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Average specific absorption rates (SARs) for live rats exposed in 2,450-MHz circularly polarized waveguides were estimated from the total system loss determined from measurements using five power meters, and a correction factor representing actual SAR/apparent SAR. The actual SAR was measured by twin-well calorimetry and the apparent SAR by power meters. Values were obtained for carcasses of various body masses for five orientations. The average SAR with free movement in the cages changed less than threefold as the rats grew from 200 to 700 g. The ratio of peak to average SAR in the body was less than 3. These results indicate relatively constant energy disposition in rats exposed in the circularly polarized waveguide.  相似文献   
In a controlled trial, thermal biofeedback (n=20) and abbreviated progressive relaxation (n=22) were compared in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertensive patients whose blood pressures (BP) were initially controlled on two medications. For the clinical end point of maintaining control of BP on a single drug after treatment, biofeedback was superior to relaxation training (at 3 months, 47% success for biofeedback versus 23% for relaxation). This same result tended to be true for patient-measured home BPs. BPs from laboratory psychophysiological testing showed no consistent advantage for one treatment over the other.This research was supported by a grant from NHLB1, HL-27622.  相似文献   
Target size analysis by radiation inactivation is widely used for molecular weight determination of membrane enzymes and receptors in situ without the need for prior solubilization or purification. However, since most molecular weight data available in the literature on membrane proteins involve the use of detergents for solubilization, the target sizes of membrane proteins in situ and after solubilization by detergent treatment have been compared. Using data from the literature and personal results, three different types of behavior of membrane proteins in presence of detergents were found: (i) uncoupling of subunits (electric eel acetylcholinesterase, placental steroid sulfatase, and human nonspecific β-glucosidase); (ii) coupling of protein molecules (mouse liver neuraminidase, and rat liver insulin receptor regulatory component); and (iii) no major change in quaternary structure (rat liver insulin receptor, kidney γ-glutamyltransferase, asialoglycoprotein receptor, insulin degrading enzyme, and human leucocyte neuraminidase). For all these proteins, there is a statistically significant increase in target size of about 24% over the value obtained in situ without detergent. A relatively large body of literature data involving a variety of membrane proteins, membrane types, and irradiation conditions (electron accelerators or 60Co sources, and proteins irradiated in lyophilized form or frozen solution) was examined, and it was concluded that target sizes of membrane proteins, irradiated in the presence of Triton X-100, should be diminished by a factor of about 24% to obtain the molecular weight value.  相似文献   
Development of larvae of the cestode parasite Taenia taeniaeformis in the liver of rats induces gross hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa and excessive mucus production in the stomach without any direct contact with the stomach. Because the taeniid larvae are known to elaborate excretory-secretory (E-S) product in vivo and in vitro, the product was analyzed further, and its effects on cultured rat and dog stomach cells were investigated. In vitro E-S product contained less negatively charged glycosaminoglycan than either heparin or chondroitin sulfate, and proteins of various molecular weights. It stimulated the growth of both rat and dog stomach cells at concentrations of 3-9 micrograms protein/ml culture medium. At a concentration of 30 micrograms protein/ml culture medium, it stimulated hexosamine production in the cells up to 20 times, and multiple intracytoplasmic granules were found in both rat and dog cultured cells by light and electron microscopy. These results suggest that larval E-S product may be involved in the induction of gastric hyperplasia and hypermucus secretion.  相似文献   
