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Crown Architecture and Species Coexistence in Plant Communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between crown architecture and species coexistencewere studied using the diffusion model and the canopy photosynthesismodel for multi-species plant communities. The present paperdeals with two species having different crown shapes [conic-canopyplant (CCP) and spheroidal-canopy plant (SCP)], for variousinitial mean sizes at the establishment stage and physiologicalparameter values (photosynthetic rate, etc.). Recruitment processeswere not incorporated into the model, and thus simulations weremade for the effects on the pattern of species coexistence ofeither sapling competition starting from different sapling banksor competition in single-cohort stands with little continualestablishment of species until a stand-replacement disturbance.The following predictions were derived: (1) SCPs can establishlater/slowly in the lower canopy layer even if they are overtoppedby a CCP which established first/rapidly; (2) if SCPs establishedfirst/rapidly and occupy the upper canopy layer, a CCP can rarelyestablish later/slowly in the lower canopy layer; (3) smallest-sizedCCPs can persist well in the lowermost canopy layer overtoppedby a SCP, suggesting a waiting strategy of CCP's saplings inthe understorey of a crowded stand; (4) even if CCPs establishedfirst/rapidly and occupy the upper canopy layer, an SCP canestablish later/slowly in the lower canopy layer. Therefore,the species diversity of SCPs which established first/rapidlyand occupy the upper canopy layer limits the number of CCP specieswhich can establish later/slowly. In contrast, the species diversityof CCPs which established first/rapidly and occupy the uppercanopy layer does not affect the number of SCP species whichcan establish later/slowly. The combination of initial sizesof a CCP and an SCP at the establishment stage (i.e. establishmenttiming) affects the segregation of vertical positions in thecanopy between the two species with different crown shape, andnot only species-specific physiological traits but also crownarchitecture greatly affects the coexistence pattern betweenspecies with different crown architectures. The theoreticalpredictions obtained here can explain coexistence patterns foundin single-cohort conifer-hardwood boreal and sub-boreal forests,pointing to the significance of crown architecture for speciescoexistence. Diffusion equation model; canopy photosynthesis model; conifer-hardwood boreal/sub-boreal forest; sapling establishment; vertical foliage profile  相似文献   
Fertilized uncleaved eggs of Xenopus laevis were divided into nucleate and non-nucleate egg fragments. Both fragments, together with the whole egg of the same batch, were observed by time-lapse cinematography.
Two kinds of cyclic surface changes, (1) rounding-up and relaxing movements and (2) surface contraction waves, accompanying each cleavage in the whole eggs and the nucleate fragments, were also observed even in the non-nucleate fragments although they do not cleave.
Cleavage intervals of the whole egg and the nucleate fragment were nearly equal, but the rounding-up intervals of the non-nucleate fragment were slightly but definitely longer than the cleavage intervals of the nucleate fragment and the whole egg.  相似文献   
Observation of the early events of starfish oocyte maturation revealed a sequential change of the oocyte shape induced by 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde). The lengths of two diameters of the whole oocyte, one parallel to the egg axis (a–v diameter) and the other which is perpendicular to a–v diameter (e diameter) were measured by taking photographs successively. About 10 min after 1–MeAde administration, a sudden decrease of the a–v diameter (shortening of oocyte) occurred followed by a sudden increase (elongation of oocyte). Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred when the a–v diameter suddenly increased. The change of the oocyte shape occurred differentially in the animal and vegital halves i.e. when the egg-axis diameter shortened the surface of the vegital pole side shrank and the surface of the animal pole side expanded. GVBD was suppressed under hypertonic conditions and facilitated under hypotonic conditions. Cytological examination of the process of GVBD revealed (1) separation of the nuclear membrane from the granular cytoplasmic mass, (2) depression of several parts of the nuclear membrane and the increase of amorphous matrix on the outside of the nuclear membrane, and (3) disappearance (fragmentation) of nuclear membrane. The morphological changes were not the same along the egg-axis temporally and spacially. These observations suggest firstly that the cytoplasm, which has been in a certain quiescent state with a certain rigidity before 1–MeAde administration, not only undergoes a decrease in stiffness but also acquires a contractile property after 1–MeAde administration, and secondly that contractile or cytoskeletal components do not evenly function or are not evenly arranged in the animal and vegital halves.  相似文献   
