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Most of the alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems are known to be associated with a number of floral abnormalities that result from nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibilities. One such system, tour, which is derived from Brassica tournefortii, induces additional floral abnormalities and causes chlorosis in Brassica spp. While the restorer for this CMS has been reported to be present in B. napus, in B. juncea, where the abnormalities are more pronounced, no restorer has yet been identified. Rectification of these floral abnormalities through mitochondrial recombinations and chloroplast replacement might result in the improvement of this CMS system. As organelle recombinations can possibly be achieved only by somatic cell hybridization, fusion experiments were carried out between hygromycin-resistant B. juncea AABB carrying tour cytoplasm and phosphinotricin-resistant, normal B. oleracea CC to generate AABBCC hexaploid somatic hybrids. The presence of selectable marker genes facilitated the selection of hybrids in large numbers. The resulting hybrids showed wide variation in floral morphology and organelle composition. Regenerants with normal, male-sterile flowers having recombinant tour-or oleracea-type mitochondria and oleracea-type chloroplasts were obtained. Hybrids with male-fertile flowers were also obtained that had recombined tour mitochondria. The AABBCC hexaploid hybrids synthesized in the present study were successfully utilized as a bridging material for transferring variability in the organelle genome simultaneously to all the digenomic Brassica species, and all of these hybrids are now being stabilized through repeated backcrosses to the allopolyploid crop brassicas.  相似文献   
Intramammary inoculation of goats withAspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of mastitis with characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. The mastitis and the lesions were restricted to the infected udder halves only and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body. The experiment was continued for 45 days. Gross changes in the infected udder were observed up to the 45th day post-infection. The lesions, in general, included variable sized abscesses in the first 15 days followed by development of varying sized greyish-white nodules in the infected udders. Microscopic changes consisted of granulomatous reaction with well developed granulomas in the infected udders. Hyphae and spores ofAspergillus fumigatus could be demonstrated in sections of the infected udders up to 45 days after infection. Reisolation of the fungus consistently was achieved up to 45 days. It is concluded that intramammary inoculation ofAspergillus fumigatus spores in goats leads to chronic granulomatous mastitis.  相似文献   
The genes for hsp70 (or dnaK) have been cloned and sequenced from Rhizobium meliloti and Pseudomonas cepacia, two bacterial species belonging to the alpha- and beta-subdivisions of gram-negative proteobacteria, respectively. On the basis of global alignment of HSP70 proteins, several sequence signatures have been identified that are distinctive of mitochondrial homologs and gram-negative proteobacteria on the one hand and the chloroplasts and cyanobacteria on the other. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of HSP70 sequences from various eubacteria and eukaryotic organellar and cytosolic homologs support the inference regarding the origin of mitochondria from a member of the alpha-proteobacteria and of chloroplasts from cyanobacteria. The analysis presented here also suggests a monophyletic origin of the mitochondrial homologs.  相似文献   
We have examined the effect of ethacrynic acid on mitochondrial morphology and distribution as well as on cellular toxicity in cultured human fibroblasts, African Green Monkey B-SC-1 kidney cells, and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Treatment of the above cells with 66 μM ethacrynic acid causes no reduction in cell viability after 2 h but is cytotoxic upon prolonged (6–7 days) exposure. Ethacrynic acid treatment for up to 2 h is found to cause novel shape changes and redistribution of mitochondria, as assessed by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Early effects include the transient formation of a mitochondrial reticulum involving the majority of mitochondria, and these reticula are aligned along microtubules. At later times within 2 h, mitochondrial distributions become disoriented (show no association with microtubules), and an aggregation and final positioning of mitochondria around the nucleus is observed. Whole mount electron microscopy shows that mitochondria in treated cells increase in length and form junctions, indicating reticula result from mitochondrial fusion. Electron microscopy of sections through ethacrynic acid induced reticula demonstrates structural continuity in mitochondria at branch points and the presence of regular cristae. Staining of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in intact cells with the cyanine dye 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide provides evidence of concurrent aggregation of endoplasmic reticulum. Rhodamine 123 staining of living cells followed by immunofluorescent labeling of mitochondria in the same cells indicates that all mitochondria retain a transmembrane potential during the druginduced shape changes and redistributions. The described effects of ethacrynic acid on mitochondrial morphology as well as on cellular toxicity are completely prevented by 0.5 mM dithiothreitol, indicating that ethacrynic acid is acting as a sulfhydryl reagent to produce the observed effects. The above observations also indicate that ethacrynic acid effects on mitochondrial morphology are an early event in the drug-induced cytotoxicity. The generation of varied mitochondrial morphologies by fusion and fission of mitochondria and its modulation by agents such as ethacrynic acid are discussed. