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The preparations and performances of the novel amperometric biosensors for glucose based on immobilized glucose oxidase (GOD) on modified Pt electrodes are described. Two types of modified electrodes for the enzyme immobilization were used in this study, polyvinylferrocene (PVF) coated Pt electrode and gold deposited PVF coated Pt electrode. A simple method for the immobilization of GOD enzyme on the modified electrodes was described. The enzyme electrodes developed in this study were called as PVF-GOD enzyme electrode and PVF-Au-GOD enzyme electrode, respectively. The amperometric responses of the enzyme electrodes were measured at constant potential, which was due to the electrooxidation of enzymatically produced H2O2. The electrocatalytic effects of the polymer, PVF, and the gold particles towards the electrooxidation of the enzymatically generated H2O2 offers sensitive and selective monitoring of glucose. The biosensor based on PVF-Au-GOD electrode has 6.6 times larger maximum current, 3.8 times higher sensitivity and 1.6 times larger linear working portion than those of the biosensor based on PVF-GOD electrode. The effects of the applied potential, the thickness of the polymeric film, the amount of the immobilized enzyme, pH, the amount of the deposited Au, temperature and substrate concentration on the responses of the biosensors were investigated. The optimum pH was found to be pH 7.4 at 25 degrees C. Finally the effects of interferents, stability of the biosensors and applicability to serum analysis of the biosensor were also investigated.  相似文献   
We propose a novel approach to analyze and visualize residue contact networks of protein interfaces by graph‐based algorithms using a minimum cut tree (mincut tree). Edges in the network are weighted according to an energy function derived from knowledge‐based potentials. The mincut tree, which is constructed from the weighted residue network, simplifies and summarizes the complex structure of the contact network by an efficient and informative representation. This representation offers a comprehensible view of critical residues and facilitates the inspection of their organization. We observed, on a nonredundant data set of 38 protein complexes with experimental hotspots that the highest degree node in the mincut tree usually corresponds to an experimental hotspot. Further, hotspots are found in a few paths in the mincut tree. In addition, we examine the organization of hotspots (hot regions) using an iterative clustering algorithm on two different case studies. We find that distinct hot regions are located on specific sites of the mincut tree and some critical residues hold these clusters together. Clustering of the interface residues provides information about the relation of hot regions with each other. Our new approach is useful at the molecular level for both identification of critical paths in the protein interfaces and extraction of hot regions by clustering of the interface residues. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This study describes the effects of fluoride exposure on the protein profile, glycoprotein pattern, and total sialic acid concentration of serum in rabbits. For this aim; 20 healthy New Zealand rabbits were used. The rabbits were divided into two equal groups each with ten animals according to their weighing: control group and experimental group. The rabbits in control group were given drinking tap water containing 0.29 mg/l sodium fluoride and experimental group received the same tap water to which was added 40 mg/l sodium fluoride for 70 days. Blood samples were taken from each rabbit on day 70. Serum fluoride concentrations were measured by a fluoride-specific ion electrode in serum. The fluoride levels in the serum were found as 18.4 (±1.58) μg/L in control and 301.3 (±52.18) μg/L in fluoride exposed rabbits. The sialic acid levels were found as 69.2 (±0.32) mg/dL in control and 43.4 (±0.13) mg/dL in fluoride exposed group. The electrophoretic patterns of serum proteins, glycoproteins, and total sialic acid concentration were determined. Fifteen different protein fractions with molecular weights ranging from 22 to 249 kDa were displayed in the serum protein electrophoretic gel of both groups. The raw concentrations of the protein fractions decreased in fluoride exposed rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. The serum glycoprotein pattern revealed seven major protein bands from 47 to 167 kDa in experimental and control groups. The slight decrease of raw concentration of the protein bands in glycoprotein pattern of serum was observed in fluoride toxication comparing to control. The results suggest that serum TSA determination and serum protein electrophoresis can be used to evaluate prognosis of fluoride exposure as a supplementary laboratory test in combination with clinical and other laboratory findings of fluorosis.  相似文献   
