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No major differences have been found in series of Staphylococcus aureus strains which reverted from L-phase, either by pyrolysis mass spectrometry or by phage-typing or sensitivity testing. In L-phase they have been subcultured for a long time or transformed/reverted many times into/from L-phase. Plasmids were lost during transformations/reversions, but there was some difference between the tetracycline-connected plasmids on the one hand and the erythromycin-connected ones on the other.This investigation was supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (F.O.M.), subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   
Summary Bird densities were estimated on 41 small islands and two mainland plots at a South Swedish lake both in 1976 and 1983. In the latter year, three additional plots were also censused. The ratio between combined densities of hole-nesting birds on the mainland and on islands was 3:1 both in plots without and with nest boxes. In plots with boxes combined densities of hole-nesting birds doubled compared with control plots. This increase was caused by a tenfold increase of pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Territories of this species were on average established about a week later on the islands compared with the mainland. Furthermore, 50% of the males on the islands did not attract a female. Densities of great tit Parus major, marsh tit Parus palustris and nuthatch Sitta europaea were unaffected by increased nesthole availability. For P. major this result contrasts with those in other studies.The density of chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in habitats with similar height and vertical structure was two times higher on the islands compared to the mainland. On the islands the density was the same on islands with only one pair and on those with two or more pairs. In spring, there were no significant differences between islands and the mainland in the proportion of leaves with insect feeding traces. The proportion of Salix leaves with feeding traces increased with island size, but this was not so for Alnus and Betula leaves. In late summer, the proportion of leaves with feeding traces were halved inside a plot with nest boxes and hence increased bird densities compared to a nearby control plot. This result was the same along the lake shore and about 150 m away from the shore.The discussion centers on the effect of man on the food-and nest site-availability of hole-nesting birds, food limitation of insectivorous birds and density compensation on islands.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria acclimate to changes in light by adjusting the amounts of different cellular compounds, for example the light-harvesting macromolecular complex. Described are the acclimatization responses in the light-harvesting system of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans following a shift from high intensity, white light to low intensity, red light.

The phycocyanin and chlorophyll content and the relative amount of the two linker peptides (33 and 30 kilodaltons) in the phycobilisome were studied. Both the phycocyanin and chlorophyll content per cell increased after the shift, although the phycocyanin increased relatively more. The increase in phycocyanin was biphasic in nature, a fast initial phase and a slower second phase, while the chlorophyll increase was completed in one phase. The phycocyanin and chlorophyll responses to red light were immediate and were completed within 30 and 80 hours for chlorophyll and phycocyanin, respectively. An immediate response was also seen for the two phycobilisome linker peptides. The amount of both of them increased after the shift, although the 33 kilodalton linker peptide increased faster than the 30 kilodalton linker peptide. The increase of the content of the two linker peptides stopped when the phycocyanin increase shifted from the first to the second phase. We believe that the first phase of phycocyanin increase was due mainly to an increase in the phycobilisome size while the second phase was caused only by an increase in the amount of phycobilisomes. The termination of chlorophyll accumulation, which indicates that no further reaction center chlorophyll antennae were formed, occurred parallel to the onset of the second phase of phycocyanin accumulation.