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The regulation of cell surface fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors during the differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma cells was investigated. The capacity of F9 cells to bind 125I-basic FGF (FGF-2) increased upon induction of differentiation with dibutyryl cAMP and retinoic acid. No change in binding capacity was observed in the first 24 h after addition of differentiating agents, but a sixfold increase in binding capacity was observed after 48 h and a fivefold increase after 72 h. Scatchard analysis of the binding data indicated that the increased binding of 125I-FGF-2 was due to an increase in the number of receptors with no change in their affinity. When 125I-FGF-2 was cross-linked to cell surface receptors, an increase in FGF-2-receptor complexes with molecular weights of 140,000–160,000 was also observed in the differentiated F9 cells. Undifferentiated F9 cells are known to secrete FGF-4 and cease expression of this molecule upon differentiation. To determine whether the low level of receptors in undifferentiated cells might be related to their production of FGF ligands, the ability of suramin, a drug that can disrupt FGF-receptor interactions, to modulate receptor number on F9 cells was investigated. Suramin treatment increased 125I-FGF-2 binding capacity of undifferentiated F9 cells threefold but had little effect on the binding capacity of differentiated cells. In addition, antibodies to FGF-4 increased the 125I-FGF-2 binding capacity of undifferentiated F9 cells by 58%. These results suggest that undifferentiated F9 cells might be responding in an autocrine manner to their own FGF ligands resulting in downregulation of cell surface FGF receptors. The increased number of receptors observed in differentiated cells may partly result from the decreased production of FGF ligands by these cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
To study the influence of soil moisture on phosphorus (P) depletion in the rhizosphere, maize (Zea mays cv. Trak) was pre-grown in vermiculite filled-PVC tubes for 9 days and then the plants with the tubes were transplanted into soil columns maintained at two soil moisture levels () of 0.14 and 0.20 cm3 cm–3 for 10 days. The soil columns were separated at 1 cm depth by a nylon screen of 53 m inner mesh size, into 1 cm soil layer above and 3 cm soil column below screen. A root mat developed over the screen, but root hairs only could penetrate it. Regardless of the soil moisture level in the columns, and adequate and equal water and nutrients supply was maintained via wicks from an external nutrient solution to the plant roots in vermiculite. After 10 days, the soil columns were separated from the root mats, quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and sliced into thin layers (0.2mm) using a refrigerated microtome to give soil samples at defined distances from the root mats for analyses. Lower soil moisture (=0.14) resulted in narrower and steeper depletion profile of 0.5 M NaHCO3 extractable P (NaHCO3-Pi) as compared to higher soil moisture (=0.20). Depletion of P in soil solution in the immediate vicinity of root mats did not differ much but the extension of the depletion zones was 0.10 cm at =0.14 and 0.20 cm at =0.20. The depletion up to 0.05cm with =0.14 and up to 0.07 cm with =0.20 was uniform, and may be attributed to the depletion in the root hair zone. Beyond the root hair zones, the theory of diffusion and mass flow was able to explain the observed differences in shape and extent of the P depletion profiles at the two soil moisture levels.  相似文献   
Background: The evolutionary relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotic cells are of central importance in biology. The current view is that each of these three groups of organisms constitutes a monophyletic domain, and that eukaryotic cells have evolved from an archaebacterial ancestor. Recent studies on a number of highly conserved protein sequences do not, however, support this view and raise important questions concerning the evolutionary relationships between all extant organisms, particularly regarding the origin of eukaryotic cells.Results We have used sequences of 70 kD heat shock protein (hsp70) — the most conserved protein found to date in all species — to examine the evolutionary relationship between various species. We have obtained two new archaebacterial hsp70 sequences from the species, Thermoplasma acidophilum and Halobacterium cutirubrum. A global comparison of hsp70 sequences, including our two new sequences, shows that all known archaebacterial homologs share a number of sequence signatures with the Gram-positive group of bacteria that are not found in any other prokaryotic or eukaryotic species. In contrast, the eukaryotic homologs are shown to share a number of unique sequence features with the Gram-negative bacteria that are not present in any archaebacteria. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of hsp70 sequences strongly support a specific evolutionary relationship between archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria on the one hand, and Gram-negative bacteria and eukaryotes on the other. The phylogenetic analyses also indicate a polyphyletic branching of archaebacteria within the Gram-positive species. The possibility that the observed relationships are due to horizontal gene transfers can be excluded on the basis of sequence characteristics of different groups of homologs.Conclusion Our results do not support the view that archaebacteria constitute a monophyletic domain, but instead suggest a close evolutionary linkage between archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria. Furthermore, in contrast to the presently accepted view, eukaryotic hsp70s show a close and specific relationship to those from Gram-negative species. To explain the phylogenies based on different gene sequences, a chimeric model for the origin of the eukaryotic cell nucleus involving fusion between an archaebacterium and a Gram-negative eubacterium is proposed. Several predictions from the chimeric model are discussed.  相似文献   
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