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Based on localization and high activities of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase and proline dehydrogenase activities in soybean nodules, we previously suggested two major roles for pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase in addition to the production of the considerable quantity of proline needed for biosynthesis; namely, transfer of energy to the location of biological N2 fixation, and production of NADP+ to drive the pentose phosphate pathway. The latter produces ribose-5-phosphate which can be used in de novo purine synthesis required for synthesis of ureides, the major form in which biologically fixed N2 is transported from soybean root nodules to the plant shoot. In this paper, we report rapid induction (in soybean nodules) and exceptionally high activities (in nodules of eight species of N2-fixing plants) of pentose phosphate pathway and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase. There was a marked increase in proline dehydrogenase activity during soybean (Glycine max) ontogeny. The magnitude of proline dehydrogenase activity in bacteroids of soybean nodules was sufficiently high during most of the time course to supply a significant fraction of the energy requirement for N2 fixation. Proline dehydrogenase activity in bacteroids from nodules of other species was also high. These observations support the above hypothesis. However, comparison of pentose phosphate pathway and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activities of ureide versus amide-exporting nodules offers no support. The hypothesis predicts that pyrroline-5-carboxylate and pentose phosphate pathway activities should be higher in ureide-exporting nodules than in amide-exporting nodules. This predicted distinction was not observed in the results of in vitro assays of these activities.  相似文献   
Abstract: The neutral and phospholipid composition of mouse brain infected with scrapie prions was investigated. During the later stages of this disease, the level of dolichol decreased by 30% whereas the level of dolichyl phosphate increased by 30%. In terminally ill mice, there was also a 2.5-fold increase in both total ubiquinone and its reduced form. Furthermore, α-tocopherol was elevated at this stage by 50%. In contrast, no changes were observed in phospholipid amount, in phospholipid composition, and in phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen content during the entire disease process. The fatty acid and aldehyde composition of individual phospholipids remained unaltered as well. No modifications could be detected in cholesterol content. Thus, the majority of membrane lipids in scrapie-infected mouse brain are modified in neither quantity nor structure, but specific changes occur to a few polyisoprenoid lipids. This specificity indicates that, although prions accumulate in lysosomes, the infection process is not associated with a general membrane destruction caused by lysosomal enzyme leakage.  相似文献   
The centromeric region of a telocentric field bean chromosome that resulted from centric fission of the metacentric satellite chromosome was microdissected. The DNA of this region was amplified and biotinylated by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR)/linker-adapter PCR. After fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the entire chromosome complement of Vicia faba was labelled by these probes except for the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) and the interstitial heterochromatin, the chromosomes of V. sativa and V. narbonensis were only slightly labelled by the same probes. Dense uniform labelling was also observed when a probe amplified from a clearly delimited microdissected centromeric region of a mutant of Tradescantia paludosa was hybridized to T. paludosa chromosomes. Even after six cycles of subtractive hybridization between DNA fragments amplified from centromeric and acentric regions no sequences specifically located at the field bean centromeres were found among the remaining DNA. A mouse antiserum was produced which detected nuclear proteins of 33 kDa and 68 kDa; these were predominantly located at V. faba kinetochores during mitotic metaphase. DNA amplified from the chromatin fraction adsorbed by this serum out of the sonicated total mitotic chromatin also did not cause specific labelling of primary constrictions. From these results we conclude: (1) either centromere-specific DNA sequences are not very conserved among higher plants and are — at least in species with large genomes — intermingled with complex dispersed repetitive sequences that prevent the purification of the former, or (2) (some of) the dispersed repeats themselves specify the primary constrictions by stereophysical parameters rather than by their base sequence.