Repetitive exposure of macrophages to microbial antigen is known to tolerize them to further stimulation and to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine release. Using transgenic (Tg) mice that incorporate the entire HIV-1 genome we have previously shown that toll like receptor (TLR)-2, -4, and -9 ligands induced tolerance as assessed by decreased proinflammatory cytokine secretion and nuclear factor-kappa beta activation. Yet, despite cytokine modulation, HIV-1 p24 production was enhanced in tolerized cells in vitro and in vivo. Since mice are not natural hosts for HIV infection, in the following report we examined whether TLR2 and TLR4 ligands induced tolerance in human monocytic cell lines stably expressing the HIV-long terminal repeat (LTR) luciferase construct (THP-LTR-Luc) as well as in primary macrophages that had been infected with HIV(BAL)in vitro. In THP-LTR-luc, TLR2 and TLR4 tolerization suppressed tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha release and HIV-LTR transactivation. In HIV(BAL) infected macrophages, repeated LPS exposure inhibited HIV replication as assessed by decreased genetic expression and protein production of HIV-1 p24, although TNF-alpha release was not inhibited. These observations may have important clinical implications in understanding the role of macrophages as HIV reservoirs at anatomical sites where there is repeated exposure to microbial antigens.  相似文献   
Estrogen-bound estrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta classically activate gene expression after binding to the estrogen response element in the promoter regions of target genes. Estrogen also has rapid, nongenomic effects. It activates several membranous or cytoplasmic kinase cascades, including the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3K/Akt) cascade, a signaling pathway that plays a key role in cell survival and apoptosis. Normal human endometrium is exposed to variable levels of steroid hormones throughout the menstrual cycle. We hypothesized that Akt phosphorylation in human endometrium may vary with the menstrual cycle and in early pregnancy and that fluctuations in estrogen level may play a role in Akt activation in endometrial cells. We analyzed Akt phosphorylation using in vivo and in vitro techniques, including Western blot, immunohistochemistry, and immunocytochemistry. Estradiol significantly increased Akt phosphorylation in endometrial cells. Rapid stimulation of Akt activation in cultured stromal cells was observed. Akt phosphorylation by estradiol was inhibited by the PI3K inhibitor, wortmannin, but not by the ER antagonist, ICI 182 780. The maximal effect on Akt activity was observed following 5-15 min of estradiol treatment. Our results suggest that estradiol may directly affect PI3K-related signaling pathway by increasing the phosphorylation of Akt in endometrial cells. Thus, estradiol may exert part of its proliferative and antiapoptotic effects by a nongenomic manner through the Akt signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Opportunistic infections are common in HIV-infected patients; they activate HIV replication and contribute to disease progression. In the present study we examined the role of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR9 in HIV-long terminal repeat (HIV-LTR) trans-activation and assessed whether TLR4 synergized with TLR2 or TLR9 to induce HIV replication. Soluble Mycobacterium tuberculosis factor (STF) and phenol-soluble modulin from Staphylococcus epidermidis induced HIV-LTR trans-activation in human microvessel endothelial cells cotransfected with TLR2 cDNA. Stimulation of ex vivo spleen cells from HIV-1 transgenic mice with TLR4, TLR2, and TLR9 ligands (LPS, STF, and CpG DNA, respectively) induced p24 Ag production in a dose-dependent manner. Costimulation of HIV-1 transgenic mice spleen cells with LPS and STF or CpG DNA induced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma production in a synergistic manner and p24 production in an additive fashion. In the THP-1 human monocytic cell line stably expressing the HIV-LTR-luciferase construct, LPS and STF also induced HIV-LTR trans-activation in an additive manner. This is the first time that TLR2 and TLR9 and costimulation of TLRs have been shown to induce HIV replication. Together these results underscore the importance of TLRs in bacterial Ag- and CpG DNA-induced HIV-LTR trans-activation and HIV replication. These observations may be important in understanding the role of the innate immune system and the molecular mechanisms involved in the increased HIV replication and HIV disease progression associated with multiple opportunistic infections.  相似文献   
