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The elevated -values of maize leaves under water strain havebeen found to be due to a reduction in the rate of carbon-dioxideintake during photosynthesis; these -values do not respond tochanges in the concentration of oxygen. No evidence has beenfound of an increased rate of carbon-dioxide evolution fromilluminated maize leaves under water strain (photo-respiration)although the presence of glycollate in these leaves could bedemonstrated.  相似文献   
Parental role division predicts avian preen wax cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that preen wax composition in some sandpipers shifts from the usual monoesters to diesters during the breeding season, possibly to reduce the ability of mammalian predators to find nests using olfactory cues. To investigate further the relationship between incubation and wax secretion, we examined seven sandpiper species with different incubation patterns (species in which both sexes incubate, in which only males incubate and in which only females incubate). During the breeding period, diester preen wax was secreted almost exclusively by the incubating sex in species with uniparental incubation, and by both sexes in species with biparental incubation. These findings suggest that diester preen waxes have a function that is directly related to incubation. Unexpectedly, in female-incubating Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea and Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis , some males also secreted diester preen waxes during the breeding period. This suggests that some males may in fact incubate, that these waxes may be a remnant from their evolutionary past when both sexes incubated, or that males need to be olfactorally cryptic because they are involved in the making of nest scrapes. The seasonal pattern of preen wax composition was also studied in captive male, female and female-mimicking male ('faeder') Ruff Philomachus pugnax . Captive female Ruff changed preen wax composition from monoesters to diesters in the spring despite the fact that no incubation took place. This suggests that circannual rhythms rather than actual incubation behaviour may trigger the shift to diester waxes. All captive male Ruff, including the faeders, continued to secrete monoesters, supporting the hypothesis that only the incubating sex secretes diesters.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Host plant finding in walking herbivorous beetles is still poorly understood. Analysis of small-scale movement patterns under semi-natural conditions can be a useful tool to detect behavioural responses towards host plant cues.
2. In this study, the small-scale movement behaviour of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was studied in a semi-natural arena ( r = 1 m). In three different settings, a host ( Salvia pratensis L., Lamiales: Lamiaceae), a non-host ( Rumex conglomeratus Murr., Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae), or no plant was presented in the centre of the arena.
3. The beetles showed no differences in the absolute movement variables, straightness and mean walking speed, between the three settings. However, the relative movement variables, mean distance to the centre and mean angular deviation from walking straight to the centre, were significantly smaller when a host plant was offered. Likewise, the angular deviation from walking straight to the centre tended to decline with decreasing distance from the centre. Finally, significantly more beetles were found on the host than on the non-host at the end of all the trials.
4. It is concluded that C. canaliculata is able to recognise its host plant from a distance. Whether olfactory or visual cues (or a combination of both) are used to find the host plant remains to be elucidated by further studies.  相似文献   
The habitat of the earliest vertebrates (craniates) is still being debated. Marine as well as freshwater habitats and anadromous behaviour have been proposed. In contrast, an estuarine origin of vertebrates is suggested here, based on ontogenetic, comparative anatomical and functional data. This approach should resolve inconsistencies between the probable existence of glomeruli in the vertebrate ancestors and the marine habitat of all related extant groups (e.g. urochordates and cephalochordates). The kidney, as the main osmoregulatory organ, must have been developed according to the environmental prerequisites even in stem vertebrates. In the absence of fossil evidence only deductions from contemporary animals are possible. These data indicate that ancestral stem vertebrates probably had well-developed glomeruli, and were capable of at least some ion-exchange between urine and the body. However, they were probably unable to cope with a strong osmotic gradient with respect to their environment. The conclusion is that these animals were osmoconformers at around 300–350 mOsm and therefore were restricted to brackish water.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 435–441.  相似文献   
Porometer measurements of the resistance offered to viscousflow of air by mesophyll tissue rings cut from leaves were carriedout simultaneously with determinations of changes in tissuewater content, Decreases in water content were accompanied byincreases in mesophyll resistance and these changes are discussedin relation to porometer measurements of total resistance offeredby leaves to viscous flow of air.  相似文献   
At maturity the high-lysine barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Ris0 mutants 1508, 527 and 29 kernels contained about 20% less starch and twice as much free sugars as the parent varieties Bomi and Carlsberg II. An enhanched effect on starch reduction and free sugar accumulation was observed during kernel development when the single mutants 527 and 29 are combined with the mutant 1508. At maturity, kernels of the double mutants 527/1508 and 29/1508 contained, respectively, 68 and 43% less starch than Bomi. The double mutant 29/1508 kernel had a slightly lower prolamin content than mutant 1508 which is the most prolamin-deficient single mutant. In the double mutant 527/1508, however, an almost complete suppression of prolamin synthesis was observed during kernel development. The percentage of lysine in the seed proteins of the double mutants was about the same as in the most extreme single mutant 1508. Based on the additive effect of the individual high-lysine genes in the double mutants, it is concluded that the influences of these genes on prolamin and starch synthesis are independent.  相似文献   
Two species of the foraminiferal genus Turrilina Andreae, 1844, occurring in the Tertiary beds of Denmark and Holland, can be distinguished by their wall structure only. In consequence it is recommended that the wall structure as a systematic character may in this and similar cases be of specific value only.  相似文献   
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