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific Vpu is an 81-amino-acid amphipathic integral membrane protein with at least two different biological functions: (i) enhancement of virus particle release from the plasma membrane of HIV-1-infected cells and (ii) degradation of the virus receptor CD4 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We have previously found that Vpu is phosphorylated in infected cells at two seryl residues in positions 52 and 56 by the ubiquitous casein kinase 2. To study the role of Vpu phosphorylation on its biological activity, a mutant of the vpu gene lacking both phosphoacceptor sites was introduced into the infectious molecular clone of HIV-1, pNL4-3, as well as subgenomic Vpu expression vectors. This mutation did not affect the expression level or the stability of Vpu but had a significant effect on its biological activity in infected T cells as well as transfected HeLa cells. Despite the presence of comparable amounts of wild-type and nonphosphorylated Vpu, decay of CD4 was observed only in the presence of phosphorylated wild-type Vpu. Nonphosphorylated Vpu was unable to induce degradation of CD4 even if the proteins were artificially retained in the ER. In contrast, Vpu-mediated enhancement of virus secretion was only partially dependent on Vpu phosphorylation. Enhancement of particle release by wild-type Vpu was efficiently blocked when Vpu was artificially retained in the ER, suggesting that the two biological functions of Vpu are independent, occur at different sites within a cell, and exhibit different sensitivity to phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Expression and Localization of Plant Protein Disulfide Isomerase   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A cDNA clone encoding a putative protein disulfide isomerase (PDI, EC from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was expressed in Escherichia coli cells, and an antiserum was raised against the expressed PDI-active protein. The antiserum recognized a protein of approximately 60 kD in extracts from alfalfa, soybean, and tobacco roots and stems. Levels of this protein remained relatively constant on exposure of alfalfa cell suspension cultures to the protein glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin, whereas a slightly lower molecular mass form, also detected by the antiserum, was induced by this treatment. A lower molecular mass form of PDI was also observed in roots of alfalfa seedlings during the first 5 weeks after germination. PDI levels increased in developing soybean seeds up to 17 d after fertilization and then declined. Tissue print immunoblots revealed highest levels of PDI protein in the cambial tissues of soybean stems and petioles and in epidermal, subepidermal, cortical, and pith tissues of stems of alfalfa and tobacco. Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the localization of PDI to the endoplasmic reticulum in soybean root nodules.  相似文献   
Flow cytometric analyses were performed to study intracellular single-cell calcium transients ([Ca2+]i) in suspended human neutrophils during the initial phase of N-formyl peptide stimulation. Thereby, two neutrophil populations became apparent. Early maximally Ca2+-responding (high fluorescence) neutrophils and not-yet Ca2+-responding (low fluorescence) neutrophils, but no neutrophils with intermediate levels of [Ca2+]i, were detected. Within 7 s the number of low fluorescence neutrophils decreased and the number of high fluorescence neutrophils increased maximally. This suggests that [Ca2+]i transients occurred abruptly in individual neutrophils within a time interval below 1 s. At lower N-formyl peptide concentrations the lag times of individual neutrophils and the interval time of maximal activation of the [Ca2+]i-responding neutrophil population increased, however the percentage of [Ca2+]i-responding cells decreased. Surprisingly, no influence of the N-formyl peptide concentration on the [Ca2+]i-induced fluorescence signal of the individual cell was observed: it was always in an almost maximal range or not responding. In parallel, binding studies performed with fluorescein-labeled N-formyl peptide revealed that the heterogeneity of [Ca2+]i-responding cells cannot be explained by different receptor occupancy. In summary, this study demonstrates that [Ca2+]i transients induced by N-formyl peptides in suspended individual human neutrophils occur very rapidly in an almost “all-or-none manner” and that the mean increasing fluorescence signal of a calcium indicator within a whole neutrophil population results from varying lag times of the individual cells, rather than from the mean simultaneous progress of many cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The primary structure of the peptidoglycan and the teichoic acids of two coryneform isolates from the surface flora of French cooked cheeses, CNRZ 925 and CNRZ 926, have been determined. In the peptidoglycan, meso-diaminopimelic acid was localized in position three of the peptide subunit. It contained an d-glutamyl-d-aspartyl interpeptide bridge, connecting meso-diaminopimelic acid and d-alanine residues of adjacent peptide subunits. The -carboxyl group of