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Sensory analysis has traditionally played a prominent role in quality control for food products. More and more principles from sensory analysis are also applied in the area of food product development, bringing sensory analysis more closely into the domain of marketing. Unfortunately, in practice integration between sensory and marketing practices is far from optimal. Differences in basic orientations between sensory and marketing are a major source contributing to this defective cooperation.
Sensory analysis has traditionally been product oriented with an emphasis on internal validity of the test results. Implicitly or explicitly this approach emphasizes the relationships between sensory evaluation and characteristics of the product. Marketing, on the other hand, stresses the external validity of test results: the extent to which test results can be generalized to market behavior. Emphasis on external validity requires an approach to sensory analysis that is fundamentally different from current sensory practice in terms of type of respondents, type of stimuli, scaling procedures adopted and test circumstances.
Closer integration between the product and consumer oriented approach to sensory analysis may contribute to the success of product development in the food industry. The literature suggests several factors that may contribute to a more fruitful cooperation between the two approaches to sensory analysis. The company's senior management plays a central role in the achievement of this integration by providing an infrastructure (in terms of personnel, organizational structure and financial resources) that paves the way for closer cooperation.  相似文献   
Sap Exudation via the Epidermis of Leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reports of stomatal guttation in Gladiolus and of active waterexudation in Vidafaba could not be confirmed by an experimentaland anatomical investigation. Exudation of water from detachedpine needles is considered to be due to processes distinct fromthose causing guttation. Water soaking of leaves, or the flooding of leaf air spaces,and the wettability of cell walls under root pressure as distinctfrom their wettability by water externally applied are discussedin relation to the experimental results.  相似文献   
Abstract A brief survey of the biochemistry of the alternative oxidative pathway (‘cyanide-resistant respiration’) and its occurrence in vivo is given. Several hypotheses about the physiological significance of the alternative chain are discussed. These include a role in (1) heat production, (2) fruit ripening, (3) respiration of plants that contain high levels of cyanogenic glycosides, producing HCN upon wounding, (4) oxidation of NADH that is produced by various causes in excess of that required for ATP production, (5) ion uptake, and (6) osmoregulation. In intact roots of higher plants, the activity of the alternative pathway is more active when less carbohydrate is required for assimilation of N (NH+4 NO-3 or N2) and is less active in those when carbohydrates are being stored in a storage organ or when the availability of photosynthate is reduced. An increase in carbohydrate requirement for osmoregulation is also correlated with decreased alternative chain activity. It is concluded that the alternative pathway in roots plays an important role in oxidation of sugars which are not required for carbon skeletons, energy production for growth and maintenance processes, osmoregulation or storage. However, the significance of this role may vary in different tissues and physiological states.  相似文献   
Ionic Balance of Root-Shoot Nitrate Transfer in Dwarf Bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dijkshoorn-Ben Zioni model about potassium recycling in higher plants proposes a stoichiometric coupling between the upward transport of nitrate and potassium, and therefore a 1:1 ratio of these ions in the xylem sap. Phaseolus vulgaris grown in media with different NO3: K+ ratios, however, only rarely showed equimolar concentrations of the two ions in the bleeding sap. Ratios between 0.2 and 11 were observed and the ratios between concentrations of the ions in the exudate and in the external solution were positively correlated. An analysis of the major inorganic constituents of the exudate revealed an ionic balance that requires negligible amounts of charges from organic molecules.  相似文献   
The affinity of respiration for oxygen in the roots of six Senecio species studied was low compared with the affinity of cytochrome oxidase for oxygen. Half saturation values of approximately 22 μM oxygen were measured. Root respiration was to a large extent insensitive to cyanide in flood-tolerant as well as in flood-sensitive species. The evidence presented suggests that high activity of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)-sensitive oxidase in Senecio roots was the basis for the low oxygen affinity and for the high cyanide-insensitivity of root respiration in the Senecio species. Methods are described to determine the in vivo activity of the SHAM-sensitive oxidase. It was estimated that it contributed 70% to the total root respiration. The presence of SHAM-sensitive oxidase activity could explain a higher efficiency of root growth respiration under a low oxygen tension if this alternate oxidase was inhibited at a low oxygen concentration in the root medium. However, the SHAM-sensitive oxidase was not specifically involved in either growth respiration or maintenance respiration. Its significance in regulation of the redox state of the cells is discussed.  相似文献   
To study the kinetics of synthesis, wall-binding and degradationof xyloglucan, we incubated suspension-cultured rose cells for0–5–24 h in L-[1-3H]arabinose. >95% of the [3H]arabinosewas taken up within 2 h. UDP-Pentoses were maximally labelledwithin 0–5 h and had lost most of their 3H by 2 h afterthe addition of [3H]arabinose. Therefore, the 24 h experimentresembled a pulse-chase rgime. The [3H]xyloglucan formed wasfractionated into four cellular pools [detergent-extractable(interpreted as cytoplasmic), and guanidinium thiocyanate-,06 M NaOH- and 60 M NaOH-extractable (interpreted as progressivelymore firmly wall-bound)]; soluble extracellular xyloglucan wascollected as a fifth pool. All five pools of xyloglucan hadstarted accumulating 3H at their respective maximal rates by  相似文献   
Evidence of the mechanical advantage of subsidiary cells wasobtained by simultaneous measurements of turgor pressure potentialsin adjacent subsidiary and guard cells using injection circuitswith two separate needles. In Tradescantia virginiana the mechanicaladvantage approaches two. Using the same technique evidencewas obtained that the Spannungsphase is, in the first place,a turgor relations phenomenon due to the mechanical advantageof epidermal or subsidiary cells. In addition, the evidenceindicated that the elastic properties of guard cell walls mayundergo changes during the Spannungsphase when potassium iontransport commences. During these measurements it was confirmedthat the optimum leaf water deficit for maximum stomatal openingoccurs when the epidermal turgor is near zero. Under these conditionsthe width of the stomatal pore is a function of the turgor pressureof the guard cells, since at zero turgor of the subsidiary cellstheir mechanical advantage has disappeared.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. To investigate the contribution of hatchlings from lake- Daphnia resting eggs (ephippia) to population and community structure, hatching was monitored in situ from April to November 1986 in two north German lakes. Hatching traps were placed on the sediments and the incidence, genetic and species composition of ephippial hatchlings determined twice-weekly.
2. Hatching began in April after the thawing of ice. and continued for 3–4 weeks until the lakes stratified. There was no obvious relationship between the onset and duration of hatching and the environmental variables recorded, namely Secchi depth, surface temperature, temperature and oxygen concentration at the sediment-water interface.
3. Among the hatchlings were D. galeata, D. hyalina and their interspecific hybrid.
4. In the lake which contained overwintering animals the number of ephippial hatchlings was approximately one third of the total number of juveniles present in the lake.
5. In the second lake, no adults were recorded during winter and the population was probably founded by ephippial hatchlings alone. There was good agreement, in the short term, between the proportion of each species represented among hatchlings and the subsequent species composition in the lake.
6. The hatchlings were genetically diverse, and alleles were representative of those alleles present in contemporary populations.  相似文献   
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