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Xenotransplantation of porcine organs carries the risk of reactivation of latent virus in donor and recipient tissues as well as transmission of viruses between species. We have investigated the activation of baboon cytomegalovirus (BCMV) and porcine CMV (PCMV) in a pig-to-primate model of xenotransplantation. Tissues originating from a series of six swine-to-baboon composite thymokidney xenotransplants were investigated. Four immunosuppressed baboons died (survival range, 7 to 27 days) with the graft in situ. Increases in BCMV DNA copy numbers occurred in three (75%) of these baboons and was thought to be responsible for pneumonitis and the death of one animal. In two baboons, disseminated intravascular coagulation was successfully treated by graftectomy and discontinuation of immunosuppression. PCMV was upregulated in five of six xenografts (83%). PCMV infection was associated with ureteric necrosis in one xenograft. Although significantly increased in native tissues, low levels of BCMV and PCMV were also detected in tissues other than that of the native viral host species. The cross-species presence of CMV did not appear to cause clinical or histological signs of invasive disease. Thus, viral infections with clinical disease were restricted to tissues of the native species of each virus. Intensive immune suppression currently required for xenotransplantation results in a significant risk of reactivation of latent infections by BCMV and PCMV. It is not yet known whether viral DNA detected across species lines represents cellular microchimerism, ongoing viral infection, or uptake of free virus. The observation of graft injury by PCMV demonstrates that CMV will be an important pathogen in immunosuppressed xenograft recipients. Strategies must be developed to exclude CMV from porcine organ donors.  相似文献   
Kaur D  Andersen JK 《Aging cell》2002,1(1):17-21
Levels of iron are increased in the brains of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients compared to age-matched controls. This has been postulated to contribute to progression of the disease via several mechanisms including exacerbation of oxidative stress, initiation of inflammatory responses and triggering of Lewy body formation. In this minireview, we examine the putative role of iron in PD and its pharmacological chelation as a prospective therapeutic for the disease.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: beta-turn is an important element of protein structure. In the past three decades, numerous beta-turn prediction methods have been developed based on various strategies. For a detailed discussion about the importance of beta-turns and a systematic introduction of the existing prediction algorithms for beta-turns and their types, please see a recent review (Chou, Analytical Biochemistry, 286, 1-16, 2000). However at present, it is still difficult to say which method is better than the other. This is because of the fact that these methods were developed on different sets of data. Thus, it is important to evaluate the performance of beta-turn prediction methods. RESULTS: We have evaluated the performance of six methods of beta-turn prediction. All the methods have been tested on a set of 426 non-homologous protein chains. It has been observed that the performance of the neural network based method, BTPRED, is significantly better than the statistical methods. One of the reasons for its better performance is that it utilizes the predicted secondary structure information. We have also trained, tested and evaluated the performance of all methods except BTPRED and GORBTURN, on new data set using a 7-fold cross-validation technique. There is a significant improvement in performance of all the methods when secondary structure information is incorporated. Moreover, after incorporating secondary structure information, the Sequence Coupled Model has yielded better results in predicting beta-turns as compared with other methods. In this study, both threshold dependent and independent (ROC) measures have been used for evaluation.  相似文献   
Purification of lectin from the seeds of Crotalaria medicaginea Lamk by affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-linked amino activated silica, yielded a single band on non-denatured PAGE at pH 4.5 and 8.3 and, a single peak on HPLC size exclusion and cation exchange columns. The molecular mass of the native C. medicaginea lectin was determined to be 125 kDa by gel filtration. In SDS-PAGE, the lectin migrated as a single band of M(r) 31.6 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions, indicating that it is a tetramer of apparently identical subunits. It agglutinated red blood cells (RBCs) from rabbit and human ABO blood groups. It also reacted with RBCs from rat, sheep, goat and guinea pig but after desialylation with neuraminidase. The hemagglutination activity of the lectin was inhibited by D-galactose and its derivatives. Amino acid analysis showed that lectin was rich in aspartic and glutamic acid and, did not contain sulphur containing amino acids. The lectin is a glycoprotein having 1.41% of neutral sugars. It is labile at temperature above 60 degrees C. It needs divalent cations for its activity, as a loss of activity was observed on removal of Ca2+ and Mn2+. Denaturing agents like urea, thiourea and guanidine-HCl have no effect on its activity.  相似文献   
The effect of addition of indole acetic acid (3 M) andNaCl (75 mM) on growth and enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism inchickpea seedlings was compared. In comparison with control seedlings, theseedlings growing in the presence of indole acetic acid (IAA) had reducedamylase activity in cotyledons and enhanced sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrosephosphate synthase (SPS) activities in cotyledons and shoots at all days ofseedling growth. Compared with control seedlings, sucrose content was higher incotyledons, shoots and roots and reducing sugar content was lower in shoots ofIAA treated seedlings. A low invertase (acid and alkaline) activity in shoots ofIAA treated seedlings could lead to reduced sink strength and hence decreasedgrowth of seedlings. Effects of NaCl stress on growth and activities of amylase,SS and SPS in cotyledons and invertase, SS and SPS in shoots were similar tothose observed with addition of IAA.  相似文献   