Reduction of the bis-pilocarpate-haemin complex at pH greater than or equal to 10 involves the simultaneous uptake of an electron by the Fe(III) ion and a proton by the pendant alkoxide group of an axial ligand. This provides a protein-free model for reactions such as the proton-coupled reduction of cytochromes which involve cooperative Coulombic interaction between two non-bonded sites.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of neural pathways in the nonasthmatic response to eucapnic hyperventilation with below freezing air five diabetic patients with severe symptomatic autonomic neuropathy were studied. Their responses were compared with those shown by five diabetic patients without autonomic neuropathy and five non-diabetic controls. After bronchial provocation testing with cold air the diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy did not show a significant fall in specific airways conductance (mean (SE) maximum percentage fall 2.0 (3)%), whereas conductance fell in the diabetic patients without neuropathy by 30.8 (2.0)% (p less than 0.001) and in the non-diabetic controls by 22.7 (4.6)% (p less than 0.02). In subjects who do not have asthma the bronchial response to cold air is mediated largely via neural mechanisms.  相似文献   
Summary TEM, SEM and X-ray diffraction analysis demonstrate the heterogeneity of the dentinal tissue of Anarhichas lupus, a vascular osteodentine. The disordered aspect of collagen fibres, incompletely mineralized (the periodical striation being still visible), explains the scattered distribution of crystallites since they are responsible for their arrangement. The low degree of mineralization revealed by the visible collagen striation is confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (the crystallinity of vascular osteodentine being much lower than that of the peripheral dental tissue) as well as by high resolution TEM, since no lattice planes could be observed. Osteodentine, supporting bone and proper bone have in common a mineral phase, more or less organized, different from the apatite system.The authors thank Mireille Cottrel-Gengoux for her technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary Hemoglobin J Mexico, an chain mutant, was studied in eight unrelated Algerian families. The quantities of the abnormal hemoglobin in 116 subjects are trimodally distributed: 55% in homozygotes, 31% and 38% in heterozygotes. Both hematological data and the / chain biosynthetic ratio are normal in heterozygotes with 31% Hb J and in homozygotes. In contrast, the MCV and MCH as well as the / biosynthetic ratio are slightly reduced in heterozygotes with 38% Hb J and in their relatives carrying Hb A. The elevated expression of J chains in heterozygotes with 38% Hb J may be due to an thalassemia gene trans to the >J locus.  相似文献   
Populations of Periplaneta americana (L.) were exposed for 8–20 week periods in specially designed rooms to 254 nm UV at low intensity (50–115 ergs sec–1cm–2), high intensity (160–220 ergs sec–1cm–2), or to white light. The rooms contained tables and chairs to simulate occupied space, with food and water placed in positions exposed to UV radiation. General irradiation (where the whole room was exposed to UV) at 115 ergs sec–1cm–2 and above was effective in producing high mortality in all stages except 8–10th instar nymphs and adults. Hot-spots irradiation (where UV lamps were placed behind table and chair harborages) produced high mortality only in 1 st-3rd instar nymphs which would result in slower elimination of a population. Crude aggregation pheromone was not successful in holding cockroaches close to radiation sources or substantially increasing mortality under the conditions of the experiments.
Zusammenfassung Populationen von Periplaneta americana (L.), die hinsichtlich ihrer Alterszusammensetzung (2.–3.; 5–6.; 8.–10. und adultes Stadium) und der Anzahlen in jedem Stadium festgelegt waren, wurden für 8–20 Wochenperioden in speziell dafür entworfenen Räumen einer 254 nm UV-Bestrahlung mit geringer (50–115 erg sec–1cm–2) oder hoher (160–220 erg sec–1cm–2) Intensität oder weißem Licht (als Kontrolle) ausgesetzt. Die Räume enthielten Tische und Stühle, um bewohnten Raum mit natürlichen Zufluchtsstätten mit Nahrung und Wasser an Stellen, die der UV-Bestrahlung unterlagen, zu simulieren. Ganzraumbestrahlung mit 115 erg sec–1cm–2 und darüber erzeugte hohe Mortalität bei 1.–3. und 5.–6.-Larvenstadien, örtliche Bestrahlung (UV-Lampen hinter Tisch- und Stuhl-Zufluchtsstätten) dagegen nur beim 1.–3.-Stadium, was zu einer langsameren Ausrottung einer Population führen würde. Ungereinigtes Aggregationspheromon als Zusatz, um Schaben dicht an die UV-Quellen zu locken und sie hier zu halten, war offenbar unwirksam, da eben die Mortalität nicht signifikant zunahm. Dieses Versagen war in erster Linie auf die Konkurrenz mit der Fülle von natürlichem Pheromon, das von den gewohnten Zufluchtsstätten ausging, zurückzuführen, verbunden mit der dem UV-Licht innewohnenden Abschreckung. Dennoch darf man annehmen, daß UV-Bestrahlung einen bedeutsamen Wert für die Verhinderung eines Populationswachstums (durch Ausschalten junger Larvenstadien) besitzt, besonders dort, wo chemische Bekämpfung aus Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsgründen oder wegen gesetzlichen Einschränkungen nur begrenzt möglich ist.
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