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ABSTRACT Geosim was identified as the cause of a distinct earthy/grassy odour detected in cultures of a free-living amoeba, Vannella species. Volatile components of cell lysates were isolated and concentrated by the Closed Loop Stripping method. Capillary, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to identify odorous compounds. Bacterial symbionts observed in the cytoplasm of the amoebae may be responsible for production of the geosmin. This appears to be the first report of odorous compounds associated with a free-living protozoan and suggests that in some circumstances, Vannella sp. may contribute to taste and odour problems in drinking water.  相似文献   
Cytological aspects of uterine cervical adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma and combined adenocarcinoma-squamous carcinoma: appraisal of diagnostic criteria for in situ versus invasive lesions
This paper reports the cytological findings based on air-dried smears in a retrospective series of 143 cases of endocervical adenocarcinoma, combined adenocarcinoma-squamous carcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma drawn from the files of the BC Cancer Registry. Cervical cytology smears were available before biopsy in 131 patients, but in 18 cases the cytology showed no abnormality. Malignant changes or high-grade atypia of glandular and/or squamous cells (defined as moderate or severe dyskaryosis) were detected in 103 cases. In 46 cases, only a high-grade squamous abnormality was detected. Low-grade glandular and/or squamous lesions were detected in nine cases and one showed atypical endometrial-type glands. The cervical smears of 64 cases were reviewed in detail to determine the important cytomorphological criteria of in situ and invasive adenocarcinoma in air-dried smears, the technique used for preparing PAP smears in British Columbia. Endocervical cells were absent in four cases. Numerous (>10) groups of glandular cells were present in 51 cases. Important clues to the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma included crowding of nuclei, stratification of nuclei, loss of polarity, syncytial balls and papillary groups of glandular cells, nuclear enlargement, nuclear pleomorphism, and the presence of free-lying atypical glandular cells. Nuclear hyperchromatism, chromatin pattern, nuclear borders, nuclear membranes, and numbers and morphology of nucleoli were not helpful criteria in our material. Criteria enabling reliable distinction between in situ and invasive adenocarcinoma and/or mixed adenocarcinoma-squamous carcinoma could not be established.  相似文献   
Fungicide residues in soils may affect nitrogen fixation by legumes. Effects of nine systemic fungicides, used against cereal pathogens, on Rhizobium trifolii and white clover were measured. Fenarimol and oxycarboxin inhibited growth of R. trifolii in vitro. The weight of clover plants after 10 weeks' growth in soil containing carboxin, oxycarboxin, benodanil, tridemorph and pyracarbolid was reduced. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was decreased by carboxin, oxycarboxin and tridemorph present in soil at concentrations somewhat greater than that likely to result from several applications of the fungicide. Only tridemorph reduced nodulation. None of the compounds seems likely to affect nitrogen fixation in the field if applied at the recommended rate.  相似文献   
Two species found in temperate calcareous and mesotrophic grasslands (Dactylis glomerata and Leontodon hispidus) were exposed to eight ozone treatments spanning preindustrial to post‐2100 regimes, and late‐season effects on stomatal functioning were investigated. The plants were grown as a mixed community in 14 L containers and were exposed to ozone in ventilated solardomes (dome‐shaped greenhouses) for 20 weeks from early May to late September 2007. Ozone exposures were based on O3 concentrations from a nearby upland area, and provided the following seasonal 24 h means: 21.4, 39.9 (simulated ambient), 50.2, 59.4, 74.9, 83.3, 101.3 and 102.5 ppb. In both species, stomatal conductance of undamaged inner canopy leaves developing since a midseason cutback increased linearly with increasing background ozone concentration. Imposition of severe water stress by leaf excision indicated that increasing background ozone concentration decreased the ability of leaves to limit water loss, implying impaired stomatal control. The threshold ozone concentrations for these effects were 15–40 ppb above current ambient in upland UK, and were within the range of ozone concentrations anticipated for much of Europe by the latter part of this century. The potential mechanism behind the impaired stomatal functioning was investigated using a transpiration assay. Unlike for lower ozone treatments, apparently healthy green leaves of L. hispidus that had developed in the 101.3 ppb treatment did not close their stomata in response to 1.5 μm abscisic acid (ABA); indeed stomatal opening initially occurred in this treatment. Thus, ozone appears to be disrupting the ABA‐induced signal transduction pathway for stomatal control thereby reducing the ability of plants to respond to drought. These results have potentially wide‐reaching implications for the functioning of communities under global warming where periods of soil drying and episodes of high vapour pressure deficit are likely to be more severe.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Research on habitat use by bats typically occurs at a single fine spatial scale, despite recent work demonstrating the importance of considering multiple spatial scales when investigating vertebrate habitat selection. We assessed bat use of 118 stream reaches located throughout the Oregon Coast Range, USA, and measured vegetation characteristics at 3 spatial scales surrounding each of these locations. We used an information-theoretic approach to determine vegetation characteristics most closely related to bat activity and a multilevel modeling approach to evaluate variation in bat activity at different spatial scales. Characteristics of vegetation at the finest spatial scale explained more variation in bat activity than did characteristics of vegetation at broader spatial scales, suggesting that fine-scale anthropogenic or natural disturbance events that alter cover of shrubs or trees in riparian areas are likely to influence bat habitat use. The influence of vegetation on activity varied by species of bat and appeared to operate more strongly through constraints imposed by vegetation architecture than through influences on abundance of insect prey. This diversity of responses to vegetation characteristics among bat species suggests that the best strategy for biodiversity conservation over broad spatial scales is maintenance or creation of a diversity of riparian vegetation conditions. We recommend that land managers planning to manipulate riparian vegetation strive to create diversity in shrub coverage, canopy coverage, and open space above the stream channel to promote foraging habitat for all species.  相似文献   
Cellular plasmolysis with l M solutions of mannitol appearedto sever plasmodesmatal interconnections between all cells ofthe stems of Phaseolus vulgaris plants except the sieve element-companioncell (se—cc) complexes. Phloem loading and uptake of [14C]sucroseby the storage cells of the stems was unimpaired by cellularplasmolysis followed by rehydration of the stem tissues. Accumulationof phloem-transported 14C-photosynthates of the treated stemswas inhibited in summer-grown plants and unaffected in winter-grownplants indicating that phloem unloading follows a symplasticand a free-space route respectively depending on growth season.At a concentration that did not interfere with cellular metabolism,p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid (PCMBS) applied to thestems blocked [14C]sucrose loading into the phloem and storagecells of the stem, but had no effect on the pool size of free-spacesugars. This latter response is consistent with a facilitatedmechanism of sugar unloading to the stem free-space. Accumulationof phloem-transported 14C-photosynthates was stimulated by PCMBSand this effect was most pronounced in winter-grown plants.Cellular plasmolysis followed by rehydration abolished the PCMBSaction on 14C-photosynthate accumulation. This effect is consistentwith a PCMBS induction of phloem unloading through the stemsymplast. It is proposed that phloem unloading in bean stemsmay follow either a free-space or symplastic route and thatthe latter route is entrained under sink-limited conditions. Phaseolus vulgaris, french bean, stem, phioem unloading, free-space, symplast  相似文献   
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