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Partition coefficients of carbon dioxide into lipid bilayers (liposomes) and organic solvents were measured as a function of temperature. The molar partition coefficient of CO2 into liposomes of egg lecithin at 25 degrees C was 0.95 (ml CO2/ml lipid)/(ml CO2/ml saline). The addition of an equimolar amount of cholesterol to the egg lecithin decreased the partition coefficient by about 25%. The partition coefficients for CO2 into liposomes at 25 degrees C were lower than the partition coefficients into octanol (1.3), hexadecane (1.5) and olive oil (1.7). The results are discussed in terms of the solubility-diffusion model of non-electrolyte transport through lipid bilayer membranes.  相似文献   
Codium decorticatum regulates its internal ionic composition and osmotic pressure in response to changes in external salinity. Over a salinity range of 23 to 37% (675 to 1120 mosmol/kg) Codium maintains a constant turgor pressure of 95 mosmol/kg (2.3 atm), observed as a constant difference between internal and external osmotic pressures. The changes in internal osmotic pressure are due to changes in intracellular inorganic ions. At 30 0/00 salinity the major intracellular ions are present in the following concentrations (mmol/kg cell H20): K+, 295; Na+, 255; Cl-, 450. At different salinities intracellular ion concentrations remain in constant proportion to the external ion concentrations, and thus the equilibrium potentials are approximately constant. The potential difference between the vacuole and seawater (-76 mV), whici is predominantly a K+ diffusion potential, is also constant with changing salinity. Comparison of the equilibrium potentials with the vacuole potential suggests that Cl- is actively absorbed and Na+ actively extruded, whereas K+ may be passively distributed between the vacuole and seawater. Turgor pressure does not change with environmental hydrostatic pressure, and increasing the external osmotic pressure with raffinose elicits a response similar to that obtained by increasing the salinity. These two results suggest that the stimulus for turgor regulation is a change in turgor pressure rather than a change in internal hydrostatic pressure or ion concentrations.  相似文献   
Hydrofluoric and nitric acid transport through lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hydrofluoric and nitric acid transport through lipid bilayer membranes were studied by a combination of electrical conductance and pH electrode techniques. Transport occurs primarily by nonionic diffusion of molecular HF and HNO3. Membrane permeabilities to HF and HNO3 ranged from 10(-4) to 10(-3) cm . s-1, five to seven orders of magnitude higher than the permeabilities to NO-3, F- and H+. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that F- transport through biological membranes occurs mainly by nonionic diffusion of HF. Our results also suggest that of the two principal components of 'acid rain', HNO3 may be more toxic than H2SO4.  相似文献   
Fire is a crucial event regulating the structure and functioning of many ecosystems. Yet few studies have focused on how fire affects taxonomic and functional diversities of soil microbial communities, along with changes in plant communities and soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. Here, we analyze these effects in a grassland ecosystem 9 months after an experimental fire at the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment site in California, USA. Fire altered soil microbial communities considerably, with community assembly process analysis showing that environmental selection pressure was higher in burned sites. However, a small subset of highly connected taxa was able to withstand the disturbance. In addition, fire decreased the relative abundances of most functional genes associated with C degradation and N cycling, implicating a slowdown of microbial processes linked to soil C and N dynamics. In contrast, fire stimulated above‐ and belowground plant growth, likely enhancing plant–microbe competition for soil inorganic N, which was reduced by a factor of about 2. To synthesize those findings, we performed structural equation modeling, which showed that plants but not microbial communities were responsible for significantly higher soil respiration rates in burned sites. Together, our results demonstrate that fire ‘reboots’ the grassland ecosystem by differentially regulating plant and soil microbial communities, leading to significant changes in soil C and N dynamics.  相似文献   
The glucose transporter of the bacterial phosphotransferase system mediates sugar transport across the cytoplasmic membrane concomitant with sugar phosphorylation. It consists of a cytoplasmic subunit IIA(Glc) and the transmembrane subunit IICB(Glc). IICB(Glc) was purified to homogeneity by urea/alkali washing of membranes and nickel-chelate affinity chromatography. About 1.5 mg highly pure IICB(Glc) representing 77% of the total activity present in the membranes was obtained from 8g (wet weight) of cells. IICB(Glc) was reconstituted into lipid bilayers by temperature-controlled dialysis to yield small 2D crystals and by a rapid detergent-dilution procedure to yield densely packed vesicles. Electron microscopy and digital image processing of the negatively stained 2D crystals revealed a trigonal lattice with a unit cell size of a = b = 14.5 nm. The unit cell morphology exhibited three dimers of IICB(Glc) surrounding the threefold symmetry center. Single particle analysis of IICB(Glc) in proteoliposomes obtained by detergent dialysis also showed predominantly dimeric structures.  相似文献   
Human activities affect both tree species composition and diversity in forested ecosystems. This in turn alters the species diversity of plant litter and litter quality, which may have cascading effects on soil microbial communities and their functions for decomposition and nutrient cycling. We tested microbial responses to litter species diversity in a leaf litter decomposition experiment including monocultures, 2-, and 4-species mixtures in the subtropical climate zone of southeastern China. Soil microbial community composition was assessed by lipid analysis, and microbial functions were measured using extracellular enzyme activity and gross rates of nitrogen mineralization. We observed a positive relationship between litter species diversity and abundances of mycorrhizal fungi and actinomycetes. Alternatively, enzyme activities involved in carbon and phosphorus acquisition, and enzyme indices of relative carbon limitation, were higher only in the 4-species mixtures. This suggests that the minimum basal substrate level for enzyme production was reached, or that limitation was higher, at the highest diversity level only. Responses to litter diversity also changed over time, where phosphatase responses to litter diversity were strongest early in decomposition and the indices of carbon limitation relative to other nutrients showed stronger responses later in decomposition. Enzyme activities were related to lipid biomarker data and the mass of litter remaining at the third time point, but relationships between enzyme activity and the mass of litter remaining were not consistent across other time points. We conclude that litter species richness will likely only reduce microbial functions at key intervals of diversity loss while microbial growth is more sensitive to incremental diversity loss, with no clear relationships between them or to ecosystem functions. The observed litter diversity effects on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity indicate interactions of aboveground and belowground communities, and together with environmental conditions they are important for maintaining ecosystem functions.  相似文献   
Ultrathin (black) lipid membranes were made from sheep red cell lipids dissolved in n-decane. The presence of aliphatic alcohols in the aqueous solutions bathing these membranes produced reversible changes in the ionic permeability, but not the osomotic permeability. Heptanol (8 mM), for example, caused the membrane resistance (Rm) to decrease from >108 to about 105 ohm-cm2 and caused a marked increase in the permeability to cations, especially potassium. In terms of ionic transference numbers, deduced from measurements of the membrane potential at zero current, T cat/T Cl increased from about 6 to 21 and T K/T Na increased from about 3 to 21. The addition of long-chain (C8ndash;C10) alcohols to the lipid solutions from which membranes were made produced similar effects on the ionic permeability. A plot of log Rm vs. log alcohol concentration was linear over the range of maximum change in Rm, and the slope was -3 to -5 for C2 through C7 alcohols, suggesting that a complex of several alcohol molecules is responsible for the increase in ionic permeability. Membrane permselectivity changed from cationic to anionic when thorium or ferric iron (10-4 M) was present in the aqueous phase or when a secondary amine (Amberlite LA-2) was added to the lipid solutions from which membranes were made. When membranes containing the secondary amine were exposed to heptanol, Rm became very low (103–104 ohm-cm2) and the membranes became perfectly anion-selective, developing chloride diffusion potentials up to 150 mv.  相似文献   
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