing reports of specialised beetle pollination in orchids are reviewed, and we conclude that there is accumulating evidence that specialised cantharophily is more common in the Orchidaceae than previously assumed.  相似文献   
Understanding the consequences of inbreeding in combination with stress is important for the persistence of small endangered populations in a changing environment. Inbreeding and stress can influence the population at all stages of the life cycle, and in the last two decades a number of studies have demonstrated inbreeding depression for most life‐cycle components, both in laboratory populations and in the wild. Although male fertility is known to be sensitive to temperature extremes, few studies have focused on this life‐cycle component. We studied the effects of inbreeding on male sterility in benign and stressful environments using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Male sterility was compared in 21 inbred lines and five non‐inbred control lines at 25.0 and 29.0 °C. The effect of inbreeding on sterility was significant only at 29.0 °C. This stress‐induced increase in sterility indicates an interaction between the effects of inbreeding and high‐temperature stress on male sterility. In addition, the stress‐induced temporary and permanent sterility showed significant positive correlation, as did stress‐induced sterility and the decrease in egg‐to‐adult viability. This suggests that the observed stress‐induced decline in fitness could result from conditionally expressed, recessive deleterious alleles affecting both sterility and viability simultaneously. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 432–442.  相似文献   
We characterized 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Four loci were isolated from house sparrow genomic libraries and 10 loci were identified by testing 100 loci that had been originally isolated in other passerine species. Loci were characterized in 37–54 unrelated sparrows from British and Norwegian populations. Each locus displayed between two and 31 alleles, with the observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.30 and 0.91.  相似文献   
The chrysomelid beetles Chrysochus auratus and C. cobaltinus form a narrow hybrid zone in western North America. We used a combination of direct and indirect analyses to examine the fitness of Chrysochus hybrids. For the direct analyses, we compared the mating frequency, longevity, fecundity and fertility of hybrid females and parentals. For the indirect approach, we tested predictions of multilocus genotype frequencies at a focal site in the hybrid zone, based on the frequencies of mating combinations during the previous generation. Hybrid females produced fewer eggs than did parentals and the eggs they produced in the lab failed to hatch, in contrast to those of parental females. In addition, contrary to predictions that 15.8% of the individuals at the focal site would have multilocus genotypes other than those expected of parentals or F1 individuals, we found no such genotypes at this site. This hybrid zone appears to be an example of a classic tension zone, with endogenous selection against hybrid individuals. We discuss the implications of low hybrid fitness for the evolution of premating barriers in this system, and argue that the integration of direct and indirect approaches is a powerful means of assessing the relative fitness of hybrids, particularly for species in which mate choices are easy to observe in the field.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 273–286.  相似文献   
1. The impact of groundwater seepage on the growth of submerged macrophytes was investigated in experiments on the isoetid Littorella uniflora and the elodeid Myriophyllum alterniflorum both in the laboratory and in the field. Isoetids rely mostly on sediment‐derived CO2 and nutrients via root uptake, whereas elodeids acquire their inorganic carbon and nutrients from the water column. We thus hypothesised that L. uniflora would respond positively to seeping ground water as it should improve both CO2 and nutrient supply. 2. Laboratory experiments were conducted by percolating vegetated cores containing natural sediment or technical sand with artificial ground water of high CO2 concentrations and with either high or low levels of nutrients. Field experiments were conducted in the oligotrophic Lake Hampen, Denmark, with custom‐built seepage‐growth chambers that permitted a near‐natural flow‐through of seeping ground water. Chambers with a solid bottom, and thus no flow‐through of seeping ground water, served as controls in both laboratory and field experiments. In the field, seepage chambers were installed at a site with relatively high seepage fluxes (ground water from forest catchment), at a site with much lower seepage fluxes but with higher nutrient concentrations (ground water from agricultural catchment) and at a reference site with no net discharge or recharge of ground water. 3. Positive growth responses were observed in the field at transects with high groundwater discharge compared to the control chambers with no seepage. No growth response was observed at the reference transect with low or alternating direction of groundwater seepage. The growth rates of L. uniflora in the field were significantly higher in seepage treatments compared to control treatments, and final plant mass was up to 70% higher than that for plants where seepage was excluded. In areas with high groundwater discharge, a strong positive correlation was found between groundwater seepage fluxes, growth rates, and final plant mass for L. uniflora, while there was no such relationship at the reference transect. The growth of M. alterniflorum was also significantly affected by groundwater seepage, but to a lesser degree than L. uniflora. Laboratory experiments generally showed the same trend for both L. uniflora and M. alterniflorum, and the positive influence of seeping ground water was apparently related to increased inorganic carbon supply and, to a lesser degree, improved nutrient availability. 4. Groundwater discharge results in enhanced growth of isoetids and to some extent elodeids inhabiting a groundwater‐fed softwater lake. We propose that the shallow dense vegetation present where most of the discharge takes place acts as a biological filter that retains nutrients that otherwise would end up in the water column and could result in increased algal growth.  相似文献   
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