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The Vitelline Warbler Dendroica vitellina is endemic to the Cayman Islands and Swan Islands in the West Indies. This study examined the phylogenetic affinities of the Vitelline Warbler and assessed mitochondrial differentiation among the three Cayman Island populations. Species-level phylogenetic analyses based on 3639 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence were used to place the Vitelline Warbler in the larger Dendroica radiation. These analyses confirmed that the Vitelline Warbler is the sister taxon of the Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor, a species that breeds in continental North America. The magnitude of mitochondrial differentiation between these sister taxa (2.4%) supports their current classification as separate taxonomic species. Additional comparisons based on the 1041-nucleotide NDII gene sequence from 26 Vitelline Warblers provided evidence of within-species genetic structure. NDII haplotypes from Grand Cayman vs. Cayman Brac/Little Cayman differed by 6–10 nucleotide substitutions, and no haplotypes were shared among these island groups, supporting the current separation of the Cayman Island populations into two subspecies. These patterns support the biogeographical scenario that the Vitelline Warbler was derived from a mainland population of the Prairie Warbler. This may have occurred due to a loss of migration in ancestral populations or from over-water dispersal of a mainland resident population.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. During a 15-year survey (1956–1970) involving more than 12,000 lizards, the incidence and annual fluctuations of both Plasmodium floridense and Schellackia occidentalis are reported. The occurrence of P. floridense in Anolis carolinensis from the Mainland (Fargo, Georgia area) varied from 52% (1958) to 10% (1964) with an average of 35%, while in Sceloporus undulatus from the same area during the same period it varied from 10% (1969) to 2% (1964) with an average of about 5%. The occurrence of Schellackia and Plasmodium in both Anolis and Sceloporus from Cumberland Island, and Schellackia from Anolis from 2 other Coastal Islands (Sapelo, 2% and Seahorse, 30%) are reported for the first time. On Cumberland, the only Georgia island thus far studied, where both Anolis and Sceloporus are found together, 16% of Anolis and 13% of Sceloporus had sporozoites of Schellackia sp. in the blood, while 11% of Sceloporus and 21% of Anolis harbored P. floridense.  相似文献   
A procedure for staining, clearing, and mounting the axis ofa root is described which permits rapid measurement of the longitudinaland radial position and the length and diameter of each lateralprimordium therein.  相似文献   
Abstract A plant culture system allowing growth of aseptic roots has been designed. One version of the system comprises vessels developed for plant root-microorganism interaction studies in series. A second version has been built for measurements of different physiological parameters of the shoot and root system during growth periods of at least 2 months. The system was tested by determining soluble organic carbon glucose and sucrose in the root exudates of rape plants (Brassica napus L.) grown for 3 weeks in the culture system. The plants were cultivated with a sterile or a non-sterile root system, or with a root system infected with Verticillium dahliae Kleb.  相似文献   
Two common types of egg masses rely on differing routes of supplyof oxygen in water. When embryos are embedded in a gelatinousmatrix, oxygen is supplied by diffusion through the gel, andthicker masses require more gel per embryo. When an adherentmass of eggs lacks a gel matrix, oxygen can be provided fromwater flowing through the open interstices between eggs, andlarger eggs provide larger channels and thus less resistanceto flow. Both types occur intertidally, where they are periodicallyexposed to air. Exposure to air can have a greater effect onoxygen supply via interstices than on supply via gel. Oxygendiffusing in interstices drained of water provides increasedrates of supply to masses of adherent eggs. In contrast, diffusionthrough gel is similar for masses in air and water. Effectsof emersion on desiccation also differ for the two types ofegg masses. Additional gel matrix can reduce salinity changefrom desiccation while enhancing oxygen supply, whereas drainingof interstices, though necessary for oxygen supply, may increaserisk of desiccation.  相似文献   
