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An overview of models of stomatal conductance at the leaf level   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stomata play a key role in plant adaptation to changing environmental conditions as they control both water losses and CO2 uptake. Particularly, in the context of global change, simulations of the consequences of drought on crop plants are needed to design more efficient and water‐saving cropping systems. However, most of the models of stomatal conductance (gs) developed at the leaf level link gs to environmental factors or net photosynthesis (Anet), but do not include satisfactorily the effects of drought, impairing our capacity to simulate plant functioning in conditions of limited water supply. The objective of this review was to draw an up‐to‐date picture of the gs models, from the empirical to the process‐based ones, along with their mechanistic or deterministic bases. It focuses on models capable to account for multiple environmental influences with emphasis on drought conditions. We examine how models that have been proposed for well‐watered conditions can be combined with those specifically designed to deal with drought conditions. Ideas for future improvements of gs models are discussed: the issue of co‐regulation of gs and Anet; the roles of CO2, absissic acid and H2O2; and finally, how to better address the new challenges arising from the issue of global change.  相似文献   
This report reviews the development of a rapidin situ approach to study the physiological responses of bacteria within biofilms to disinfectants. One method utilized direct viable counts (DVC) to assess the disinfection efficacy when thin biofilms were exposed to chlorine or monochloramine. Results obtained using the DVC method were one log higher than plate count (PC) estimates of the surviving population after disinfection. Other methods incorporated the use of fluorogenic stains, a cryotomy technique to yield thin (5-m) sections of biofilm communities and examination by fluorescence microscopy. The fluorogenic stains used in this approach included 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), which indicates cellular electron transport activity and Rhodamine 123, which responds specifically to proton motive force. The use of these stains allowed the microscopic discrimination of physiologically active bacteria as well as heterogeneities of active cells within thicker biofilms. The results of experiments using these techniques with pure culture and binary population biofilms on stainless steel coupons indicated biocidal activity of chlorine-based disinfectants occurred initially at the bulk-fluid interface of the communities and progressed toward the substratum. This approach provided a unique opportunity to describe the spatial response of bacteria within biofilms to antimicrobial agents and address mechanisms explaining their comparative resistance to disinfection in a way that has not been possible using traditional approaches. Results obtained using this alternative approach were also consistently higher than PC data following disinfection. These observations suggest that traditional methods involving biofilm removal and bacterial enumeration by colony formation overestimate biocide efficacy. Hence the alternative approach described here more accurately indicates the ability of bacteria surviving disinfection to recover and grow as well as demonstrate spatial heterogeneities in cellular physiological activities within biofilms.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,200-base pair (bp) genomic fragment that includes the kappa-chain constant-region gene (C kappa) from two species of native Australian rodents, Rattus leucopus cooktownensis and Rattus colletti. Comparison of these sequences with each other and with other rodent C kappa genes shows three surprising features. First, the coding regions are diverging at a rate severalfold higher than that of the nearby noncoding regions. Second, replacement changes within the coding region are accumulating at a rate at least as great as that of silent changes. Third, most of the amino acid replacements are localized in one region of the C kappa domain--namely, the carboxy-terminal "bends" in the alpha-carbon backbone. These three features have previously been described from comparisons of the two allelic forms of C kappa genes in R. norvegicus. These data imply the existence of considerable evolutionary constraints on the noncoding regions (based on as yet undetermined functions) or powerful positive selection to diversify a portion of the constant-region domain (whose physiological significance is not known). These surprising features of C kappa evolution appear to be characteristic only of closely related C kappa genes, since comparison of rodent with human sequences shows the expected greater conservation of coding regions, as well as a predominance of silent nucleotide substitutions within the coding regions.   相似文献   
It is often difficult to identify the ‘who, when, and where’ of advances in medicine and surgery because it's a rare advance indeed (such as the use of digitalis by William Withering) that can be clearly related to the astuteness of one person at one time and place.  相似文献   
A Hidden Markov Model approach to variation among sites in rate of evolution   总被引:40,自引:20,他引:20  
