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The major lineages of eusocial insects, the ants, termites, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps, all have ancient origins (≥ 65 mya) with no reversions to solitary behaviour. This has prompted the notion of a 'point of no return' whereby the evolutionary elaboration and integration of behavioural, genetic and morphological traits over a very long period of time leads to a situation where reversion to solitary living is no longer an evolutionary option.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Coronary stents have been used with increasing frequency and in increasingly complex coronary disease. A new 316 LVM stainless steel coronary stent, the R Stent, has been designed to provide maximum flexibility for tracking and high radial strength post-deployment. PURPOSE: To assess the clinical feasibility of the R Stent in a tertiary referral population of patients with coronary heart disease. Specific objectives are to assess the R Stent's deployment success, angiographic and procedural success (<20% residual stenosis and >TIMI 2 flow), safety (absence of complications), and 30-day clinical success (angiographic/procedural success plus no major adverse coronary events). METHODS: Between April and November 1998, stent deployment was attempted in 27 patients with stable (46%) or unstable (54%) angina pectoris who qualified for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Eighty per cent of patients had a pre-existing history of myocardial infarction, coronary bypass surgery or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, and several of the lesions were anatomically complex (totally occluded, n 32; thrombus present, n 32; heavily calcified, n 33; ostial, n 31; >20 mm long, n 39; angulation >45 degrees, n 37). Lesions in aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts were excluded. Adjunctive medical management included intraprocedural aspirin and heparin and post-procedural aspirin and ticlopidine. After deployment, patients were followed up in the hospital and at 30 days post procedure. RESULTS: Stent deployment was achieved in 32 of 33 attempts (26 of 27 patients). There was one deployment failure in a long, calcified ostial and proximal left coronary lesion. In the 26 successful deployments, TIMI 3 flow was achieved. One other patient experienced a painless increase in creatine kinase to 375 (CK-MB of 59) at 12 h without ECG changes. At 30 days, there were no deaths, no myocardial infarctions, no subacute thromboses, no repeat interventions, no bypass surgeries and no bleeding complications. Only the patient with post-procedural CK-MB elevation experience recurrence of CCS class 2 angina within the 30 days. CONCLUSION: The R Stent is a promising new device for the treatment of complex coronary heart disease. A larger, more broadly-based study is warranted.  相似文献   
Hatching asynchrony can have profound short‐term consequences for offspring, although the long‐term consequences are less well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony for offspring fitness in birds. Specifically, we aimed to test the hypothesis that hatching asynchrony increases the sexual attractiveness and fecundity, respectively, of early‐hatched male and female zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata (Vieillot, 1817) offspring. Mate‐choice trials comparing male nestlings with the same parents, but that were reared in asynchronous or experimentally synchronous broods, revealed no female preference in relation to hatching regime. We did however find strong evidence that, as adults, late‐hatched males were more attractive to females than siblings that had hatched earlier. Meanwhile, we found a weak trend towards early‐hatched females depositing more carotenoids and retinol in the egg yolk than late‐hatched or synchronously hatched females, although there were no differences in terms of clutch characteristics or the deposition of α‐tocopherol or γ‐tocopherol in the egg yolk. Therefore, we found that the beneficial long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony were sex specific, being accrued by late‐hatched male nestlings and by early‐hatched female nestlings. Consequently, we conclude that the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony are more complex than previously realised. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 430–438.  相似文献   
The structure of pseudorabies virus (PRV) capsids isolated from the nucleus of infected cells and from PRV virions was determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and compared to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids. PRV capsid structures closely resemble those of HSV-1, including distribution of the capsid vertex specific component (CVSC) of HSV-1, which is a heterodimer of the pUL17 and pUL25 proteins. Occupancy of CVSC on all PRV capsids is near 100%, compared to ~ 50% reported for HSV-1 C-capsids and 25% or less that we measure for HSV-1 A- and B-capsids. A PRV mutant lacking pUL25 does not produce C-capsids and lacks visible CVSC density in the cryo-EM-based reconstruction. A reconstruction of PRV capsids in which green fluorescent protein was fused within the N-terminus of pUL25 confirmed previous studies with a similar HSV-1 capsid mutant localizing pUL25 to the CVSC density region that is distal to the penton. However, comparison of the CVSC density in a 9-Å-resolution PRV C-capsid map with the available crystal structure of HSV-1 pUL25 failed to find a satisfactory fit, suggesting either a different fold for PRV pUL25 or a capsid-bound conformation for pUL25 that does not match the X-ray model determined from protein crystallized in solution. The PRV capsid imaged within virions closely resembles C-capsids with the addition of weak but significant density shrouding the pentons that we attribute to tegument proteins. Our results demonstrate significant structure conservation between the PRV and HSV capsids.  相似文献   
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