We reconstructed the evolutionary history of Codia , a plant genus endemic to the New Caledonia biodiversity hotspot in the southwest Pacific, using three single-copy nuclear genes. It seems likely that more than half of Codia species have a hybrid origin, but in the absence of cytological information, it is not known whether polyploids occur. Adaptation to ultramafic soils is possibly a plesiomorphic character for the entire genus. We found that species of hybrid origin can have some morphological characters absent in putative parental species, that is, they exhibit transgressive phenotypes. There is evidence of considerable range alteration post-origin in several species because some likely parental species of hybrid taxa no longer co-occur and are confined to putative rainforest refugia; in some cases, hybrid species do not now co-occur with either of their parental species. These results have implications for the design of conservation strategies, for example, prioritization of parental species for ex-situ conservation and preservation of the contact zones between soil types where hybridization is more likely to occur (i.e. conserving the possibility for the process to continue rather than trying to conserve taxa).  相似文献   
Abstract To protect native biodiversity from environmental weeds, the impacts that these weeds cause need to be known before weed control commences. Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Druce (bridal creeper) (Asparagaceae) is a serious environmental weed and has been selected for biological control in Australia. To predict the responses of plant communities to the control of bridal creeper, a prerelease baseline of the impacts of bridal creeper on native plant communities was undertaken. Plant assemblages in areas invaded by bridal creeper were compared with reference areas that contained little or no bridal creeper. Areas invaded by bridal creeper contained 52% fewer native plant species when compared with nearby reference areas. However, there was no difference in the number of other exotic plant species between areas. Similar trends were found for the germinable seed bank. Although a greater number of exotic species were present in the seed bank compared with the vegetation surveys, there was still no difference between areas with and without bridal creeper. In a glasshouse trial, exotic species germinated more frequently compared with native species. This could indicate that as bridal creeper density decreases following control, exotic species have an advantage over native species when colonizing areas left vacant by bridal creeper. Second, as bridal creeper areas contained reduced native species richness and cover, they may be susceptible to further weed invasion after bridal creeper is removed. Therefore, simply reducing the presence of bridal creeper may not guarantee successful restoration of invaded areas and additional restoration efforts will be needed to ensure the ultimate goal of protecting native biodiversity is reached.  相似文献   
Expressed sequence tags for Persea americana Mill. were investigated to expand upon the number of informative microsatellite markers available for avocado. Seventy informative loci were discovered using 24 P. americana var. americana Mill. accessions. The number of alleles detected ranged from two to 17 and averaged 7.1 alleles per locus. These primers successfully amplified products in different varieties of P. americana, hybrids and a related species, Persea schiedeana. These primers will be useful for characterizing germplasm, determining genetic relationships of cultivated accessions, and for marker‐assisted development of root rot‐tolerant P. americana var. americana rootstock material.  相似文献   
Fura-2 and its lipid analogue, FFP-18, were used to measure changes in cytosolic free Ca2+concentration within human neutrophils. Whereas fura-2 was employed to monitor cytosolic Ca2+increases throughout the cytosol, FFP-18 was used to monitor Ca2+changes only near the membrane. This latter probe was incorporated into the plasma membrane as its acetoxymethyl ester (FFP-18-AM) but as de-esterification was catalysed by cytosolic esterases, the Ca2+-sensing probe (FFP-18 acid) accumulated on the inner face of membrane. The fluorescence of esterified probe on the extracellularly facing membrane leaflet was quenched by the membrane-impermeant ion Ni2+. Under these conditions, near membrane Ca2+changes which resulted from the release of Ca2+from intracellular stores was possible by conventional ratio fluorescence measurement of FFP-18. From the timing of arrival of Ca2+at the plasma membrane, it was proposed that there were two Ca2+storage sites, liberated by different stimuli, one close to the plasma membrane and the other more distant. In order to discover whether organelles within the neutrophil had distributions which correlate with the Ca2+release sites, fluorescent dyes for structures within the cytosol were employed. We have previously shown that the location of the intracellular membrane stain, DiOC6(3) corresponds to the distant Ca2+release site. Here a second stain, BODIPY-C5ceramide, has also been used and is shown to stain a peripheral region of the neutrophil, in a similar pattern to the near membrane Ca2+storage site. These data therefore raise the question of whether these stains mark the organelles in neutrophils which are the two Ca2+storage and release sites.  相似文献   
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