Both acid and alkaline invertases were present in immature juice sacs of satsuma mandarin (Citrus‘Unshu Marcovitch”) fruit, in which sugar content was low. Maturing and mature juice sacs, in which sugar content increased steadily with time, were characterized by the presence of alkaline invertase and the absence of acid invertase. When the immature juice sacs were homogenized with 0.2 M sodium phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 8.0), almost all of the acid invertase activity was found in the solubilized fraction, whereas almost all of the alkaline invertase activity was present in the insoluble fraction. The distribution of alkaline invertase between the solubilized and insoluble fractions changed with the development of fruit. The acid invertase had a molecular weight of 69,000, optimum pH of 4.8–5.3, and Km value for sucrose of 7.3 mM. The alkaline invertase had a molecular weight of 200,000, pH optimum of 7.2–7.7, and Km value of 35.7 mM. The hydrolysing activities of both enzymes for raffinose were considerably less than those for sucrose. The alkaline invertase had lower activity for raffinose than the acid invertase.  相似文献   
Effect of tumor promoters including phorbol esters and teleocidin on 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde)-induced oocyte maturation was studied in the starfish. When isolated immature oocytes were treated with 1-MeAde and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), 1-MeAde-induced maturation was completely inhibited at more than 2.5 μg/ml. However, if TPA was added after the hormone-dependent period (the minimum period wherein 1-MeAde is required), such maturation-inhibiting effect was no longer observed. Pretreatment with TPA for 5 min showed that its inhibitory action is irreversible. However, when TPA-injected oocytes were treated with 1-MeAde, all oocytes underwent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). GVBD was induced in TPA-treated oocytes upon injection of the cytoplasm of maturing oocytes containing maturation-promoting factor (MPF). These facts show that TPA acts on the oocyte surface to inhibit the production of MPF. Retinoids including retinal, retinol and retinoic acid reversed the inhibitory effect of TPA on 1-MeAde-induced maturation. Experiments with various phorbol esters showed a good correlation between their maturation-inhibiting activity and their known tumor-promoting activity. Further, telecoidin, which is structurally unrelated to phorbol esters, inhibited 1-MeAde action. Since both tumor-promoting phorbol esters and teleocidin are known to activate Ca2+ -activated, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) and their activation effect is inhibited by retinoids, it appears that the activation of protein kinase C by tumor promoters is involved in blocking of 1-MeAde action.  相似文献   
When immature oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera , were treated with calcium-free seawater for 1 hr and then inseminated in normal seawater, they formed several blisters, indicative of polyspermy, and raised fertilization membranes. These oocytes continued to have intact germinal vesicles. Electron microscopic study revealed that the egg surface remained virtually unchanged after the treatment with calcium-free seawater. Upon insemination, however, the cortical granules broke down and the fertilization membrane was formed. These immature oocytes with ferilization membranes underwent maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown) after treatment with 1-methyladenine.
The treatment with calcium-free seawater seems to bring about some physiological change on the surface of immature oocyte, which bestows some attributes of maturation but is insufficient to mature the oocytes completely.  相似文献   
Milbemycin C5-O-甲基转移酶基因的克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的是克隆milbemycin C5-O-甲基转移酶基因。以阿维菌素(avermectin)产生菌S.avermitilis中C5-O-甲基转移酶基因aveD为探针,利用核酸杂交分析法将aveD的主要同源区定位在(22)g-8-E-10阳性克隆所整合的.3kb SatⅠ-BgⅢ片段上。最后对aveD同源区及附近的核苷酸序列进行了测序分析和相应区域的基因缺失分析。结果表明,该区域存在一个月与aveD同源性较强的基因milD。与aveD功能相似,milD参与milbemycin的生物合成,在milbemycin生物合成中可能催化C5位OH的甲基化反应。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种应用于行为实验的温度刺激装置。此装置通过一个直径为1cm、厚约1.2cm 的铜质小盒与皮肤接触。在接触面上装有电热线和热敏电阻。小盒通过塑料管、水泵与恒温水浴槽相通,通过反馈电路对电热线、水泵和恒温水浴槽的控制,使得受刺激部位的皮肤温度在刺激间歇期保持在事先设置的基础水平,在刺激期则迅速上升到预定的数值以产生热刺激和痛刺激。其温度变化可以自动记录。本装置可应用于人体和动物的痛觉和温度觉的实验研究。  相似文献   
Effects of Cytochrome c on Liver Functions of Old Rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WE have shown1,2 that cytochrome c, when orally administered, is absorbed intestinally. The effects of parenterally administered cytochrome c on the liver have been studied by Drabkin3 and Murano4. We have also studied the effects of orally administered cytochrome c on experimental liver injury5.  相似文献   
Nonlethal DNA sampling is highly desirable in molecular genetic studies of protected and endangered species. To develop a demonstrably nonlethal method of obtaining DNA from endangered diving beetles (Dytiscus sharpi sharpi Wehncke, Cybister lewisianus Sharp and Cybister brevis Aubé), we amputated the antennae of these endangered diving beetles and investigated the impact of the amputation on reproductive behaviors, egg‐laying and lifespan. Diving beetles with either one or no antennae copulated without delay and laid eggs, comparable to the pairs of intact beetles under breeding conditions. The lifespan of antennae‐amputated D. sharpi sharpi was the same as that of the intact beetles. A single antenna was sufficient to allow polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of a mitochondrial DNA gene, cytochrome‐c oxidase subunit I (COI), and the sequence of the COI gene could be determined directly. The PCR‐ready genomic DNA was available both in fresh antennae isolated from living beetles and in old antennae from whole beetles preserved for at least 5–6 years in pure ethanol. These results suggest that an antenna is a good sampling site for isolating genomic DNA from endangered diving beetles without sacrificing and disturbing reproductive behaviors such as mating and egg‐laying, or lifespan.  相似文献   
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