d-glutamic acid in position two of peptide subunits was substituted with glycine amide. The teichoic acid pattern and composition differed between the strains: both contained an erythritol teichoic acid and strain CNRZ 925 also contained an N-acetylglucosaminylphosphate polymer. The erythritol teichoic acids differed in terms of the quality and quantity of substituents, but they both had N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid in common.Abbreviations DNP dinitrophenyl - Ery erythritol - Gal galactose - GlcN glucosamine - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - GlcUANAc2 N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid - Hex UANAc2 N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyhexuronic - acid m-Dpm, meso-diaminopimelic acid - Mur muramic acid - MurNAc N-acetylmuramic acid  相似文献   
Kubalová  Ivona  Weisshart  Klaus  Houben  Andreas  Schubert  Veit 《Chromosoma》2023,132(1):19-29
Chromosoma - Topoisomerase IIα (Topo IIα) and the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENH3 are key proteins involved in chromatin condensation and centromere determination,...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Schon veröffentlichte Feststellungen über verringertes Heimfindevermögen von Brieftauben im Winter werden bestätigt.Durch wiederholte Auflassungen über die gleiche Kurzstrecke (von NNW 22 km nach SSO) wird gezeigt, daß die Einzeltaube regelmäßig wesentlich schlechter abschneidet, wenn sie die gleiche, im Sommer durchflogene Strecke im Winter wiederholt. Durch Verwendung einer hinreichenden Anzahl von Erstfliegern in beiden Jahreszeiten wird der Wintereffekt auch durch Vergleich von Heimkehrschnelligkeiten verschiedener Individuen sichergestellt.Es wird gezeigt, daß die Verwandlung des Landschaftsbildes nicht die Ursache des winterlichen Versagens sein kann. Es ist auch unwahrscheinlich, daß die im Winter geringere Höhe des Sonnenstandes schuld ist. Entgegen einer früher vonKramer geäußerten Meinung können auch weder niedrige Temperaturen als solche noch direkt mit ihnen streng gekoppelte Faktoren verantwortlich gemacht werden.Der Einwand, daß es sich beim Wintereffekt nicht um eine Orientierungsbehinderung, sondern um eine jahreszeitlich, vielleicht mit der Taglänge korrelierte Schwächung des Heimkehrimpulses handeln möge, wird kritisch besprochen. Gegen diesen Einwand wird geltend gemacht, daß nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen der März noch zu den Winter-Monaten zählt; sogar ein Aprilflug trug intermediäre Züge. Dagegen funktioniert das Heimkehrvermögen im September noch gut. — Eine Korrelation mit der Intensität des Fortpflanzungsverhaltens kann deswegen nicht vorliegen, weil die Fortpflanzungsaktivität schon im Februar erheblich gesteigert ist. Es wird der Nachweis geführt, daß bei gleichen Temperaturen im Winter signifikant verschiedene Heimkehrerfolge an nahe beisammenliegenden Daten (3. 1. und 26. 1. 1956) erzielt werden können.Auch für andere Strecken (36 km S — N, 41 km O — W, 94 km S — N) werden Vergleiche von Heimflügen im Sommer mit solchen im Winter angestellt. Die Winterergebnisse sind durchweg erheblich schlechter.Das Bestehen des Wintereffekts zeigt, daß die Orientierung bei der Heimkehr auch über kurze Strecken nicht auf dem visuellen Erkennen von Landschaftsstrukturen beruht. Der Orientierungsmechanismus ist vielmehr unbekannt. Es ist vorläufig zu vermuten, daß er identisch ist mit dem, der über weitere Distanzen wirksam ist.Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, welche das Fahrzeug zur Verfügung stellte und die Betriebsmittel dafür trug.  相似文献   
It has been speculated that NG-hydroxy-l-arginine (OH-l-Arg), which is an intermediate in NO production from l-arginine, may be converted to NO by superoxide ion. However, there is still no direct evidence for this conversion. In the present study this was investigated using superoxide ion generated either in acellular or cellular systems. It was found that OH-l-Arg and hydroxylamine were converted to nitrite and nitrate apparently via NO by superoxide ion in aqueous solution. Arginine remained unaffected. These changes were observed during reaction of chemical substances as well as in a biological system (zymosan-activated macrophages in culture). Superoxide dismutase prevented this transformation. OH-l-Arg was also spontaneously hydrolysed to hydroxylamine and l-citrulline, however this occurred at pH > 9 only. Activated microsomes (containing different isoforms of cytochrome P450) were unable to replace NO-synthase in its ability to produce OH-l-Arg from l-arginine. These data support the hypothesis that a pathway alternative to the well-known synthesis of NO by NO-synthase via OH-l-Arg exists. This pathway may involve the production of OH-l-Arg by NO-synthase and decomposition of OH-l-Arg to NO by the action of superoxide ion. Alternatively, hydrolysis of OH-l-Arg to hydroxylamine may occur followed by its oxidation to NO, again by superoxide ion.  相似文献   
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