The method of Hidden Markov Models is used to allow for unequal and unknown evolutionary rates at different sites in molecular sequences. Rates of evolution at different sites are assumed to be drawn from a set of possible rates, with a finite number of possibilities. The overall likelihood of phylogeny is calculated as a sum of terms, each term being the probability of the data given a particular assignment of rates to sites, times the prior probability of that particular combination of rates. The probabilities of different rate combinations are specified by a stationary Markov chain that assigns rate categories to sites. While there will be a very large number of possible ways of assigning rates to sites, a simple recursive algorithm allows the contributions to the likelihood from all possible combinations of rates to be summed, in a time proportional to the number of different rates at a single site. Thus with three rates, the effort involved is no greater than three times that for a single rate. This "Hidden Markov Model" method allows for rates to differ between sites and for correlations between the rates of neighboring sites. By summing over all possibilities it does not require us to know the rates at individual sites. However, it does not allow for correlation of rates at nonadjacent sites, nor does it allow for a continuous distribution of rates over sites. It is shown how to use the Newton-Raphson method to estimate branch lengths of a phylogeny and to infer from a phylogeny what assignment of rates to sites has the largest posterior probability. An example is given using beta-hemoglobin DNA sequences in eight mammal species; the regions of high and low evolutionary rates are inferred and also the average length of patches of similar rates.   相似文献   
N2O is a potent greenhouse gas involved in the destruction of the protective ozone layer in the stratosphere and contributing to global warming. The ecological processes regulating its emissions from soil are still poorly understood. Here, we show that the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), a dominant group of soil fungi, which form symbiotic associations with the majority of land plants and which influence a range of important ecosystem functions, can induce a reduction in N2O emissions from soil. To test for a functional relationship between AMF and N2O emissions, we manipulated the abundance of AMF in two independent greenhouse experiments using two different approaches (sterilized and re-inoculated soil and non-mycorrhizal tomato mutants) and two different soils. N2O emissions were increased by 42 and 33% in microcosms with reduced AMF abundance compared to microcosms with a well-established AMF community, suggesting that AMF regulate N2O emissions. This could partly be explained by increased N immobilization into microbial or plant biomass, reduced concentrations of mineral soil N as a substrate for N2O emission and altered water relations. Moreover, the abundance of key genes responsible for N2O production (nirK) was negatively and for N2O consumption (nosZ) positively correlated to AMF abundance, indicating that the regulation of N2O emissions is transmitted by AMF-induced changes in the soil microbial community. Our results suggest that the disruption of the AMF symbiosis through intensification of agricultural practices may further contribute to increased N2O emissions.  相似文献   
目的:比较不同时期颈髓损伤的MRI表现及DTI的应用价值。方法:收集急性颈髓压迫病例15例、慢性颈髓压迫病例23例、颈髓慢性压迫合并急性压迫病例12例。15例健康志愿者作为对照组。进行常规MRI检查,应用DTI检查测量表现扩散系数(ADC)值和各向异性分数(FA)。比较各组间ADC值和FA值,并进行统计学分析。结果:急性颈髓迫病例,常规MRI显示颈髓增粗,呈等T1长T2信号;慢性颈髓压迫病例,9例呈长T1长T2信号,14例呈等T1长T2信号;慢性颈髓压迫并急性压迫病例颈髓明显增粗,呈等、长T1明显长T2信号。与对照组比较:急性颈髓压迫组的ADC值和FA值均明显降低,两组的差异有显著性;慢性颈髓压迫组的FA值降低,ADC值增高,两组的差异有显著性;慢性脊髓压迫合并急性脊髓压迫组ADC值与对照组比较无差异,FA值低于对照组。颈髓压迫各组间ADC值及FA值比较差异显著。结论:不同时期颈髓损伤常规MRI图像缺乏特异性,根据ADC值及FA值可判断颈髓损伤的时期。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Evaluation of functional and structural recovery after peripheral nerve injury is crucial to determine the therapeutic effect of a nerve repair strategy. In the present study, we examined the relationship between the structural evaluation of regeneration by means of retrograde tracing and the functional evaluation analysis of toe spreading. Two standardized rat sciatic nerve injury models were used to address this relationship. As such, animals received either a 2 cm sciatic nerve defect (neurotmesis) followed by autologous nerve transplantation (ANT animals) or a crush injury with spontaneous recovery (axonotmesis; CI animals). Functional recovery of toe spreading was observed over an observation period of 84 days. In contrast to CI animals, ANT animals did not reach pre-surgical levels of toe spreading. After the observation period, the lipophilic dye DiI was applied to label sensory and motor neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG; sensory neurons) and spinal cord (motor neurons), respectively. No statistical difference in motor or sensory neuron counts could be detected between ANT and CI animals. In the present study we could indicate that there was no direct relationship between functional recovery (toe spreading) measured by SSI and the number of labelled (motor and sensory) neurons evaluated by retrograde tracing. The present findings demonstrate that a multimodal approach with a variety of independent evaluation tools is essential to understand and estimate the therapeutic benefit of a nerve repair strategy.  相似文献   
1. We measured N and P excretion rates of 470 individuals belonging to 18 freshwater fish species widespread in Western Europe. We assessed the effect of body mass on excretion rates at both the intra‐ and interspecific levels. 2. The high variability in per capita N and P excretion rates was mainly determined by differences in body mass. The scaling coefficients of allometric relationships for both N and P excretion rates were significantly lower than 1 (mean ± SE, 0.95 ± 0.04 and 0.81 ± 0.05, respectively). 3. The slope of the allometric relationship between fish mass and nutrient excretion rate was significantly different among species. We did not detect any influence of phylogenetic conservatism on fish mass and on excretion rates. Further investigations are needed to understand the biological determinants of these differences. 4. This high intra‐ and interspecific variability in per capita excretion rates, coupled with differences in fish body mass, produce marked differences in biomass‐standardised excretion rates. These results thus indicate the necessity for further experimental and in situ investigations on the consequences of nutrient recycling by fish in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   
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