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SYNOPSIS. Meridian ranges and contractile vacuole pore patterns were determined for 36 strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis, including most of the “classic” amicronucleate and micronucleate strains used by many investigators, plus a dozen other strains not previously characterized with respect to these two morphological features. Uniform axenic culturing and staining techniques were employed. Meridian ranges and modes are analyzed with strain-by-strain comparisons to the reports of previous investigators. The overall inclusive range of the 36 strains was 15–25 meridians. Modes for individual strains varied from 16 to 23. Broader ranges and, especially, higher modes and higher limits are recorded than those reported by Corliss (1953) for strains grown in bacterized hay cultures. Two postoral meridians are characteristic, although a single individual having only one and a few having three postorals were observed. Three postorals were found only in those strains having the higher number of total meridians. A few individuals, showing an anterior half or a posterior half of a bipolar meridian missing, indicate a possible explanation of how a single dividing individual could produce a proter and an opisthe differing in the total number of meridians. Meridian ranges of individual strains do not overlap each other in all cases, but they do constitute a progressively overlapping series which does not warrant taxonomic separation of strains at either extreme from each other. Contractile vacuole pores varied from 1 to 3, with 2 pores (1 each in meridians 5 and 6) being characteristic of 22 of the strains. The 2-pore 6-7 pattern was modal for 8 of the strains. Presence of 3 pores (in 5, 6 and 7) was typical of only 2 strains, but 3 pores were found occasionally. Another pattern of 3 pores (in 6, 7 and 8) was observed occasionally in 10 strains. Double pores (in 6 and 7 or 7 and 8) and the triple pore patterns were observed only in the strains having the highest total number of meridians. These variations are not considered adequate justification for taxonomic separation. Strains Ki and Aq are affirmed to be T. pyriformis. Strains V1 PP and V, formerly regarded as strains of T. vorax, are considered to be T. pyriformis, supporting the view of Shaw and Williams (1963).  相似文献   
Die freien intracellulären proteinogenen Aminosäuren von einemNeurospora crassa-Wildstamm und zweiNeurospora crassa-Mutanten sowie von einer Mutante vonNeurospora sitophila wurden mit Hilfe der Ionenaustauschchromatographie analysiert. Zusammensetzung und Größe des Pools an Aminosäuren und NH 4 + sind bei den einzelnen Mutanten unterschiedlich, zeigen aber auch viele Gemeinsamkeiten. Alanin, Glutamat und Arginin finden sich in höchsten Konzentrationen; Tyrosin, Phenylananin und Methionin in den niedrigsten. Die freien Aminosäuren ändern sich in ihren Konzentrationen bei allen Stämmen in Abhängigkeit vom Alter der Kulturen, ihrer Wachstums-und Autolysegeschwindigkeit. Die Menge der freien Aminosäuren ist von der Art der N-Quelle abhängig. N-Mangel führt zur Erniedrigung der Konzentration der freien Aminosäuren.  相似文献   
Previously existing methods for determining the pH limits for the growth of microorganisms have involved (1), the setting up of individual cultures, each having a specific pH; (2), the pH gradient plate technique devised by Sacks (1956) in which a continuous pH gradient is established in a Petri dish by means of a buffer system; and (3), the pH gradient plate technique of Zak (unpublished), in which a continuous pH gradient is established by means of an electric current. The discontinuous pH gradient technique described here provides a convenient method of determining the maximum and minimum pH at which a microorganism can grow. The technique can be used aerobically or anaerobically, and has a precision of about ± 0.1 pH unit. Data are given for several yeasts and forSerratia marcescens. In all cases, the organisms tested continued to metabolize at pH values beyond those representing the limits for growth, sometimes by as much as 0.5 pH unit. The results suggest that pH limits are unsuitable criteria in microbial classification.  相似文献   
A collection of maize obtained from the Chocó Indian tribe of Darien, Panama, differs from published accounts of maize reported as typical for the area in size and in methods of cultivation. The collection may represent a segregating population from crosses occurring between the racesChococeño andCoastal Tropical Flint. Implications of this hypothesis with regard to problems of introduction, present geographical occurrence, and transportation of these races by nomadic human vectors are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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