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Summary Carotid body tissue from horse and dog has been investigated ultrastructurally. Several cell types are recognized: glomus cells which are regarded as chemoreceptors, sustentacular cells which enclose the glomus cells, and nerve fibers.The glomus cells contain electron dense granules which are interpreted as packages of biogenic monoamines. There are both dark and light glomus cells, the former containing more granules and ribosomes. Invaginations of the plasma membranes as well as free coated vesicles are often seen in the cytoplasm of glomus cells. Nerves within the glomus lobules are generally wrapped by sustentacular cells, but nerve endings are also seen in close contact with the glomus cells. Some endings contain synaptic vesicles as well as a great concentration of mitochondria. The corresponding fibers are thought to be efferent. Another type of contact is interpreted as en passant synapses of afferent fibers.The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor L. Nicander who initiated this project and took most of the micrographs and to Professor Nils Obel and associate Professor Gustav Björk at the Royal Veterinary College for their valuable help with the surgical procedure and to Dr. Martin Ritzén of the Royal Medical College for making the tests for biogenic monoamines.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zellen des aus unreifen Plasmoblasten bestehenden, transplantablen KG 13-Plasmocytoms des Goldhamsters zeigen bei phasenoptischer Lebendbeobachtung in vitro ein besonders großes, stark strukturiertes Golgifeld. Dieses wird von einem Saum heller Pinocytosetröpfchen gegen die Speichergranula abgesetzt. Die Form des Golgifeldes, die Gesetzmäßigkeit seiner Veränderungen, die Spezifität seiner Strukturen und seine Beziehung zum Zellkern werden beschrieben. Pinocytosebläschen wandern bei dieser Zellart im gesamten Verlauf sichtbar von der Zellmembran zwischen den Speichergranula hindurch zur Randzone des Golgifeldes und lösen sich dort auf. Die Granula des Cytoplasmas entstehen offenbar im Golgifeld und werden in seiner Randzone erstmalig als solche erkennbar, um ins Cytoplasma zu wandern.
Summary The KG 13 plasmocytoma from the Syrian golden hamster consists of immature Plasmoblasts. Living cells of this plasmocytoma observed by phase contrast microscopy in the hanging drop in vitro have a particularly large Golgi field surrounded by a border of light pinocytose bubbles. The cytoplasma is filled with storage granules. The form and the modifications of the Golgi field are described as well as his structure and his relations to the nucleus. Pinocytose bubbles reach the border of the Golgi field after crossing granules and disappeare. The granules are evidently formed in the Golgi field and become visible in its periphery.

Die Arbeit wurde mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den Schichten I bis III der Sehrinde der Katze wurden die feinen markhaltigen Nervenfasern morphometrisch untersucht. Folgende Größen wurden bestimmt: 1. mit Hilfe des Punktzählverfahrens ein Volumenanteil von 7,1±1,6%. 2. Mit der Methode von Hennig (1958) in einem Raum von (0,1 mm)3 eine Oberfläche von 0,42±0,07 mm2. 3. Mit Hilfe der Methode von Hennig (1963) in einem gleichen Raum eine Summenlänge der Markfasern von 152 mm. 4. Bei 3693 markhaltigen Nervenfasern ein Mittelwert aller Durchmesser von 0,51±0,08 . Die Größenverteilung der Durchmesser ist in der Abb. 2 enthalten. 5. Die Ergebnisse von 3. und 4. erlaubten eine Kontrollberechnung von Volumenanteil und Oberfläche. Die mit unterschiedlichen Methoden ermittelten Ergebnisse zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung.
Summary The small myelinated axons in layers I to III of the cat's visual cortex have been investigated by means of morphometric methods. It has been found that: 1. The myelinated fibres make up 7.1±1.6% of the total volume. 2. Within a volume of (0.1 mm)3 the myelinated fibres have a surface of 0.42±0.07 mm2. 3. The compound length of the myelinated fibres within a volume of (0.1 mm)3 is 152 mm. 4. The diameters of 3,693 myelinated fibres have a mean value of 0.51±0.08 . The distribution of the diameters is shown in Fig. 2. 5. The results of 3. and 4. can be used to control the values given in 1. and 2. The values obtained by the two different methods are in good agreement.

Die Untersuchungen wurden mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgeführt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Methode zur Lokalisation von Catechol- und Tryptaminen wurden im Hypothalamus von Carassius auratus zwei bisher unbekannte catecholaminhaltige Kerngebiete gefunden. Sie liegen in der Pars posterior des Lobus medius hypothalami und werden Nucleus recessus posterioris und Nucleus recessus lateralis genannt. Aus diesen Kerngebieten gehen vier markarme Bahnen hervor, die ungekreuzt verlaufen und innerhalb des Hypothalamus endigen. Verschiedene pharmakologische und histochemische Befunde legen die Vermutung nahe, daß die fluoreszierende Substanz im Hypothalamus Noradrenalin ist. Eine Abgabe von biogenen Aminen in den Liquor cerebrospinalis wird für möglich gehalten.
Summary The hypothalamus of Carassius auratus was investigated by means of the method for fluorescence-microscopical detection of catechol- and tryptamines. The hypothalamus was found to contain two hitherto unknown nuclei with specific catecholamine-fluorescence. They are situated in the pars posterior of the lobus medius hypothalami and are termed nucleus recesaus lateralis and nucleus recessus posterions. The unmyelinated axons of these nuclei give rise to four different tracts which run uncrossed in the frontal direction and terminate within the hypothalamus. Their course is described in detail. According to the results of histochemical and pharmacological tests it is assumed that the fluorescent substance in the hypothalamus is noradrenaline. The two nuclei are bordering the ventricular wall and are thought to secrete catecholamines into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch eine Sachbeihilfe der Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Hamburg.  相似文献   
G. R. Berry  W. H. Mathews 《CMAJ》1967,96(19):1312-1316
Lymphoma localized to one organ is known to have a good prognosis. After a study of 131 cases of lymphosarcoma of the stomach Smith and Helwig3 reported that 42 were in reality a benign lymphoproliferative disorder which has been termed pseudolymphoma of the stomach. Of our series of 12 cases, six are now thought to be pseudolymphoma. Jacobs7 has enumerated the differentiating criteria. We have found a polymorphic cellular infiltrate, in nodular or diffuse pattern, associated with a fibrotic reaction located in the submucosa, muscularis or serosa, to be the most helpful criterion. The “good prognosis” associated with gastric lymphoma may be due partly to the difficulty in differentiating these two conditions and to the inclusion of cases of pseudolymphoma in any large series of these lymphomas.  相似文献   
Methods for continuous production of viruses, and operation of the virustat, an apparatus in which such production was accomplished, were studied. Continuous production requires a separate continuous host growth chamber, such as the chemostat, and a multiunit virus growth chamber into which the virus-inoculated host cells are led. Successful continuous output of MS-2 and ϕX174 viruses, the latter in lysates, over periods of several days and at titers approximating those of batch lysates, was observed. Design problems include chamber sizes and flow rates, growth of resistant mutants within both virus and host growth chambers, clogging by lysis debris, and the phenomenon of self-inoculation. The latter represents virus growth in the first section of the chamber in excess of the washout rate, leading to lack of need for virus inoculation after an initial period. Use of the virustat for production and research purposes will require some attention to the formation of resistant bacterial colonies at pockets and surface sites of limited washout. With the virustat as a continuous virus production device, continuous purification methods are desirable. Research use of the virustat in continuous mutagenic population studies would require suppression of self-inoculation by use of many sections in the chamber, and improved servo control of host populations at low concentrations.  相似文献   
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