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Kinetochore reorientation is the critical process ensuring normal chromosome distribution. Reorientation has been studied in living grasshopper spermatocytes, in which bivalents with both chromosomes oriented to the same pole (unipolar orientation) occur but are unstable: sooner or later one chromosome reorients, the stable, bipolar orientation results, and normal anaphase segregation to opposite poles follows. One possible source of stability in bipolar orientations is the normal spindle forces toward opposite poles, which slightly stretch the bivalent. This tension is lacking in unipolar orientations because all the chromosomal spindle fibers and spindle forces are directed toward one pole. The possible role of tension has been tested directly by micromanipulation of bivalents in unipolar orientation to artificially create the missing tension. Without exception, such bivalents never reorient before the tension is released; a total time "under tension" of over 5 hr has been accumulated in experiments on eight bivalents in eight cells. In control experiments these same bivalents reoriented from a unipolar orientation within 16 min, on the average, in the absence of tension. Controlled reorientation and chromosome segregation can be explained from the results of these and related experiments.  相似文献   
One year''s experience with phenylketonuria during the calendar year 1966, the first year for compulsory newborn screening in California, was reviewed. The over-all prevalence rate from reported cases in California during this period was one case per 19,500 persons tested. Fifty-seven persons suspected of having pku were evaluated, and 25 of them were determined to be phenylketonuric. Eleven of the 25 were infants in whom the abnormality was detected through the newborn screening program or because it was detected in a sibling through a screening program. All the newborn phenylketonuric patients were developing normally at the time of last report (although the follow-up periods were short).In nine of the other children, pku was detected because they were retarded. Five retarded children who were diagnosed as phenylketonuric at another clinic were given dietary assistance.Five additional infants had elevated serum phenylalanines but did not have the classic biochemical findings of pku and are being evaluated further. Nine infants with positive screening tests exhibited biochemical and clinical findings consistent with transient tyrosinemia. Eighteen other children were evaluated and found to have no metabolic abnormality.The newborn screening program for pku is of decided benefit in early identification of a group of infants who have a high rate of potentially serious metabolic disease. Early identification permits treatment soon enough to prevent mental retardation. Newly identified patients should be evaluated in a medical setting capable of careful pediatric, biochemical and nutritional surveillance.  相似文献   
Summary Potted poplars (strainsmarilandica, serotina andFlachslanden ofPopulus euramericana) which developed iron-deficiency symptoms (chlorosis of upper leaves, winter die-back of leader, flushing of lateral buds) were treated with a soil application of iron chelate to study the effect of iron nutrition upon CO2-uptake, iron and pigment content of leaves, and leaf size of a tree species. Foliar content of each iron, chlorophyll, -carotene, lutein, and violaxanthin was significantly increased by the treatment. Chlorophyll b proved to be particularly sensitive to iron supply and the Qa/b was also significantly altered.CO2-uptake increased in fertilized and non-fertilized leaves with increasing light up to 40,000 Lux, but fertilized leaves assimilated more CO2 than non-fertilized leaves, especially at light intensities from 5,000 Lux upwards. The assimilatory number was decreased by the iron application since larger amounts of chlorophyll were present in fertilized leaves. If CO2-uptake was based upon an area unit basis the fertilizer effect became distinct even at 500 Lux. Thus CO2-uptake is a quick, valuable measure of fertilizer responses.In severe cases, iron deficiency also affects leaf size and thus indirectly reduces photosynthetic activity. A chelate application during the growing season will not affect the size of leaves already formed but may considerably increase the size of leaves formed subsequent to the treatment.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Sowohl nach UV-Bestrahlung (254 nm) als auch nach Röntgenbestrahlung bei 20 °C ergeben sich für Pyridoxin und einige schwefelhaltige Pyridoxinderivate gleiche Radikalzustände. Wahrscheinlich befindet sich ein unpaares Elektron in der Methylgruppe der Stellung 4 oder 5. Bei den Derivaten, die den Schwefel in Form des Sulfhydryls enthalten, findet eine Radikalwanderung zum Schwefel statt. Dabei wird der Radikalzustand am Schwefel des 4-Mercaptopyridoxins schneller gebildet als im Falle des 5-Mercaptopyridoxins. Die Disulfidbindung des Pyrithioxins ist gegenüber den Sulfhydrylbindungen der Mercaptopyridoxine stabiler. Ist der Schwefel in Form eines Thioäthers vorhanden (4,5-Methylensulfidpvridoxin), so erhält man ein Radikal vom Alkyltyp, ohne daß anschließend eine Radikalwanderung zum Schwefel auftritt. Die ESR-Untersuchungen zeigen darüber hinaus, daß die Bildung und das Zeitverhalten der Radikale nicht nur von ihrer unmittelbaren Umgebung, sondern auch von der ganzen Struktur des Moleküls abhängig sind.Herrn Prof. Dr. KurtSommermeyer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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