Two groups ofAvahi laniger were studied in the Forêt de Analamozoatra near Perinet in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar from August to October 1984. Overlap between the home ranges of neighbouring groups ofA. laniger was minimal. Group size ranged from one to four individuals with a median group size of two. In four out of ten groups a baby was born between August and September.A. laniger were most active after dusk and before dawn. They had an extended resting period around midnight. Their diet consisted mostly of leaves from at least 17 different plant species. They also ate flowers. Fruit eating was recorded twice. Leaves eaten had high contents of protein and sugar but did not contain alkaloids. The concentration of condensed tannins did not differ between food items and non-food items. There was no indication of competition with other prosimians that might explain their nocturnality.  相似文献   
The copy numbers of the FII plasmids R1 and R100 were determined in four different ways and found to be identical. Deletion of one of the copy number control genes, copB, together with its promoter gives rise to plasmid copy mutants with an increased copy number. The increase was found to be 8- and 3.5-fold for plasmids R1 and R100, respectively. These deletion derivatives were found to be extremely sensitive to the presence of CopB activity from their own parent plasmid but not to that of the other plasmid. Hence, the CopB protein and its target are plasmid-specific and not FII-group-specific. These results are consistent with the high degree of nonhomology between plasmids R1 and R100 in a 250-bp region covering the distal part of the copB gene and the repA promoter region, which contains the target for the CopB protein.  相似文献   
Summary Pachysolen tannophilus contains — in addition to an NADPH-linked xylose reductase — a separate NADH-linked one, in this respect differing from the yeast Pichia stipitis. Both enzyme proteins can conveniently be separated from each other by either ion exchange chromatography or chromatofocusing.  相似文献   
Summary Freshwater rainbow trout,Salmo gairdneri, were injected with different doses of estradiol-17 in order to induce the synthesis of a protein, regarded as identical to vitellogenin. The plasma levels of free and protein-bound calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphate were studied in control and estradiol-17 treated fish, using an ultrafiltration method. Estradiol-17 caused a dose-dependent increase in plasma vitellogenin levels, which strongly correlated to protein-bound levels of calcium and magnesium in plasma. Calcium and magnesium were bound to vitellogenin in a ratio of 9:1, which was considerably higer than the protein-binding ratio of these ions in normal plasma (5.2:1). The dose-dependent increase in total plasma levels of calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphate during estradiol-17 treatment was solely due to an increase in the protein-bound fraction of these ions. It is concluded that the physiologically important plasma levels of free calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphate are effectively regulated at normal levels during vitellogenin synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a study on the structure and function of Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC) isolated by a simple and rapid technique involving 1) perfusion of the liver with collagenase; 2) cell separation by means of density centrifugation in Percoll; and 3) cell culture, taking advantage of the fact that KC and LEC differ in their preferences for growth substrate. The KC, which attach and spread under serum-free conditions on surfaces of glass or plastic during the first 15 min in culture exhibit a typical macrophage-like morphology including membrane ruffling and a heterogenous content of vacuoles. Moreover, these cells express (a) Fc receptors (FcR) for binding and phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with immune globulin G (E-IgG), and (b) complement receptors (CR) for binding and serum dependent phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with either human C3b or mouse inactivated C3b (iC3b). The cells also bind fluid phase fluoresceinated C3b. Approximately 30% of the KC express immune response-associated (Ia)-antigens.The LEC attach and spread on fibronectin coated surfaces, but not on glass or plastic surfaces, during the first two hours in culture with or without serum, and are morphologically distinct from KC. Cultured LEC are well spread out with no membrane ruffling and with numerous large vesicles surrounding the regularly shaped nucleus. These cells bind, but do not ingest E-IgG via the FcR, but no binding of fluid phase C3b or particle fixed C3b or iC3b can be observed. Incubation of LEC with fluorescein amine conjugates of ovalbumin or formaldehyde treated serum albumin, but not with fluoresceinated native serum albumin, results in accumulation of fluorescence specifically localized in the large perinuclear vesicles. Neither KC nor any other cell types tested have the ability to accumulate fluorescence upon incubation with these compounds. Iaantigens are not present on the LEC.Cytochemical demonstration of unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase reveals different patterns and intensities of staining in KC as compared to LEC.Abbreviations Used KC Kupffer cells - LEC Liver endothelial cells - C Complement - C3b Major fragment of C3 activation - iC3b C3b that has been cleaved by factor I (C3b inactivator), present in serum - meC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with methyl amine - trC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with trypsin - CR Complement receptors for C3b and iC3b - IgG Immune globulin G - IgM Immune globulin M - E Erythrocytes - E-IgG E covered with anti-E IgG - E-IgM E covered with anti-E IgM - E-C3b(h) E-IgM reacted with purified human C1, C4, oxidized C2 and C3 (E-IgMC14xyC2C3b) - E-iC3b(m) E-IgM incubated with C5 deficient serum from AKR mice - FcR Receptors for the Fc portion of IgG - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-meC3b FITC conjugated to meC3b - FITC-trC3b FITC conjugated to trC3b - FA Fluorescein amine - FA-OA Ovalbumin conjugated with FA - FA-SA Serum albumin conjugated with FA - FA-FSA Formaldehyde-treated serum albumin conjugated with FA - Ia Immune response-associated AcE Acid unspecific esterase acting on alpha naphtyl acetate - NASDAE Unspecific esterase acting on naphthol AS-D acetate - NASDCAE Unspecific esterase acting on napthol AS-D chloroacetate  相似文献   
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