The human oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis colonizes the gingival crevice and invades gingival epithelial cells. Multidimensional capillary high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were used to analyze the proteome of P. gingivalis as it adapts to a set of experimental conditions designed to reflect important features of an epithelial cell environment. 1014 proteins (46% of the total theoretical proteome) were identified in four independent analyses; 479 of these proteins showed evidence of differential expression after exposure of P. gingivalis to either conditioned epithelial cell growth medium or control conditions: i.e., they were only detected under one set of conditions. Moreover, 276 genes annotated as hypothetical were found to encode expressed proteins. Among the proteins up-regulated in the presence of epithelial cell components were a homolog of the internalin proteins of Listeria monocytogenes and subunits of the ATP-dependent Clp protease complex. Insertional inactivation of clpP, encoding the Clp proteolytic subunit, resulted in approximately a 50% reduction in invasion of P. gingivalis. These results suggest that adaptation to an epithelial cell environment induces a major shift in the expressed proteome of the organism. Furthermore, ClpP, that is up-regulated in this environment, is required for optimal invasive activity of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   
Energetic hot spots account for a significant portion of the total binding free energy and correlate with structurally conserved interface residues. Here, we map experimentally determined hot spots and structurally conserved residues to investigate their geometrical organization. Unfilled pockets are pockets that remain unfilled after protein-protein complexation, while complemented pockets are pockets that disappear upon binding, representing tightly fit regions. We find that structurally conserved residues and energetic hot spots are strongly favored to be located in complemented pockets, and are disfavored in unfilled pockets. For the three available protein-protein complexes with complemented pockets where both members of the complex were alanine-scanned, 62% of all hot spots (DeltaDeltaG>2kcal/mol) are within these pockets, and 60% of the residues in the complemented pockets are hot spots. 93% of all red-hot residues (DeltaDeltaG>/=4kcal/mol) either protrude into or are located in complemented pockets. The occurrence of hot spots and conserved residues in complemented pockets highlights the role of local tight packing in protein associations, and rationalizes their energetic contribution and conservation. Complemented pockets and their corresponding protruding residues emerge among the most important geometric features in protein-protein interactions. By screening the solvent, this organization shields backbone hydrogen bonds and charge-charge interactions. Complemented pockets often pre-exist binding. For 18 protein-protein complexes with complemented pockets whose unbound structures are available, in 16 the pockets are identified to pre-exist in the unbound structures. The root-mean-squared deviations of the atoms lining the pockets between the bound and unbound states is as small as 0.9A, suggesting that such pockets constitute features of the populated native state that may be used in docking.  相似文献   
The role of red blood cell (RBC) aggregation as a determinant of in vivo blood flow is still unclear. This study was designed to investigate the influence of a well-controlled enhancement of RBC aggregation on blood flow resistance in an isolated-perfused heart preparation. Guinea pig hearts were perfused through a catheter inserted into the root of the aorta using a pressure servo-controlled pump system that maintained perfusion pressures of 30 to 100 mmHg. The hearts were beating at their intrinsic rates and pumping against the perfusion pressure. RBC aggregation was increased by Pluronic (F98) coating of RBC at a concentration 0.025 mg/ml, corresponding to about a 100% increment in RBC aggregation as measured by erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Isolated heart preparations were perfused with 0.40 l/l hematocrit unmodified guinea pig blood and with Pluronic-coated RBC suspensions in autologous plasma. At high perfusion pressures there were no significant differences between the flow resistance values for the two perfusates, with differences in flow resistance only becoming significant at lower perfusion pressures. These results can be interpreted to reflect the shear dependence of RBC aggregation: higher shear forces associated with higher perfusion pressures should have dispersed RBC aggregates resulting in blood flow resistances similar to control values. Experiments repeated in preparations in which the smooth muscle tone was inhibited by pre-treatment with papaverine indicated that significant effects of enhanced RBC aggregation could be detected at higher perfusion pressures, underlining the compensatory role of vasomotor control mechanisms.  相似文献   
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