Increased oxidative stress and reduction in antioxidant enzymes have been suggested to be involved in the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure subsequent to myocardial infarction (MI). The objective of the present study was to characterize changes in the mRNA abundance and protein levels for the enzymatic antioxidants, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and catalase during the sequelae of congestive heart failure in rats. MI was produced by the ligation of the left coronary artery and hearts from controls and 1, 4 and 16 week PMI groups were analyzed. Losartan treatment (2 mg/ml in drinking water, daily) was started at 4 weeks and continued for 12 weeks. The mRNA levels for SOD were reduced by about 40% at 1-week PMI, were near to the control levels at 4-week PMI and at 16 weeks PMI, the levels were reduced by about 73% below the controls. GSHPx mRNA levels remained unchanged at all time points. The mRNA levels for catalase remained unchanged at 1 and 4 weeks PMI and were significantly reduced by about 44% at 16 weeks PMI as compared to the controls. The protein levels for MnSOD, CuZnSOD, GSHPx at 1 and 16 weeks remained unchanged in treated and untreated PMI groups. However, the protein levels for catalase was significantly increased in the control and PMI groups treated with Losartan. It is concluded that changes in the SOD and catalase activities during severe heart failure correlated with changes in mRNA for these enzymes. The precise mechanism/s for the improvement in antioxidant reserve and protein levels after Losartan treatment is/are unclear at this time.  相似文献   
Six compounds (IBA, chlorogenic acid, cytokinine, GA3, alar B-9 and maleic hydrazide) belonging to four different categories of plant growth hormones were used to study their effect on carbohydrate content in L. erysimi. The second instar nymphs (48 hr old) were given both dipping and leaf surface treatment with 1024 ppm concentration of compounds for two time intervals i.e. 48 and 96 hr. The carbohydrate content decreased after treatment with 4 of the plant growth regulators i.e. GA3, alar B-9, IBA and chlorogenic acid with maximum suppression in GA3 treatment. Cytokinine did not induce any derogatory influence on carbohydrate content. The treatment with maleic hydrazide, on the other hand enhanced the carbohydrate content. It could be concluded that the application of these PGRs affected the carbohydrate synthesis or metabolism.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of imprint cytology in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection and whether it damages the biopsy specimen for subsequent histologic examination. STUDY DESIGN: Two antral biopsies were taken from 76 patients with dyspeptic symptoms undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Imprint cytology was made from the first specimen. This specimen was fixed in 10% formalin and sent for histopathologic examination. The second specimen was directly fixed in 10% formalin for routine histopathologic examination without being used for an imprint. The imprint smears were examined by cytopathologists. The biopsy specimens were examined by pathologists who did not know which specimens were used for the imprints. RESULTS: H pylori was seen in smears from 55 (72%) patients and in both biopsy specimens from the same patients. The pathologists could not recognize the biopsy specimens from which the imprints were made. Concordance between imprint cytology and histopathology was 100%. CONCLUSION: Imprint cytology is a suitable test for H pylori diagnosis, and imprints do not adversely affect the quality of the biopsy specimen.  相似文献   
Portal hypertensive gastropathy is associated with a broad spectrum of gastric mucosal damage inspite of decreased gastric acid secretion, suggestive of compromised endogenous protective mechanisms. To determine the mechanisms of damage in portal hypertensive gastropathy we measured lipid peroxidation, glutathione, antioxidant and lysosomal enzymes in gastric mucosal homogenates from male Wistar rats with elevated intrasplenic pulp pressure, eighteen days after common bile duct ligation. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and lysosomal enzymes (-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase) were increased in the common bile duct ligated group as compared to the sham-operated group. The levels of antioxidant defense enzymes, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and glutathione were decreased as compared to the sham-operated controls. Pre-operative vitamin E administration decreased mucosal lipid peroxidation increased the levels of antioxidant defense enzymes and lowered the lysosomal enzymes. The plasma vitamin E levels in this group were lower when compared to animals receiving it post-operatively. In conclusion, free radical and lysosomal enzyme mediated damage may play a role in portal hypertensive gastropathy.  相似文献   
Characterization of glucokinase regulatory protein-deficient mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The glucokinase regulatory protein (GKRP) inhibits glucokinase competitively with respect to glucose by forming a protein-protein complex with this enzyme. The physiological role of GKRP in controlling hepatic glucokinase activity was addressed using gene targeting to disrupt GKRP gene expression. Heterozygote and homozygote knockout mice have a substantial decrease in hepatic glucokinase expression and enzymatic activity as measured at saturating glucose concentrations when compared with wild-type mice, with no change in basal blood glucose levels. Interestingly, when assayed under conditions to promote the association between glucokinase and GKRP, liver glucokinase activity in wild-type and null mice displayed comparable glucose phosphorylation capacities at physiological glucose concentrations (5 mM). Thus, despite reduced hepatic glucokinase expression levels in the null mice, glucokinase activity in the liver homogenates was maintained at nearly normal levels due to the absence of the inhibitory effects of GKRP. However, following a glucose tolerance test, the homozygote knockout mice show impaired glucose clearance, indicating that they cannot recruit sufficient glucokinase due to the absence of a nuclear reserve. These data suggest both a regulatory and a stabilizing role for GKRP in maintaining adequate glucokinase in the liver. Furthermore, this study provides evidence for the important role GKRP plays in acutely regulating of hepatic glucose metabolism.  相似文献   
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