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We studied the effects of manipulation of the size of first broods in the Great Tit Parus major on the size and breeding success of second clutches and its relation to the degree of clutch overlap. The rearing of first brood fledglings always overlapped with the laying of the second clutch and in most cases also with the incubation period of the latter. The degree of clutch overlap depended on the size of the first brood, being less when the first brood was large. Clutch overlap also increased with season. Mechanisms affecting the timing of laying of second clutches are discussed. A large first brood imposed reproductive costs. It affected the size of the second clutch by causing it to be delayed; second clutch size decreases with season. It affected the post-fledging survival of second brood young as, in this population, this decreases with fledging date. The breeding success of second clutches was, however, not affected by the size of the first brood, but instead by the weight of the female when rearing the first brood.  相似文献   
The African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) is widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa and is found in most major vegetation types, wherever permanent sources of water are available, making it physically able to disperse through a wide range of habitats. Despite this, the buffalo has been assumed to be strongly philopatric and to form large aggregations that remain within separate home ranges with little interchange between units, but the level of differentiation within the species is unknown. Genetic differences between populations were assessed using mitochondrial DNA (control region) sequence data and analysis of variation at six microsatellite loci among 11 localities in eastern and southern Africa. High levels of genetic variability were found, suggesting that reported severe population bottlenecks due to outbreak of rinderpest during the last century did not strongly reduce the genetic variability within the species. The high level of genetic variation within the species was found to be evenly distributed among populations and only at the continental level were we able to consistently detect significant differentiation, contrasting with the assumed philopatric behaviour of the buffalo. Results of mtDNA and microsatellite data were found to be congruent, disagreeing with the alleged male-biased dispersal. We propose that the observed pattern of the distribution of genetic variation between buffalo populations at the regional level can be caused by fragmentation of a previous panmictic population due to human activity, and at the continental level, reflects an effect of geographical distance between populations.  相似文献   
A quantitative sampler for air-breathing aquatic insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. A quantitative funnel-trap sampler for air-breathing aquatic insects is described. Performance tests with special reference to adult Glaenocorisa propinqua are presented. Abundance was calculated from pilot surveys with the funnel-trap sampler during 1976 and compared with results from a trial with the capture-recapture method. The influence of temperature on the frequency with which adult Glaenocorisa propinqua renews the bubble gilt was measured.  相似文献   
Respiration was measured under anaerobiosis in the roots of two Senecio species: S. aquaticus Hill, which is flood-tolerant, and S. jacobaea L., which is flood-intolerant. NADH-oxidation under anaerobiosis was measured in roots of S. aquaticus, S. jacobaea and S. vulgaris L., which is also flood-intolerant. Protein content of S. aquaticus was about 15% higher under anaerobiosis. At 20°C respiration of the roots of S. aquaticus was 50% inhibited under anaerobiosis, while an almost complete inhibition occurred in the roots of S. jacobaea. The activities of nitrate reductase, glutamate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase were considerably higher in the roots of S. aquaticus grown under anaerobic conditions than in roots grown under aerobic conditions. In S. jacobaea glutamate dehydrogenase activity was lower and in S. vulgaris nitrate reductase was lower and glutamate dehydrogenase activity was higher in roots grown under anaerobic conditions. The possible role of these enzymes for metabolism under anaerobic conditions by oxidizing a surplus of NADH is discussed. Since oxidative phosphorylation is 50% inhibited under anaerobiosis, ATP has to be generated in a different way. It is argued that maintenance of the ATP-level may be compensated by way of the enzymes mentioned above, in combination with a modified glucose utilization.  相似文献   
Sulphate uptake in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans appears based upon an active mechanism with a Km of 0.75 μM and Vmax of 0.7 pmol/min × 106 cells. Sulphate uptake is competitively inhibited by thiosulphate and sulphite. The sulphate uptake has a pH optimum at 8 and a temperature optimum at 40°C. By increasing the extracellular sulphate concentration from 0.1 to 10 μM the sulphate pool in Anacystis was altered from 8.3, 10?5M to 5.9, 10?4M.  相似文献   
Observations are presented on food, foraging behaviour, ranging and some social behaviour patterns of the striped hyaena; these observations are compared with similar ones on spotted hyaenas. Striped hyaenas are more omnivorous than spotted ones, scavenging a great deal and eating insects, fruits and small vertebrate prey. However, the diets of the two species have several food species in common, and there is competition in the relatively small area where the geographical ranges and habitats of the two hyaenas overlap. Striped hyaenas are solitary, and they show several behavioural adaptations to this. The relationship between the hyaenas' social organization and resource exploitation is discussed.  相似文献   
