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Bacterial species and evolution: Theoretical and practical perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A discussion of the species problem in modern evolutionary biology serves as the point of departure for an exploration of how the basic science aspects of this problem relate to efforts to map bacterial diversity for practical pursuits—for prospecting among the bacteria for useful genes and gene-products. Out of a confusing array of species concepts, the Cohesion Species Concept seems the most appropriate and useful for analyzing bacterial diversity. Techniques of allozyme analysis and DNA fingerprinting can be used to put this concept into practice to map bacterial genetic diversity, though the concept requires minor modification to encompass cases of complete asexuality. Examples from studies of phenetically definedBacillus species provide very partial maps of genetic population structure. A major conclusion is that such maps frequently reveal deep genetic subdivision within the phenetically defined specles; divisions that in some cases are clearly distinct genetic species. Knowledge of such subdivisions is bound to make prospecting within bacterial diversity more effective. Under the general concept of genetic cohesion a hypothetical framework for thinking about the full range of species conditions that might exist among bacteria is developed and the consequences of each such model for species delineation, and species identification are discussed. Modes of bacterial evolution, and a theory of bacterial speciation with and without genetic recombination, are examined. The essay concludes with thoughts about prospects for very extensive mapping of bacterial diversity in the service of future efforts to find useful products. In this context, evolutionary biology becomes the handmaiden of important industrial activities. A few examples of past success in commercializing bacterial gene-products from species ofBacillus and a few other bacteria are reviewed.  相似文献   
An important distinction is frequently made between constitutively expressed housekeeping genes versus regulated genes. Although generally characterized by different DNA elements, chromatin architecture and cofactors, it is not known to what degree promoter classes strictly follow regulatability rules and which molecular mechanisms dictate such differences. We show that SAGA‐dominated/TATA‐box promoters are more responsive to changes in the amount of activator, even compared to TFIID/TATA‐like promoters that depend on the same activator Hsf1. Regulatability is therefore an inherent property of promoter class. Further analyses show that SAGA/TATA‐box promoters are more dynamic because TATA‐binding protein recruitment through SAGA is susceptible to removal by Mot1. In addition, the nucleosome configuration upon activator depletion shifts on SAGA/TATA‐box promoters and seems less amenable to preinitiation complex formation. The results explain the fundamental difference between housekeeping and regulatable genes, revealing an additional facet of combinatorial control: an activator can elicit a different response dependent on core promoter class.  相似文献   
A culture of swarming locusts from Peru was hybridized with locusts from Argentina and Mexico. The sex ratio and fertility of the hybrids was measured and male meiosis observed. It is concluded that the Peruvian locust is a subspecies of the Central American locust and a separate species from the Argentinian.  相似文献   
Abstract. The temperatures at which liposomes prepared from membrane phospholipids begin to phase separate were compared to the temperatures at which intact plants were damaged. Woody perennials tolerated temperatures below which their membrane phospholipids began to phase separate. By contrast, rye and wheat seedlings were damaged about 25°C above their phase separation temperature. Differences in tolerance among cultivars pre-hardened to frost were reflected by changes of the phase separation temperature. The results support the notion that alterations in membrane lipid composition are associated with frost hardening. A correlation between the temperature of phase separation and frost tolerance suggests that lipid properties may influence freezing tolerance of cereals; however, the lethal event is apparently not phase separation of the membrane phospholipids.  相似文献   
Diseases associated with contaminated surface waters in South Wales are recorded. Information on these infections has been obtained from publications, records and personal experience in the Regional Public Health Laboratory, Cardiff.  相似文献   
Abstract. Paraquat treatment of susceptible Lolium perenne seedlings (cultivar Kent Indigenous) rapidly inhibited CO2 uptake and after 1 h chloroplasts exhibited abnormal fusions of the thylakoid membranes. Further ultrastructural changes occurred within the chloroplasts until 8 h after treatment, when cytoplasmic damage also became evident. The localization of primary damage within the chloroplast differs from previous reports of paraquat toxicity in other species. Paraquat treatment of tolerant L. perenne seedlings (line PRP IX) resulted in little change in CO2 uptake and ultrastructural effects were generally confined to the gradual development of deposits in the chloroplast stroma. These observations are discussed in relation to the mechanism of action of the herbicide and the proposed mechanism of paraquat tolerance in L. perenne.  相似文献   
HARVEY  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(6):673-680
Water requirements in relation to seed production was studiedin near-isogenic lines of leafless (afafstst) and conventional(++++) pea plants (Pisum sativum). The plants were grown toseed maturity in pots in a controlled environment under conditionsof high, medium and low irrigation levels. When each genotypewas irrigated independently and on demand and the soil moisturecontent maintained at 65–80 per cent of full capacitythere was no significant phenotypic difference in water useefficiency (WUE), defined as g d. wt seed per kg H2O utilized.There existed genotypically-controlled upper and lower limitsto yield between which the total dry weight of seed per plantcan be determined by water availability. There was no significantdifferential effect of genotype or of irrigation treatment onthe number of pods, number of seed, unit seed dry weight andbiological yield per plant. There was significant interactionon stem length, and leaf area at specified nodes. When the wateractually required in relation to the water available was takeninto account, the leafless phenotype consistently utilized 33–38per cent less water and produced a correspondingly lower totaldry weight of seed than the conventional counterpart. Independentlyof regime the total dry weight seed per phenotype remained anear constant proportion of the above-ground biomass. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, leafless peas, seed production, water availability  相似文献   
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