Cell membrane potentials have been measured both in epidermalstrips and intact leaf sections of Tradescantia virginiana andCommelina communis, and in epidermal cells over green and overalbino mesophyll cells of T. albiflora var. albovittata. Membranepotentials (cell) in strips were considerably lower than thosein intact sections and were insensitive to light and to theabsence or presence of calcium. Their response to external cationlevels was indifferent to ionic species. However, in intactleaf sections incubated with calcium present, membrane potentialsresponded to K+ levels but not to Na+. were more negative thancells in epidermal strips, and responded to changes in illumination. Long-term recordings of cell and vacuolar K+ levels in T. virginianaduring stomatal closure suggest that the fluctuations of cellwere unrelated to K+ movement (which we could not detect) andthus probably to stomatal movement as well. Turgor pressures measured in epidermal cells of intact leafsections of T. virginiana were found to be of the same magnitudeas those previously reported for epidermal strips. It is concludedthat epidermal cells maintain their solute contents during strippingwithout the involvement of an electrophysiological transportsystem. With the possible exception of lateral subsidiary cells,there was no evidence suggesting that ordinary epidermal cellsare capable of osmotic adjustment even when additional KCI wassupplied in the osmoticum. Absolute turgor levels in intactleaf sections kept at constant external KCI were unrelated tosteady state cell.  相似文献   
Abstract: Exceptionally preserved specimens of the genera Myophoria, Neoschizodus and Trigonodus (Bivalvia, Palaeoheterodonta, Trigonioida) from carbonate sediments of the Muschelkalk (Anisian, Ladinian) contain phosphatized soft‐tissues. This is the oldest record of soft‐tissue preservation in bivalves and the first from the German Muschelkalk. The phosphatized remains are here interpreted as relics of the originally chitinous gill supports, the gill axis, the labial palps (?), the adductor muscles, the pedal retractor muscles, the mantle margin including the radial mantle musculature, and the ‘siphons’. According to microprobe analysis, the mineral replacing the soft‐tissue is mainly apatite and, more rarely, francolite. Additionally, quartz filled voids within the gill supports, and in one sample it occurs in minute crystals in the phosphatized remains of the adductor muscle of Neoschizodus. Myophoria, Neoschizodus and Trigonodus were soft‐bottom dwellers and five of the specimens were discovered in life position. This is indicated by geopetal structures in three specimens.  相似文献   
HANS ELLEGREN 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(21):4586-4596
Genomics profoundly affects most areas of biology, including ecology and evolutionary biology. By examining genome sequences from multiple species, comparative genomics offers new insight into genome evolution and the way natural selection moulds DNA sequence evolution. Functional divergence, as manifested in the accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in protein-coding genes, differs among lineages in a manner seemingly related to population size. For example, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution (dN/dS) is higher in apes than in rodents, compatible with Ohta's nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution, which suggests that the fixation of slightly deleterious mutations contributes to protein evolution at an extent negatively correlated with effective population size. While this supports the idea that functional evolution is not necessarily adaptive, comparative genomics is uncovering a role for positive Darwinian selection in 10–40% of all genes in different lineages, estimates that are likely to increase when the addition of more genomes gives increased power. Again, population size seems to matter also in this context, with a higher proportion of fixed amino acid changes representing advantageous mutations in large populations. Genes that are particularly prone to be driven by positive selection include those involved with reproduction, immune response, sensory perception and apoptosis. Genetic innovations are also frequently obtained by the gain or loss of complete gene sequences. Moreover, it is increasingly realized, from comparative genomics, that purifying selection conserves much more than just the protein-coding part of the genome, and this points at an important role for regulatory elements in trait evolution. Finally, genome sequencing using outbred or multiple individuals has provided a wealth of polymorphism data that gives information on population history, demography and marker evolution.  相似文献   
Eucalypt trees are in decline throughout urban landscapes of south western Australia. This study investigated the cause of decline in Eucalyptus marginata and Corymbia calophylla trees in parkland and compared water and nutrient relations with healthy trees in adjacent bushland in Perth, Western Australia. It was hypothesized that: (i) trees were drought stressed through competition for soil water by the vigorous turf; (ii) excessive uptake of nitrogen, because of fertilizer application to turf, caused toxicity; and/or (iii) micronutrient (Cu, Fe, Mn and/or Zn) deficit was induced by high‐pH irrigation water applied to turf around parkland trees. Leaf water potential showed aseasonal variation in the irrigated parkland trees and foliar δ13C indicated that parkland trees generally had low water‐use efficiency and were not drought stressed relative to bushland trees. Foliar N levels were not significantly different between parkland and bushland trees indicating that excess N uptake was not a factor in the decline. Foliar total Fe, ‘metabolically active’ Fe, Cu and Zn concentrations were not significantly different between parkland and bushland trees. Foliar manganese concentrations were indicative of deficiency and significantly lower in parkland trees (5–14 µg g?1) relative to bushland trees (22–35 µg g?1). It is concluded that application of alkaline irrigation water to the parkland site reduced the plant‐availability of Mn; however, our study of only one parkland site does not allow us to generalize the results across other parklands.  相似文献   
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